
当ブログはトロント在住、日系一世カナダ人サミー・山田(48)おっさんの「独り言」です。まさに「個人日記」。1968年11月16日東京都目黒区出身(A型)・在北米30年の日系カナダ人(Canadian Citizen)・University of Toronto Woodsworth College BA History & East Asian Studies Major トロント在住(職業記者・医療関連・副職画家)・Toronto Ontario「団体」「宗教」「党派」一切無関係・「政治的」意図皆無=「事実関係」特定の「考え」が’正しい’あるいは一方だけが’間違ってる’いう気は毛頭なし。「知って」それぞれ「考えて」いただれれば本望(^_-☆Everybody!! Let's 'Ponder' or 'Contemplate' On va vous re?-chercher!Internationale!!「世界人類みな兄弟」「平和祈願」「友好共存」「戦争反対」「☆Against Racism☆」「☆Gender Equality☆」&ノーモア「ヘイト」(怨恨、涙、怒りや敵意しか生まない)Thank you very much for everything!! Ma Cher Minasan, Merci Beaucoup et Bonne Chance 

Chiang Kai-shek=Forma cantonesa y non en mandarín→蒋介石とは何者か?=Militaire et homme d'État chinois・中華民国総統・国民政府首班・抗日戦争と内戦

Chiang Kai-shek was a Chinese military and political leader who led the Kuomintang (Chinese Nationalist Party) for five decades and was head of state of the Chinese Nationalist government between 1928 and 1949.Chiang Kai-shek (also known as Jiang Jieshi) was born on 31 October 1887 in Zhejiang, an eastern coastal province of China. His father was a merchant. At the age of 18 he went to military training college in Japan. He returned to China in 1911 to take part in the uprising that overthrew the Qing Dynasty and established a Chinese republic. Chiang became a member of the Chinese Nationalist Party (known as the Kuomintang or KMT), founded by Sun Yat-sen.Supported by Sun Yat-sen, Chiang was appointed commandant of the Whampoa Military Academy in Canton in 1924, where he built up the Nationalist army. After Sun's death in 1925, Chiang became leader of the KMT. He spearheaded the Northern Expedition which reunified most of China under a National Government based in Nanjing. In 1928, he led the suppression of the Chinese Communist Party.Chiang oversaw a modest programme of reform in China but the government's resources were focused on fighting internal opponents, including the Communists. From 1931, Chiang also had to contend with a Japanese invasion in Manchuria, in the north-east of China. In 1937, Japan launched a full-scale invasion of China. When the United States came into the war against Japan in 1941, China became one of the Allied Powers. As Chiang's position within China weakened, his status abroad grew and in November 1943 he travelled to Cairo to meet US President Franklin D Roosevelt and British Prime Minister Winston Churchill. His wife, Soong Mei-ling, travelled with him and became famous in the west as Madame Chiang.In 1946, civil war broke out between the KMT and the Communists. In 1949, the Communists were victorious, establishing the People's Republic of China. Chiang and the remaining KMT forces fled to the island of Taiwan. There Chiang established a government in exile which he led for the next 25 years. This government continued to be recognised by many countries as the legitimate government of China, and Taiwan controlled China's seat in the United Nations until the end of Chiang's life. He died on 5 April 1975.
蒋 介石(しょう かいせき、蔣介石、1887年10月31日 - 1975年4月5日)は、中華民国の政治家、軍人。第3代・第5代国民政府主席、初代中華民国総統、中国国民党永久総裁。国民革命軍・中華民国国軍における最終階級は特級上将(大元帥に相当)。孫文の後継者として北伐を完遂し、中華民国の統一を果たして同国の最高指導者となる。1928年から1931年と、1943年から1975年に死去するまで国家元首の地位にあった。しかし、国共内戦で毛沢東率いる中国共産党に敗れて1949年より台湾に移り、その後大陸支配を回復することなく没した。
Chiang Kai-shek
Chinese statesman

Chiang Kai-shek, Wade-Giles romanization Chiang Chieh-shih, official name Chiang Chung-cheng (born Oct. 31, 1887, Chekiang province, China—died April 5, 1975, Taipei, Taiwan) soldier and statesman, head of the Nationalist government in China from 1928 to 1949, and subsequently head of the Chinese Nationalist government in exile on Taiwan.Chiang was born into a moderately prosperous merchant and farmer family in the coastal province of Chekiang. He prepared for a military career first (1906) at the Paoting Military Academy in North China and subsequently (1907–11) in Japan. From 1909 to 1911 he served in the Japanese army, whose Spartan ideals he admired and adopted. More influential were the youthful compatriots he met in Tokyo; plotting to rid China of the Qing (Manchu) dynasty, they converted Chiang to republicanism and made him a revolutionary.In 1911, upon hearing of revolutionary outbreaks in China, Chiang returned home and helped in the sporadic fighting that led to the overthrow of the Manchus. He then participated in the struggles of China’s republican and other revolutionaries in 1913–16 against China’s new president and would-be emperor, Yuan Shikai.
After these excursions into public life, Chiang lapsed into obscurity. For two years (1916–17) he lived in Shanghai, where he apparently belonged to the Green Gang (Qing Bang), a secret society involved in financial manipulations. In 1918 he reentered public life by joining Sun Yat-sen, the leader of the Nationalist Party, or Kuomintang. Thus began the close association with Sun on which Chiang was to build his power. Sun’s chief concern was to reunify China, which the downfall of Yuan had left divided among warring military satraps. Having wrested power from the Qing, the revolutionists had lost it to indigenous warlords; unless they could defeat these warlords, they would have struggled for nothing.
フランス語→Tchang Kaï-chek, ou Chiang Kaï-chek, ou Chang Kaï-chek (en chinois traditionnel : 蔣介石, chinois simplifié : 蒋介石, en pinyin : Jiǎng Jièshí) (31 octobre 1887 – 5 avril 1975) est un militaire et homme d'État chinois qui fut l'un des principaux représentants du Kuomintang après la mort de Sun Yat-sen en 1925.Il fut le chef militaire – avec le titre de généralissime – et, à diverses périodes et en alternance, le chef du gouvernement et le président de la « Première République » puis, jusqu'à sa mort, le président de la « République de Chine » à Taïwan.オーストリア(墺)語→出自(背景)=Nomes[editar | editar la fonte] Chiang utilizó nomes diversos a lo llargo de la so vida. Mientres la so etapa en Cantón al mandu de la Academia Militar de Whampoa, usaba'l nome que la so trescripción pinyin ye Jiǎng Jièshí (en chinu tradicional: 蔣介石, en chinu simplificáu: 蒋介石, Wade-Giles: Chiang Chieh-shih). La forma habitual n'Occidente "Chiang Kai-shek" correspuende a la trescripción que se fixo naquella dómina d'esti nome acordies con la so pronunciación nel dialectu cantonés faláu en Cantón. Chiang Kai-shek y Sun Yat-sen son les úniques personalidaes históriques chines que los sos nomes trescribir davezu n'Occidente en forma cantonesa, y non en mandarín. Nel mundu hispanofalante, esti nome apaeció nos medios escritos con muncha frecuencia na forma errónea Chiang Kai-chek, probablemente por influencia de l'antigua adaptación francesa Tchiang Kaï-chek.
Shortly after Sun Yat-sen had begun to reorganize the Nationalist Party along Soviet lines, Chiang visited the Soviet Union in 1923 to study Soviet institutions, especially the Red Army. Back in China after four months, he became commandant of a military academy, established on the Soviet model, at Whampoa near Canton. Soviet advisers poured into Canton, and at this time the Chinese communists were admitted into the Nationalist Party. The Chinese communists quickly gained strength, especially after Sun’s death in 1925, and tensions developed between them and the more conservative elements among the Nationalists. Chiang, who, with the Whampoa army behind him, was the strongest of Sun’s heirs, met this threat with consummate shrewdness. By alternate shows of force and of leniency, he attempted to stem the communists’ growing influence without losing Soviet support. Moscow supported him until 1927, when, in a bloody coup of his own, he finally broke with the communists, expelling them from the Nationalist Party and suppressing the labour unions they had organized.Meanwhile, Chiang had gone far toward reunifying the country. Commander in chief of the revolutionary army since 1925, he had launched a massive Nationalist campaign against the northern warlords in the following year. This drive ended only in 1928, when his forces entered Beijing, the capital. A new central government under the Nationalists, with Chiang at its head, was then established at Nanking, farther south. In October 1930 Chiang became Christian, apparently at the instance of the powerful westernized Soong family, whose youngest daughter, Mei-ling, had become his second wife. As head of the new Nationalist government, Chiang stood committed to a program of social reform, but most of it remained on paper, partly because his control of the country remained precarious. In the first place, the provincial warlords, whom he had neutralized rather than crushed, still disputed his authority. The communists posed another threat, having withdrawn to rural strongholds and formed their own army and government. In addition, Chiang faced certain war with Japan, which, after seizing Manchuria (Northeast Provinces) in 1931, showed designs upon China proper. Chiang decided not to resist the coming Japanese invasion until after he had crushed the communists—a decision that aroused many protests, especially since a complete victory over the communists continued to elude him. To give the nation more moral cohesion, Chiang revived the state cult of Confucius and in 1934 launched a campaign, the so-called New Life Movement, to inculcate Confucian morals.In December 1936 Chiang was seized by one of his generals who believed that Chinese forces should concentrate on fighting the Japanese instead of the communists. Chiang was held captive for some two weeks, and the Sian (Xian) Incident, as it became known, ended after he agreed to form an alliance with the communists against the Japanese invaders. In 1937 the mounting conflict between the two countries erupted into war (see Sino-Japanese War). For more than four years China fought alone until it was joined by the Allies, who with the exception of the Soviet Union declared war on Japan in 1941. China’s reward was an honoured place among the victors as one of the Big Four. But internally Chiang’s government showed signs of decay, which multiplied as it resumed the struggle against the communists after the Japanese surrendered to the United States in 1945. Civil war recommenced in 1946; by 1949 Chiang had lost continental China to the communists, and the People’s Republic of China was established. Chiang moved to Taiwan with the remnants of his Nationalist forces, established a relatively benign dictatorship over the island with other Nationalist leaders, and attempted to harass the communists across the Formosa Strait. The chastened Chiang reformed the ranks of the once-corrupt Nationalist Party, and with the help of generous American aid he succeeded in the next two decades in setting Taiwan on the road to modern economic development. In 1955 the United States signed an agreement with Chiang’s Nationalist government on Taiwan guaranteeing its defense. Beginning in 1972, however, the value of this agreement and the future of Chiang’s government were seriously called in question by the growing rapprochement between the United States and the People’s Republic of China. Chiang did not live to see the United States finally break diplomatic relations with Taiwan in 1979 in order to establish full relations with the People’s Republic of China. After his death in 1975 he was succeeded temporarily by Yen Chia-kan (C.K. Yen), who was in 1978 replaced by Chiang’s son Chiang Ching-kuo.Among the reasons for Chiang’s overthrow by the communists, one frequently cited is the corruption that he countenanced in his government; another was his loss of flexibility in dealing with changing conditions. Growing more rigid in his leadership over the years, he became less responsive to popular sentiment and to new ideas. He came to prize loyalty more than competence and to rely more on personal ties than on ties of organization. His dependence on a trusted clique also showed in his army, in which he favoured narrow traditionalists over many abler officers. Chiang initially maintained his position as republican China’s paramount leader by shrewdly playing off provincial warlords and possible Nationalist rivals against each other and later by his adroit cultivation of American military, diplomatic, and financial support for his regime. His overthrow by the communists can perhaps be traced to his strategy during World War II; he generally refused to use his U.S.-equipped armies to actively resist China’s Japanese occupiers and counted instead on the United States to eventually defeat Japan on its own. He chose rather to preserve his military machine until the time came to unleash it on the communists at the war’s end and then crush them once and for all. But by that point Chiang’s strategy had backfired; his passive stance against the Japanese had lost him the prestige and support among the Chinese populace that the communists ultimately gained by their fierce anti-Japanese resistance. The morale and effectiveness of his armies had decayed during their enforced passivity in southwestern China, while the communists had built up large, battle-hardened armies on the strength of their appeal to Chinese nationalist sentiment. Finally, it can be said that Chiang “lost China” because he had no higher vision or coherent plan for making the deep social and economic changes needed to bring Chinese society into the 20th century. From his purge of the Nationalists’ communist partners in 1927 and his subsequent alliance with the landowning and mercantile classes, Chiang inexorably followed an increasingly conservative path that virtually ignored the plight of China’s oppressed and impoverished peasantry. The peasants formed almost 90 percent of China’s population, though, and it was their support, as demonstrated by the communist victory, which proved crucial in once more establishing a strong central government that could achieve the modern unification of Chinaドイツ語→蒋介石(抗日救国戦争中)=Bürgerkrieg und Krieg gegen Japan Mit dem Mukden-Zwischenfall begann 1931 Japans Invasion der Mandschurei. Sie gehörte schon seit 1895 bzw. 1905 zum japanischen Einflussbereich, die chinesische Nationalregierung versuchte aber, dort ihren Einfluss auszubauen. Um seine Machtposition zu schonen, befahl Chiang den Rückzug. 1932 errichtete Japan in der Mandschurei seinen Satellitenstaat Mandschukuo. Um Japans Dominanz zu begegnen und den innerchinesischen Konflikt mit den Kommunisten für sich zu entscheiden, war es notwendig, die Modernisierung von Wirtschaft und Militär voranzutreiben. Unterstützung erhielt Chiang von Nazideutschland, das im Zuge seiner Aufrüstung auf chinesische Rohstoffe angewiesen war. Im Rahmen der chinesisch-deutschen Kooperation waren Hans von Seeckt von 1933 bis 1935 und dann Alexander von Falkenhausen von 1935 bis 1938 als Militärberater für Chiang tätig.Schon seit 1930 versuchte er mit seiner national-chinesischen Partei Kuomintang jegliche kommunistische Bewegung auszulöschen. Damit war er in mehreren Feldzügen und mit weiträumigen Belagerungen relativ erfolgreich, mit Ausnahme in den von Mao Zedong (Mao Tse-tung) kontrollierten Gebieten, der durch Chiang aufgrund der Aneinanderreihung verschiedener Zufälle, wie zum Beispiel dem Angriff Japans, verschont wurde. Am 12. Dezember 1936, im Zwischenfall von Xi’an, wurde Chiang von General Zhang Xueliang, der zwar Chiangs Kommando unterstand, aber als langjähriger Warlord auch eigene Interessen verfolgte, entführt. Um den Machtkampf für sich zu entscheiden, baute er auf die Unterstützung der Sowjetunion und wollte im Gegenzug die Bedrängung der chinesischen Kommunisten aufgeben. Bereits am 14. Dezember 1936 verurteilten jedoch die Zeitungen Prawda und Iswestija die Entführung. Am 16. Dezember leitete die Nationalregierung militärische Aktionen gegen Zhang Xueliang ein. Er gab schließlich auf und ließ sich von Chiang unter Hausarrest stellen, aus dem er erst 1990 wieder entlassen wurde. Zeitgleich stellte die Sowjetunion aber in Aussicht, Chiangs Sohn Chiang Ching-kuo aus der Sowjetunion ausreisen zu lassen, was von Chiang Kai-shek sehnlichst erwartet wurde. Chiang entschloss sich für ein Bündnis mit den Kommunisten, das formal bis zum Ende des Krieges mit Japan hielt.[8] Während des Zweiten Chinesisch-Japanischen-Krieges (1937–1945), eines Teils des Zweiten Weltkriegs, konnte sich Chiang trotz der Kampfhandlungen mit den Japanern einerseits und des Konfliktes mit den Kommunisten andererseits an der Macht halten. Japans Militärs meinten, China in drei Monaten besetzen zu können, was aber schon in Shanghai am chinesischen Widerstand scheiterte; allein die Einnahme dieser Stadt dauerte vier Monate. Entgegen der Meinung seiner militärischen Berater befahl Chiang den Großteil seiner besten Einheiten in die Schlacht um Shanghai. Die Japaner konnten zwar die Stadt erobern, der erbitterte Widerstand stärkte aber die Moral der Chinesen. Chiang musste sich nach dem Fall der Hauptstadt Nanjing nach Wuhan und 1938 nach Chongqing zurückziehen, es gelang ihm aber, den Japanern empfindliche Rückschläge zuzufügen, wie 1938 bei der Schlacht um Tai’erzhuang oder bei den vier Schlachten um Changsha 1939, 1941, 1942 und 1944.Chiangs Deichbruchaktion in der Provinz Henan am Gelben Fluss am 9. Juni 1938 mit der Idee, durch das Fluten ganzer Provinzen die japanische Armee aufzuhalten, forderte fast eine Million Tote. Die Flutungen bewirkten immerhin eine monatelange Unterbrechung des japanischen Feldzugs. Die Überlebenden wurden unter japanischer Waffengewalt zum Wiederaufbau der Deiche gezwungen; erst 1947 waren alle Deiche wieder aufgebaut. Mao Zedong und Chiang hatten zwar offiziell eine (zweite) Einheitsfront gegen die Japaner geschmiedet. Dies war aber nur ein brüchiger Frieden. Chiang und Mao wussten, dass sie ihre Armeen für den absehbaren innerchinesischen Konflikt brauchen würden. Nach dem Kriegseintritt wurde Chiang trotz zunehmender Korruption und abnehmenden Rückhalts in der Bevölkerung von den USA zunächst bis 1945 und anschließend bis 1949 mit jeweils zwei Milliarden US-Dollar unterstützt.[9] 辛亥革命[編集]
蔣中正(1887年10月31日-1975年4月5日),原名瑞元,譜名周泰,學名志清[2]:15,後改名中正,字介石[3]:1-2,浙江奉化人[4]:1461。中國政治人物,军事家[5]:472。蔣任中華民國自行憲起的第一至第五任總統,並連續當選中國國民黨總裁[1]:277。此外歷任黃埔軍校校長、國民革命軍總司令、國民政府主席、國民政府軍事委員會委員長[6]:456、行政院院長、中華民國特級上將,及二次大戰時期盟軍中國戰區最高統帥等職。蔣中正是繼孫中山後,中華民國及中國國民黨歷史上的重要領導者之一。蔣早年于保定全國陸軍速成學堂第一期肄業,考送日本振武學校,高田野炮兵第十三團士官候補生;1907年加入中國同盟會,1930年10月受基督教新教洗禮[7]:187。他参加孙中山中华革命党,参与創建黄埔军校,逐步成为中国国民党核心人物;孙逝世后組织国民革命军北伐,推翻北洋政府,名义上统一全中国。蔣领导军民抗击日本軍國主義,最终中国抗日战争胜利,中国成为五大联合国安理会常任理事国之一;战后主持制定中华民国宪法,实行宪政,成立國民大會并当选为第一任中華民國总统。在国共内战中,中共解放军佔領中国大陆,蔣和中华民国政府軍民撤退台澎金馬。在台期间,蔣實施台灣省戒嚴令,继续连任总统並实行中國國民黨一黨執政,且一直主张反攻大陆、反共复国直至1975年去世。蔣是20世紀最為重要的世界領導人之一,他參與領導及經歷20世紀東亞地區數項歷史事件,包含領導第二次世界大戰的中國戰場以及冷戰中的兩岸國共對抗,影響中國近代史和東亞史發展。ポルトガル語→抗日戦争勝利+内戦への序曲→Posguerra y guerra civil[editar]Acabada la guerra entre China y Japón con la rendición japonesa en Nankín del 9 de septiembre, se reanudó el enfrentamiento entre nacionalistas y comunistas chinos.223​ Chiang envió sus mejores unidades a Manchuria.224​ Los Estados Unidos colaboraron con el despliegue de las fuerzas de Chiang: cooperaban únicamente con ellas y ordenaron a los japoneses que se rindieran a ellas, y no a las comunistas, lo que aumentó a hostilidad de estas hacia los estadounidenses.224​ En el otoño de 1945, se celebraron reuniones entre Mao y Chiang, en las que los dos bandos no alcanzaron ningún acuerdo relevante.225​226​ Únicamente aceptaron convocar una asamblea nacional con representación de los principales grupos políticos para tratar los asuntos del país.226​ El corresponsal de Reuters describió la situación de la siguiente manera:227​ 広東語→蔣中正(1887年10月31號—1975年4月5號),字介石,以前中華民國官方會尊稱佢做「先總統 蔣公」。係中國軍事家同政治人,曾擔任中華民國總統同中國國民黨主席。佢響近代中國史上佔有舉足輕重嘅地位。佢係中國實現共和政體後,至今唯一一個統一過全中國,並同時統治過中國大陸同臺灣嘅領袖。ルーマニア語→蒋介石=Chiang Kai-shek (Jiang Jieshi) (n. 31 octombrie 1887 – d. 5 aprilie 1975) a fost un om politic chinez, președinte al guvernului național din Nanjing (1928-1949). Ca șef al Gomindanului - Kuomintang (formațiune politică naționalistă, primul partid politic chinez, după model occidental, fondat în 1921), a contribuit la unificarea Chinei. オランダ語→台湾逃亡と国民政府総統再就任=President van Republiek China op Taiwan[bewerken] In 1948 trad Chiang af als president en werd vervangen door de liberale Li Tsung-jen. Li trachtte tevergeefs via onderhandelingen vrede te sluiten met de communisten. In 1949 vluchtte Chiang naar het eiland Taiwan, waar hij en ongeveer 2 miljoen volgelingen die hem achterna waren gekomen, zich vestigden. De Republiek China bleef voortbestaan op Taiwan, en de de facto zetel van Nationalistisch China werd Taipei (de jure was Nanjing nog steeds de hoofdstad). In 1950 werd Chiang opnieuw als president van China "verkozen". Met de hulp van de Verenigde Staten wist Chiang zich te handhaven op Taiwan. Hij bouwde het leger opnieuw op met de hoop om het vasteland van China te heroveren op de communisten. Tot 1971 werd de regering van de Republiek China als de enige legitieme vertegenwoordiger van China gezien door de grote mogendheden. Pas in 1971 erkende de Verenigde Naties de Volksrepubliek China als soeverein land, ruim 20 jaar na de stichting van de Volksrepubliek in 1949. Toen pas nam de communistische regering in Peking de permanente zetel in de Veiligheidsraad van de Verenigde Naties in. Deze was tot op dat moment door de regering van Taipei bezet. De protesten van de regering van de Republiek China mochten niet baten. Chai-shek overleed in 1975 op Taiwan. Zijn zoon Chiang Ching-kuo volgde hem op als hoofd van de Kuomintang en werd premier en later president van Republiek China (Taiwan).

