
当ブログはトロント在住、日系一世カナダ人サミー・山田(48)おっさんの「独り言」です。まさに「個人日記」。1968年11月16日東京都目黒区出身(A型)・在北米30年の日系カナダ人(Canadian Citizen)・University of Toronto Woodsworth College BA History & East Asian Studies Major トロント在住(職業記者・医療関連・副職画家)・Toronto Ontario「団体」「宗教」「党派」一切無関係・「政治的」意図皆無=「事実関係」特定の「考え」が’正しい’あるいは一方だけが’間違ってる’いう気は毛頭なし。「知って」それぞれ「考えて」いただれれば本望(^_-☆Everybody!! Let's 'Ponder' or 'Contemplate' On va vous re?-chercher!Internationale!!「世界人類みな兄弟」「平和祈願」「友好共存」「戦争反対」「☆Against Racism☆」「☆Gender Equality☆」&ノーモア「ヘイト」(怨恨、涙、怒りや敵意しか生まない)Thank you very much for everything!! Ma Cher Minasan, Merci Beaucoup et Bonne Chance 

Japanischer Politiker +Ex gobernador de la Prefectura de Osaka=하시모토 도루⇒橋下徹→学校での成績は芳しくなく=?Pro-sex-slave comments lacked 'international sensitivity,'

スペイン語⇒Tōru Hashimoto (橋下徹 Hashimoto Tōru?, nacido el 29 de junio de 1969) es un abogado y comentarista japonés, ex gobernador de la Prefectura de Osaka.1​2​ Nació en Shibuya, Tokio y su familia se trasladó a Osaka cuando cursaba el quinto grado en la escuela primaria. En su nuevo colegio, fue seleccionado de rugby. Estudió en la Universidad de Waseda y obtuvo el título de abogado en 1996. Tras aparecer en varios programas televisivos locales en la Región de Kinki durante algunos años, se dio a conocer al participar en un programa transmitido a nivel nacional. El 12 de diciembre de 2007 anunció su candidatura a la gobernación de Osaka, ganando las elecciones con más del 50% de los votos el 27 de enero de 2008. Asumió su cargo el 6 de febrero de 2008. 大阪市立中島中学校入学。中1の頃、母が再婚した[7]。大阪府立北野高等学校入学。高校では、名前の字から「ハシゲ」と呼ばれた[8]。ラグビー高校日本代表候補に選ばれ東西対抗にも出場する。高校在学中に、日本テレビの『全国高等学校クイズ選手権』に出場。地方予選で敗退したが、放送には映っていた。地方大会・事前番組・本放送に映ったことのある芸能人は橋下とザ・プラン9の浅越ゴエのみである。学校での成績は芳しくなく、現役時代には早稲田大学を2学部受験するも、不合格に終わった[9] 卒業後、一年間の浪人生活を経験。早稲田大学政治経済学部経済学科に入学。兵庫県明石市の泉房穂市長(第49期司法修習生=1995年研修所入所=橋下と同じラグビー同好会に所属)は同じ自治体トップとして橋下をよく知る人物の一人であり、ラグビーの練習後に聞かされた話を今も覚えている[10]。 学生ビジネスで不渡手形をつかまされ、訴訟を起こすといった経験をきっかけに、法律家を目指すようになった[10]。早稲田大学政治経済学部を卒業した[1]1994年に司法試験に合格。  
ドイツ語→Tōru Hashimoto (jap. 橋下 徹, Hashimoto Tōru; * 29. Juni 1969 in Shibuya, Präfektur Tokio) ist ein japanischer Politiker. Er war von 2008 bis 2011 Gouverneur der Präfektur (-fu) Osaka, anschließend bis 2015 Bürgermeister der [kreisfreien] Stadt (-shi) Osaka. In seiner Regierungszeit begründete und führte er die Regionalpartei Ōsaka Ishin no Kai, mit der er und seine Anhänger später in die nationale Politik vorstießen und das seit den späten 1990er/frühen 2000er Jahren etablierte Parteiensystem zu destabilisieren versuchten. Zeitweise war er auch Vorsitzender der jeweils mit der Ishin no Kai assoziierte Nationalpartei (2012–2014 Nippon Ishin no Kai und für kurze Zeit 2015 Ōsaka Ishin no Kai), bekleidete aber bisher kein nationales Amt oder Mandat. Nach dem knappen Scheitern der Volksabstimmung zur Auflösung der Stadt Osaka in „Sonderbezirke“ der Präfektur Osaka, eines seiner Hauptziele, zog er sich zur Wahl 2015 vom Bürgermeisteramt zurück. Hashimoto schloss 1994 sein Studium an der Waseda-Universität ab, 1996 wurde er als Anwalt registriert. 1997 eröffnete er das Hashimoto Law Office in Osaka. Nach mehreren Auftritten im Regionalfernsehen trat er ab 2004 als Fernsehanwalt bei Nippon Television auch erstmals landesweit auf. Nachdem sich Hashimoto der Unterstützung von LDP und Kōmeitō versichert hatte, kandidierte er als Parteiloser für die Nachfolge der Gouverneurin von Osaka, Fusae Ōta, die nicht wieder antrat. Mit 1.800.000 Stimmen entschied er die Wahl am 27. Januar 2008 klar für sich; sein wichtigster Gegenkandidat, der DPJ/SDP/PNP-gestützte Sadatoshi Kumagai erhielt nur knapp eine Million Stimmen. Hashimoto war bei Amtsantritt der jüngste Gouverneur landesweit und erst der vierte Gouverneur unter 40 Jahren[1]. Zu Beginn seiner Amtszeit bemühte sich Hashimoto vor allem darum, das Wachstum der Schulden der Präfektur (rund 5 Billionen Yen, etwa 30 Milliarden Euro) durch ein radikales Sparprogramm einzudämmen und eine drohende Zahlungsunfähigkeit abzuwenden. Die höchsten Einsparungen sollen demnach bei Verwaltung und Personal erzielt werden, auch die Zuschüsse an die Gemeinden sollen drastisch gekürzt werden. Viele öffentliche und gemeinnützige Einrichtungen in der Präfektur müssen ebenfalls mit drastischen Einschnitten bei den Zuschüssen rechnen.[2][3] Sein Wahlkampfversprechen, keine neuen Anleihen auszugeben, musste Hashimoto bereits auf Druck des Präfekturparlaments und führender Beamter aufgeben.[4] Im Juli 2008 wurde der Haushalt für das Fiskaljahr 2008 vom Präfekturparlament verabschiedet. Die Ausgaben wiesen gegenüber dem Vorjahr einen Rückgang um zehn Prozent auf, der vor allem auf Kürzungen bei den Gehältern öffentlicher Angestellter zurückgeht.[5] Am 19. April 2010 gründete er die Regionalpartei Ōsaka Ishin no Kai,[6] die bei den Wahlen im April 2011 stärkste Partei im Präfekturparlament von Osaka und den Räten der Städte Osaka und Sakai wurde. Im Oktober 2011 trat Hashimoto als Gouverneur zurück, um bei der Bürgermeisterwahl in der Stadt Osaka am 27. November 2011 gegen Amtsinhaber Kunio Hiramatsu anzutreten, einen Gegner von Hashimotos Verwaltungsreformplänen zur Auflösung der Städte Osaka und Sakai.[7] Hashimoto gewann die Wahl gegen Amtsinhaber Hiramatsu, der explizit oder implizit von allen etablierten Parteien unterstützt wurde, bei hoher Wahlbeteiligung mit rund 751 zu 523 Tausend Stimmen. Gleichzeitig gewann Hashimotos favorisierter Nachfolger, Ishin-no-Kai-Generalsekretär Ichirō Matsui auch die Gouverneurswahl in Osaka. Im September 2012 gründete er die Nippon Ishin no Kai um in die nationale Politik einzusteigen, der sich im November die Taiyō no Tō unter Shintarō Ishihara anschloss, mit dem er den gemeinsamen Vorsitz innehat. Am Mai 2013 geriet er unter starke Kritik, auch der südkoreanischen Regierung, als er die „Trostfrauen“ genannten Zwangsprostituierten während des Zweiten Weltkriegs als „notwendig“ für die militärische Disziplin bezeichnete.[8][9]
フランス語→考えと概要(主旨)⇒Idées et principes politiques[modifier | modifier le code]Toru Hashimoto est un homme politique populiste médiatique, qui aime à se présenter comme un homme du peuple à la parole libre, partisan du changement rencontrant l'opposition des fonctionnaires et des hommes politiques professionnels. En cela, il suit le modèle de Shintarō Ishihara, le gouverneur de Tokyo, ou de Hideo Higashikokubaru (en), l'ancien gouverneur de la Préfecture de Miyazaki. On l’a également comparé à Junichiro Koizumi et Ichiro Ozawa pour sa capacité charismatique à rassembler autour de lui, en dehors des structures politiques préexistantes, un groupe de fidèles prêts à défendre ses objectifs8. Toru Hashimoto maîtrise les codes de la communication télévisuelle et des mass media; il est aussi un des hommes politiques japonais les plus actifs sur Twitter9, au point de risquer d'enfreindre la loi électorale10. Toru Hashimoto est un adepte de la "politique du parler haut"11. Hashimoto est un fervent partisan de la décentralisation du Japon et de sa réorganisation. Il souhaiterait constituer un grand bloc autonome du Kansai, qui regrouperait toutes les préfectures et grandes villes indépendantes qui y existent actuellement12. Toru Hashimoto a été vivement critiqué en mai 2013 après des déclarations controversées sur les "femmes de réconfort" de la seconde guerre mondiale et sur l'usage de la prostitution par les armées en général13. On lui a ainsi reproché son manque de respect pour les femmes et pour l'égalité des genres14, une attitude qui expliquerait la faible participation des femmes dans son parti et un manque d'attrait parmi les électrices15.
Élection de 2008[modifier | modifier le code]
À la suite de la décision surprise de Fusae Ohta (en) de ne pas se présenter pour un troisième mandat à la tête de la préfecture, les différents groupes politiques d’Osaka s’agitèrent pour trouver et présenter des candidats. Après son refus initial et des tergiversations16, Hashimoto accepta l’offre et le soutien du Parti Libéral-Démocrate et du Nouveau Komeito. Aidé par sa notoriété télévisuelle, son dynamisme et son allant, ainsi que par ses contacts avec le monde des affaires17, Hashimoto remporta une victoire éclatante, avec presque le double des voix du second à l’élection, Sadatoshi Kumagai, soutenu lui par le Parti Démocrate du Japon5.
À 38 ans,m il était alors le plus jeune gouverneur de préfecture du Japon

하시모토 도루(일본어: 橋下 徹[1], 1969년 6월 29일~ )는 일본의 변호사이자 정치인이다. 19대 오사카 시의 시장이자 52대 오사카부지사였으며, 지역 정당 오사카 유신회의 대표이다. 2008년 오사카부지사에 당선되었으나 자신의 오사카 도 구상 실천을 위해 잔여임기 4개월을 앞두고 부지사직을 사퇴하고 시장에 출마했다. 2010년 지방정치단체인 오사카 유신회를 설립했고 2012년 11월 자신은 오사카 시장에 출마하고 측근은 오사카부 지사로 내세워 압승을 거뒀다.[2] 1994년 사법시험에 합격하여 3년간 일본 사법 연수원에서 연수를 거친 뒤, 1997년 로펌 가바시마 법률사무소(樺島法律事務所)에 입사, 1998년에는 오사카 시내에 자신의 변호사 사무실을 개소하였다. 2000년부터는 라디오 프로그램 출연을 계기로 TV 방송 프로그램에 출연하여 법률상담, 정치, 시사에 대한 의견을 피력하거나 리포터로 활동했다. 2008년의 총선거에서 2007년 12월 자민당과 공명당의 공천으로 오사카부의 지사에 당선되었지만 곧 자민당을 탈퇴하고 오사카 유신회를 창립하였다. 부라쿠민 출신 최초의 도도부현 지사이기도 하고, 도도부현 지사 출신 최초의 시장이기도 하다. 자신의 오사카 도 구상의 실현을 위해 임기 3개월을 남기고 오사카부지사를 사퇴하고, 2011년 12월 오사카 시장에 입후보하여 당선되었다. 오사카 시 시장 재직 중이던 2014년 2월 27일 자신의 재신임을 묻는 투표를 하겠다고 사퇴한 뒤, 재선거에서 압도적인 득표를 얻어 3월 23일 다시 시장직으로 복귀하였다.
司法修習を経て1997年に弁護士になった橋下は大阪の樺島法律事務所に入る。樺島事務所に入った後、「同和地区に住んでいたけど私は同和じゃなかった。だから、私は同和問題はやりません」と言い、部落解放同盟の朝田善之助派が起こした京都市営住宅の家賃値上げ反対訴訟に参加することを拒否した[11] 。ただし角岡伸彦によると、当時橋下が同和地区に住んでいた事実はないという[12]。「裕福ではない母子家庭で長らく育った橋下氏は、部落の近くに住んでいたがゆえに、部落だけが優遇されるのが許せなかった――。実は単純な話である」とも角岡は述べている[13]。
橋下 徹(はしもと[注釈 1] とおる、1969年(昭和44年)6月29日[1] - )は、日本のタレント、弁護士(大阪弁護士会所属 登録番号25196)。おおさか維新の会法律政策顧問[4]。

There were rumours that Hashimoto would run for Mayor of Osaka City in 2007, because of his popularity and status as a lawyer, but he did not do so and, even after Fusae Ohta announced that she would retire as Governor of Osaka Prefecture after finishing her second term, he initially said that he had no intention to run for governor either. However, on 12 December 2007, after he had received pledges of support from the local Liberal Democratic Party and New Komeito, he announced that he would run in the gubernatorial race. He took 54% of votes in the election on 27 January 2008 and assumed the post of governor on 6 February 2008. In 2010, he founded the Osaka Restoration Association (One Osaka), a new regional political party with a platform centered around the Osaka Metropolis plan. Shortly after his inauguration as Osaka governor, Hashimoto declared a "fiscal emergency" in the prefecture and proposed massive budget cuts.[7]
Hashimoto's political party, Osaka Ishin no Kai, won a majority in the Osaka prefectural assembly in April 2011.[8]
Mayor of Osaka City[editHis Osaka Metropolis plan faced fierce opposition from other politicians, including then Osaka City Mayor Kunio Hiramatsu. Hashimoto resigned as governor of Osaka on 31 October 2011, before finishing his first term, in order to run for Osaka city mayor.[9][10] In November he was elected as mayor, alongside Ichirō Matsui of One Osaka who succeeded him as governor.[11][12]
During the election campaign, weekly magazines Shukan Shincho, Shukan Bunshun and Shincho45, published articles which refer to his father's criminal record and burakumin origin. Hashimoto criticized the articles on Twitter.
After the election, Hashimoto founded the "Ishin Seiji Juku", a "cram school" for training future political leaders, which admitted 2,000 students in its first class in March 2012.[13]
In 2012 a poll of civil servants working in Ōsaka city was conducted, requiring disclosure of those with tattoos on their body. The survey found 110 employees out of 33,500 had at least one tattoo. Hashimoto commented that civil servants have no right to have tattoos and suggested that those who do should resign.[14][15] Inciting further controversy, 2 July 2012 Hashimoto made the comment to newly appointed ward mayors of Ōsaka that civil servants cannot expect to have personal privacy or fundamental human rights while working for the public.[16][17]
In September 2012, he launched Nippon Ishin No Kai, or the Japan Restoration Association, a national extension of the Osaka Ishin no Kai. It was the first national political party that was based in Osaka rather than Tokyo, and achieved party status by winning the support of seven sitting diet members.[18]
The Osaka Ishin no Kai suffered several setbacks in 2013, with its candidate losing the Sakai mayoral election in September, and the party losing its majority in the prefectural assembly in December 2013 after four members defected over the sale of the government's stake in Osaka Prefectural Urban Development, the operator of the Semboku Rapid Railway.[8]
In the wake of controversial comments about comfort women (see below) and after failing to gain consensus for his plan to merge Osaka City and Osaka Prefecture, Hashimoto announced his resignation as mayor in February 2014, and said he would stand for re-election to seek a new mandate from voters.[19]
Osaka voted down the Osaka Metropolis plan by a thin margin in a May 2015 referendum. Following the defeat of his core policy proposal, which had been supported by the national government, Hashimoto announced that he would retire from politics upon expiration of his term as mayor.[20] In June, he was invited to Tokyo for a meeting with Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, who voiced his support for the defeated plan and also sought Hashimoto's input on upcoming national security legislation.[21]

僕が週刊朝日を鬼畜集団だと言ったのは、実母に週刊誌の現物を送り付けてきて、話を聞きたいと書面で連絡してきたから。産経が的確。産経bit.ly/T6Eti1 新聞記事にはないが「佐野を社会的に抹殺」というフレーズは、文春・新潮のときと抗議が違うと言う毎日の質問に対して
返信 リツイート いいね 2012.10.23 15:54
曽根崎心中は自殺もの。子どもたちに自殺を美化しますか? RT @2525FEDis: 半端ない違和感が何なのかやっと分かった。『ストリップ』を子ども達に芸術だと教える気か?役所が助成すべきかどうかは、そういう線引きだろ?こういうロジックも成り立つんです。なぜストリップに助成金はダメなのか。自称インテリや役所は文楽やクラシックだけを最上のものとする。これは価値観の違いだけ。ストリップも芸術ですよ。だからアーツカウンシル bit.ly/NPtEUBイヤー楽しみだ、阿久沢記者との論戦。それにスチュワーデスの格好で記者会見に行きましょうか?だって。おー、来い来い。あのなー、どれだけあんたは自信過剰なんだ。あんたのスチュワーデス姿なんて場末のラウンジのお化け祭り以下だぜ。絶対に着て来いよ!


Toru Hashimoto says sex-slave comments lack international sensitivity
TOKYO — An outspoken Japanese mayor who outraged many with remarks about Japan’s wartime and modern sexual services stood by his comments Thursday, but said he may have lacked “international sensitivity.”
Osaka Mayor Toru Hashimoto said his lack of sensitivity to America’s perception of prostitution might have caused outrage after his suggestion earlier this week that U.S. troops based in southern Japan should patronize legal adult entertainment establishments to reduce sex crime there.
Hashimoto, co-leader of an emerging nationalist party, also has angered Japan’s neighbours by saying the Japanese military’s wartime practice of forcing Asian women into prostitution was necessary to maintain discipline and provide relaxation for soldiers.
He claimed Thursday that the practice was widely used by many other countries during World War II and that Japan was being unfairly singled out.
The U.S. State Department called Hashimoto’s comments “outrageous and offensive.”
Japan’s new revisionism sounds the alarm in China and South Korea
China outraged as Japanese politician claims WWII sex slaves ‘must have been necessary’
.Historians say up to 200,000 women, mainly from the Korean Peninsula and China, were forced to provide sex for Japanese soldiers in military brothels. While some other World War II armies had military brothels, Japan is the only country accused of such widespread, organized sexual slavery.
Hashimoto’s comments added to recent anger in neighbouring countries that suffered from Japan’s wartime aggression and have complained about the lack of atonement for atrocities committed during that time.
Hashimoto said Thursday that he had no intention of retracting any of his earlier comments. But he said his remarks might have seemed inappropriate to people outside Japan with different values.
“If there is one big mistake I made, that might have been my lack of understanding of culture behind the U.S. sex industry — if you mention adult entertainment in the U.S., everyone thinks of prostitution,” Hashimoto said during a live TV talk show from Osaka, in western Japan. “I admit that my international sensitivity was quite poor when I had to operate beyond national borders.”
The ruckus started Monday when Hashimoto commented on the wartime “comfort women” who had to provide sex to Japan’s Imperial Army. Hashimoto said that on a recent visit to the southern island of Okinawa he suggested to the U.S. commander there that the troops make use of the legal sex industry.
More than half of about 50,000 U.S. troops based in Japan under a bilateral security pact are on Okinawa, where base-related crime has long triggered anti-U.S. military sentiment.
U.S. officials rejected his proposal. “That goes without saying,” Pentagon Press Secretary George Little said Tuesday in Washington.
In a tweet Wednesday, Rep. Mike Honda, a Democrat who has urged Japan to take responsibility for wartime sex slavery, called Hashimoto’s remarks that “comfort women” were necessary “contemptible and repulsive,” and demanded Japan’s government “apologize for this atrocity.”
U.S. State Department spokeswoman Jen Psaki said the trafficking of women for sexual purposes during that era was “a grave human rights violation of enormous proportions.”
We hope that Japan will continue to work with its neighbours to address this and other issues arising from the past and cultivate relationships that allow them to move forward
.“We hope that Japan will continue to work with its neighbours to address this and other issues arising from the past and cultivate relationships that allow them to move forward,” Psaki told reporters Thursday.
Hashimoto said Thursday that his comments were not intended to justify or whitewash Japan’s use of prostitution for its wartime military and that Japan should apologize to the women whether or not they were forced into it.
Hashimoto’s comments came amid continuing criticism of Prime Minister Shinzo Abe’s earlier pledges to revise Japan’s past apologies for wartime atrocities. Before he took office in December, Abe had advocated revising a 1993 statement by then-Prime Minister Yohei Kono acknowledging and expressing remorse for the suffering caused to the sex slaves.
Abe has acknowledged “comfort women” existed but has denied they were coerced into prostitution, citing a lack of official evidence. He also said recently that the definition of “aggression” was still not established, inviting criticism from Japan’s neighbours.
On Monday, a photo published in Japanese newspapers showing Abe posing in a fighter jet with the number 731 — the number of a notorious Japanese unit that performed chemical and biological experiments on Chinese in World War II — caught attention in Beijing, triggering criticism about a lack of sensitivity.
The series of remarks and actions by Japanese political leaders could affect the way the world views Japan, experts say.
“I think it’s really damaging. These are people who are noted and known. If this is the only way the Japanese news gets attention, instead of saying something groundbreaking or setting an example for humanity, that’s not good for the country,” said Koichi Nakano, a political science professor at Sophia University in Tokyo.
“Japan’s far-right politicians have lost their minds,” South Korea’s JoongAng Daily said in a Thursday editorial, saying Abe and Hashimoto “have unabashedly brought up the ghosts of Japan’s wartime past and irked neighbours that still bear bitter memories of its military aggression.”
“Their misbehaviour resembles that of Nazi Germans who were swept up by militarist fervour under Adolf Hitler,” the paper said.
Hashimoto’s follow-up Thursday provided little help to relieve anger among women in Japan.
“[His comment] has violated women and our human rights, and tarnished Japan’s image and national interest,” said opposition lawmaker Makiko Kikuta, demanding Hashimoto retract what he said and apologize. “It’s extremely regrettable.”
Hashimoto, 43, is co-head of the newly formed Japan Restoration Party with former Tokyo Gov. Shintaro Ishihara, who is a strident nationalist. Hashimoto refused to step down as mayor or party executive.
Now his lack of human rights awareness is world-famous. What an embarrassment to Osaka!
.His fellow party members were sympathetic to Hashimoto, but his remarks dealt a blow to the new party when it desperately needed public support ahead of this summer’s national elections.
Politicians from other parties were not so measured in their response.
“Now his lack of human rights awareness is world-famous. What an embarrassment to Osaka!” said Kiyomi Tsujimoto, a liberal-leaning lawmaker representing the region.
Associated Press writers Malcolm Foster in Tokyo and Matthew Pennington in Washington contributed to this report 

スウェーデン語⇒Tōru Hashimoto (jap. 橋下 徹, 29. kesäkuuta 1969 Hatagaya, Japani) on japanilainen poliitikko.Hashimoto syntyi Tokion alueella. Hänen vanhempiensa eron jälkeen, hänen äitinsä kasvatti Tōrun Osakan köyhällä alueella, jossa asui pääasiassa syrjittyjä burakulaisia. Tōru ei tuntenut isäänsä, joka kuului yakuzaan ja joka tappoi itsensä Tōrun ollessa vielä pieni pelivelkojen takia. Taustastaan huolimatta Tōru Hashimoto pääsi opiskelemaan oikeustiedettä arvostettuun tokiolaiseen yksityisyliopistoon, Wasedan yliopistoon.[1] Ennen poliittista uraansa Hashimotosta tuli suosittu televisioesiintyjä, kun hän antoi lainopillisia vihjeitä alueellisella televisiokanavan ohjelmassa.[2] Hashimoto valittiin tammikuussa 2008 Osakan prefektuurin kuvernööriksi. Hän sai 54 prosenttia äänistä, ja hänestä tuli 37-vuotiaana Japanin nuorin kuvernööri. Kuvernöörinä hän alkoi ajaa Osakan prefektuurin yhdistämistä yhdeksi kaupungiksi.[2] Hashimoton mukaan Osakan kaupunginvaltuuston ja prefektuurintoimiston tehtävät menevät toistensa päälle.[3] Hashimoto päätti jättää kuvernöörin virkansa vuonna 2011 pyrkiäkseen Osakan pormestariksi. Hän voittikin selvästi edellisen pormestarin Kunio Hiramatsun marraskuussa 2011 käydyissä vaaleissa.[2]

