
当ブログはトロント在住、日系一世カナダ人サミー・山田(48)おっさんの「独り言」です。まさに「個人日記」。1968年11月16日東京都目黒区出身(A型)・在北米30年の日系カナダ人(Canadian Citizen)・University of Toronto Woodsworth College BA History & East Asian Studies Major トロント在住(職業記者・医療関連・副職画家)・Toronto Ontario「団体」「宗教」「党派」一切無関係・「政治的」意図皆無=「事実関係」特定の「考え」が’正しい’あるいは一方だけが’間違ってる’いう気は毛頭なし。「知って」それぞれ「考えて」いただれれば本望(^_-☆Everybody!! Let's 'Ponder' or 'Contemplate' On va vous re?-chercher!Internationale!!「世界人類みな兄弟」「平和祈願」「友好共存」「戦争反対」「☆Against Racism☆」「☆Gender Equality☆」&ノーモア「ヘイト」(怨恨、涙、怒りや敵意しか生まない)Thank you very much for everything!! Ma Cher Minasan, Merci Beaucoup et Bonne Chance 

Humorista de Downtown envuelto en un caso de agresión sexual/日本綜藝天王松本人志爆性侵"내 애 낳아라"/Un moment #MeToo japonais/Japanese comedian vows to fight ‘groundless’ sexual assault allegations/日綜藝天王松本人志捲性侵疑雲 宣布「暫停藝能活動」Hitoshi Matsumoto suspend sa carrière(CANADA)2024/01/08

①Ruri Miura defends Hitoshi Matsumoto's malicious sexual harassment remarks by saying, "There's no problem with it''! Miura only has trouble with women and viciously suppresses Metoo. On the January 13 broadcast of "Wide Na Show'' (Fuji Television), Hitoshi Matsumoto made a discriminatory remark about women to Rino Sashihara, saying, "Do something that uses your body, which is something you're good at.''②2004年1月に自由民主党第1回「国際政治・外交論文コンテスト」で「『日本の国際貢献のあり方』を考える」を提出して自由民主党総裁賞となるIn January 2004, she submitted "Thinking about the form of Japan's international contribution'' to the Liberal Democratic Party's first "International Politics and Diplomacy Essay Contest,'' which won the Liberal Democratic Party President's Award③Sep 22, 2022 —安倍元首相の国葬支持する三浦瑠麗氏、的外れ発言連発で「反対派を逆アシスト」の皮肉Ruri Miura, who supports former Prime Minister Abe's state funeral, is ironic in "assisting the opposition'' with a series of off-topic statements「国際政治学者という肩書を掲げる三浦氏はMs. Miura, who holds the title of international political scientist『最大の功績は長期安定政権を実現したことHis greatest achievement was achieving a long-term stable government』『安全保障などの実績は政権の安定なしには実現しなかったHis achievements in security and other areas would not have been possible without a stable government』と安倍元首相を評価していますShe rates former Prime Minister Abe.’19年の『桜を見る会』にも参加しており、安倍元首相が亡くなった際には《政治家として華のある、優しい方でした》とツイートしていますShe also participated in the "Cherry Blossom Viewing Party'' in 2019, and when former Prime Minister Abe passed away, she tweeted, "He was a brilliant politician and a kind person.''」(全国紙記者)https://jisin.jp/domestic/2136595/

①Hitoshi Matsumoto defends the government with a conspiracy theory similar to Netouyo, saying, "Chief Prosecutor Kurokawa was framed by a newspaper reporter!''"I want him to receive his retirement allowance," Matsumoto said. 
I guess you could call it the “hidden Abe cheering group.” Hitoshi Matsumoto offered an unlikely defense of Hiromu Kurokawa, chief prosecutor of the Tokyo High Public Prosecutors Office, regarding the gambling mahjong scandal②安倍首相出演『ワイドナショー』はまるで接待番組だった!“Wide Na Show” starring Prime Minister Abe was like a entertainment program! 松本人志は「おじいちゃんが守ってきた国が好き」の迎合発言Hitoshi Matsumoto makes pandering remarks such as "I love the country that my grandpa protected.''https://lite-ra.com/2016/05/post-2204.html③2024/03/17ーDespite resigning from his shows due to multiple sexual assault accusation . . . continues to have supporters within the industry→④Mar 27, 2024 — 松本人志「一日も早く、お笑いがしたい」宣言も「早く戻ってきて」「お笑いしたいなら、会見したら?」と割れる反応Hitoshi Matsumoto's declaration, "I want to do comedy as soon as possible,'' was met with mixed reactions, with people saying, "Please come back soon,'' and "If you want to do comedy, why don't we have a press conference?''《不死鳥Phoenix》①Nov 2, 2023 —旧ジャニーズ新社長就任でも藤島ジュリー景子氏の院政体制に?Even with the appointment of the former Johnny's new president, will Julie Keiko Fujishima be in charge of the Insei(monastery administration)Инсэй(cloistered government rule by a retired Emperor)?②Sep 5, 2023 —東山に経営の知識があるはずもなく、100%株主であるジュリー氏が“院政”を敷くことになるとみられ、まさに形ばかりの体制変更となりそうThere is no way Higashiyama has any knowledge of management, and Julie, who is a 100% shareholder, will likely be in charge of the "Insei," making it likely that this will be a formal change in the structure.

Gomanism Manifesto SPECIAL Nihonjinron Yoshinori Kobayashi(Author) March 21, 2024(Fushosha)
The issue of past sexual assault by the late Johnny Kitagawa came into focus after the documentary program ``J-Pop Predators: The Hidden Scandal'' produced by the British public broadcaster BBC. This issue, which has been considered the "biggest taboo" in the Japanese media for many years, has been the subject of a series of complaints by "victims" including the Johnny's Sexual Abuse Association, and has finally been investigated by the United Nations Human Rights Council. It has developed to the point where it has begun to operate. . . . Many people remember that during the Tokyo 2020 Olympics, comments from decades ago by the musicians who provided music for the opening ceremony and the director who was in charge of the closing ceremony were criticized one after another. Isn't it? Most recently, Hitoshi Matsumoto of Downtown was condemned by the weekly media for his past actions, but weren't Japanese people more tolerant in ancient times? Particularly in the field of entertainment, there is a history of fostering a "sodomy culture'' called "Kagema Chaya.'' Western values ​​created through monotheism are by no means global standards.絶賛High praise発売中!Now on sale!
①Jan 12, 2024 — 松本人志「引退からの政治家転身」仰天シナリオ。出馬なら「当選確実」で国会震撼、どこから出馬?公約・政策は?ネット賛否両論Hitoshi Matsumoto's "Change to Politician after Retirement'' Shocking Scenario. If he were to run, he would be "sure to win'' and the Diet would be shocked, where would he run from? What are your commitments and policies? Pros and cons of the internethttps://www.mag2.com/p/news/590720②Feb 15, 2024 —百田尚樹氏が松本人志に政界転身オファー「あの才能とセンスを何らかの形で生かせないか」Naoki Hyakuta offers Hitoshi Matsumoto a career in politics: "Can't he make use of that talent and sense in some way?''https://www.tokyo-sports.co.jp/articles/-/292330?page=1
①May 17, 2024 —三浦瑠麗氏 政治家に警鐘「つばさの党の面々の逮捕に声援を送っている場合ではない」Ruri Miura warns politicians: ”This is no time to cheer for the arrest of members of Tsubasa's party.''https://news.yahoo.co.jp/articles/a3aa4bf8446f6d190d6770fba849c38e2e41d944②2024年5月31日ー三浦瑠麗氏、テレ東番組の過剰演出問題を厳しく批判「報道機関の看板を下ろすレベル」Ruri Miura harshly criticizes the problem of excessive production on TV Tokyo programs, ”It's at a level that would bring down the signboard of a news organization''https://news.livedoor.com/topics/detail/26511338/
①Dec 10, 2015 — 小林よしのりYoshinori Kobayashi 三浦瑠麗さんと対談したI had a conversation with Ruri Miura②Aug 12, 2021 — 【YouTube削除動画】コロナ論、緊急鼎談!小林よしのり×東浩紀×三浦瑠麗「よしりん十番勝負」[YouTube deleted video] Emergency discussion on coronavirus theory! Yoshinori Kobayashi x Hiroki Azuma x Ruri Miura “Yoshirin Ten Battle"③Jan 27, 2023 —小林よしのり氏が一刀両断。夫ガサ入れ三浦瑠麗が国会で語った「売国」発言の数々Mr. Yoshinori Kobayashi cuts it in one fell swoop. Numerous "traitorous'' statements made by Ruri Miura in the Diet《民度が高いHigh Civility》- Order of the National Heroes - 일본 제국大日本帝國Японская империя《大日本人Big Man Japan》~♪無敵皇軍勝利の知らせNews of the victory of the Invincible Imperial Army~聞けば聞くほど心は締まるThe more we listen, the more our heart tightens~睨む日本中のこの目だ耳だThese are the eyes and ears of all of Japan staring at~一億防空長期の構へ100 million air defense to long-term structure~御国の空は鉄壁だThe sky of the empire is ironclad~♪①「まぁ、僕は戦争はそんなに否定していないんですけどねっWell, I don't really deny war that much.」諸外国に対してTo other countries、「あんまいちびってたらなぁ・・・イテまうどコラッ!If you mess around too much, I'll beat you up!」」https://news.nate.com/view/20240129n00081②「日本に平和のための徴兵制をConscription for peace in Japan」「21世紀の戦争と平和: 徴兵制はなぜ再び必要とされているのかWar and peace in the 21st century: why conscription is needed again」③「我々はもう気づき始めている。戦争は悪ではない、やらねばならぬから戦うのだとWe are already starting to notice. War is not evil; we fight because we have to.」「国家を超える思想が生まれない以上、戦争は必ず起こるTant que des idées transcendant les frontières nationales ne verront pas le jour, des guerres éclateront inévitablement」~♪丘にはためくあの日の丸をThat Hinomaru(Flag of Japan) fluttering on the hill~仰ぎ眺める我らの瞳Our eyes looking up~いつか溢るる 感謝の涙 燃えて来る来る 心の炎Tears of gratitude will someday overflow and the flames in our heart will burn~我らが皆力の限りWe all do our best~勝利の日までUntil the day of victory~♪Long Live!Ураааааааа!

