
当ブログはトロント在住、日系一世カナダ人サミー・山田(48)おっさんの「独り言」です。まさに「個人日記」。1968年11月16日東京都目黒区出身(A型)・在北米30年の日系カナダ人(Canadian Citizen)・University of Toronto Woodsworth College BA History & East Asian Studies Major トロント在住(職業記者・医療関連・副職画家)・Toronto Ontario「団体」「宗教」「党派」一切無関係・「政治的」意図皆無=「事実関係」特定の「考え」が’正しい’あるいは一方だけが’間違ってる’いう気は毛頭なし。「知って」それぞれ「考えて」いただれれば本望(^_-☆Everybody!! Let's 'Ponder' or 'Contemplate' On va vous re?-chercher!Internationale!!「世界人類みな兄弟」「平和祈願」「友好共存」「戦争反対」「☆Against Racism☆」「☆Gender Equality☆」&ノーモア「ヘイト」(怨恨、涙、怒りや敵意しか生まない)Thank you very much for everything!! Ma Cher Minasan, Merci Beaucoup et Bonne Chance 

★The Battles of Khalkhyn Gol ★⇔☆Soviet assessment☆日ソ国境紛争・張鼓峰・ノモンハン事件・日本軍の完敗・隠されていた真実

(5)、ソ連軍が駆使した陸空共同の見事な戦略と勝利にも関わらず。世界では注目されなかった。]The Battles of Khalkhyn Gol were the decisive engagements of the undeclared Soviet–Japanese border conflicts fought among the Soviet Union, Mongolia and the Empire of Japan in 1939. The conflict was named after the river Khalkhyn Gol, which passes through the battlefield. In Japan, the decisive battle of the conflict is known as the Nomonhan Incident (ノモンハン事件 Nomonhan jiken?) after a nearby village on the border between Mongolia and Manchuria. The battles resulted in the defeat of the Japanese Sixth Army.




擱座したソ連軍装甲車の横で九二式重機関銃を撃つ日本兵、ノモンハン事件で有名な写真の一つ国境での衝突を受けて、ソ連軍は日本軍より機敏に行動を開始した[50]。第57特別軍団長フェクレンコが、第11戦車旅団から機関銃狙撃兵大隊(狙撃兵中隊3とT-37戦車8)砲兵第2中隊(自走砲4)装甲車中隊(BA-6及びFAI装甲車21)に進出命令を出した。指揮官には狙撃兵大隊の大隊長であるブイコフ上級中尉が任命された。(指揮官名からブイコフ支隊とよく記される)さらに、5月19日にはブイコフ支隊はM-30 122mm榴弾砲や化学戦車(火炎放射器搭載の戦車)の増援を受け、ハルハ河に向かった。5月23日にはモンゴル軍の第6騎兵団も加わり、総兵力は2,300名(内モンゴル軍1,257名)T-37が13輌、装甲車としては強力な砲を装備するBA-6 16両を含む装甲車39両、自走砲4門を含む砲14門、対戦車砲8門、KHT-26化学戦車5輌と戦力的に充実していた。指揮はウランバートルから来着した第57特別軍団参謀部作戦課長のイヴェンコフ大佐が執ることとなった[51]。ソ連軍はさらに後詰としてウランバートルからタムスクに車載狙撃兵第149連隊と、砲兵一個大隊を移動させた[52]。ハルハ河に達したブイコフ支隊は、工兵中隊がハルハ河に架橋し、ブイコフ支隊の主力の内、戦車と装甲車と狙撃兵2個中隊とモンゴル軍騎馬隊を渡河させ、距岸8kmの砂丘(日本軍呼称733高地)に陣地を構築、また122mm榴弾砲などの砲兵は西岸の高台に布陣させた[53]。
しかしこれまで、日本軍が兵力を出してはモンゴル軍が退去し、日本軍が去ればモンゴル軍が舞い戻るといった『ピストン方式』の兵力派出方式で際限がない戦いをしていると、第23師団参謀長の大内大佐から状況報告を受けた関東軍作戦参謀辻政信は[55]、山県支隊出撃の方を聞くと「こんな方法では際限がない、何とか新しいやり方を」と考え、軍司令や他参謀の同意を取り付けると関東軍参謀長名で「ハルハ河右岸に外蒙騎兵の一部が進出滞留するようなことは、大局的に見て大なる問題ではない。暫く静観し、機を見て一挙に急襲したは如何」という電報を打った[56]。この時点で関東軍は大本営の方針通り、日ソ間の紛争については不拡大の方針であったのでこのような自重の指示が行われたが、小松原はまったく意に介すこともなく5月22日の日記に「山県支隊は出動の直前なり。今さら其の出動を中止すること統率上出来難し。防衛司令官の遣り方異議ありとて軍が制肘すべきにあらず」と書くなど開き直った[57]。 それでも小松原は関東軍の指示に一旦は躊躇し、3日間部隊を待機させたが、5月25日に戦機到来と判断し部隊に出撃命令を下した[58]。この出撃は、関東軍の指示を無視した形とはなるが、辻はこの小松原の行動に対して「師団長の善良な人柄は、関東軍のこのような電報に対してもなんら悪感情は抱かれなかったのである。」と逆に小松原を気遣うような表現で理解を示している[59]。
Grigori Shtern, Khorloogiin Choibalsan and Georgy Zhukov at Khalkhin Gol
While this engagement is little-known in the West, it played an important part in subsequent Japanese conduct in World War II. The battle earned the Kwantung Army the displeasure of officials in Tokyo, not so much due to its defeat, but because it was initiated and escalated without direct authorization from the Japanese government. This defeat, together with the signing of the Nazi-Soviet non-aggression pact (which deprived the Army of the basis of its war policy against the USSR), moved the Imperial General Staff in Tokyo away from the policy of the North Strike Group favoured by the Army, which wanted to seize Siberia for its resources as far as Lake Baikal .

 North Strike Group plans
Instead, support shifted to the South Strike Group, favoured by the Navy, which wanted to seize the resources of Southeast Asia, especially the petroleum and mineral-rich Dutch East Indies. On June 24, 1941, two days after the war on the Eastern Front broke out, the Japanese army and navy leaders adopted a resolution "not intervening in German Soviet war for the time being". In August 1941, Japan and the Soviet Union reaffirmed their neutrality pact.[67] Since the European colonial powers were weakening and suffering early defeats in the war with Germany, coupled with their embargoes on Japan (especially of vital oil) in the second half of 1941, Japan's focus was ultimately directed to the south, leading to its decision to launch the attack on Pearl Harbour on 7 December of that year. Despite plans being carried out for a potential war against the USSR (particularly contingent on German advances towards Moscow), the Japanese would never launch an offensive against the Soviet Union. In 1941, the two countries signed agreements respecting the borders of Mongolia and Manchukuo[68] and pledging neutrality towards each other.[69] In the closing months of World War II, the Soviet Union would annul the Neutrality Pact and invade the Japanese territories in Manchuria, Korea, and the southern part of Sakhalin island.

Russian President Dmitry Medvedev and Mongolian President Tsakhiagiin Elbegdorj standing in front of a statue of Zhukov at a ceremony in Ulaanbaatar in August 2009, commemorating the 70th anniversary of the battle.
Soviet assessment[edit]

The battle was the first victory for the soon-to-be-famous Soviet general Georgy Zhukov, earning him the first of his four Hero of the Soviet Union awards. The two other generals, Grigoriy Shtern and Yakov Smushkevich had important roles and were also awarded the Hero of the Soviet Union. They would, however, both be executed in the 1941 Purges. Zhukov himself was promoted and transferred west to the Kiev district. The battle experience gained by Zhukov was put to good use in December 1941 at the Battle of Moscow. Zhukov was able to use this experience to launch the first successful Soviet counteroffensive against the German invasion of 1941. Many units of the Siberian and other trans-Ural armies were part of this attack, and the decision to move these divisions from Siberia was aided by the Soviet spy Richard Sorge in Tokyo, who was able to alert the Soviet government that the Japanese were looking south and were unlikely to launch another attack against Siberia in the immediate future. A year after defending Moscow against the advancing Germans, Zhukov planned and executed the Red Army's offensive at the Battle of Stalingrad, using a technique very similar to Khalkhin Gol, in which the Soviet forces held the enemy fixed in the centre, built up an undetected mass force in the immediate rear area, and launched a pincer attack on the wings to trap the enemy army.
Following the battle, the Soviets generally found the results unsatisfactory, despite their victory. Though the Soviet forces in the Far East in 1939 were not plagued by fundamental issues to the same extent as those in Europe during the 1941 campaigns, their generals were still unimpressed by their army's performance. As noted by Pyotr Grigorenko, the Red Army went in with a very large advantage in technology, numbers, and firepower, yet still suffered huge losses, which he blamed on poor leadership.[12]
Although their victory and the subsequent negotiation of the Soviet-Japanese Neutrality Pact secured the Far East for the duration of the Soviet-German War, the Red Army always remained cautious about the possibility of another, larger Japanese incursion as late as early 1944. In December 1943, when the American military mission proposed a logistics base be set up east of Lake Baikal, the Red Army authorities were according to Coox, "shocked by the idea and literally turned white."[70] Due to this caution, the Red Army kept a large force in the Far East even during the bleakest days of the war in Europe. For example, on July 1 1942, Soviet forces in the Far East consisted of 1,446,012 troops, 11,759 artillery pieces, 2,589 tanks and self-propelled guns, and 3,178 combat aircraft.[71] Despite this, the Soviet operations chief of the Far Eastern Front, General A. K. Kazakovtsev, was not confident in his army group's ability to stop an invasion if the Japanese committed to it (at least in 1941-1942), commenting: “If the Japanese enter the war on Hitler’s side… our cause is hopeless.”[72]

Japanese assessment and reforms[edit]

The Japanese similarly considered the result not a failing of tactics, but one that simply highlighted a need to address the material disparity between themselves and their neighbours.[73][74] They made several reforms as a result of this battle: Tank production was increased from 500 annually in 1939 to 1,200, a mechanized headquarters was established in early 1941, and the new Type 1 47 mm Anti-Tank Gun was introduced as a response to the Soviet 45mm. These cannons were mounted on Type 97 Chi-Ha tanks, resulting in the Type 97 ShinHoTo Chi-Ha ("New Turret") variant, which became the IJA's standard medium tank by 1942. IGHQ also dispatched General Tomoyuki Yamashita to Nazi Germany in order to learn more about tank tactics following the crushingly one-sided Battle of France and the signing of the Tripartite Pact. He returned with a report where he stressed the need for mechanization and more medium tanks. Accordingly, plans were put underway for the formation of 10 new armoured divisions in the near future.[75]
Despite all of the above, Japanese industry was not powerful enough to keep up with either the United States or the Soviet Union, and Yamashita warned against going to war with them for this reason. His recommendations were not taken to heart, and Japanese militarists eventually successfully pushed for war with the United States. In spite of their recent experience and military improvements, the Japanese would generally continue to underestimate their adversaries, emphasizing the courage and determination of the individual soldier as a way to make up for their lack of numbers and smaller industrial base. To varying degrees, the basic problems that faced them at Khalkhin Gol would haunt them again when the Americans and British recovered from their defeats of late 1941 and early 1942 and turned to the conquest of the Japanese Empire.[28][76]
Also, severe problem with lacking emergency blood staunching was detected. The original Japanese indoctrination explicitly forbade first aid to fellow soldiers without order from officer, and first-aid training was lacking. As result, large proportion of Japanese dead was due to haemorrhage from the untreated wounds. Furthermore, up to 30% of the total casualties were due the dysentery which Japanese believed was delivered by Soviet biological-warfare aerial bombs, as confirmed by laboratory testing. To reduce susceptibility to this form of biological warfare and to wage the biological warfare on their own, future Japanese divisions will commonly include a specialized Epidemic Prevention and Water Purification Departments.[77] Finally, the Japanese food rations were found to be less than satisfactory, both in packing and nutritional value.[78]


After the war, at the International Military Tribunal for the Far East, fourteen Japanese were charged by delegates of the conquering Soviet Union, with having "initiated a war of aggression ... against the Mongolian People's Republic in the area of the Khalkhin-Gol River" and also with having waged a war "in violation of international law"
against the USSR.[79] Kenji Doihara, Hiranuma Kiichirō, and Seishirō Itagaki were convicted on these charges.
The Mongolian town of Choibalsan, in the Dornod Province where the battle was fought, is the location of the "G.K. Zhukov Museum", dedicated to Zhukov and the 1939 battle.[80] Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia also has a "G.K. Zhukov Museum" with information about the battle.[81]

















また、ソ連側は二正面作戦を避けるために独ソ不可侵条約によって後顧の憂いを断つなど、この事件を単なる国境紛争ではなく本格的な戦争として国家的な計画性を持って対応したのに対して、日本側は政府が全く関与していなかったばかりか、日本軍の中央もソ連軍が大規模な攻勢に出る意図を持っていることを見抜けず自重するように指導した為、関東軍という出先軍の、辻政信と服部卓四郎など一部の参謀の独断専行による対応に終始した。 福井雄三は著書で「10倍近い敵に大被害を与えて足止めをした実戦部隊は大健闘、むしろ戦術的勝利とも言えるが、後方の決断力欠如による援軍派遣の遅れと停戦交渉の失敗のため戦略的には敗北した」と結論付けている[526]。モンゴルでは日本軍の戦死者は5万と伝えられている。 元ソ連参謀本部故ヴァシリイ・ノヴォブラネツ (Василий Новобранец) 大佐の手記では、『ノモンハンで勝ったのは、兵力と武器類の面で優位に立っていたからであり、戦闘能力で勝利したのではない』と書いている。


須見新一郎は戦後このように述べている。「(小松原師団長は)あのソビエト軍をなめているなというかんじですな。あまくみているということですわ。」 「でたらめな戦争をやったのみならず、臆面もなく、当時の小松原中将およびそのあとにきた荻洲立兵中将は、第一線の部隊が思わしい戦いをしないからこの戦いが不結果終わったようなことにして、各部隊長を自決させたり、処分したりしたんですね。」「責任を負って死ねと。このようなことで、非常に残念なことですが、当時の自分の直属上司はもとより、関東軍と陸軍省も参謀本部も、この戦闘についてちっとも反省しておらなかったと思います。また停戦協定後、参謀本部や陸軍省から中佐・大佐クラスの人が見えましたが、みんな枝葉末節の質問をするんで、私の希望するような、その急所を突くような質問はひとつもないんですね。」[529]








Komatsubara dispose d'environ 38 000 hommes, 300 canons de tous types, des unités blindées et 180 avions26. Il répartit ses forces en deux groupements pour mener une attaque en tenaille sur le pont de
Kawamata (sur la Halha) destinée à chasser les Soviétiques et les Mongols de la zone contestée. C'est une attaque assez classique, une force menant un assaut frontal destiné à fixer les Soviétiques sur la rive est (autour de la colline 733)39, tandis qu'une force d'enveloppement doit traverser la Halha et prendre les Soviétiques à revers, par la rive ouest35, les deux forces convergeant vers le pont. La force d'enveloppement est le groupement principal, sous les ordres directs de Komatsubara, et doit chasser l'adversaire de la colline 721 puis traverser la Halha au nord pour attaquer les hauteurs de Baintsagan, sur le plateau mongol. Une fois ces objectifs capturés, le groupement doit se diriger vers le sud en direction du pont de Kawamata, en détruisant l'artillerie et la base logistique adverses disposées sur la rive ouest. Pendant ce temps, plus au sud et plus à l'est, un autre groupement, sous les ordres du lieutenant-général Yasuoka, doit attaquer les forces soviéto-mongoles sur la rive est, en forçant le passage en direction du pont. Toujours en train de se renforcer, Joukov est nettement en infériorité, avec 12 000 hommes seulement26. Il dispose par contre d'une bonne artillerie, d'une meilleure logistique et d'une supériorité blindée, avec 450 chars et automitrailleuses26.
L'offensive japonaise commence le 2 juillet 1939.
La force d'encerclement[modifier | modifier le code]
Photo en noir et blanc d'un groupe d'hommes pagayant sur un canot pneumatique.
Soldats japonais traversant la Halha, début juillet 1939. Au début, l'attaque de la force d'enveloppement menée par Komatsubara se déroule bien pour les Japonais35. Les 71e et 72e régiments d'infanterie, plus un bataillon du 64e régiment d'infanterie et le 26e régiment d'infanterie du colonel Shinichiro Sumi, emprunté à la 7e division d'infanterie, s'emparent de la colline 721 le 2 juillet. La nuit suivante, ces unités traversent la Halha puis commencent un mouvement sur la rive ouest vers le sud, visant à détruire l'artillerie soviétique et les réserves35. Joukov s'est laissé surprendre, et l'endroit est mal gardé. Des éléments de la 6e division de cavalerie mongole sont dispersés26. Le lendemain, les Japonais s'emparent des hauteurs de Baintsagan (sur le plateau mongol) et progressent de 6 km en direction du pont, menaçant l'arrière des Soviétiques déployés sur la rive est autour de la colline 733. Les Mongols n'ont pas prévenu les Soviétiques de leur défaite locale, et ce n'est qu'à l'aube du 3 juillet que les Soviétiques découvrent le franchissement de la Halha par les Japonais26. Un pont de bateaux est établi sur la portion nord de la Halha, pour assurer la logistique japonaise. Joukov est toujours en phase de réorganisation de son dispositif, et s'est placé en défensive pour permettre l'arrivée de renforts. Surprise par l'avancée japonaise, son infanterie s'avère incapable de stopper l'infanterie adverse39, nettement mieux entraînée. La première réponse soviétique est donc conforme aux attentes japonaises : insuffisante.
La bataille n'est pas que terrestre, et « dans le ciel, tout ce qui a pu décoller s'affronte dans une terrible mêlée »40.
Joukov réagit vigoureusement à la menace pesant sur ses arrières : pour ne pas laisser le temps aux Japonais de fortifier leurs positions acquises sur la rive ouest, et de s'emparer des zones où est déployée son artillerie, il lance les forces blindées, à savoir la 11e brigade de chars du kombrig Yakovlev (200 blindés d'après les mémoires de Joukov40). L'attaque contre les hauteurs de Baintsagan se fait dans l'urgence, sans attendre le soutien de l'infanterie. En raison de l'absence de cette dernière, l'attaque blindée soviétique subit de lourdes pertes dues aux armes antichars (surtout des canons de 37 mm, mais aussi aux cocktails molotovs et aux nikuhaku kogeki, des bombes humaines qui se sacrifient en se jetant contre les chars40). Les pertes sont lourdes pour les Soviétiques, mais les Japonais doivent s'enterrer. L'après-midi, Joukov peut lancer de nouvelles forces : les 7e et 36e brigades motorisées, qui perdent, de nouveau, de nombreux véhicules40. En tout, ce sont 186 chars et 266 automitrailleuses qui sont engagés en deux vagues40. De ces quelques 450 chars et automitrailleuses39, « on estime que 120 blindés soviétiques [sont] détruits dans la journée du 3 juillet39 », et les pertes s'alourdissent encore les jours suivants. Malgré ces pertes, le choc sur l'infanterie japonaise est violent. Les Soviétiques ont attaqué de trois côtés, et ont failli encercler les forces japonaises. La progression nippone le long de la Halha est enrayée. Les Japonais, matraqués par l'artillerie, pressés par les blindés, menacés d'encerclement, à court de munition et de ravitaillement et voyant leur seul point de ravitaillement à travers la rivière (un pont de bateaux) menacé, sont contraints de repasser sur la rive est dans la nuit du 4 au 5 juillet pour éviter l'anéantissement. Ces troupes ont perdu 20 % de leur forces40. Dès lors, Komatsubara perd toute possibilité de mener la bataille d’enveloppement prônée par la doctrine japonaise, toutes ses troupes se retrouvant concentrées en face des Soviétiques sur la rive est de la Halha39. Il est condamné à l'attaque frontale.

