
当ブログはトロント在住、日系一世カナダ人サミー・山田(48)おっさんの「独り言」です。まさに「個人日記」。1968年11月16日東京都目黒区出身(A型)・在北米30年の日系カナダ人(Canadian Citizen)・University of Toronto Woodsworth College BA History & East Asian Studies Major トロント在住(職業記者・医療関連・副職画家)・Toronto Ontario「団体」「宗教」「党派」一切無関係・「政治的」意図皆無=「事実関係」特定の「考え」が’正しい’あるいは一方だけが’間違ってる’いう気は毛頭なし。「知って」それぞれ「考えて」いただれれば本望(^_-☆Everybody!! Let's 'Ponder' or 'Contemplate' On va vous re?-chercher!Internationale!!「世界人類みな兄弟」「平和祈願」「友好共存」「戦争反対」「☆Against Racism☆」「☆Gender Equality☆」&ノーモア「ヘイト」(怨恨、涙、怒りや敵意しか生まない)Thank you very much for everything!! Ma Cher Minasan, Merci Beaucoup et Bonne Chance 

☭Лев Троцкий☆לייב טראצקי武力なき予言者/THE PROPHET UNARMED トロツキーTROTSKY 1921-1929 アイザック・ドイッチャー/ISSAC DEUTSCHER第二章CHAPTER II: 呪詛The Anathema⑧

この観点から見ると、革命以後に起きたトロツキーとレーニンの意見の不一致も、今まで考えてもみなかった不吉な意味をおびてきた。トロツキーは二度そうした重大な意見の不一致を起していた。ブレスト・リトフスクの講和問題と労働組合に対する政策の問題についてであった(そのほかのレーニンのほうが自分の間違いを認めた意見の相違は無視された)。これらの二つの場合については、無数のパンフレットや論説が発表され、いずれの場合にもトロツキーの根深い反レーニン主義が顔を出していることを立証するとともに、レーニンに対する彼の反対と、レーニンの後継者たちに対する彼の攻撃とのあいだに、直観的なつながりをつけるための、新たな解釈が示された。それらの昔の論争の前後関係や、当事者たちの実際の相互関係や、動揺、躊躇、自己矛盾、人間的な長所や欠点、そうしたものはこの新たな解釈ではいっさい省略されていた。党とその指導者たちとの描かれかたは中世初期のフレスコФреска壁画の『最後の審判』«Страшный суд»の図そっくりであって、敬虔そのもののような表情の有徳の者たちは真っ直ぐに天国にのぼり、悪の集中された象徴である罪びどどもはまっさかさまに地獄に落ちるというわけであった。

In 1923-4 Zinoviev and Stalin indeed set out to refashion the European movement after the new Russian image. They could not tolerate in the International the opposition which they were bent on suppressing in their own party. Just as they had used the Russian 1921 ban on inner-party factions to destroy Trotsky’s influence at home, so they used the wide powers they wielded under the Twenty One Points. His adversaries planned their moves so that every step they made appeared as a plan application of the principles and precedents laid down with Trotsky’s consent, if not on this initiative. They shuck him down with his own weapons-only that he had never used these weapons for any comparable purpose or with comparable brutality. He had occasionally threatened foreign communists with disciplinary sanctions; they demoted, dismissed, and denounced them wholesale. He had demanded that the Comintern should, in accordance with its programme, tolerate no bourgeois pacifism, no Free Masonry, and no ‘social-patriotism’. They purged it of ‘Trotskyism’ which had hitherto been almost synonymous with communism.
In May the thirteenth congress of the Russian party closed the debate which had started with the proclamation of the New Course. Trotsky could not reopen the controversy without incurring the charge of a breach of discipline; and he made no attempt to reopen it. He once described admiringly the self-discipline which had induced Jaurès to put, when necessary, ‘his bovine neck under the yoke of party discipline’. He now put his own neck under a much harder yoke and refrained from discussing in public the party’s economic policy and inner régime which had been declared taboo. Yet he could not reconcile himself to being branded as a semi-Menshevik guilty of a ‘petty bourgeois deviation from Leninism’. Debarred from discussing the crucial and topical issues of policy, he fell back on history to vindicate himself. The opportunity offered itself when the State Publishers, carrying out an earlier decision of the Central Committee to produce a many-volumed edition of Trotsky’s Works, prepared for the presses the book which contained his speeches and writings of 1917. He prefaced it with a long essay entitled. ‘The Lessons of October’. The volume appeared in the autumn of 1924; and at once it stirred up a storm.
Trotsky’s speeches and writings of 1917 provided a strong reply to the obloquy about him as the unreformed Menshevik, for they reminded the party of his role in the revolution and the unswerving military with which he then confronted the Mensheviks. Such a reminder was needed. The historical memory of nations, social classes, and parties is short, especially in times of great upheaval when the breathtaking events of one year crowd out of peoples’ minds the events of preceding years, when in political life generations or age groups succeeded one another at a furious pace, when the veterans of early struggles rapidly dwindle in numbers, disperse, or grow exhausted and weary, and when the young plunge into new struggles more or less unaware of what has gone before.  In 1924 those who had belonged to the Bolshevik Party since the early days of 1917 already formed less than 1 per cent of the membership. To the mass of young members the revolution was already a myth as vague as it was heroic. The earlier political struggles with all their tangled alignments appeared even more remote and unreal. The young communist took it for granted, for instance, that Bolsheviks and Mensheviks had always opposed one another in irreducible enmity as they had done within his memory. It was almost inconceivable to him that they should have formed, in the course of many years, two factions of the same party, invoking common principles, quarrelling and breaking with one another, but also repeatedly trying to heal the breach. It was even more inconceivable that many Bolshevik leaders should have sought to make peace with the Mensheviks as late as 1917.
The young were therefore shocked when they learned that the Commissar of War had once been a Menshevik or semi-Menshevik; and many were inclined to believe the triumvirs when they maintained that once a Menshevik always a Menshevik. Nothing could shake that belief more severely than the perusal of Trotsky’s speeches and writings of 1917, which showed up the recent anti-Trotskyist campaign as mendacious. Thus Trotsky, merely by republishing his old texts, called out his adversaries; but he challenged them directly in the ‘Lessons of October’.
Trotsky advanced in this essay his own interpretation of the party’s history and tradition, an interpretation which not merely vindicated him but also impugned the records of most of his assailants. The party’s history, he wrote, fell into three distinct periods: the years of preparation for 1917; the decisive trial of 1917; and the post-revolutionary era. Each of these periods had problems, peculiarities, and a significance of its own. But it was in the second period that Bolshevism rose to its climax. A revolutionary party is tested in actual revolution just as an army is tested in actual battle. Its leaders and members are ultimately judged according to their conduct under this trial; compared with this their behavior during the preparatory period is of little importance. A Bolshevik should not be judged by what he said or did before 1917, in the course of the confused and in part ‘irrelevant maneuvers of émigré politics’, but by what he said and did in 1917. The argument, although Trotsky gave it the impersonal form of historical narrative, was pro domo sua: his own pre-revolutionary associations with Menshevism belonged to the ‘irrelevant manoeuvers of émigré politics, but his position as leader of the October insurrection was unassailable. By the same criterion the record of his adversaries was against them: they may have been good ‘Leninists’ during the years of preparation, but they were found wanting in 1917.
He related the two major crises the party had gone through in 1917: in April, when Lenin had to overcome the resistance of the party’s right wing, the ‘old Bolsheviks’, as Lenin himself called them, before he could persuade the party to set its course for socialist revolution; and on the eve of the October Revolution, when the same right wing balked at insurrection. The hesitancy and the errors of some of the leaders, Trotsky argued, did not detract from the Bolshevik achievement. The party was a living organism with its frictions and divergencies of opinion. However, Bolshevik should be aware of the facts: even a revolutionary party of necessity includes conservative elements which hamper its progress, especially when the party faces a sharp turn and must take bold decisions. The edge of this argument was turned in the first instance against Zinoviev and Kamenev, the ‘strike-breakers of revolution’, but also against Rykov, Kalinin, and other leaders of the Old Guard who had opposed Lenin’s policy in 1917. In effect, Trotsky called into question the triumvirs’ right to speak as the only authentic interpreters of Bolshevik doctrine and, more broadly, the Old Guard’s protection to represent the Leninist tradition in its purity. The implied but obvious moral of his story was that this tradition was by no means as simple and constant as people were made to believe the Old Guard represented that ‘old Bolshevism’ which Lenin had adjusted because it clung to outdated slogans and irrelevant recollections, while Trotsky’s attitude was in full harmony with the Bolshevism of 1917 under the sign of which the party had won.
From history and topical allusion Trotsky then passed to the latest critical event, the failure of communism in Germany. His main themes in the ‘Lessons of October’ were the role of leadership in a revolutionary situation and the strategy and tactics of insurrection. No Communist party, he argued, can create at will revolutionary opportunities, for these arise only as the result of a relatively slow decay of a social order, but a party can miss its opportunity through lack of determined leadership. In the affairs of revolution, too, there is a tide which must be ‘taken at the flood’; missed, it may not return for decades. No society can live long in the tension of acute social crisis. If it finds no relief from that tension in revolution, it finds it in counter-revolution. It may take only a few weeks or even days for the scales to turn one way or the other. If during these weeks or days communists shrink from insurrection and delay action, believing that the revolutionary situation will drag on and offer them new chances, then indeed ‘all the voyage of their life is bound in shallows and in miseries’. Such would have been the voyage of the Bolsheviks if the opponents of insurrection had had their way; and so was German communism bound in shallows and in miseries in 1923. Russia had offered the positive proof for the decisive role of revolutionary leadership; Germany offered the negative evidence. The same conservative frame of mind which the Bolshevik right wing showed in 1917 was responsible for the defeat in Germany. It was obvious at whom this sting of Trotsky’s conclusion was aimed: the man who had spoken for the Bolshevik right wing in October 1917 was now President of the Communist International.
The triumvirs returned a massive riposte; and they summoned hosts of propagandists and historians and even foreign communist writers for the counter-attack. Throughout the autumn and the winter the country’s political life was entirely overshadowed by this controversy which has entered Bolshevik annals under the old name of ‘the literary debate’. Since it was impossible to deny roundly Trotsky’s assertion about Zinoviev’s and Kamenev’s attitude in 1917, their defenders replied that he had fantastically magnified their errors, that there had been only fortuitous and superficial dissentions between them and Lenin, and that no special right wing or conservative trend of opinion had ever existed in the party. Trotsky, they said, had invented this in order to discredit not merely the Old Guard but the whole body of the Leninist tradition, and in order to ascribe to himself and to Trotskyism wholly imaginary merits.
To prove the point, the triumvirs and their historians had to oppose to enhance their own versions of the events of 1917, versions designed to enhance their own prestige and to belittle the part Trotsky had played. This was done timidly at first, but then with growing boldness and disregard for truth. Thus, it was not denied at first that Trotsky had acted an outstanding part; but this, it was said, was not superior to that acted by his present adversaries. Then Stalin himself intervened with a version of his own. He declared that the Military Revolutionary Committee of the Petrograd Soviet, over which Trotsky presided, had not at all been the headquarters of the October insurrection, as all historical accounts, without a single exception, had maintained hitherto. He asserted that a more or less fictitious ‘Center’, of which Trotsky was not even a member but on which Stalin sat, directed the rising. This version was so crudely concocted that even the Stalinists received at first with embarrassed irony. But once put out, the story began to crop up stubbornly in the new historical accounts until it found its way to the textbooks, where it was to remain as the only authorized version for about thirty years. Thus that prodigious falsification of history was started which was presently to descend like a destructive avalanche upon Russia’s intellectual horizons: it began as a mere attempt to bolster the reputations of Zinoviev and Kamenev whom it was eventually to depict, as it was also to depict Bukharin, Rykov, Tomsky, and so many other Bolshevik leaders, as the saboteurs and traitors of the October Revolution and as foreign spies. In 1924 most of the future victims of the falsification were united in a frantic effort to cast Trotsky into the shade.
Yet, as long as Trotsky stood on the ground of the events of 1917 his position was formidable. The triumvirs did therefore their utmost to shift him from that ground back to the pre-revolutionary era, the era of his opposition to Bolshevism. They established a canon of rigid continuity in the party’s policies and a canon of its virtual infallibility. Whoever, they said, had, like Trotsky, opposed Bolshevism consistently throughout a long period was fundamentally in the wrong, and this was bound to show itself even in his later attitudes. Making a parody of determinism, the canon-makers instilled into the party’s mind the idea that no political error or deviation, whether collective or individual, could be treated as a casual occurrence. (The rule did not apply, of course, to the triumvirs’ own errors.) Each error had its deep causes or ‘roots’ in the peculiar make-up, petty bourgeois or otherwise, of any given group or individual. A major error weighted on him who committed it with the fateful gravity of original sin. Trotsky’s fall dated back to his early Menshevik days, not merely to the ‘manoeuvers of émigré politics’ but to his fundamental attitude towards the major problems of the time. In the October interval his petty bourgeois soul struggled to achieve grace. The party hoped to help him and to ‘assimilate’ him. But again and again his stubborn Menshevik nature reasserted itself.
In this light the disagreement which Trotsky had had with Lenin since the revolution also acquired a hitherto unsuspected sinister meaning. He had had two such major disagreements: over the peace of Brest Litovsk and over policy towards the trade unions. (The other disagreements in which Lenin acknowledged his own mistakes were ignored.) Innumerable pamphlets and articles were published which dwelt on these two cases and gave new accounts of them to prove that in both Trotsky’s ineradicable anti-Leninism had revealed itself, and to establish a straight connection between his opposition to Lenin and his attack on Lenin’s successors. The contexts of the old controversies, the real alignments, the motives, the hesitations, the self-contradictions, and the human virtues and failings of the actors, were all omitted from the new accounts. The party was shown of the Last Judgement, where the virtuous, whose faces express nothing but piety, climb straight to heaven while the sinners, concentrated symbols of vice, rush to damnation.
As the controversy switched backward and forward and back again to the years 1905-6 the fount of all of Trotsky’s errors and deviations was at last discovered in his theory of permanent revolution. This was declared to be his master heresy. Yet ever since 1917 the party had had no quarrel with that theory; Trotsky’s early essays on it had been republished in the original and in many translations as an authoritative statement of communist doctrine. Even now its two chief tenets-that the Russian Revolution had to pass from the bourgeois to the socialist phase; and that it would be the prologue to world revolution-were still the party’s household ideas, and they could not be openly refuted. The polemicists dug up a few barbed remarks which Lenin made in 1906: himself still holding that the Russian Revolution would be only bourgeois in character, Lenin then said that Trotsky spoke of a socialist consummation because he ‘jumped’ over the bourgeois phase and ‘underestimated’ the importance of the peasantry. In view of what had happened in 1917 these remarks had lost all relevance. This did not now prevent the polemicists repeating in circles that Trotsky’s characteristic propensity was to ‘jump over necessary intermediate stages’ and to ‘underestimate the peasantry’. True enough, it was not easy to square this charge with the other accusation that he was an unreformed Menshevik-the Mensheviks, far from ‘jumping’ over the bourgeois phase of the revolution, refused to go beyond it-and it took a great deal of purely scholastic argument to cope with this logical difficulty. However, as in all disputations of this sort, it was not the logic or the historical truth of the argument that mattered, but its undertone, its bearing on current policy, and the impression in made on the uninitiated.
That the insistence on Trotsky’s inclination to ‘underestimate the peasantry’ had a bearing on current policy is obvious: the triumvirs and Rykov had begun to label Trotsky as the muzhik’s enemy even the year before. Now they agave that label retrospective validity and historical coloring. More significant still was the broader undertone. To the popular understanding permanent revolution suggested a prospect of continuous upheaval and of endless struggle, and the impossibility for the Russian Revolution to settle down and achieve a measure of stabilization. In denouncing permanent revolution, the triumvirs appeared to the popular longing for peace and stability.
In truth, Trotsky’s theory did claim that the fortunes of Bolshevik Russia depended ultimately on the spread of revolution abroad. Yet the hopes for its spread had been dashed many times and had just suffered the most severe setback in Germany. The Bolsheviks felt more isolated than ever. They found a psychological defense in their complacent sense of Russia’s revolutionary self-sufficiency. Trotsky’s theory offended and mocked that sense. Hence the intense irritation which the mere mention of permanent revolution began to arouse among Bolshevik cadres. They felt a vehement emotional urge to deprive Trotsky’s theory of all ideological respectability. It was no matter of chance that in the autumn of 1924 Stalin, revising his own earlier views, formulated the doctrine of socialism in one country, which became the counterpart to permanent revolution. Stalin extolled the self-sufficiency of the Russian Revolution and thereby he offered the party an ideological consolation for its frustrated internationalist hopes.
It is easy to see why and how the ‘literary debate’ weakened Trotsky’s position even further. It fixed in the public mind a contradictory image of Trotsky as, on the one hand, an inveterate semi-Menshevik and, on the other, an equally inveterate ‘ultra radical’ and extremist seeking to involve the party in dangerous ventures at home and abroad. At home, it was said, he strove to embroil the Bolsheviks with the peasants whom he had never understood. Abroad, he always saw revolutionary opportunities where none existed. The same aberration had led him to oppose the Brest Litovsk Peace and to blame Zinoviev for the defeat of revolution in Germany. That Trotsky had also opposed to the march on Warsaw in 1920, that he had consistently striven to normalize relations with the capitalist countries, and that he had been the first to advocate the N.E.P. policy in order to pacify the peasants-these and similar facts which contradicted the image of the ultra radical adventurer did not matter. Fact, fiction, and scholastic quibble were to jumbled together that Trotsky became the Quixote of communism, pathetic perhaps, but also dangerous, whom only the wisdom and the statesmanship of the triumvirs could restrain and render harmless.

XIII съезд РКП(б)The 13th Congress of the Russian Communist Party (Bolsheviks)XIII съезд Российской коммунисти́ческой па́ртии (большевико́в) was held during 23–31 May 1924 in Moscow. Of the delegates attending, 748 had voting rights, and 416 had consultative rights.[1] The congress elected the 13th Central Committee.

«Уроки Октября10月の教訓» — вступительная статья, написанная Львом Троцким к третьему тому своего собрания сочинений, получившему название «Историческое подготовление Октября».

①『最後の審判』(さいごのしんぱん、イタリア語 Giudizio Universale)は、ルネサンス期の芸術家ミケランジェロの代表作で、バチカン宮殿のシスティーナ礼拝堂の祭壇に描かれたフレスコ画である。1541年に完成した②フレスコ(英語: fresco、イタリア語: affresco)は、絵画技法のひとつ。この技法で描かれた壁画をフレスコ画と呼ぶ③ミケランジェロ・ディ・ロドヴィーコ・ブオナローティ・シモーニ(伊: Michelangelo di Lodovico Buonarroti Simoni[1]、1475年3月6日 - 1564年2月18日)Микела́нджело Буонарро́тиは、イタリア盛期ルネサンス期の彫刻家、画家、建築家、詩人。

