
当ブログはトロント在住、日系一世カナダ人サミー・山田(48)おっさんの「独り言」です。まさに「個人日記」。1968年11月16日東京都目黒区出身(A型)・在北米30年の日系カナダ人(Canadian Citizen)・University of Toronto Woodsworth College BA History & East Asian Studies Major トロント在住(職業記者・医療関連・副職画家)・Toronto Ontario「団体」「宗教」「党派」一切無関係・「政治的」意図皆無=「事実関係」特定の「考え」が’正しい’あるいは一方だけが’間違ってる’いう気は毛頭なし。「知って」それぞれ「考えて」いただれれば本望(^_-☆Everybody!! Let's 'Ponder' or 'Contemplate' On va vous re?-chercher!Internationale!!「世界人類みな兄弟」「平和祈願」「友好共存」「戦争反対」「☆Against Racism☆」「☆Gender Equality☆」&ノーモア「ヘイト」(怨恨、涙、怒りや敵意しか生まない)Thank you very much for everything!! Ma Cher Minasan, Merci Beaucoup et Bonne Chance 

Der unglaubliche Hulk/Ecazkar qadın /Ma sorcière bien-aimée⇔Brevísima relación de la destrucción de las Indias=Les Amérindiens ou Native Americans after 1492「インディアンうそつかない」+知られざる☆「北米原住民」たち☆奪われた土地伝統文化生命

1、『超人ハルク』(ちょうじんハルク、The Incredible Hulk)は、アメリカン・コミック(アメコミ)の同名のキャラクターを元にした実写版テレビドラマ。アメリカCBS系で、1977年から1982年まで放送された。
2、『ワンダーウーマン』("Wonder Woman")は、DCコミックの出版するアメリカン・コミックスのタイトル[1]、及び同作等に登場する架空のスーパーヒロイン(アメリカ流ではスーパーヒーローヒロイン)。怪力や飛行能力などを有した屈強な美女。スーパーヒーローチーム「ジャスティス・リーグ」の中核メンバーであり、スーパーマン、バットマンと肩を並べる重要人物である。
4、『コンバット!』(英: 「Combat!」)は、米ABCで1962年から1967年まで放送されたアメリカのテレビ番組(連続テレビドラマ)。第二次世界大戦下での、アメリカ陸軍歩兵連隊のある分隊の活躍を描いている。

PS:何十年経過しようが慣れないのは「夏時間」や「奥さまは魔女」式アメリカコメディ「ギャハハハ」と’ムリヤリ’日を長くしたり’笑わせ’たりする’人工的’なもの。コメディ(Sitcom=Situation Comedy)もユーモアの違いで何がおもろいのかさっぱり。でもこれも「語学」が重きをなす。元かみさんは英語の方が強い人だった。「日本語」で’通訳’してもらうと「なるほど」と面白いのも少なくない(苦笑)。



形質分類的にはモンゴロイドの系列にあり[38]古モンゴロイドに分別されることもあるが(イヌイットとエスキモーなどを除く)、アメリカ大陸先住民のY染色体ハプログループはハプログループQが大半を占めており、遺伝的には古モンゴロイドとは隔たりが長く同一人種であるとは言い難い。Q系統はケット人やセリクプ人などのシベリアの一部でも見られるが、ユーラシア大陸ではあまり見られない系統である。Q系統はコーカソイド系で最多のR系統に最も近縁で、次いで現代日本人や漢民族、朝鮮民族等の東アジアの新モンゴロイド系で最多を占めるO系統とも近縁な系統である。 また、紀元前にヨーロッパから北米に移住があったとする見方もあり[39]、遺伝子からも、欧州に多いY染色体-R、mtDNA-Xが北米東部でかなりの頻度で観察されることから、有史以前のある時期にヨーロッパからコーカソイドの直接移住が存在した可能性が窺える[40]。
In the United States, Native Americans are considered to be people whose pre-Columbian ancestors were indigenous to the lands within the nation's modern boundaries. These peoples were composed of numerous distinct tribes, bands, and ethnic groups, and many of these groups survive intact today as sovereign nations.
The terms Native Americans use to refer to themselves vary regionally and generationally, with many older Native Americans self-identifying as "Indians" or "American Indians", while younger Native Americans often identify as "Indigenous" or "Aboriginal". Which terms should be used to refer to Native Americans has at times been controversial. The term "Native American" has been adopted by major newspapers and some academic groups, but has not traditionally included Native Hawaiians or certain Alaskan Natives, such as Aleut, Yup'ik, or Inuit peoples. By comparison, indigenous peoples from Canada are known as First Nations. 
Since the end of the 15th century, the migration of Europeans to the Americas has led to centuries of exchange and adjustment between Old and New World societies. Most Native American groups had historically preserved their histories by oral traditions and artwork, which has resulted in the first written sources on the conflict being authored by Europeans.[3] At the time of first contact, the indigenous cultures were quite different from those of the proto-industrial and mostly Christian immigrants. Some of the Northeastern and Southwestern cultures in particular were matrilineal and operated on a more collective basis than the Europeans were familiar with. The majority of Indigenous American tribes maintained their hunting grounds and agricultural lands for use of the entire tribe. Europeans at that time had patriarchal cultures and had developed concepts of individual property rights with respect to land that were extremely different. The differences in cultures between the established Native Americans and immigrant Europeans, as well as shifting alliances among different nations in times of war, caused extensive political tension, ethnic violence, and social disruption. Even before the European settlement of what is now the United States, Native Americans suffered high fatalities from contact with European diseases spread throughout the Americas by the Spanish to which they had yet not acquired immunity. Smallpox epidemics are thought to have caused the greatest loss of life for indigenous populations, although estimates of the pre-Columbian population of what today constitutes the U.S. vary significantly, from one million to eighteen million.[4][5]
After the thirteen colonies revolted against Great Britain and established the United States, President George Washington and Henry Knox conceived of the idea of "civilizing" Native Americans in preparation for assimilation as U.S. citizens.[6][7][8][9][10] Assimilation (whether voluntary, as with the Choctaw,[11][12] or forced) became a consistent policy through American administrations. During the 19th century, the ideology of manifest destiny became integral to the American nationalist movement. Expansion of European-American populations to the west after the American Revolution resulted in increasing pressure on Native American lands, warfare between the groups, and rising tensions. In 1830, the U.S. Congress passed the Indian Removal Act, authorizing the government to relocate Native Americans from their homelands within established states to lands west of the Mississippi River, accommodating European-American expansion. This resulted in the ethnic cleansing of many tribes, with the brutal, forced marches coming to be known as The Trail of Tears.As American expansion reached into the West, settler and miner migrants came into increasing conflict with the Great Basin, Great Plains, and other Western tribes. These were complex nomadic cultures based on (introduced) horse culture and seasonal bison hunting. They carried out resistance against United States incursion in the decades after the completion of the Civil War and the Transcontinental Railroad in a series of Indian Wars, which were frequent up until the 1890s but continued into the 20th century. Over time, the United States forced a series of treaties and land cessions by the tribes and established reservations for them in many western states. U.S. agents encouraged Native Americans to adopt European-style farming and similar pursuits, but European-American agricultural technology of the time was inadequate for often dry reservation lands, leading to mass starvation. In 1924, Native Americans who were not already U.S. citizens were granted citizenship by Congress. 
Contemporary Native Americans have a unique relationship with the United States because they may be members of nations, tribes, or bands with sovereignty and treaty rights. Cultural activism since the late 1960s has increased political participation and led to an expansion of efforts to teach and preserve indigenous languages for younger generations and to establish a greater cultural infrastructure: Native Americans have founded independent newspapers and online media, recently including First Nations Experience, the first Native American television channel;[13] established Native American studies programs, tribal schools and universities, and museums and language programs; and have increasingly been published as authors.
Les Amérindiens sont les premiers occupants du continent américain et leurs descendants. En 1492, l’explorateur Christophe Colomb pense avoir atteint les Indes orientales alors qu’il vient de débarquer en Amérique, aux Antilles. À cause de cette erreur, on continue d’utiliser le mot « Indiens » pour parler des populations du Nouveau Monde. Avec les travaux du cartographe Martin Waldseemüller au début du XVIe siècle, on commence à parler de « continent américain », en l’honneur du navigateur italien Amerigo Vespucci ; ses habitants deviennent les « Indiens d’Amérique » pour les distinguer des populations de l’Inde. En absence d’appellation qui fasse consensus, on utilise parfois les expressions de « premières nations » ou « premiers peuples ». La formule « Peaux rouges » est ancienne et n’est jamais utilisée aux États-Unis où l’on préfère les expressions Native Americans (Américains d’origine), Native peoples (peuples d’origine), American Indians (Indiens d’Amérique), First Nations (premières nations), Aboriginal Peoples (peuples aborigènes), Indigenous Peoples of America (peuples indigènes d’Amérique), Amerindians (Amérindiens) ou encore Amerinds ; mais aucun n’est vraiment satisfaisant en raison de la diversité de ces peuples et parce que ces derniers les rejettent et préfèrent employer leur nom d'ethnie ou de tribuN 1. L'arrivée des Européens en Amérique du Nord à partir du XVIe siècle provoqua d'importantes conséquences sur les Amérindiens : leur nombre s'effondra à cause des maladies, des guerres et des mauvais traitements. Leur mode de vie et leur culture subirent des mutations. Avec l'avancée de la Frontière et la colonisation des Blancs américains, ils perdirent la majorité de leur territoire, furent contraints d'intégrer des réserves. Leur situation démographique, sociale et économique ne cessa de se dégrader. Depuis les années 1970, la communauté amérindienne connaît un certain renouveau : leur population augmente, la pauvreté recule lentement, les traditions revivent. Si les Amérindiens sont désormais des citoyens à part entière, ils restent malgré tout en marge du développement américain.

バルトロメ・デ・ラス・カサス(Bartolomé de las Casas, 1484年8月24日 - 1566年7月17日)は、15世紀スペイン出身のカトリック司祭、後にドミニコ会員、メキシコ・チアパス司教区の司教。当時スペインが国家をあげて植民・征服事業をすすめていた「新大陸」(中南米)における数々の不正行為と先住民(インディオ)に対する残虐行為を告発、同地におけるスペイン支配の不当性を訴えつづけた[1]。主著に『インディアス史』、『インディアス文明誌』などがあり、『インディアスの破壊についての簡潔な報告(スペイン語版、英語版)』でも有名。生前から激しい批判を受け、死後も相反する評価を受けることが多かった。「インディオの保護者(スペイン語版)」などとも呼ばれる+スペイン語→Bartolomé de las Casas O.P. (Sevilla, 1474 o 14841​-Madrid, julio de 1566) fue un encomendero español y luego fraile dominico, cronista, obispo de Chiapas (en aquel entonces, territorio bajo jurisdicción de la Capitanía General de Guatemala) y escritor. Fue el principal defensor de los indígenas y fue nombrado «Procurador o protector universal de todos los indios de las Indias» hispánicaLa Brevísima relación de la destrucción de las Indias es un libro publicado en 1552 por el fraile dominico español Bartolomé de las Casas, el principal defensor de los indígenas en América, en el que denunció el efecto que tuvo para los naturales la colonización de España del Nuevo Mundo+フランス語→La Brevísima relación de la destrucción de las Indias 、『インディアスの破壊についての簡潔な報告』(en français : Très bref rapport ou Très brève relation de la destruction des Indes) est un livre écrit à partir de 1539 par le frère dominicain Bartolomé de las Casas et publié en 1552. Dans celui-ci, las Casas s'efforce de dénoncer les effets néfastes de la colonisation des Amériques par les Espagnols et de la mise en esclavage des peuples indigènes. L'œuvre de Las Casas se veut polémique, ses récits contiennent de nombreuses exagérations et présentent les événements historiques sous un angle souvent manichéen. Elle a été amplement commentée au cours des siècles et a ainsi contribué à forger la Légende noire espagnole.+イングリッシュA Short Account of the Destruction of the Indies、『インディアスの破壊についての簡潔な報告』→A Short Account of the Destruction of the Indies[c] (Spanish: Brevísima relación de la destrucción de las Indias) is an account written in 1542 (published in Seville in 1552) about the mistreatment of the indigenous peoples of the Americas in colonial times and sent to then-Prince Philip II of Spain. One of the stated purposes for writing the account was Las Casas's fear of Spain coming under divine punishment and his concern for the souls of the native peoples. The account was one of the first attempts by a Spanish writer of the colonial era to depict the unfair treatment that the indigenous people endured during the early stages of the Spanish conquest of the Greater Antilles, particularly the island of Hispaniola. Las Casas's point of view can be described as being heavily against some of the Spanish methods of colonization, which, as he described them, inflicted great losses on the indigenous occupants of the islands. In addition, his critique towards the colonizers served to bring awareness to his audience on the true meaning of Christianity, to dismantle any misconceptions on evangelization.[85] His account was largely responsible for the adoption of the New Laws of 1542, which abolished native slavery for the first time in European colonial history and led to the Valladolid debate. The book became an important element in the creation and propagation of the so-called Black Legend – the tradition of describing the Spanish empire as exceptionally morally corrupt and violent. It was republished several times by groups that were critical of the Spanish realm for political or religious reasons. The first edition in translation was published in Dutch in 1578, during the religious persecution of Dutch Protestants by the Spanish crown, followed by editions in French (1578), English (1583), and German (1599) – all countries where religious wars were raging. The first edition published in Spain after Las Casas's death appeared in Barcelona during the Catalan Revolt of 1646. The book was banned by the Aragonese inquisition in 1659.[86] The images described by Las Casas were later depicted by Theodore de Bry in copper plate engravings that helped expand the Black Legend against Spain. Las Casas, Bartolomé de (1999). Short Account of the Destruction of the Indies. Nigel Griffin. London: Penguin. ISBN 978-0-14-044562-6.(大学1年のとき、イングリッシュの本で読みました。凄惨極まりない大虐殺と残虐行為の数々。正視に違わぬ各種参照絵画(特に心に残っているのは、大量の婦女子を大木に縛りつけ生きたまま焼き殺す無差別殺人)が添えられていた)。

ドイツ語→超人ハルク=Der unglaubliche Hulk (Originaltitel: The Incredible Hulk) ist ein US-amerikanischer Action- und Science-Fiction-Spielfilm aus dem Jahr 2008, der als Comicverfilmung auf der Superhelden-Comicfigur Hulk des Verlages Marvel basiert. Regie führte Louis Leterrier, die Hauptrolle spielte Edward Norton. In den Vereinigten Staaten war Universal Studios für den Verleih zuständig, in Deutschland Concorde. Der offizielle Filmstart erfolgte in den Staaten am 13. Juni 2008, in Deutschland am 10. Juli. Der unglaubliche Hulk ist keine Fortsetzung des Films Hulk aus dem Jahr 2003, der auf derselben Comicfigur basiert, sondern stellt einen inhaltlichen Neuanfang dar. Genau wie der einen Monat vorher veröffentlichte Film Iron Man wurde Der unglaubliche Hulk direkt in Eigenfinanzierung von der zu Marvel gehörenden Produktionsgesellschaft Marvel Studios produziert. Beide Filme sind zudem Teil des zusammenhängenden „Marvel Cinematic Universe

アゼルバイジャン語⇒ワンダー・ウーマン=Ecazkar qadın (ing. Wonder Woman) — DC Comics nəşriyyatının eyniadlı personajı əsasında çəkilmiş superqəhrəman filmidir. Warner Bros. tərəfindən distribyutorluq edilən[7] film DC Genişləndirilmiş Kainatının dördüncü filmidir. Film, Allan Heynberin ssenarisi əsasında Petti Cenkinsin rejissorluğu ilə çəkilmişdir; ssenari əsasında durmuş hekayə Heynberq, Zak Snayder və Ceyson Fuşs tərəfindən yazılmışdır. Əsas personaj Qal Qadot, digər personajlar isə Kris Payn, Robin Rayt, Denni Hyuston, Devid Tyulis, Konni Nilsen və Yelena Anaya tərəfindən canlandırılmışlar. Betmen Supermenə qarşı filmində Ecazkar qadının ilk dəfə layv-ekşn filmində görünməsindən sonra, bu film personaja həsr olunmuş ilk individual layv-ekşn filmidir. Filmdə, Femiskira adasında qəzaya düşmüş ABŞ pilotu Stiv Trevor Dayanaya Birinci Dünya Müharibəsi haqqında məlumat verir və müharibəni dayandırmaq üçün doğma evini tərk edən Şahzadə Dayana Ecazkar qadına çevrilir

スペイン語⇒奥さまは魔女=Bewitched (Hechizada y La Hechizada en gran mayoría de países de Hispanoamérica y Embrujada en España) es una comedia de situación estadounidense emitida originalmente en ABC desde 1964 hasta 1972, durante ocho temporadas. La serie contó con estrellas como Elizabeth Montgomery, Dick York, Dick Sargent y Agnes Moorehead. La serie sigue viéndose a día de hoy en todo el mundo y es la serie más larga con una temática sobrenatural de los años 1960-1970. En 2002, TV Guide nombró a Bewitched como la 50ª mejor serie de televisión de todos los tiempos.

