
当ブログはトロント在住、日系一世カナダ人サミー・山田(48)おっさんの「独り言」です。まさに「個人日記」。1968年11月16日東京都目黒区出身(A型)・在北米30年の日系カナダ人(Canadian Citizen)・University of Toronto Woodsworth College BA History & East Asian Studies Major トロント在住(職業記者・医療関連・副職画家)・Toronto Ontario「団体」「宗教」「党派」一切無関係・「政治的」意図皆無=「事実関係」特定の「考え」が’正しい’あるいは一方だけが’間違ってる’いう気は毛頭なし。「知って」それぞれ「考えて」いただれれば本望(^_-☆Everybody!! Let's 'Ponder' or 'Contemplate' On va vous re?-chercher!Internationale!!「世界人類みな兄弟」「平和祈願」「友好共存」「戦争反対」「☆Against Racism☆」「☆Gender Equality☆」&ノーモア「ヘイト」(怨恨、涙、怒りや敵意しか生まない)Thank you very much for everything!! Ma Cher Minasan, Merci Beaucoup et Bonne Chance 

☆Троцкийלייב טראצקי☭武力なき予言者/THE PROPHET UNARMED トロツキーTROTSKY 1921-1929 アイザック・ドイッチャー/ISSAC DEUTSCHER第四章CHAPTER IV: 幕合An Interval⑤



 It will be remembered that as the twelfth congress, when Trotsky spoke about primitive socialist accumulation, Krasin asked whether this might not imply exploitation of the peasantry; and that Trotsky then jumped to his feet to deny it. Preobrazhensky now posed the same question and answered it in the affirmative. On internal evidence, the answer was too blunt and too rigid for Trotsky. He, at any rate, refused to commit himself to the view that the peasantry would have, as a rule, to foot the bill of primitive accumulation from beginning to end. Nor did Trotsky advocate a pace of industrialization as forced as that which Preobrazhensky expected. There were even deeper differences between them. Preobrazhensky, for all his references to international revolution, constructed his theorem in such a way that it implied that primitive socialist accumulation might be concluded by the Soviet Union alone or perhaps by the Soviet Union in association with other underdeveloped nations, This prospect appeared unreal to Trotsky, who did not see how the Soviet Union alone could raise itself to the industrial height attained by the West; and it was a prospect which created an opening for an intellectual reconciliation with socialism in a single country. Nor could Trotsky agree with Preobrazhensky about the ‘objective force’ or logic of primitive accumulation which would impose itself on the party leaders and make them its agents, regardless of what they thought and intended. This was a view which must have appeared to Trotsky to be too rigidly deterministic, even fatalistic, and to rely too much on the automatic development of socialism and too little on the consciousness, the will, and the action of fighting men.
*In the debate Bukharin underlined this difference between Trotsky and Preobrazhensky. Bukharin, Kritika Ekonomicheskai Platformy Oppozitsii,p. 21.
These were still platonic differences, however, containing only the seed of political disagreement. Even if Trotsky thought that Preobrazhensky had overstated the case for industrialization, it was still the same case that they were both defending. If he held that Preobrazhensky had shown too little political tact in dealing with the peasantry, he himself was just as critical as Preobrazhensky of the official pandering to the strong farmer. In abstraction, the theorem of the New Economic might have envisaged the transition to socialism within a single industrially underdeveloped nation-state. Yet, politically, Preobrazhensky held no belief for socialism in a single country. Finally, much thought he trusted the laws of accumulation to prevail over the economic conversation of the party leaders, he did not rely solely on the working of those laws-he was still a fighter calling on Bolsheviks to do their duty and not wait until necessity drove them to do it. Trotsky therefore watched Preobrazhensky’s controversies sympathetically, if with reserve.

 Bukharin attacked the whole of Preobrazhensky’s conception as ‘monstrous’. He made the most of the dictum about the exploitation of peasantry. If the workers’ alliance with the peasantry and would demonstrate that the proletariat (or those who ruled in its name) had become a new exploiting class, seeking to perpetuate its dictatorship. State-owned industry could not and must not expand by ‘devouring’ the private sector of the economy-on the contrary, only by learning on it could it achieve any significant progress. In Preobrazhensky’s scheme the peasant market played a subordinate role: he saw the main outlet for the produce of the state-owned industry within that industry itself, in its ever-expanding demand for product goods. Against this Bukharin argued that in a country like Russia the peasant market must form the basis of industrialization. It was primarily the rural demand for goods that ought to dictate the pace of industrial expansion. He was, as he said, afraid of, and alarmed by, the ‘parasitically monopolistic tendencies’ of a state-owned economy; and he saw in the peasantry’s unfettered economic activity the main, if not the only, counter-balance to such tendencies.
 Here, however, Bukharin was caught in a fundamental dilemma, for his argument turned against the very essence of socialism. Where, he asked, if not in the peasant market, would state-owned industry find the stimuli which would compel us to move ahead, which would guarantee our progress and replace the private economic stimulus, the stimulus of profit. As peasant property was in the Marxist view incompatible with fully fledged socialism, Bukharin in fact placed a question mark over Marxist socialist at large. He implied that the socialist sector could not find within itself any effective substitute for the profit motive, and so it had ultimately to take the impulse for its own progress from the profit motive which was active in the private sector. In quasi-Narodnik fashion Bukharin looked to the peasant to save the nation from the monopolistic grip of the state-owned economy. He pleaded that the peasant should not merely be allowed to thrive on his farm, but that the peasant’s needs should determine the pace of the nation’s advance towards socialism.  Under such circumstances the advance would be slow, even very slow; but that could not be helped: ‘we shall move ahead by tiny, tiny steps, pulling behind us our large peasant cart.’ There was perhaps more of Tolstoy than of Marx in this image of Russia’s advance, and nothing could contrast with it more than Preobrazhensky’s: ‘We must go through this transition as quickly as possible . . . . We are under the iron heel of the law of primitive accumulation.’ Here were two irreconcilable programmes.
*Preobrazhensky replied that the pressure of workers defending their consumer interests should provide the decisive counterbalance to the parasitic features of a bureaucratically managed economy. Such pressure could make itself felt only when the workers were free to defend their interests against the state, that is under the conditions of a worker’s democracy.
*The party as a whole, and Bukharin with it, remained committed to Lenin’s sketchy scheme for the development of co-operation in farming commitment did not affect practical policy, however. Preobrazhensky argued that even Lenin’s scheme was inadequate because its emphasis was not on producers’ co-operation, but on other less important forms of co-operation.

 As long as two theorists conducted the argument in more or less esoteric language, it did not generate much heat outside narrow circles. But it was inevitable that the issues should be taken up in more popular form and more into the center of a wider political debate. It was not the Trotskyist Opposition, reduced to silence and dispersed as it was, that took them up it the first instance. The strongest reaction against Bukharin’s neo-Populism, his ‘wooing’ of the strong farmer and his virtual reconciliation with Russia’s industrial backwardness, came from Leningrad. It was mainly in the party organization of that city, led by Zinoviev, that a new left was forming itself as counterpart to the new right. Leningrad had remained the most proletarian of Soviet cities. It had the strongest Marxist and Leninist traditions. Its workers felt more acutely than anyone else the need for a bold industrial policy.  The city’s engineering plants and shipyards, starved of iron and steel, were idle. Less than anyone else could the Leningraders agree that the muzhiks should dictate the tempo of industrial reconstruction. Less than anyone could they reconcile themselves to the prospect that they were to move ahead only slowly and drowsily drag along the huge and heavy peasant cart. All the antagonism of urban Russia to the inert conservatism of rural Russia was focused in the old capital. The party organization, although it was managed in a bureaucratic manner and had long ceased to be representative of the workers, could not help reflecting in some measure the prevalent discontents. Its organizers and agitators had to deal with vast numbers of unemployed and became influenced by their resentments and impatience. The popular mood infected various grades of the party hierarchy on the spot and impelled them to make a stand against the new right. Throughout most of 1925 Zinoviev led the attack against Bukharin’s school. The whole Northern Commune was aroused. The comsomol passionately threw itself into the struggle; and the press of Leningrad opened a barrage.
 At the same time a new rift appeared in the Politburo. Once the triumvirs had defended Trotsky and removed him from the Commissariat of War, the bonds of their solidarity snapped. Molotov related afterward that the discord began in January 1925 when Kamenev proposed that Stalin should take Trotsky’s place at the Commissariat of War. According to Molotov, Kamenev and Zinoviev hoped in this way to oust Stalin from the General Secretariat. (Much earlier, as early as October 1923, Zinoviev and Kamenev had toyed with this idea and had even sounded Trotsky. He, however, saw no advantage then in joining hands with Zinoviev, whom he regarded as the most vicious of his adversaries.) Stalin himself traces the beginning of this conflict to the end of the year 1924, when Zinoviev proposed Trotsky’s expulsion from the party and Stalin replied that he was against ‘chopping off heads and blood letting’. When Trotsky left the Commissariat, Zinoviev proposed that he should be assigned to a minor job in the management of the leather industry; and Stalin persuaded the Politburo to make a less humiliating appointment. In a pique, Zinoviev appealed to the Leningrad organization, charging Stalin and other Politburo members with a leaning for Trotsky and with being ‘semi-Trotskyists’ themselves.
*Voroshilov’s disclosure about this make in Trotsky’s presence did not meet with Trotsky’s denial. Ibid., pp. 388-9. Zinoviev confirmed them in substance. Ibid., pp. 454-6.
*‘Today they chop off one head, tomorrow another, the day after tomorrow still another-who, in the end, will be left with us in the party?’ Stalin, Sochinenya, vol. vii, pp. 379-80.

 In these petty manoeuvers, however, no divergencies over policy had as yet shown themselves. Only in the last week of April 1925 did members of the Central Committee notice signs of a political breach between the triumvirs. In the text of a resolution prepared for the forthcoming party conference, Stalin intended to proclaim socialism in a single country. He had formulated the idea some months earlier, but now for the first time he sought to obtain official sanction for it and to incorporate it in party doctrine. Zinoviev and Kamenev objected. None of the triumvirs, however, wished to scandalize the party by revealing their disunion so soon after their showdown with Trotsky. They hushed up the matter and agreed on an ambiguous motion which in its opening passages reminded the party that Larin had never been a believer in socialism in a single country, and in its conclusion upbraided Trotsky for not having been a believer in it either.  With this incongruous text in their hands, the triumvirs presented a common front to the conference. They still maintained it over decisions of immediate practical importance. The conference voted for an enlargement of the freedom of private farming and trade, for a reduction in agricultural taxation, for the abolition of restrictions on the lease of land and on the hiring of farm labor. In these decisions there showed itself a marked influence of Bukharin’s school of thought. None of the leaders objected to them, however, in part because all had been alarmed by a bad harvest and all recognized the need to offer new incentives to the farmers; and in part because these resolutions too were framed ambiguously so that any interpreter could make out of them whatever he wished.
 For another four or five months, throughout the summer, the dissension among the triumvirs did not come into the open. Zinoviev and the Leningraders campaigned only against Bukharin and Rykov, and against the neo-Populist ‘red professors’. By doing so they helped Stalin to consolidate his position. The Politburo still consisted of these seven members: Stalin, Trotsky, Zinoviev, Kamenev, Bukharin, Rykov, and Tomsky. The leaders of the new right, Bukharin, Rykov, and Tomsky, allied themselves with Stalin and with him formed the majority. The arithmetic of the Politburo vote was so plain that had Zinoviev and Kamenev been eager only to oust Stalin, they would have sought to make common cause with Bukharin rather than attack him. They acted as they did because in this situation matters of conviction and fundamental differences were more important to them than calculations of personal advantage.
 Meantime the crisis in the country deepened. The concessions make to the strong farmers failed to appease them. In the summer the deliveries of grain fell far below expectation. The government was suddenly compelled to stop the export of grain and to cancel orders placed abroad for machinery and raw materials which were to be paid with the proceeds. Industrial recovery suffered a severe if temporary set-back. Food became scarce in the towns and the price of bread went up. The party leaders had to consider anew what should be done to ease the tension between town and country. Bukharin urged the Politburo to offer the farmers further concession and new incentives-it was at this time that he wound-up one of his appeals to the peasants with the call: ‘Enrich yourselves!’ He insisted on the need to do away at last with the restrictions that hampered the accumulation of capital in farming. To those who were outraged by his demand and afraid of the kulak, he replied: ‘As long as we are in tatters . . . the kulak may defeat us economically. But he will not do so if we enable him to deposit his savings in our banks. We shall assist him, but he will also assist us. Eventually the kulak’s grandson will be grateful to us for our having treated his grandfather in neo-N.E.P., and elaborated the view that it should be possible to integrate peacefully the well-to-do farmer into socialism. One of them, Bogushevsky, argued in the Bolshevik, the Central Committee’s policy paper, that the kulak was no longer a social force to be reckoned with-he was a mere bogy, a ‘phantom’, or a ‘decrepit social type of which only a few specimens have survived’.
 Leningrad replied with an outcry of indignation. Its workers were daily finding fresh proof of the kulak’s strength and striking power-at their bakeries. At the Moscow Committee Kamenev, showing with fresh statistics how dependent the towns had become for the bare necessities of life on a small minority of the peasantry, sounded an alarm at the Central Committee’s inclination to accept this state of affairs and to yield even further to the clamor for a neo-N.E.P. The Leningraders demanded that the party should make a new appeal to the poor peasantry against the rich. They pointed out that by its attempts to propitiate the kulak, the party had antagonized the great mass of the poor and middle peasants and enabled the kulaks to become the virtual leaders of rural Russia. This was undoubtedly true. But the weak point in the critics’ argument was precisely that the poor and even the middle peasants did not produce the food surpluses the town needed. More than ever was the party hierarchy therefore afraid of ‘fanning class struggle in the countryside’ and incurring the kulaks’ hostility. Rural committees became wary of organizing farm laborers and supporting their claims. There was much talk about an impending return of the nationalized land into private hands. In Georgia the Commissar of Agriculture published ‘theses’, i.e. the draft of a decree to this effect; and similar decrees were expected to be promulgated in the rest of the Caucasus and in Siberia. Stalin himself saw no reason why the title-deeds to the land should not be handed over to the peasants ‘even for the duration of forty years’. He, too, firmly discouraged ‘incitement to class struggle in the country’.
*Later in the year, at the fourteenth congress, the Stalinist spokesmen admitted the facts. Mikoyan, for instance, declared: “We are making great efforts to regain the middle peasant who has become the kulak’s political prisoner.’ XIV съезд ВКП(б) pp. 188-9. More euphemistically Molotov stated: ‘At present we do not as yet truly lead the middle peasant.’ Ibid., p. 476.

