
当ブログはトロント在住、日系一世カナダ人サミー・山田(48)おっさんの「独り言」です。まさに「個人日記」。1968年11月16日東京都目黒区出身(A型)・在北米30年の日系カナダ人(Canadian Citizen)・University of Toronto Woodsworth College BA History & East Asian Studies Major トロント在住(職業記者・医療関連・副職画家)・Toronto Ontario「団体」「宗教」「党派」一切無関係・「政治的」意図皆無=「事実関係」特定の「考え」が’正しい’あるいは一方だけが’間違ってる’いう気は毛頭なし。「知って」それぞれ「考えて」いただれれば本望(^_-☆Everybody!! Let's 'Ponder' or 'Contemplate' On va vous re?-chercher!Internationale!!「世界人類みな兄弟」「平和祈願」「友好共存」「戦争反対」「☆Against Racism☆」「☆Gender Equality☆」&ノーモア「ヘイト」(怨恨、涙、怒りや敵意しか生まない)Thank you very much for everything!! Ma Cher Minasan, Merci Beaucoup et Bonne Chance 

☭Лев Троцкий☆לייב טראצקי武力なき予言者/THE PROPHET UNARMED トロツキーTROTSKY 1921-1929 アイザック・ドイッチャー/ISSAC DEUTSCHER第二章CHAPTER II: 呪詛The Anathema⑨


Many a party member, even some of Trotsky’s own adherents, held that in the ‘Lessons of October’ he had chosen his ground wrongly. He should have concentrated, they said, on issues that mattered instead of digging up Zinoviev’s and Kamenev’s errors of 1917. True, he had done this in self-defense after the triumvirs had raked up all the long-forgotten incidents of his controversies with Lenin and after they had prevented him from discussing current affairs. But most people quickly forgot ‘who had started it all’; and they reproached him with not letting bygones be bygones. Official writers quoted against him the excerpts from Lenin’s suppressed will in which Lenin begged the party not to hold against Zinoviev and Kamenev their ‘historic errors’. Even Krupskaya, mindful of that advice, was prevailed upon to rebuke Trotsky and to say that he had made too much of the disagreements between Lenin and his disciples, because the fate of the revolution depended on the attitude of the party and of the working class as a whole, not on dissensions within a narrow circle of leaders. This was a telling criticism, directed as it was against the advocate of inner-party democracy. Bolshevik self-esteem had anyhow been wounded by Trotsky in whose recollections the party’s leadership appeared as a sluggish, hesitant body of men who would never have done their duty if they had not been prodded and pushed into action by Lenin.
The debate had a further consequence which greatly embarrassed Trotsky. Some elements of the dispersed anti-Bolshevik opposition, who had hitherto hated him like death, began to pin their hopes on him. This was inevitable. In a single-party system some of the suppressed enemies of the government, no longer able to fight under their own banners, will applaud any important dissenter even if he belongs to the ruling party and no matter what the reasons for his dissent. They tend to view as their hero anyone whom the ruling group itself stigmatizes as its dangerous adversary. The circumstance that Trotsky demanded freedom of expression, if only within the party, commended him at least to some anti-Bolsheviks who saw no future for themselves without any freedom of expression. This was by no means the prevalent attitude among the anti-Bolsheviks. Many or perhaps most of them viewed with glee the fall of the man on whom they placed the chief blame for their defeat in the civil war. But the triumvirs made the most of any sign of real or spurious sympathy for Trotsky which could be detected outside the party, while he was all the more anxious to say and do nothing that might encourage such sympathy. This accounted largely for his restraint and long silences, and for his constant and emphatic reiteration of his solidarity with the triumvirs in the face of common enemies.                    
Finally, the ‘literary debate’ had an important effect on the triumvirs themselves. Its result was to discredit all the chief controversialists with the sole exception of Stalin, whose prestige was, on the contrary, enhanced. Trotsky had concentrated his attack on Zinoviev and Kamenev who had clearly expressed and placed on record their objections to the October insurrection. Stalin, having been less articulate and much more elusive in 1917, was now far less vulnerable. Indeed, Zinoviev and Kamenev stood at present in need of his moral support; and they were glad to receive from him testimonials of good Bolshevism. This helped Stalin to establish himself definitely as the senior triumvir. Thus, unwittingly, Trotsky helped to defeat his future allies and to promote his chief and most dangerous adversary.                               
The storm raised by the ‘Lesson of October’ made Trotsky’s position as Commissar of War untenable. The triumvirs had denounced him in such terms that they could not leave in charge of the country’s military affairs, although only a year earlier they were still afraid to accept his resignation. They now openly worked to remove him from the Commissariat.
In no phase of the struggle did Trotsky make the slightest attempt to appeal against them to the army. He restrained those of his followers who, like Antonov-Ovseenko, had been tempted to draw into the controversy the military cells which were, under the party’s rules and regulation, entitled to have their say. Official spokesmen, it should be added, never reproached Antonov-Ovseenko with any offence graver than this-there was no question of any plot of preparations for a coup, and they repeatedly acknowledged Trotsky’s restraining influence. When hints were dropped about his Bonapartist ambition, this was done in private gossip only. Trotsky was not accused of making any single move designed to use his position as Commissar of War to his political advantage. He acknowledged as a matter of course the Politburo’s jurisdiction over the army. Consequently, he accepted, though not without protest, the dismissal and demotion of his followers from the most influential posts in his Commissariat and the appointment to them of his adversaries.

It would be futile to speculate whether Trotsky would have succeeded if he had attempted a military coup. Early in the conflict, before the General Secretariat had begun to shift and shuffle the party personnel in the army, his chances of success might have been high; they dwindled later. He never tried to test the chances. He was convinced that a military pronunciamento would be an irreparable setback for the revolution, even if he were to be associated with it. He had declared at the thirteenth congress that he saw in the party ‘the only historic instrument which the working class possessed for the solution of its fundamental tasks’; and he could not try and smash that instrument with the army’s hands. In any conflict with the party, he held, the army would have to rely on the support of counter-revolutionary forces and this would have condemned it to play a reactionary part. True, he saw ‘degeneration’ in the party. But this consisted in the breach between the leaders and the rank and file and in the party’s loss of its democratic base. The task, as he saw it, was to reconstitute that base and to reconcile the leaders and the rank and file. Ultimately the revolution’s salvation lay in a political revival ‘down below’, in the depth of society. Military action ‘from above’ could only usher in a regime even further removed from a workers’ democracy than was the present government. Such was the ‘logic of things’’ and he did not believe that he could stand against it. He placed his own person and action within the framework of the social forces which determined the course of events; he saw his own role as subordinate to those forces; and his aim, the revival of proletarian democracy, dictated to him the choice of his means.
In the course of the year 1924 the direction of the Commissariat of War slipped from his hands. Through Frunze and Unshlicht the triumvirs gradually extended their control over the whole body of the army’s political commissar; and now they had no qualms about drawing the armed forces into the inner-party conflict. They submitted to the military cells resolutions condemning Trotsky for publishing the ‘Lesson of October’; and they convened a national conference of the political commissars and placed before them a motion demanding Trotsky’s dismissal from the Department of War. At this time Trotsky once again succumbed to an attack of malaria and he did not, it seems, even state his case to the commissars. The conference duly passed the motion demanding his dismissal. Then he suffered the same rebuff from the communist cell on the Military Revolutionary Council, the Council over which he had presided since the day it was formed. To crown it all, a plenary session of the Central Committee was called for 17 January 1925, and ‘the Trotsky case’ figured as the first item on the agenda.
On 15 January Trotsky addressed a letter to the Central Committee in which he excused, on grounds of illness, his absence from the forthcoming session; but he stated that he had delayed his planned departure from Moscow-he was to go to the Caucasus again-in order to answer questions and offer explanation which might be required of him. Concisely and with subdued anger, he replied to the main accusations levelled against him-this was his only reply to the critics of the ‘Lessons of October’. Then he asked to be immediately relieved from his duties as President of the Revolutionary Military Council and declared: ‘I am ready to carryout any work whatever assigned to me by the Central Committee, in whatever position or without any position and, it goes without saying, under any conditions whatever of party control.’
At the Politburo Zinoviev and Kamenev proposed to ask the Central Committee to expel Trotsky from the Politburo and the Committee. Once again, to their irritation, Stalin refused to comply; and Zinoviev and Kamenev wondered whether he might not make peace with Trotsky at their expense. The Central Committee decided that Trotsky should continue to sit on the Committee and the Politburo; but it threatened him once again with expulsion if he engaged in any new controversy. The Central Committee then formally declared the ‘literary debate’ as closed; but in the same breath it instructed all propaganda departments to continue the campaign ‘which would enlighten the whole party . . . about the anti-Bolshevik character of Trotskyism, beginning from the year 1903 and ending with the “Lessons of October”’. Another campaign was to make clear to the country at large, not only to party members, the danger to the ‘alliance of workers and peasants’ which Trotskyism carried with it. As Trotsky was not allowed to reply, this became a ‘one-debate’. The Central Committee finally ‘decided it impossible that he should continue to work on the Revolutionary Military Council’.
Thus, with the badge of infamy struck over the badges of his fame, with cries of denunciation ringing in his ears, gagged and forbidden even to defend himself, he left the Commissariat and the army which he had led for seven long and fateful years.

