
当ブログはトロント在住、日系一世カナダ人サミー・山田(48)おっさんの「独り言」です。まさに「個人日記」。1968年11月16日東京都目黒区出身(A型)・在北米30年の日系カナダ人(Canadian Citizen)・University of Toronto Woodsworth College BA History & East Asian Studies Major トロント在住(職業記者・医療関連・副職画家)・Toronto Ontario「団体」「宗教」「党派」一切無関係・「政治的」意図皆無=「事実関係」特定の「考え」が’正しい’あるいは一方だけが’間違ってる’いう気は毛頭なし。「知って」それぞれ「考えて」いただれれば本望(^_-☆Everybody!! Let's 'Ponder' or 'Contemplate' On va vous re?-chercher!Internationale!!「世界人類みな兄弟」「平和祈願」「友好共存」「戦争反対」「☆Against Racism☆」「☆Gender Equality☆」&ノーモア「ヘイト」(怨恨、涙、怒りや敵意しか生まない)Thank you very much for everything!! Ma Cher Minasan, Merci Beaucoup et Bonne Chance 

Незабываемое/А́нна Ла́рина『夫ブハーリンの想い出/アンナ・ラーリナ(和田あき子訳)』THIS I CANNOT FORGET/Anna Larina(translated from the Russian by Gary Kern)Товарищ«☭Большевистский переворот/Союз Советских Социалистических Республик☆»⑭

夜でも昼でも、牢屋は暗い。明け暮れ看守が わが窓のぞく。


I had been tried many times, always in absentia, and had never seen my judges. For example, it was after I was sent to Astrakhan that a special board of the NKVD made its decision sentencing me to five years of exile. Then, only three months later, the decision was changed and I was arrested and taken to the Astrakhan jail, until a new decision sentenced me to eight years in camp. Still later, after I served out this term, another decision would arrive: in accordance with directive 185, or some such number, I was to be attached to another camp, outside the compound. In other words, I would not be permitted to go beyond the borders of the territory. The next decision would confine me to administrative exile in Novosibirsk oblast for another five years, and yet another would add ten years of the same. I would not succeed in serving that last sentence, however, the tyrant passed away. Thus, more than twenty years were taken away from me by these decisions.            
But this decision to execute me did not catch me unawares or crush me with its suddenness, because I had psychologically prepared myself. Besides, death itself is not frightening; it is the moment before death, that horrible last instant. That is true not just for the cowardly but also for the brave, even for those of whom it is commonly said, “He looks death square in the eye.”
It seems to me that anyone going to his execution has a special awareness of the world, a sense of renunciation of everything earthly. This perception appears quite naturally on its own; the instinct of self-preservation takes over.
Two men with revolvers in holsters led me again down the road past my cell. The sun had already sun three-quarters of the way down past the horizon. In the hazy distance, through the gathering dusk, I could just see the dreadful ravine with its sparse birches. Suddenly, in an instant, I completely cut myself off from life. I was at the end, the end of perceiving things around me. A numbness seized my body and paralyzed my thought. It was as if I were tumbling into an abyss, an insensate clod in a landslide down a mountain. Then, unexpectedly, I heard a sound that struck me at first like the irritating blast of a siren. A human voice became distinguishable and then, at last, distinctly pronounced words. We all three halted at the very edge of the ravine. I turned around: about thirty to forty yards behind us, Vanyok was walking in our direction, and behind him ran a man in a light-colored fur jacket. This stranger shouted, “Vanyok, turn them back, turn them back!”
“Back, back, back!” Vanyaok shouted, gesturing us to return. A miracle had occurred. We turned back.

[Return to Life-And to Moscow]
Gradually, I came out of shock. My feet, leaden, seemingly not my own, became more obedient. I began to apprehend the variety of sounds reaching me: the crunch of snow, the burring of wires in the wind, remote human voices, the sound of trees. The earth was gripped by a fierce December frost and the evening was windy, so the sensation of cold was particularly cutting. I shivered in my threadbare fur coat. My eyelashes covered over with rime; I could hardly open my eyes. My feet were soaked as I walked in Nikolai Ivanovich’s worn-cut high felt boots, their tops turned down. But my head was kept warm by a quilted cap with ear flaps; it had once belonged to Iosif Stalin, a chance inheritance. At the end of 1929, following a conference of Marxist agronomists, my father (or possibly Stalin) picked the wrong cap from two hanging on a rack. The caps were identical except for the color of the lining, so, by mutual consent, the two men decided not to exchange them. Mother had packed this very cap in the single package she had managed to send me before her arrest. Thus, by the irony of fate, I wore Stalin’s cap throughout my term of confinement. When friends learned that I had survived a trip to the ravine, they joked that the cap of Stalin had transformed me into Achilles, minus the vulnerable heel.

As my petrified brain came slowly back to life, I began to think again and made an intense effort to become aware of what was going on. Beforehand, on the way to the ravine, I had been seized only by a fear of nonexistence, that instinct to live that is planted in us all at the moment of birth, the very same instinct that has to often led to foul deeds. But what I did I have to lose? Only the secret hope to see my son again someday, and the love I bore the Nikolai Ivanovich, a love that continued to live inside me though he no longer existed. In the ravine, that feeling would be extinguished with me, along with his letter “To a Future Generation of Party Leaders.”
Now I concentrated on my surroundings as we drew even with the man who had called off my execution. Red in the face from running, wiping the sweat from his brow with his fur sleeve, he gasped, “Convey at once to the chief.” As we walked back past the isolation cells, I saw that the jailer had carried out my suitcase. We turned onto the road to Mariinsk. Now the forest where Vanyok had lit a fire in autumn seemed small and dreary, and the field with its fallen hayracks, covered all over with a thick layer of snow, seemed dead.
I was taken again to Skvirsky, sitting in his new office. This time, he seemed unusually even tempered, as if subdued. Gone was the evil passion with which he had once attacked his work. For a moment, he only looked at me silently, with some curiosity: here I was again, still alive. He had rushed the order of execution, and now he felt relieved that he would not have to report his inability to carry out the latest directive from Moscow. Indeed, he had acted with such dispatch that I had not been given the opportunity to appeal my death sentence to the Supreme Soviet, although actually I had not even thought of that option. Why this senseless protraction? To what court could the condemned realistically appeal? There was no such court, after all. And so, this formality, allowing the prisoner to make an appeal, had not been observed. What they didn’t do to get around the law!
Finally, Skvirsky spoke calmly, with forced indifference, “So then, you have kept silent with us and refused to reveal the counterrevolutionary youth organization, but here they’ll use methods that will force you to talk. They won’t stand on ceremony with you there.”
“Where is there?” I asked. “And what about the death sentence, had it been rescinded? One minute more, and I would not be among the living!” “Where there is, you’ll see for yourself, and don’t worry about the death sentence. It won’t run away from you.”
“Take her to her cell!” he shouted to the convoy guard standing outside the door.

They had finally finished the kitchen in Mariinsk, so I managed to have supper and breakfast in that prison before they took me off to the train station the next day. I wanted to know where they were sending me this time, but I realized from bitter experience that the convoy guard would not answer a direct question. I resorted to a ruse. Suspecting that my path led back to Moscow, I asked whether I could take my suitcase on the train or whether they would send it in the baggage car to Moscow. (To the best of my knowledge, prisoners’ belongings were never sent as baggage.) The guard took the bait; he replied that I would have to take my suitcase to Moscow myself.
My heart started pounding, for I knew that Moscow, meaning Moscow prison, boded nothing good. In all likelihood, the death sentence would indeed not “run away” from me.

The train we took had come from the Far East. A rail car for transporting prisoners, a Stolypin car, had been hooked on toward the back. The convoy guard turned me over to the man in charge of this car, along with my package of documents, and ordered him not to let me mingle with other prisoners. This prescription proved hard to fill. I went up the steps but stopped in horror at the entrance to a narrow walkway down one side of the car. To the side was series of three-tiered compartments, called coupes, behind a sturdy wire grid running from floor to ceiling; the outside windows along the walkway were fitted with gratings. In other words, the prisoners were caged like animals at the zoo. The car was unbelievably stifling and evil smelling. The corridor, trampled with dirt, never dry because of the puddles of melted snow from the felt boots of the convoy guards who got off at the stops; the suffocating reek from the dirty, sweaty underwear of the prisoners; the “aroma” of the revolting salted fish and black boiled wheat (our rations); the horrific stench seeping into the car from the never cleaned toilet-these created the special atmosphere of the Stolypin cars, which transformed yesterday’s people into today’s creatures only resembling human beings. The car was crawling with criminals, easily identifiable by their speech and manner: thieves, robbers, recidivist bandits. Not a minute passed without exquisite cursing, the women outdoing the men in vulgar fantasy. Yet, through this relentless foul-mouthed din, a woman could be heard singling. In a voice husky from smoking, she rasped in despair, “I know the spring blooms not for me, and not for me the Don does flow, still my poor heart beats with a glow of rapture, though not for me.”
I stood next to the toilet, guarded by the officer on duty at the head of the corridor, waiting for other guards to free a “couple” for me by doubling up the one next to it. One of the prisoners begged insistently to go to the bathroom, but the guards were too busy to comply. Several minutes later, as I walked with the convoy guard to the emptied “couple,” the aggravated crook took a cap he had filled with his urine and splashed it on the guard. Walking alongside, I shared this “pleasure.” My clothes, half-rotted from the cellar, tattered, fetid with mildew, now took on the odor of urine. As I passed a pack of women with dirty blunt faces and half-naked bodies decorated all over with tattoos, now crammed even more tightly together behind the wire screen “on account of me,” one cried out, “Look, look, they’re bringing Lady Blyukher!”
“They’re bringing Lady Blyukher!” the others joined in clorus. “Once they were given automobiles; now they’re transported with all the comforts!”

The train, I repeat, was coming from the Far East, where for many years Marshal Vasily Blyukher had commanded the Red Army forces. He had been executed recently, so evidently they took me for this wife.
Slowly, we made our way west. At times, the car was uncoupled for a while, then coupled to a new line of cars. Eventually, we pulled into Novosibirsk, where an unlikely incident occurred that I will never forget.
Without warning, the door to my “couple” was unlocked, and a man stepped before me whom I recognized immediately; one of the two bodyguards assigned to Nikolai Ivanovich during our Siberian vacation in 1935. He was called Mikhail Ivanovich, I believed, but I forget his surname; he had seemed about fifty when we traveled together. I don’t know how he gained admittance to the car. Possibly, his NKVD uniform gave him the right, or perhaps he had obtained special permission on some pretext or another. I looked at the familiar face with alarm, confusion, and I must say, considerable animosity, absolutely certain in these changed circumstances that I could expect nothing good from this man. But just as I started to ask why he had come to me, what mission had been entrusted to him, he put his fingers to his lips, signaling me to keep quiet. He placed a huge package wrapped in paper and tied with twine beside me and instantly withdrew, I opened the package as soon as the train started moving again. If contained sumptuous provisions, thoughtfully gathered together as if by a loving hand: cooked meat, butter, sausage, white bread-I cannot recall it all.  But I was even more amazed when I saw candy, chocolate bars, and oranges! It seemed like a fairy tale, a magic spell. In such surroundings, these products could well have been taken for a mirage, but they were the real thing. I peeled off a piece of orange rind and held it up to my nose. The forgotten lovely fragrance overcame the revolting smells of the car. My ravenous eyes consumed the gifts, but with an anxiety bordering on paralysis, I could not bring myself to touch them until the following day.

Both the contents of the parcel and Mikhail Ivanovich’s special caution showed that he had assembled this gift on his own initiative. Moscow’s summons to me would have gone through the Novosibirsk administration of the NKVD, of course; obviously, either by accident or by special inquiry, he had heard about my transfer, found out when the train would pass through town, and resolved to perform an act that for that time must be regarded as heroic. I assume that only a man who had not changed his previous attitude toward Nikolai Ivanovich, who considered it his duty to Bukharin’s memory to help me, could be capable of such an act. So I want to believe.
Strange as it may seem, I became more and more uncomfortable with the “unconfined” space of my chamber as we advanced westward. It was unconfined only compared with the others, where prisoners were forced to take turns sleeping, either sitting down or half reclining while those who were awake stood and leaned on one another. About nine people could have found room to lie down in my “coupe.” This was awkward for me in front of the other prisoners; they were people, after all! Yet these dregs of human society enjoyed other privileges from the command in the comps. Both groups, criminals and camp administrators, referred contemptuously to us political prisoners as Kontriki[counterrevolutionaries]. The extraordinary parcel, if any of the criminals had found out about it, would have inflamed even greater hatred toward me.
But nothing disturbed my isolation. My “coupe” was at the end of the row, next to the convoy guard’s post. Only the duty guard, forever walking up and down, keeping watch on the prisoners, stopped longer in front of me and peered intently into my chamber. Clearly, he was amazed by my isolation in such a tightly packed transport, as well as by my unusual parcel, from a commander at that. Gazing back, I remember my father’s favorite song, picked up during his imprisonment before the revolution:
Sun goes up and sun goes down, In my cell there is no light, Day and night the sentries frown, And on my window train their sight.

Now the train moved through the European part of the Soviet Union. These winter days of late December were short, of course, but to me they seemed incredibly long. I waited for the dark with impatience, but evening persisted in not coming soon enough. At night, things grew quieter, and the disgusting cursing that sounded all throughout the day finally stopped, as if a machine-gun clip had run out. I wanted to withdraw into myself, to focus on calculating how to defend myself against any charges at future interrogations. This task was especially urgent now that Lebedeva’s reports had placed additional weights on the scales of my fate. But I simply could not concentrate, for as we drew ever nearer to Moscow. I could not help remembering how I had left in June of 1937. Left, with Nikolai Ivanovich in a torture chamber, still not tried or sentenced but in fact condemned to death before his trial, as he had been even before his arrest . . . left, tearing myself away in agony from our infant son.
[Last Months in Moscow after Bukharin’s Arrest]
It happened without warning. Naively, I did not expect to be persecuted. I was more afraid for my mother. My own worries had to do with finding a job and feeding my baby. But suddenly, in June 1937, came a ring at the door!
We were living then in the Government House of Kamenny Most [Stone Bridge], a huge building that, with its gloomy gray walls, looked like Moscow crematorium and is today known as the House on the Embankment, as in the novel by Yury Trifonov. The building had already been half emptied by arrests. In fact, about two months after Bukharin’s arrest in February, we had been moved there from the Kremlin into an apartment vacated in this manner.
When the first month’s rent came due from the housing department of the Central Executive Committee, I had to money to pay it. Nikolai Ivanovich had never saved a kopeck. He gave the royalties from his literary work to the Party fund and refused wages as chief editor of Izevstiya. He accepted money only from the USSR Academy of Sciences, of which he was a full member. So I wrote a little note to Kalinin, the CEC’s chairman:
Mikhail Ivanovich!
The fascist intelligence service did not materially provide for its hireling, Nikolai Ivanovich Bukharin. Since I am unable therefore to pay for the apartment, I am sending you the unpaid bill.
No second notice arrived.

We lived together: Bukharin’s first wife, Nadezhda Mikhailovna Lukina, his father, Ivan Gavrilovich, my son, and I. The aged Ivan Gavrilovich, stunned by Bukharin’s arrest and worn out worrying about what would happen to him next, went around repeating the same words over and over: “Nikolai, my pride! How did it happen? I can’t understand it. My Kolka, a traitor? What nonsense!” Then, to distract himself, this former mathematics teacher at a girls’ school before the revolution would sit for hours on end at the table, solving algebraic problems, filling one sheet of paper after another with formulas. It was as if he were trying to extract “the square root of evil” and save his sinking son. Everything going on politically remained beyond the old man’s ken. He intended to write to Stalin, and perhaps he did. From time to time, he felt glimmers of hope that his son would return; after all, had not Stalin himself praised Nikolai highly? “They’ll sort it out,” Ivan Gavrilovich would say, as much to console himself as to hearten me. “It can’t be that he won’t return.”
During the trying months after the start of Bukharin’s investigation, Paraskoviya Ivanovna Ivanova, whom we called Nanny Pasha, also lived with us. She had known me since I was a child, having raised my nephew, the son of the aunt who would later take care of Yura for eight years. Nannie Pasha was for us a member of the family. She tended the baby while I remained almost inseparable from Nikolai Ivanovich. When the disaster of his arrest occurred, she left another job without hesitation, when I asked, and helped us without remuneration, since of course we had nothing to pay her. After I was sent into exile, she stayed on to take care of Yura. When Mother was arrested, in January 1938, my son was taken off to a special children’s home over Nannie Pasha’s protests and pleas to be allowed to keep the boy she loved. Later, she joined the search for him and was the first to find him, only half-alive, in a children’s detention center. After showing the authorities a letter from Ivan Gavrilovich, she literally tore the sick boy away from the place.
But all this was in the future. On that terrible day in June, I was sitting beside Nadezhda Mikhailovna’s bed and Ivan Gavrilovich was at the table solving his eternal math problems when the doorbell rang. “They’ve come for me,” said Nadezhda Mikhailovna. She reached over to her nightstand drawer for her poison while I went to open the door. No one had paid us a social visit in a long time, except for my old grandmother, who always telephoned beforehand. By mutual agreement, because I was trying to safeguard her, Mother and I did not visit each other, though she was helping us our materially. Then, suddenly, this ring at the door. A man in an NKVD uniform entered, holding a leather bag.
“If you please, I need to see Anna Mikhailovna,” he stated with pronounced civility. “Might you be she?” I confirmed that I was. “Present your passport,” he said, coming farther into the room. “What for?” I asked, still not suspecting a thing. “Don’t you believe me?” “Of course, I believe you, but it’s a formality: I must check it documentally.”
I became alarmed, for some reason thinking that he was going to tell me terrible news about Nikolai Ivanovich, most likely that he could not endure his torments and had succumbed. My hands shook as I held out my Soviet internal passport. He put it in his bag(I would never lay eyes on it again) and took out a small piece of paper. It was the first decision concerning me, signed by Yezhov himself.

Thus was I presented with the opportunity of choosing among five cities for my place of exile: Aktyubinsk, Akmolinsk, Astrakhan, Semipalatinsk, and Orenburg. The term had not yet been set; the five year sentence would be sent out later.
“Take a trip to Astrakhan,” the NKVD official advised. “It has the Volga, and there are fish, fruits, melons. A marvelous city.” “I’m not going anywhere,” I declared confidently,” not to Astrakhan, not to Semipalatinsk. The Bukharin case hasn’t been decided yet, and you have no right to apply repressive measures against me.”

I went on to justify my position by explaining that I had been so strained and enervated during my husband’s investigation that I was in no condition to take my infant son with me. The NKVD man suggested I leave the boy behind in Moscow, but I said I did not want to part with him. Besides, I went on, who would take in a “leper” boy, the son of Bukharin!
“No, no it’s wrong for you to think that way. The boy is not responsible for anything.” On the contrary, the boy was found guilty forever. I knew perfectly well, of course, that my refusal to go into exile was a struggle against overwhelming odds, and therefore futile, but I did not want to give in without a battle.
“The decision is signed by Yezhov,” the official reminded me. “I don’ care who signed it. You can evict me from here only by force.”
He suggested I sign a receipt to the effect that I had been apprised of the decision. I did so, writing on the back that I refused to go into exile and laying out my reasons.

For the next two days, no one bothered me, but I was already preparing to leave. This was only psychological preparation, to be sure, since I owned so few things that it would require no special effort to collect them on short notice. I could not take our enormous and priceless library into exile, or even into the Government House. Not only would it not fit into our new apartment; it had been sealed. By chance, we did have the furnishings from Nikolai Ivanovich’s Kremlin study. This complete office suite had been sent to him out of the blue by an admiring furniture market, but Bukharin had been so offended by the value of the gift that he went to the factory and paid for it in full. Still, there was nothing really valuable in the House on the Embankment, aside from Nikolai Ivanovich’s paitings, which I had brought over from the Kremlin.
Two days after his first visit, at about ten at night, the same courteous official appeared and graciously invited me to Lubyanka, the NKVD headquarters. “Not for long, not for long,” he repeated. As I got into his sleek black car, it never entered my head that I might not return.
I was taken to no office where two men were seated: Yakov Matukhail Frinovsky, Yezhov’s deputy. Matusov spoke first: “Why are you don’t play games? In your exile, all of your needs, work, and apartment will be taken care of. This is a short-term measure in your case, and you’ll be able to come back son.”
“On the other hand, if you really want to avoid exile,” Frinovsky put in, “you have to ‘burn your bridges behind you.’ “That means a renunciation of Bukharin as an enemy of the people, published in the press.” “That’s a vile proposal!” I shrieked. “You’ve insulted me. Astrakhan is better!”
Frinovsky’s proposal, which I found beneath contempt, was not brought up again. I asked to be granted a visit with Nikolai Ivanovich before my forced departure. I knew that henceforth I would never see him again, and I wanted to say good-bye. My interlocutors denied this request, explaining that Nikolai was still under investigation.
“But if he is under investigation,” I observed, “then no one has the right to call him an enemy of the people until the investigation and the trial are complete.”

Both held their tongues at that but promised that I would be called back from exile for a meeting with my husband after the investigation. I knew, of course, that they were lying.
A few days later, an NKVD official arrived at the Government House to carry out my removal to Astrakhan, bringing not only a passenger car but also a truck for the transport of my “property.” My insignificant “property” could fit comfortably into the suitcase from London and two rucksacks, but I decided to take advantage of the truck. For a long time, first in the vestibule of his apartment at the Metropol and later in the Kremlin, Nikolai Ivanovich had kept a very large wooden trunk, into which he put copies of the issues of Pravda and Izvestiya he had edited.  In a flash, I tossed the newspapers out of the trunk and started filling it with winter clothing, which the official had suggested I have sent to me by mail. I also put in things belonging to Nikolai Ivanovich: his easel, his oil paints and bushes, along with my favorite watercolor, The Elbrus at Sunset. The trunk was so roomy that I could have put in his other paintings, too, but I decided they belonged more to his father than to me.  I did not want to cause any further grief to Ivan Gavrilovich, who dearly loved his son’s paintings. I added my husband’s old suit, one that Stalin had advised him against wearing on a trip to Paris in 1936, along with the felt boots he wore for hunting in winter, his sports clothes, and old leather jacket, and, finally, two pairs of badly worn boots. Anything that recalled him was precious to me, and I hoped that there would come a day when I could show these things to my son. The NKVD official had watched me without speaking, but the old boots exceeded the limits of his indulgence. Losing patience, he asked me why I was taking all this old junk and told me to throw it away.

①↑左がАлекса́ндр Ильи́ч Его́ровアレクサンドル・イリイチ・エゴロフAlexander Ilyich Yegorov元帥、右が→②Vasily Konstantinovich Blyukherヴァシーリー・コンスタンチノヴィチ・ブリュヘル(Russian: Васи́лий Константи́нович Блю́хер, tr. Vasiliy Konstantinovich Blyukher; 1 December 1889 – 9 November 1938) was a Soviet military commander and Marshal of the Soviet Unionソ連軍指揮官及びソ連邦元帥.

