
当ブログはトロント在住、日系一世カナダ人サミー・山田(48)おっさんの「独り言」です。まさに「個人日記」。1968年11月16日東京都目黒区出身(A型)・在北米30年の日系カナダ人(Canadian Citizen)・University of Toronto Woodsworth College BA History & East Asian Studies Major トロント在住(職業記者・医療関連・副職画家)・Toronto Ontario「団体」「宗教」「党派」一切無関係・「政治的」意図皆無=「事実関係」特定の「考え」が’正しい’あるいは一方だけが’間違ってる’いう気は毛頭なし。「知って」それぞれ「考えて」いただれれば本望(^_-☆Everybody!! Let's 'Ponder' or 'Contemplate' On va vous re?-chercher!Internationale!!「世界人類みな兄弟」「平和祈願」「友好共存」「戦争反対」「☆Against Racism☆」「☆Gender Equality☆」&ノーモア「ヘイト」(怨恨、涙、怒りや敵意しか生まない)Thank you very much for everything!! Ma Cher Minasan, Merci Beaucoup et Bonne Chance 

☆Троцкийלייב טראצקי☭武力なき予言者/THE PROPHET UNARMED トロツキーTROTSKY 1921-1929 アイザック・ドイッチャー/ISSAC DEUTSCHER第四章CHAPTER IV: 幕合An Interval④

 ブハーリンが看過していたのは、富農が他の諸階級を犠牲にして、自分自身を富ませようとしていたことだった。富農は労働者たちに低賃金を払い、貧農を搾取し、その土地を買いとり、かれらや都市の労働者たちに一だんと高い食糧価額を押しつけようとしていた。そして税金をうまくのがれ、その負担を貧農に転嫁しようと努め、そうすることによって、経済の社会主義的における蓄積を遅らせていた。ブハーリンは、種々さまざまの階級やグループやいろんな「区分」の利益が互いに、補足し合い調和し合って、富農も貧農も、労働者も工場管理者も、ネップマンまでも、みんな幸福な兄弟の一団のように見える社会の一部面を、くわしく描き出してみせた。社会状況のこのような様相はたしかに現実にちがいなかったが、それは状況の一部面を成すものにすぎなかった。彼は残りの部面を看過していた。つまり、そこではすべてが不調和と葛藤に満ち、兄弟であるはずの一団が仇敵たちの群れに化し、互いの喉を切り合おうとしていた。ボルシェヴィキ的パスティア(訳注 フランス経済学者1801-50年フレデリック・バスティア(Frédéric Bastiat, 1801年6月30日 - 1850年12月24日)Кла́вдий Фредери́к Ба́стиаは、フランスの経済学者)として、ブハーリンはネップ下におけるソビエト社会のles harmonies économiques(経済的調和)を絶讃し、何ものもこの調和をさまたげないようにと祈った。彼は「一階級としての富農の消滅」とともに、国を襲うであろう怨霊どもに対する強い予感をおぼえていたので、心の底から祈ったのであった。

 In part the new differences resulted from the fact that some of the groups and individuals exercised power while others did not. Many a Left Communist who had been in office for seven or eight years, had wielded great influence, and enjoyed the privileges of power, came to approach public affairs from the ruler’s viewpoint, not from that of the ruled. On the other hand, a ‘moderate’ Bolshevik, who had lived all these years among the masses and shared their experiences, willy-nilly voiced their disillusionment and spoke like an ‘ultra-left’. There were also other causes for realignment. Under the single-party system the broader class antagonism which we have just surveyed could find no legitimate political expression; and so they found an illegitimate and indirect expression within the single party. Wealthy farmers could not send their representatives to Moscow to state claims and demands before any national assembly or to act as pressure groups. Workers could not hope that their nominal deputies would voice their grievances freely and fully. Yet every social class and group exercised its pressure in non-political forms. The wealthy peasants controlled the stocks of grain on which the provisioning of the urban population depended: 6-10 per cent of the farmers produced more than half of the marketable grain surpluses. This gave them a potent weapon: by withholding supplies they periodically created acute food shortages in the towns. Or else they refused to buy overpriced industrial goods; and stocks of unsold goods piled up in factory yards and warehouses. Symptoms of overproduction thus appeared in a country which really suffered from under-production. The workers were sullen and inefficient and sought to quell their despair with vodka. Wild and widespread drunkenness made frightful ravages in popular health and morale. Hard as the party tried to neutralize the conflicting social pressures, and to isolate itself from them, it was not immune. Food shortages and stocks of unsold industrial goods rudely awakened its members to realities. Some Bolsheviks were more sensitive to the workers’ demands; others were more susceptible to the pressure from the peasants. The great cleavage between town and country tended to reproduce itself within the party and within its ruling circle.
 It was several years since Zinoviev had spoken of the ‘unconscious Mensheviks’ who could be found side by side with the ‘genuine’ Leninists within the Bolshevik Party and who formed in its ranks a potential party of their own. Even more important, it now turned out, was the potential party of ‘unconscious Social Revolutionaries’. The authentic Social Revolutionaries, like the Narodniks, their political forcebears, had been distinguished by their bias in favor of the muzhiks, among whom they refused to make any class distinctions, whom they treated neither as kulaks not as bednyaks, whom they glorified as land laborers as large, whose interests they refused to subordinate to those of the industrial workers, and in whose striving for private property they saw nothing incompatible with socialism. Woolly in their theories and addicted to sentimental generalities, the Social Revolutionaries had represented an agrarian antithesis to the collectivism of the urban proletariat, a quasi-physiocratic variety of socialism. It was only natural that such an ideology should exercise a powerful influence in a nation four-fifths of which lived on the land and by it. The Bolsheviks had suppressed the party that had expounded this ideology, but they had not destroyed the interests, the emotion, and the mood that had animated it. That emotion and that mood now invaded their own ranks. There, in an environment traditionally hostile to Narodnik ideas, the mood could not be expressed in customary terms. It refracted itself through the prism of the Marxist tradition and came to be voiced in Bolshevik terms. This trend had received a strong impulse from the anti-Trotskyist campaign, in the course of which the triumvirs sought to discredit Trotsky as the muzhik’s enemy. The accusation was partly a cold-blooded invention; but it also summed up a real feeling. Subsequently the neo-Narodnik trend gained in strength until, during the present pause in the struggle against Trotskyism, it led to the emergence of the new right wing in the party.
 The man who came forward as the inspirer, theorist, and ideologue of the right was Bukharin. His appearance in this role was something of a puzzle. Ever since the peace of Brest Litovsk he had been the chief spokesman of Left Communism, rigidly committed to a ‘strictly proletarian’ viewpoint. He had denounced aggressively Lenin’s ‘opportunism’, opposed Trotsky’s army discipline, and defended the non-Russian nationalities, ‘opportunism’, and of the penchant for the well-do-do peasant. The conversion was by no means fortuitous. Bukharin’s Left Communism had been based on his expectation of early revolution in Europe, prospect on which all Bolshevik leaders had staked much, but perhaps none as much as Bukharin. All had seen in European revolution Russia’s escape from her poverty and backwardness. None had believed that with a small working class surrounded by many millions of property loving peasants they could advance fat towards the socialist goal. Least of all had Bukharin believed it. With eager enthusiasm he had looked to the western workers to rise, overthrow their bourgeoisie, and stretch out helping hands to Russia. He had surrounded those western workers with a halo of revolutionary idealization and exaggerated beyond all measure their class consciousness and militancy. He had rejected the Brest Litovsk peace with the utmost indignation, because he was afraid that the sight of Bolshevik Russia bowing to the Hohenzollerns might discourage and demoralize the European working classes, and that Bolshevism cut off from the latter and left alone with the Russian peasantry would find itself in a impasse.
 Bukharin now found that Bolshevism was indeed left alone with the Russian peasantry. He ceased to count on revolution in the West. Together with Stalin he proclaimed ‘socialism in a single country’. With the same assurance with which he had hitherto spoken of the imminent collapse of the world capitalism, he now diagnosed its ‘stabilization’. From this new angle he took a fresh look at the domestic scene. He could not humanly accept the conclusion to which his whole earlier reasoning pointed: that the Russian Revolution was in a blind alley. He concluded instead that, as the western workers had failed as allies, Bolshevism must acknowledge that the muzhiks were its only true friends. He turned towards them with the same fervor, the same hope, and the same capacity for idealization with which he had hitherto looked to the European proletariat. It is true that under Lenin’s inspiration the party had always cultivated ‘the alliance of workers and peasants’. But never since 1917 had the Bolsheviks offered friendship to the wealthy farmer; and Lenin had always treated the middle and even the poor peasants as ‘vacillating allies’, whom the lure of property might turn into enemies. So difficult and uncertain an alliance now failed to reassure Bukharin. He wished to base the alliance on what seemed a wider and firmer foundation. He hoped to persuade his comrades that they ought to appeal to the peasantry at large and cease playing the poor muzhik against the rich, and that they ought even to stake their hopes on the ‘strong farmer’. This amounted to the abandonment of class struggle in rural Russia Bukharin himself, inhibited by old habits of mind or by tactical motives, shrank from drawing all these conclusions; but they were drawn for him and made explicit by his disciples, Maretsky, Stetsky, and other young’red professors’, who expounded the neo-Narodnik or neo Populist ideas in the universities, the propaganda department, and the press.
 Bukharin was guided by more practical consideration as well. Within the framework of N.E.P., the Bolshevik ‘alliance’ with the poor peasants, and even the middle ones, could not feed the towns. They produced, at best, just enough to feed themselves. The well-being and even the survival of the urban workers depended on the small minority of wealthy farmers. These were, of course, eager to sell their goods; but they sold in order to grow wealthier, not just to survive.  Their bargaining position was extremely strong. Indeed, never before had the dependence of the town on the country been so one-sided, so brutal, so naked. Government and party could not improve matters by vexing and incommoding the kulaks and inciting the poor against them. Pestered with requisitions and price controls, fretful at the restrictions on the sale and renting of land and on the employment had either to break his strength or to allow him to accumulate wealth. Not a single group within the party suggested that the kulaks be dispossessed-to all groups the expropriation of millions of farmers was still inconceivable and from a Marxist viewpoint impermissible.
*Since at least 10 per cent of the twenty-odd million farmsteads belonged to the kulaks, dispossession would have at once affected between two and three million holdings, even if the middle peasants had been spared. The upper layer of the middle peasantry was often indistinguishable from the kulaks and so the number of those affected would have been much larger in any case.
 There was therefore a peculiar realism and consistency in Bukharin’s conclusion that the party must allow the wealthy farmer to grow wealthier. The purpose of N.E.P., he argued, was to use private enterprise in Russia’s reconstruction; but private enterprise could not be expected to play its part unless it obtained its rewards. The overriding interest of socialism lay in increasing national wealth; and that interest would not be harmed if groups and individuals grew wealthier together with the nation-on the contrary, by filling their own coffers they would enrich society as a whole. This was the reasoning which induced Bukharin to address to the peasants his famous appeal: ‘Enrich yourselves!’
 What Bukharin overlooked was that the wealthy peasant sought to enrich himself at the expense of other classes: he paid low wages to the laborers, squeezed the poor farmers, bought up their land, and tried to charge them and the urban workers higher prices for food. He dodged taxation and sought to pass its burden on to the poor. He strove to accumulate capital at the expense of the state and thereby slowed down accumulation within the socialist sector of the economy. Bukharin dwelt on that part of the social picture in which the interests of the different classes and groups and of the various ‘sectors’ were seen as complementary and as according with one another so that kulak, bednyak, worker, factory manager, and even N.E.P.-man, all appeared as a happy band of brothers. This aspect of the picture was real enough, but it formed one part of it only. He overlooked the other part, where all discord and conflict and where the band of brothers turned into a pack of enemies seeking to cut one another’s throats. A Bolshevik Bastiat, he exrolled les harmonies of Soviet society under N.E.P. and prayed that nothing should disturb those harmonies. He prayed from the heart because he had a strong premonition of the furies that would descend upon the land with the ‘liquidation of the kulaks as a class’.
*The single agriculture tax then in force favored the kulak. The bednyak who let out to the kulak part of his own holding, in order to obtain the horse and the tools with which to cultivate the other part, paid as a rule the land tax on the plot yielded to the kulak. Indirect taxation was becoming more and more important in the Soviet budget and, as always, it fell heavier on the poor than on the well-to-do.
The first major controversy in which Bukharin developed his ideas was one where Preobrazhensky, the Trotskyist, was his opponent. Trotskyism, with its purely Marxist emphasis on class conflict and class antagonism and on the primary of the socialist interest vis-à-vis the private, was the obvious antithesis to the neo-Populist attitude; and within their respective groups the two co-authors of the A.B.C. of Communism represented the opposed poles of Bolshevik thought. The controversy developed before the end of the year 1924, when Preobrazhensky published fragments of his New Economics.

 Preobrazhensky based his whole argument on the imperative need for rapid industrialization-on that hung the whole future of Russia’s socialist régime. Because of its backwardness, the U.S.S.R. could industrialize only by means of primitive socialist accumulation. Contrary to Bukharin’s assumption this was by definition antagonistic to private accumulation. Internationally, the contest between capitalism and socialism would be decided by the relative wealth, efficiency, and cultural strength of the two systems. Russia had entered the contest with an antiquated, essentially pre-industrial structure. She could not afford any ‘free competition’ with western ‘monopoly capitalism’. She had to adopt a ‘socialist monopolism’ and stick to it until her productive forces had reached the level already attained by the strongest capitalist nation, the United States. (Preobrazhensky argued that even if Russia had not stood alone and if the whole of Europe had overthrown capitalist rule, the whole of Europe would still have to engage, albeit far less forcibly and for a shorter time, in primitive socialist accumulation, because its productive resources would be inferior to those of American capitalism.)
 What is the essence, he asked, of primitive socialist accumulation? In an underdeveloped country, socialist industry by itself cannot produce the sinews of rapid industrialization. Its profits or surpluses can make up only a part, and a small one at that, of the required accumulation fund. The rest must be obtained from what would otherwise have gone into the wages fund and from the profits and incomes earned in the private sector of the economy. (To put it in Keynesian terms, the savings of the nationalized industry are far too small in relation to investment needs and so private savings must provide the nationalized industry with the major portion of its investment capital.) The needs of accumulation in the socialist sector set therefore rather narrow limits to private accumulation; and the government must impose the limits.  The workers’ state is compelled in a sense to ‘exploit’ the peasantry during this period of transition. It cannot pander to consumer interests; it must press on with the development of heavy industry in the first instance. The resulting relative shortage of consumer goods implies different levels of consumption for various social groups, material privileges for administrators, technicians, scientists, skilled workers, and others. Repugnant though this inequality may be, it does not produce new class antagonism. The privileged bureaucracy and workers are not different in kind of social import from ‘normal’ differences in the wages of skilled and unskilled workers. They amount to inequality within one and the same class, not to an antagonism between hostile classes. Such inequality must and can disappear only with the growth of social wealth and universal education which should blur and eventually abolish the distinction between skilled and unskilled labor, and between manual work and brain work. In the meantime ‘we should take the production and not the consumptionist point of view . . . . We do not live yet in a socialist society with its production for the consumer. We are only in the period of primitive socialist accumulation-we live under the iron heel of the law of that accumulation.
 In this transition era the workers’ state has already forfeited advantages peculiar to capitalism but does not yet benefit from the advantages of socialism. This is ‘the most critical era in the life of the socialist state . . . it is a matter of life and death that we should rush through this transition as quickly as possible and reach the point at which the socialist system works out all its advantages.’ Preobrazhensky did not suggest that during the transition industrial wages and peasant incomes should actually be depressed (as they were in the Stalin era). What he meant and said was that as a result of intensive accumulation the national income would grow rapidly and that with it should rise the earnings of workers and peasants; but these would rise less rapidly so that a high proportion of the national income could be earmarked for investment.
 He maintained that the ‘law’ of accumulation asserted itself as an ‘objective force’, comparable in some respects to the ‘laws’ of capitalism which determined the economic behavior of men regardless of whether they were aware or unaware of those laws and regardless also of their own ideas and intentions. The law of primitive socialist accumulation would eventually compel the managers of industrialization, no matter how reluctant they were to do so. For the time being many of them received with apprehension and even aversion the proposition that the state-owned industry must, in order to expand, absorb resources from the private sector, and gradually socialize it and transform many millions of scattered, tiny, and unproductive farmsteads into large-scale and mechanized producers’ cooperative.  However, the ‘subjective views’ of those responsible for the conduct of economic affairs need not be of decisive importance: ‘the present structure of our state-owned economy often proves itself to be more progressive than our entire system of economic leadership’. The new bureaucracy might resist the logic of the transition epoch; but it would have to act on it. Preobrazhensky still assumed that revolution would spread to western Europe in not too remote a future. Even so, the problem of primitive accumulation ‘would stand in the center of our attention for two decades, at the very least’. It has stood there for nearly four decades, and it still does so.
 Trotsky did not share Preobrazhensky’s views fully, although the basic idea was common to them both. He refrained, however, from engaging in any public discussion of the differences. He did not wish to embarrass Preobrazhensky who soon came under severe attack. At the moment their differences were of no political consequence-only four years later, after Trotsky’s and Preobrazhensky’s banishment from Moscow, were they to acquire significance and to contribute to a painful breach.
 The very abstract manner in which Preobrazhensky presented his argument hardly appealed to Trotsky. He himself approached the same problem more empirically, though also less methodically. With the scholar’s utter indifference to tactics, Preobrazhensky, when he dwelt on the necessity for the underdeveloped workers’ state to ‘exploit the peasantry’, offered a handle to anti-Trotskyist propagandists. True, he spoke of exploitation only in the strictly theoretical sense in which the Marxist speaks of the exploitation by capitalism of even the best-paid workers on the ground that they produce more value than their wages represent. He argued that, in the exchange between the two sectors of the economy, the socialist sector would take out of the private one more value than it would put into, although with the growth of the national income the mass of value would grow in the private sector too.  Official critics, however, seized on the provocative phase about exploitation, gave it the vulgar meaning, and to twisted it that Preobrazhensky was understood to say that the impoverishment and degradation of the peasantry were necessary concomitants of accumulation. He tried to correct himself and ‘withdrew’ the unfortunate phrase. The correction made matters worse: it suggested that the critics had not been quite wrong.

Das ABC des Kommunismus (russisch: Азбука коммунизма Azbuka Kommunizma) ist ein Buch, das Nikolai Bucharin und Jewgeni Preobraschenski 1919 während des Russischen Bürgerkriegs geschrieben haben.

XII съезд РКП(б)12. Kongress der Kommunistischen Partei Russlands (Bolschewiki)Дванадцятий З'їзд Російської комуністичної партії (більшовиків) — проходив у Москві від 17 квітня до 25 квітня 1923. У роботі з'їзду взяли участь 832 делегати, з них 406 — з вирішальним голосом, 426 — з дорадчим голосом.

