Ара́льское море (Aralo=아랄 해)⇔Арал теңізі уз(бOrol dengizi=鹹海)征服された自然「アラル海」・環境問題/Aral Sea: Man-made environmental disaster
アラル海(アラルかい、カザフ語: Арал Теңізі、ウズベク語: Orol dengizi、露: Аральское море、英: Aral Sea、中: 鹹海)はカザフスタンとウズベキスタンにまたがる塩湖である。ロシア語⇒アラル海=Ара́льское море (Арал; каз. Арал теңізі, узб. Orol dengizi, Орол денгизи, каракалп. Aral ten'izi, Арал теңизи) — бывшее бессточное солёное озеро в Средней Азии, на границе Казахстана и Узбекистана. С 1960-х годов уровень моря (и объём воды в нём) стал быстро снижаться, в том числе и вследствие забора воды из основных питающих рек Амударья и Сырдарья с целью орошения, в 1989 году море распалось на два изолированных водоёма — Северное (Малое) и Южное (Большое) Аральское море. В 2014 году восточная часть Южного (Большого) Аральского моря полностью высохла, достигнув в тот год исторического минимума площади всего моря в 7297 км². Временно разлившись весной 2015 года (до 10780 км² всего моря), к осени 2015 года его водная поверхность вновь уменьшилась до 8303 км²[1][2]. スコットランド語⇒アラル海=The Aral Sea (Kazakh: Арал Теңізі Aral Teñizi; Uzbek: Orol Dengizi; Roushie: Аральскοе Мοре Aral'skoye Morye; Tajik: Баҳри Арал Bahri Aral; older Persie: دریای خوارزم Daryâ-ye Khârazm) wis a loch lyin atween Kazakhstan (Aktobe an Kyzylorda provinces) in the north an Karakalpakstan, an autonomous region o Uzbekistan, in the sooth.エスペラント語⇒Aralo (Arala maro, Arala lago aŭ Aral-lago) (kazaĥe Aral tenizi) estis senelflua sala lago en Azio, kiu kuŝas en baseno de basebeno de Turan. Ĝi apartenas duone al Uzbekio kaj Kazaĥio.El la jaro 1852 ekzistas sciigoj pri riĉeco de ĉirkaŭlaga areo je karpoj, vulpoj, antilopoj, siluroj, acipenseroj, pelikanoj, mevoj, erinacoj kaj tigroj.
そんなところです。また明日展開します☆ おやすみなさい いつも本当にありがとうございます☆ サム
フランス語→アラル海=La mer d'Aral est un lac d'eau salée d'Asie centrale situé entre 43° et 46° de latitude nord et entre 58° et 62° de longitude est, occupant la partie basse de la dépression touranienne ou aralo-caspienne au milieu d'espaces désertiques. Elle est partagée entre le Kazakhstan au nord et l'Ouzbékistan au sud. Elle tire son nom du mot kazakh Aral qui signifie « île » en référence aux milliers d'îles qui la couvraient.Dans les années 1960, la mer d'Aral, encore alimentée par les puissants fleuves Amou-Daria et Syr-Daria, formait la quatrième plus vaste étendue lacustre du monde, avec une superficie de 66 458 km2. En 2000, cette superficie était divisée par deux. Cet assèchement, dû au détournement des deux fleuves pour produire du coton en masse, est une des plus importantes catastrophes environnementales du xxe siècle. En août 2005 s'est achevée la construction de la digue de Kokaral qui sépare la petite partie nord de la mer d'Aral au Kazakhstan, la Petite mer d'Aral, du reste de la dépression, la préservant ainsi de l'assèchement2. Depuis lors, la partie sud initialement appelée Grande Aral ne reçoit pratiquement plus d'eau de surface ; en grande partie asséchée, elle est généralement divisée en trois lacs principaux : un profond bassin occidental, parfois relié à un bassin oriental peu profond et souvent à sec, et le petit lac de Barsakelmes.ポルトガル語→歴史História=Exploração humana inicial A presença militar russa no mar de Aral começou em 1847, com a fundação da Raimsk, que logo foi rebatizado Aralsk, perto da foz do Syr Darya. Logo, a Marinha Imperial Russa começou a implantar os seus navios no mar. Devido à bacia do mar de Aral não estar ligada a outros corpos de água, os navios tiveram que ser desmontados em Orenburg, no rio Ural, enviados por via terrestre para Aralsk (presumivelmente por uma caravana de camelos), e então remontados. Os dois primeiros navios, montados em 1847, eram as escunas de dois mastros chamado Nikolai e Mikhail. O primeiro foi um navio de guerra, enquanto o último um mercante que servia para o estabelecimento da pesca no lago grande. Em 1848, estes dois navios pesquisaram a parte norte do mar. No mesmo ano, um grande navio de guerra, Constantino, foi também montado. Comandado pelo tenente Alexey Butakov, o Constantino concluiu o levantamento de todo o mar de Aral em dois anos.[7] O exilado poeta e pintor ucraniano Taras Shevchenko participou da expedição, e pintou uma série de esboços da costa do mar de Aral.[8] Para a navegação, em 1851, dois navios recém-construídos chegaram da Suécia, novamente através de caravanas até Orenburg. Como os levantamentos geológicos não tinham encontrado nenhum depósito de carvão na região, o Governador Militar, General de Orenburg Vasily Perovsky ordenou "tão grande quanto possível o fornecimento" de Haloxylon (um arbusto do deserto, parecido com o arbusto de creosoto), a ser recolhida em Aralsk para uso pelos novos vapores. Infelizmente, a madeira do Haloxylon não resultou num combustível muito apropriado, e nos últimos anos a frota de Aral foi provisionada, a um custo substancial, pelo carvão da bacia Donets [7]アストゥリアス語⇒生態系+環境破壊=Problemes ecolóxicos En 1959, la Xunión Soviética decidió esviar parte de l'agua de los dos grandes ríos d'Asia Central, el Amu Daria nel sur y el Sir Daria nel nordés, pa poder desenvolver cultivos de regadío nel desiertu d'Asia Central.[7] D'esta manera, l'Asia Central soviética empezó a producir arroz, melonos, ceberaes y, bien n'especial, algodón. La Xunión Soviética pretendía convertise n'unu de los principales productores mundiales d'algodón, y consiguir; na actualidá, Uzbekistán ye unu de los mayores productores esportadores d'algodón nel mundu.[12] Los canales de regación empezaron a construyise a gran escala nos años 1930. La calidá de la construcción de munchos d'estes canales yera ínfima, lo cual dexaba que parte de l'agua penerárase o se evaporara. Nel casu de la canal de Kara Kum, el mayor d'Asia Central, esbardiábase probablemente hasta un 70% de l'agua. Entá güei solo'l 12% del llargor total de canales de regación de Uzbekistán ta impermiabilizáu.[8] Antes de 1960, envalórase que yá s'esviaben a la tierra ente 20 y 70 kilómetros cúbicos d'agua. Asina, la mayor parte del suministru d'agua del mar de Aral esviárase y na década del 60, el mar empezó a menguar. Ente 1961 y 1970, el nivel del mar de Aral baxó a un ritmu mediu de 20 cm al añu. Nos años 70, el ritmu de descensu del nivel casi se triplicó, hasta algamar ente 50 y 60 cm añales. Nos años 80, el nivel del mar amenorgaba una media d'ente 80 y 90 cm cada añu. Y a pesar d'esto, el volume d'agua utilizada pa la regación siguió n'aumentu. La cantidá d'agua estrayida de los ríos doblar ente 1960 y 1980.[8] Mentanto, la producción d'algodón casi se dobló nel mesmu periodu. La progresiva desapaición del gran llagu nun sosprendía a los soviéticos. Yá lo esperaren. Aparentemente, na URSS considerábase qu'el Aral yera un erru de la naturaleza», y un inxenieru soviéticu diría en 1968 que «rescampla pa tol mundu que la desapaición del mar de Aral ye inevitable».[13]
この地域はもともと海底であったことから、土壌には塩分が多量に含まれている。毛細管現象は水はけが良ければ発生しないが、アラル海の下流域では地下水位が高く1メートルも掘れば塩分を含んだ地下水が湧き出し、しかもシルト・粘土土壌であるために水分含有率が非常に高い。さらに同地域では重力灌漑という「水位の高い水路から、低地の農地に水を引いて灌漑する」という方式が取られている。つまり煮えたぎる鍋に海水をどんどん注げば、やがて塩が析出する原理と同じように地表からの蒸発散作用でカルシウム、カリウム、ナトリウム、マグネシウムといった塩分が土壌表面近く50センチメートル内に析出し、やがて地表は雪で覆われたように真っ白になるほどの塩類集積が発生する。このように、最初は強制的な灌漑により耕作できた土地も、塩害の進行とともに放棄せざるを得なくなった[要出典]。アムダリヤ・シルダリヤ両河川を水源として灌漑用水路を建設したがこれらは原始的な手掘りで河床対策が施行されなかったため、大半の水が無駄に砂漠に吸収され土壌の塩類集積・沼地化を促進させてしまった。しかも灌漑農地から染み出した排水や地表の塩分を洗い流すリーチングの排水は、灌漑用水の水質が低下しないように農地より低い位置にある砂漠に棄てられるか、排水路末端の池に注ぐことになり、アム河やシル河に戻ることはない。このようなずさんな灌漑設備および灌漑・排水方式により流量が激減した両河川は、アラル海を大きく減少させた[要出典]。水を消費するカラクーム運河の補完水源として「シベリア河川転流構想」(オビ・エニセイ川からアラル海経由でカスピ海)[20]もあったが、実現性が乏しく1986年に中止された[6]。ソ連の科学者の中には将来を予想し反対を唱えた者もいたが、政府指導者の間には「自然改造」の弊害はシベリア転流で一気に解決するという「多幸症」的な神話が広がっており[6]、中央政府(Grigory Voropaevの発言とされる)は漁業利潤と灌漑利潤試算を盾に「アラル海で捕れるチョウザメのキャビアがどれほどの利益になろうか。それが社会主義の勝利にどれほど貢献するというのか。それよりも砂漠の地を緑に変え、そこで栽培される綿花がどれだけの利益を生み出すだろう。なるほど、灌漑によってアラル海は干上がるかもしれない。しかし社会主義の勝利のためには」[要出典]「アラル海はむしろ美しく死ぬべきである」と言って退けた[21]
計画推進の結果、1960年代には年平均20cm、1970年代には年平均60cmと猛烈なペースで水面が低下し、急激に縮小をはじめた。一晩で数十 m も湖岸線が遠のいていくため、退避しそこなってその場に打ち捨てられた船の群れが後に「船の墓場」として有名になった。アラル海は中央アジアの中のオアシス的存在であった。湖の存在により気温・湿度が一定の過ごしやすい環境に保たれ、動植物が多様に存在していた。しかし湖が干上がることにより雨は降らなくなり、気温も年較差が激しくなった。そのことにより河畔林であるツガイ大森林など周辺の緑が枯れ、風食作用により表層土も失われ、湖ともども砂漠化の進行を加速化している。アラル海の塩分濃度は、ナトリウム以外の塩基成分であるカルシウムやマグネシウムなどの塩分等が湖底に沈殿し、カルシウムは貝類の貝殻に取り込まれる生態濃縮機能などによって数百年もの間一定の濃度を保っていたが、生態系の破壊によってその絶妙なバランスが機能しなくなった[要出典]。
1980年代のソ連ではペレストロイカやグラスノスチが進んだ。1988年の第19回ソ連党協議会ではアラル海の惨状が議題に上り、主要閣僚が反省の弁を述べた。翌年、ソ連最高ソビエトは「国の環境健全化の緊急措置について」を発表し、海外の専門家に「アラル海復興構想」を募集することにした[23]。1992年から1993年ごろ、カザフスタン・ウズベキスタン・トルクメニスタン・タジキスタン・キルギスタンの五カ国は「国家間水資源調整委員会」(ICWC)、「アラル海流域問題国家間会議」(ICAS)、「アラル海救済国際基金」(IFSA)[注釈 2]を創設した[6]。しかしタジキスタン内戦などが起こり、対策は遅々として進まなかった。
Aral Sea
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The Aral Sea (Kazakh: Арал Теңізі Aral Teñizi; Uzbek: Orol dengizi; Russian: Ара́льское море, tr. Aral'skoye Morye; IPA: [ɐˈralʲskəjə ˈmorʲɪ]; Tajik: Баҳри Арал Bahri Aral; older Persian: دریاچه خوارزم Daryâche Khârazm; Mongolian: Арал тэнгис) was an endorheic lake lying between Kazakhstan (Aktobe and Kyzylorda Regions) in the north and Uzbekistan (Karakalpakstan autonomous region) in the south. The name roughly translates as "Sea of Islands", referring to over 1,100 islands that once dotted its waters; in the Turkic languages aral means "island, archipelago". The Aral Sea drainage basin encompasses Uzbekistan and parts of Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Afghanistan and Pakistan.[1]Formerly one of the four largest lakes in the world with an area of 68,000 km2 (26,300 sq mi), the Aral Sea has been steadily shrinking since the 1960s after the rivers that fed it were diverted by Soviet irrigation projects. By 2007, it had declined to 10% of its original size, splitting into four lakes – the North Aral Sea, the eastern and western basins of the once far larger South Aral Sea, and one smaller lake between the North and South Aral Seas.[4] By 2009, the southeastern lake had disappeared and the southwestern lake had retreated to a thin strip at the western edge of the former southern sea; in subsequent years, occasional water flows have led to the southeastern lake sometimes being replenished to a small degree.[5] Satellite images taken by NASA in August 2014 revealed that for the first time in modern history the eastern basin of the Aral Sea had completely dried up.[6] The eastern basin is now called the Aralkum Desert.In an ongoing effort in Kazakhstan to save and replenish the North Aral Sea, a dam project was completed in 2005; in 2008, the water level in this lake had risen by 12 m (39 ft) compared to 2003.[7] Salinity has dropped, and fish are again found in sufficient numbers for some fishing to be viable.[8] The maximum depth of the North Aral Sea is 42 m (138 ft) (as of 2008).[2]The shrinking of the Aral Sea has been called "one of the planet's worst environmental disasters".[9][10] The region's once-prosperous fishing industry has been essentially destroyed, bringing unemployment and economic hardship. The Aral Sea region is also heavily polluted, with consequential serious public health problems.
Most of the area around the Aral Sea was inhabited by desert nomads who left few written records. However, the Oxus delta to the south has a long history under the name of Khwarezm.
Naval history[edit]
Russian naval presence on the Aral Sea started in 1847, with the founding of Raimsk, which was soon renamed Fort Aralsk, near the mouth of the Syr Darya. Soon, the Imperial Russian Navy started deploying its vessels on the sea. Owing to the Aral Sea basin not being connected to other bodies of water, the vessels had to be disassembled in Orenburg on the Ural River, shipped overland to Aralsk (presumably by a camel caravan), and then reassembled. The first two ships, assembled in 1847, were the two-masted schooners named Nikolai and Mikhail. The former was a warship; the latter was a merchant vessel meant to serve the establishment of the fisheries on the great lake. In 1848, these two vessels surveyed the northern part of the sea. In the same year, a larger warship, the Constantine, was assembled. Commanded by Lt. Alexey Butakov (Алексей Бутаков), the Constantine completed the survey of the entire Aral Sea over the next two years.[13] The exiled Ukrainian poet and painter Taras Shevchenko participated in the expedition, and painted a number of sketches of the Aral Sea coast.[14]For the navigation season of 1851, two newly built steamers arrived from Sweden, again by caravan from Orenburg. As the geological surveys had found no coal deposits in the area, the Military Governor-General of Orenburg Vasily Perovsky ordered "as large as possible supply" of saxaul (Haloxylon ammodendron, a desert shrub, akin to the creosote bush) to be collected in Aralsk for use by the new steamers. Unfortunately, saxaul wood did not turn out a very suitable fuel, and in the later years, the Aral Flotilla was provisioned, at substantial cost, by coal from the Donbass.[13] (This was part of the Russian conquest of Turkestan.)
Irrigation canals[edit]
Further information: Great Plan for the Transformation of Nature
The terms "mistake of nature" and "useless evaporator" were used to describe the Aral Sea by Aleksandr Voeikov, a Russian climatologist.[15]In the early 1960s,[16] the Soviet government decided the two rivers that fed the Aral Sea, the Amu Darya in the south and the Syr Darya in the east, would be diverted to irrigate the desert, in an attempt to grow rice, melons, cereals, and cotton.This was part of the Soviet plan for cotton, or "white gold", to become a major export. This temporarily succeeded, and in 1988, Uzbekistan was the world's largest exporter of cotton.[17]The construction of irrigation canals began on a large scale in the 1940s.[clarification needed] Many of the canals were poorly built, allowing water to leak or evaporate. From the Qaraqum Canal, the largest in Central Asia, perhaps 30 to 75% of the water went to waste. Today,[when?] only 12% of Uzbekistan's irrigation canal length is waterproofed.Of the 47,750 km of interfarm irrigation channels in the basin, only 28% have anti-infiltration linings. Only 77% of farm intakes have flow gauges, and of the 268,500 km of onfarm channels, only 21% have anti-infiltration linings, which retain on average 15% more water than unlined channels.[18]By 1960, between 20 and 60 km3 (4.8 and 14.4 cu mi) of water were going each year to the land instead of the sea. Most of the sea's water supply had been diverted, and in the 1960s, the Aral Sea began to shrink. From 1961 to 1970, the Aral's level fell at an average of 20 cm (7.9 in) a year; in the 1970s, the average rate nearly tripled to 50–60 cm (20–24 in) per year, and by the 1980s, it continued to drop, now with a mean of 80–90 cm (31–35 in) each year. The rate of water usage for irrigation continued to increase; the amount of water taken from the rivers doubled between 1960 and 2000, and cotton production nearly doubled in the same period.The disappearance of the lake was no surprise to the Soviets; they expected it to happen long before. As early as 1964, Aleksandr Asarin at the Hydroproject Institute pointed out that the lake was doomed, explaining, "It was part of the five-year plans, approved by the council of ministers and the Politburo. Nobody on a lower level would dare to say a word contradicting those plans, even if it was the fate of the Aral Sea."[19]The reaction to the predictions varied. Some Soviet experts apparently considered the Aral to be "nature's error", and a Soviet engineer said in 1968, "it is obvious to everyone that the evaporation of the Aral Sea is inevitable."[20] On the other hand, starting in the 1960s, a large-scale project was proposed to redirect part of the flow of the rivers of the Ob basin to Central Asia over a gigantic canal system. Refilling of the Aral Sea was considered as one of the project's main goals. However, due to its staggering costs and the negative public opinion in Russia proper, the federal authorities abandoned the project by 1986.[21]From 1960 to 1998, the sea's surface area shrank by about 60%, and its volume by 80%. In 1960, the Aral Sea had been the world's fourth-largest lake, with an area around 68,000 km2 (26,000 sq mi) and a volume of 1,100 km3 (260 cu mi); by 1998, it had dropped to 28,687 km2 (11,076 sq mi) and eighth largest. Over the same time period, its salinity increased from about 10 g/l to about 45 g/l.[citation needed]In 1987, the continuing shrinkage split the lake into two separate bodies of water, the North Aral Sea (the Lesser Sea, or Small Aral Sea) and the South Aral Sea (the Greater Sea, or Large Aral Sea) In June 1991, Uzbekistan gained independence from the Soviet Union. Craig Murray, a UK ambassador to Uzbekistan in 2002, described the independence as a way for Islam Karimov to consolidate his power rather than a move away from a Soviet-style economy and its philosophy of exploitation of the land. Murray attributes the shrinkage of the Aral Sea in the 1990s to Karimov's cotton policy. The government maintained a massive irrigation system which Murray described as massively wasteful, with most of the water being lost through evaporation before reaching the cotton. Crop rotation was not used, and the depleted soil and monoculture required massive quantities of pesticides and fertilizer. The runoff from the fields washed these chemicals into the shrinking sea, creating severe pollution and health problems. As the water supply of the Aral Sea decreased, the demand for cotton increased and the Soviet reacted by pouring more pesticides and fertilizer onto the land. Murray compared the system to the slavery system in the pre-Civil War United States; forced labor was used, and profits were siphoned off by the powerful and well-connected. Murray contrasts this to Kazakhstan, where the cotton industry had been privatized.[22]By summer 2003, the South Aral Sea was vanishing faster than predicted. In the deepest parts of the sea, the bottom waters were saltier than the top, and not mixing. Thus, only the top of the sea was heated in the summer, and it evaporated faster than would otherwise be expected. In 2003, the South Aral further divided into eastern and western basins.In 2004, the Aral Sea's surface area was only 17,160 km2 (6,630 sq mi), 25% of its original size, and a nearly five-fold increase in salinity had killed most of its natural flora and fauna. By 2007, the sea's area had further shrunk to 10% of its original size, and the salinity of the remains of the South Aral had increased to levels in excess of 100 g/l.[4] (By comparison, the salinity of ordinary seawater is typically around 35 g/l; the Dead Sea's salinity varies between 300 and 350 g/l.) The decline of the North Aral has now been partially reversed following construction of a dam (see below), but the remnants of the South Aral continue to disappear and its drastic shrinkage has created the Aralkum, a desert on the former lake bed.The inflow of groundwater into the South Aral Sea will probably not in itself be able to stop the desiccation, especially without a change in irrigation practices.[23] This inflow of about 4 km3 (0.96 cu mi) per year is larger than previously estimated. The groundwater originates in the Pamirs and Tian Shan Mountains and finds its way through geological layers to a fracture zone[24] at the bottom of the Aral.アフリカーンズ⇒Aralmeerアラル海=Die Aralmeer (Kasaks: Арал Теңізі, Aral Tenjizi; Oesbekies: Orol Dengizi; Russies: Аральскοе Мοре) was ’n meer tussen Kazachstan in die noorde en Oezbekistan in die suide. ’n Rowwe vertaling van die naam is "See van Eilande" – dit verwys na meer as 1 534 eilande wat vroeër daar voorgekom het; in Oud-Turks beteken aral "eiland" of "struik".[2]Dit was voorheen een van die grootste vier mere in die wêreld met ’n oppervlakte van 68 000 km². In die 1960's het dit geleidelik begin krimp omdat die riviere wat dit gevoed het, deur die Sowjetunie weggelei is vir besproeiingsprojekte. Teen 2007 het dit tot 10% van sy oorspronklike grootte gekrimp en in vier mere verdeel: die Noord-Aralmeer, die oostelike en westelike komme van die eens veel groter Suid-Aralmeer en een kleiner meer tussen die Noord- en Suid-Aralmeer.[3] Teen 2009 het die suidoostelike meer verdwyn en die suidwestelike meer gekrimp tot ’n smal strook.[4]Die maksimum diepte van die Aralmeer is 42 m (2008).[5]Die krimping van die Aralmeer is "een van die planeet se ergste omgewingsrampe" genoem.[6] Die streek se eens vooruitstrewende visbedryf is so te sê vernietig en dit het werkloosheid en ekonomiese teenspoed meegebring. Die streek is ook erg besoedel en dit het ernstige gesondheidsprobleme tot gevolg gehad. Dit het na berig word ook die klimaat beïnvloed: somers is warmer en droër en winters kouer en langer.[7]In ’n poging om die Aralmeer te red en weer van water te voorsien, het Kazachstan ’n damprojek in 2005 voltooi; in 2008 het die watervlak met 24 m gestyg vanaf sy laagste vlak in 2007.[8] Die soutinhoud het ook gedaal en genoeg vis kom weer in die meer voor sodat vissery lewensvatbaar kan wees.[9]
아랄 해(카자흐어: Арал Теңізі, Aral Tengizi, 우즈베크어: Orol dengizi, 러시아어: Аральскοе мοре)는 카스피 해의 동쪽에 위치한, 중앙아시아의 염호이다. 카자흐스탄 남부와 우즈베키스탄 북부 사이에 있다.아랄 해는 한때 세계 4위의 호수였으나 강물의 유입이 해마다 줄어들면서 급격히 작아지고 있다. 호수가 줄어들고 있는 것은 1960년대부터 소비에트 연방이 중앙아시아에서 대규모 면화 재배를 위해 아랄 해로 들어오는 아무다리야 강과 시르다리야 강의 물을 중간에 차단하고 관개용수로 사용하고 있기 때문이다. 호수로 유입된 물이 크게 줄자 염도가 3배 이상 높아지고 수량이 70%이상 감소했다. 호수가 작아지면서 그곳에 살고 있던 철갑상어와 잉어 등 토착 어종이 사라졌으며 어업으로 번성하던 주변 어민들은 생계를 잃게 되었다. 또 말라버린 호수 바닥은 소금 사막이 되었다. 염분과 살충제의 잔류물이 바람을 타고 300km까지 확산되어 작물과 야생 동물이 고사하고 목초지가 황폐화되었다. 주민들은 물부족과 빈혈, 폐질환 등 각종 질병에 시달리고 있다. 1980년대 중반 아랄 해 인근지역에서는 유아와 산모 사망률이 구 소련에서 가장 높은 수치를 기록하기도 했다. 이 현상으로 '소금비'라는 새로운 단어가 만들어지기도 했다. 호수가 축소되자 이 지역에서는 한서의 차가 커지고 비도 적게 내려 작물의 생산량도 현저하게 감소하였다.[2] 또한 무기 실험·산업화·화학비료의 영향으로 아랄 해는 심각하게 오염되어 있다.
スペイン語⇒アラル海Artículo buenoMar de Aral=El mar de aral (en kazajo, Арал Теңізі, Aral Tengizi; en uzbeko, Orol dengizi; en ruso, Аральскοе мοре, Aralskoye more; en tayiko, Дарёчаи Хоразм, Darëchai Jorazm; en persa: دریاچه خوارزم, Daryocha-i Khorazm , lago Khuarazm) es un lago endorreico, o mar interior, situado en Asia Central, entre Kazajistán, al norte, y Uzbekistán, al sur. Si bien es denominado «mar», Kazajistán y Uzbekistán son considerados estados sin litoral. Antiguamente, era uno de los cuatro lagos más grandes del mundo, con una superficie de 68 000 km². En la actualidad, el mar de Aral se ha reducido a menos del 10 % de su tamaño original, hecho que se ha calificado como uno de los mayores desastres medioambientales ocurridos en la historia reciente.
鹹海(哈萨克语:Арал Теңізі;乌兹别克语:Orol dengizi;俄语:Аральскοе мοре),是中亞的一个内流鹹水湖,位於哈薩克斯坦共和國和烏茲別克斯坦共和國的交界處。“咸海”意为“岛之海”,得名于曾分布于其中的超过1,100个岛屿。在突厥语族中,aral意为“岛或岛屿”。咸海的流域包括了乌兹别克斯坦全境及塔吉克斯坦、土库曼斯坦、吉尔吉斯斯坦、哈萨克斯坦及阿富汗的部分地区。水源主要来自阿姆河和錫爾河。咸海曾以68,000平方公里的面积名列世界第四大湖,但1960年代以后,由于苏联的引水灌溉的河道改道工程,導坆咸海的面积不断地萎缩。至2007年,咸海的面积已萎缩至原面积的10%,并分裂为四个
湖。エストニア語⇒Araali meri ehk Araal on umbjärv Kesk-Aasias, mis jääb Kasahstani ja Usbekistani (Karakalpakkia) territooriumile.Araali meri paikneb Kesk-Aasia suuremate kõrbete (Karakum, Kõzõlkum ja Üstirti platoo) vahel ning tema valgala pindala on kokku 1,8 miljonit ruutkilomeetrit. Valgala jaguneb järgmiste riikide vahel: Kasahstan, Usbekistan, Türkmenistan, Tadžikistan, Afganistan ja Iraan.[1]Araali mere veehulk sõltub eelkõige aurumisest ja kahest suuremast sissevoolavast jõest – Amudarjast ja Sõrdarjast. Väiksem osatähtsus on ka põhjavee juurdevoolul.[1]Araali meri oli eelmise sajandi keskpaigani suuruselt neljas järv maailmas, kuid tänaseks on ta inimtegevuse tõttu oma veemahust kaotanud üle 90%.[3] Kuivamise peamiseks põhjuseks on Amudarja ja Sõrdarja vete ülemäärane kasutamine põldude niisutamiseks. Araali endise merepõhja alale tekkinud uut soolakõrbe kutsutakse Aralkumiks.[4]