
当ブログはトロント在住、日系一世カナダ人サミー・山田(48)おっさんの「独り言」です。まさに「個人日記」。1968年11月16日東京都目黒区出身(A型)・在北米30年の日系カナダ人(Canadian Citizen)・University of Toronto Woodsworth College BA History & East Asian Studies Major トロント在住(職業記者・医療関連・副職画家)・Toronto Ontario「団体」「宗教」「党派」一切無関係・「政治的」意図皆無=「事実関係」特定の「考え」が’正しい’あるいは一方だけが’間違ってる’いう気は毛頭なし。「知って」それぞれ「考えて」いただれれば本望(^_-☆Everybody!! Let's 'Ponder' or 'Contemplate' On va vous re?-chercher!Internationale!!「世界人類みな兄弟」「平和祈願」「友好共存」「戦争反対」「☆Against Racism☆」「☆Gender Equality☆」&ノーモア「ヘイト」(怨恨、涙、怒りや敵意しか生まない)Thank you very much for everything!! Ma Cher Minasan, Merci Beaucoup et Bonne Chance 

Registered Massage Therapist(RMT)・諦めきれない「達成」・・・+Testing Accommodations for Candidates with Disabilities

2016年10月 みなさん こんばんは。

ーともあれ、~♪風のなか笑ったり泣いたりけんかもしたね~明日は今日よりももっといい日になりますように~眠るきみの横顔に~微笑を~♪(聞きながら帰ってきました(^_-☆ おやすみなさい。☆平和祈願☆戦争反対Peace☆Sammy from Canada2016/10

Massage Therapy Education in Ontario
In Ontario, diploma programs in Massage Therapy are offered at a number of Colleges, as well as Private Career Colleges, registered with and approved by the Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities. The CMTO does not grant approval to educational institutions to market programs as having been approved by the College of Massage Therapists of Ontario.
 Certification Examinations
Before one can become registered to practise Massage Therapy in Ontario, they must successfully complete the certification examinations administered by the College of Massage Therapists of Ontario. A candidate’s education must be no more than three years old on the date they are schedule to take an examination. If their education is more than three years old, they must successfully complete a CMTO-approved refresher course no more than 15 months before the date they are scheduled to take an examination. The Certification Examination evaluates whether a candidate for registration with the College has the entry to practice competence expected for safe Massage Therapy practice.
There are two components of the certification examination – the written Multiple Choice Questionnaire (MCQ) and the Objectively Structured Clinical Evaluation (OSCE). A minimum scaled score of 70 is required on each component of the examination.
The  MCQ is the multiple choice component of the certification examinations. The exam is designed to evaluate the candidate’s knowledge in the three competency areas of health science, professional development and clinical science.
The MCQ consists of 150 questions administered over 180 minutes via computer. It can be taken either before or after the OSCE..

The Objectively Structured Clinical Evaluation (OSCE) is the clinical component of the College’s certification exams
It is designed to evaluate both the candidate’s knowledge and application of skill, and to test the ability to safely and effectively apply the principles and processes of Massage Therapy practice given a number of different clinical scenarios in one of seven test stations. Scores are given by Massage Therapist examiners based on the candidate’s performance at each station. The OSCE lasts roughly 90 minutes.
Preparing for the Certification Exams
More information about the content and format of the certification exams is provided in the Candidate Handbook. It is extremely important that candidates read the Candidate Handbook before taking Certification Exams with the College.
As well, it is important for candidates to have a thorough knowledge and understanding of the Massage Therapy competency standards. The College has developed a Massage Therapy Competency Standards document which describes the competencies required of a Massage Therapist in three key areas – health science, professional development and clinical science.
Certification Examination Statistics

Becoming an RMT in Ontario
Massage Therapy consists primarily of hands-on manipulation of the soft tissues of the body, specifically, the muscles, connective tissue, tendons, ligaments and joints for the purpose of optimizing health.

Ontario’s Massage Therapists are primarily self-employed health professionals, working in a variety of settings such as Massage Therapy clinics, chiropractic or multi-disciplinary clinics, health spas, long-term care facilities, community health clinics and hospitals, as well as private practice.

To practise Massage Therapy in Ontario, you must first obtain a Certificate of Registration from the College of Massage Therapists of Ontario (CMTO). Only those registered with the College may use the protected titles “Registered Massage Therapist” (RMT) or “Massage Therapist” (MT). Both titles are equivalent and mean that the holder of the title is a registrant of CMTO.

The requirements to become an RMT in Ontario are found in the Registration Regulations under the Massage Therapy Act, 1991 .  To become an RMT in Ontario, an applicant must:

Successfully complete a Massage Therapy diploma program recognized by the Ontario Ministry of Advanced Education and Skills Development (or equivalent).
If the education was completed more than three years prior to attempting the Certification Examinations or prior to applying for registration, the applicant must successfully complete a CMTO Refresher Course.
Successfully complete CMTO’s Certification Examinations.
Provide a Letter of Standing if he or she has previously practised in any regulated profession including Massage Therapy in Ontario or any other jurisdiction to demonstrate that there has been no finding of, and that there is no current proceeding involving an allegation of, professional misconduct, incompetence or incapacitation or any like finding or proceeding against the applicant that affects the fitness of the applicant to practise the profession.
Satisfy the Registration Committee that he or she has not been convicted or charged with, and not found “not guilty” or acquitted of, an offence that affects the fitness of the applicant to engage in the practice of the profession (applicants are asked to submit a Vulnerable Sector Check).
Demonstrate that they are a Canadian citizen, a permanent resident of Canada, or authorized under theImmigration and Refugee Protection Act (Canada) to engage in the practice of Massage Therapy.
Be able to speak and write either English or French with reasonable fluency (meet the requirements of CMTO’s Language Fluency Policy).
Provide proof of professional liability insurance.
Satisfy the Registration Committee that the applicant’s past and present conduct provide reasonable grounds for the belief that the applicant:
Will practise Massage Therapy with decency, honesty and integrity, and in accordance with the law;
Does not have any physical or mental condition or disorder that could affect his or her ability to practise Massage Therapy in a safe manner; and
Will display an appropriately professional attitude. O. Reg. 864/93, s. 5 (1); O. Reg. 396/94, s. 1; O. Reg. 234/05, s. 1 (1); O. Reg. 73/12, s. 2 (1, 2).

Initial Registration

As noted above, an applicant must successfully complete the Certification Examinations. From the time you receive your final certification examination results indicating that you have passed the examinations, it can take up to ten (10) business days for the College to send you an e-mail confirming your eligibility to apply for registration and providing information about CMTO’s Initial Registration process. This email will include notice of your Initial Registration fees and a list of documents (the Initial Registration Checklist) required for your IR application.

Complete details of the requirements and documents needed to accompany the registration application are found in the Initial Registration Guide. After completing the registration application, use the checklist to ensure you are sending all the required documents. Additional information about registration and professional liability insurance can be found in the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) section.

Submitting the Application for Initial Registration

After you have received confirmation from CMTO that you are eligible for registration, you may apply for Initial Registration online by logging in to your Online Profile using the same login and password you used to book your certification examinations. You will be presented with an Initial Registration option. Follow the steps, pay the registration fee and send in the required documents to CMTO. Alternatively, a paper copy of the Initial Registration Application can be printed out and mailed to CMTO with the required documents.

Massage Therapy Education in Ontario
Massage Therapists Educated Outside Ontario
Certification Examinations
Initial Registration
Initial Registration Application
Initial Registration Application Guide
Initial Registration Document Checklist
Initial Registration Fees
Registration Process for Ontario Graduates
Registration Process for Graduates of Approved Programs Outside Ontario
Registrar Review Flow Chart
Mapping of Registration Requirements to the Inter-Jurisdictional Competency Standards
Fair Registration Practices Reports
OSAP Office
Working in the Ontario Health Care Sector

1、ラテン語⇒解剖学=Anatomia[1] sive anatome[2] sive anatomica[3] sive anatomice[3] (a Graeco ἀνατομή 'dissectio') est scientia membrorum corporis.
2、フランス語→病理学=La pathologie (grec ancien παθολογία [pathologia], « examen des passions », soit « étude des maladies »)1, est la science qui a pour objet l'étude des maladies2 et notamment leurs causes (étiologie) et leurs mécanismes (physiopathologie). La nosologie quant à elle a pour objet la classification des maladies. La pathologie cardiaque désigne ainsi l'étude des maladies du cœur ; la pathologie du bétail pour parler de l'étude des maladies des veaux, vaches, moutons.
3、ルーマニア語⇒生理学=Fiziologia ( din limba greacă: phisos- natură și logos-cunoaștere) se ocupă cu studiul funcțiilor mecanice, fizice și biochimice ale organismelor vii.
4、スペイン語⇒神経学=La neurología (del griego clásico νεῦρον, «nervio» y del sufijo -λογία, «estudio de») es la especialidad médica que trata los trastornos del sistema nervioso.1​ Específicamente se ocupa de la prevención, diagnóstico, tratamiento y rehabilitación de todas las enfermedades que involucran al sistema nervioso central, sistema nervioso periférico y el sistema nervioso autónomo. Existe gran número de enfermedades neurológicas, las cuales pueden afectar el sistema nervioso central (cerebro y espina dorsal), el sistema nervioso periférico, o el sistema nervioso autónomo.
5、インターリングア語→生物学=Le biologia (scientia del vita; ab le greco βιολογία, componite de bió(s), "vita", e lógos, derivate de lógein, "discuter, rationar, studiar") es le scientia que studia tote materia vivente in tote su formas e phenomenos, relativemente al organismo o gruppos de organismos vivente.
6、ドイツ語→微生物学=Mikrobiologie (zusammengesetzt aus altgriechisch μικρός mikrós „klein“, und Biologie) ist die Wissenschaft und Lehre von den Mikroorganismen, also Lebewesen, die als Individuen nicht mit bloßem Auge erkannt werden können: Bakterien, Pilze, Protozoen (Urtierchen), ein- und wenigzellige Algen (Mikroalgen) und Viren.
7、ポルトガル語⇒栄養学=Nutrição é um processo biológico em que os organismos (animais, fungos, vegetais e micro-organismos), utilizando-se de alimentos, assimilam nutrientes para a realização de suas funções vitais.
Devido sua importância à sobrevivência de qualquer ser vivo, a nutrição faz parte do aprendizado durante grande parte do período de estudo básico e em nível secundário, assim como em muitos cursos de nível de graduação e pós-graduação, em áreas como medicina, enfermagem, biomedicina, farmácia, biologia, agronomia, zootecnia e nutrição entre outras.

8、オランダ語⇒整形外科学=Orthopedie is een medisch specialisme dat zich bezighoudt met de behandeling van afwijkingen en ziekten van het steun- en bewegingsapparaat. De oorsprong van de naam komt van het oud-Griekse 'orthos' (recht) en 'paedos' (kind) en voert terug op het recht laten groeien van kinderen. Voorheen werd het dan ook geschreven als orthopaedie. 
9、トルコ語⇒循環器学=Kardiyoloji, kalp ve dolaşım sistemi hastalıklarını inceleyen bilim dalıdır. Kardiyoloji önceleri iç hastalıklarının (dahiliye) bir alt dalı iken günümüzde ayrı bir anabilim dalı olarak çalışmaktadır. Yapılan araştırmalar ile biriken bilgi birikimi ve gelişen yeni teknolojiler, diğer araştırmalı ve/veya uygulamalı bilim dallarında olduğu gibi, kardiyoloji alanında da büyük gelişmeler olmasını ve alt bilim dallarının ortaya çıkmasını sağlamıştır. Kardiyoloji son 30-40 yıl içerisinde tahminlerin ötesinde bir gelişme kaydetmiştir ve bu gelişmeler artarak devam etmektedir. Bu gelişmelerle birlikte, kardiyoloji içerisinde oluşmuş kimi alt dallar şunlardır:
10、エスペラント語⇒呼吸器=La spira sistemo (latine apparatus respiratorius) estas la tuta organa sistemo komponita de organoj kaj strukturoj de homoj kaj aliaj bestoj, kiu zorgas pri la spirado. Oni diferencigas la "aerovojojn", kiuj nur gvidas la aeron al kaj el la korpa interno, de la pulmo (bronkoj, bronketoj kaj alveoloj), kie okazas la vivnecesa gasa interŝanĝo inter oksigeno kaj karbondioksido kaj tiele inter la viva estaĵo kaj la medio.
11、ポーランド語⇒人脳(神経心理学)=Mózgowie (łac. encephalon z gr. en „w, wewnątrz” i kephalos „głowa”) – część ośrodkowego układu nerwowego leżąca w czaszce. Jest to najbardziej złożony narząd człowieka. Stopień jego rozwoju prawdopodobnie warunkuje istnienie świadomości. Między neuronami czuciowymi i ruchowymi rozmieszczone są włókna kojarzeniowe. Wewnątrz mózgowia wyróżnia się skupienia komórek nerwowych – jądra i kora mózgu. Wypustki wychodzące z jąder tworzą wiązki oraz spoidła mózgu.
12、ラトビア語⇒皮膚=Āda ir dzīvnieku un cilvēku ķermeņa ārējais apvalks. Āda sargā ķermeni no apkārtējās vides ietekmes un mikroorganismiem, ir maņu orgāns, piedalās vielmaiņā un termoregulācijā. Augstāk attīstītākajiem mugurkaulniekiem ir 3 ādas slāņi; virsāda jeb epiderma — sastāv no epitēlijaudiem, radusies no ektodermas; pamatāda — sastāv no saistaudiem, radusies no mezodermas; zemāda — sastāv no taukaudiem. Bezmugurkaulniekiem ir 1 ādas slānis, tā ir epiderma.
13、カタルーニャ語⇒外分泌腺=Una glàndula exocrina és aquella que secreta el producte a l'exterior.
Es classifiquen atenent a diversos criteris.

14、ジャワ語→泌尿器=Sistem urin iku sistem organ kang mrodhuksi, nyimpen, lan ngilèaké urin. Sing kalebu sistem urin manungsa ya iku: ginjal cacahé loro, ureter cacahé loro, kandhung kemih, otot sphincter cacahé loro, lan uretra.
15、デンマーク語⇒リンパ腺=Lymfeknuder også forkert kaldet "lymfekirtler" (de udskiller ikke noget og er derfor ikke kirtler), er dele af lymfesystemet. Lymfeknuderne virker som vagtposter, der filtrerer og undersøger lymfen, når den kommer ind fra hele kroppen mod venerne tæt ved hjertet. Denne filtrering er et vigtigt element i opdagelsen og bekæmpelsen af infektioner af bakterier og virus. Samtidig sikrer filtreringen mod sepsis. Lymfeknuder er fyldt med lymfocytter, der organiserer den adaptive immunitet, dvs. immunforsvaret mod genkendte fjender.
16、スコットランド語⇒消化器=The human digeestive seestem conseests o the gastrointestinal tract plus the accessory organs o digeestion (the tongue, salivary glands, pancreas, liver, an gawbledder).[1] In this seestem, the process o digeestion has mony stages, the first o which starts in the mooth.
イタリア語→マッサージ=l massaggio (dal greco massein che significa "impastare", "modellare") è la più antica forma di terapia fisica, utilizzata nel tempo da differenti civiltà, per alleviare dolori e decontrarre la muscolatura allontanando la fatica. Oggi trova spazio all'interno della fisioterapia, della medicina alternativa e nei trattamenti estetici. Ne esistono infatti diversi tipi, con differenti finalità: distensivi, muscolari, sportivi, antidolore, drenanti, anticellulite e rilassanti. La pratica ha origine, come storicamente noto, in India, si è poi successivamente diffusa in Cina paese nel quale è molto praticata e dal quale viene esportata in tutto il mondo.

Standards of Practice
The Standards of Practice provide Registered Massage Therapists (“RMTs”, “MTs” or “registrants”) with the expectations for professional practice of Massage Therapy.
Standards Documents
Acupuncture Standard of Practice
Standard for Maintaining Professional Boundaries and Preventing Sexual Abuse
Standard 1: Prepare the Treatment Area
Standard 2: Inform the Client of the Fees and Obtain His/Her Agreement to a Fee Schedule
Standard 3: Wash Your Hands and Any Skin Surface that Will/Has Come in Contact with the Client
Standard 4: Interview the Client to Obtain His/Her Treatment Goals
Standard 5: Risk Identification and Management for an Outbreak of Infectious Diseases
Standard 6: Obtain, Update and Record the Client’s Health History
Standard 7: Consent
Standard 8: Determine the Client’s Condition by Conducting Assessment/Re-Assessment
Standard 9: Determine if Massage Therapy Treatment is Indicated
Standard 10: Treatment and Treatment Plans
Standard 11: Pre / Post Treatment Protocol
Standard 12: Draping (now located in here)
Standard 13: Recommend Self-Care
Standard 14: Client Health Record
Standard 15: Use of Personal Protective Equipment During a Treatment
Standard 16: Discharge of a Client

Technique Standards
Standard 1: Introduction to the Standards for Specific Massage Therapy Techniques
Standard 2: Perform a Stroking Technique
Standard 3: Perform a Rocking or Shaking Technique
Standard 4: Perform an Effleurage Technique
Standard 5: Perform a Petrissage Technique
Standard 6: Perform a Friction Technique
Standard 7: Perform a Vibration Technique
Standard 8: Perform a Tapotement Technique
Standard 9: Apply Deep Fascial Techniques
Standard 10: Myo-Fascial Trigger Points
Standard 11: Apply Low-Grade Joint Mobilization (Sustained Grade I or II or Grade I or II Oscillations)
Standard 12: Apply High-Grade Joint Mobilization (Sustained Grade II and or Oscillations III and IV Joint Mobilization)
Standard 13: Perform a Stretch Technique
Standard 14: Perform an Intra-Oral Treatment
Standard 15: Perform Breast Massage
Standard 16: Perform Massage to the Chest Wall
Standard 17: Apply Hydrotherapy

College of Massage Therapists of Ontario
Testing Accommodations for Candidates with Disabilities
The College of Massage Therapists of Ontario (CMTO or the College) supports the provision of
reasonable testing accommodations for candidates with documented disabilities. A candidate
with a documented disability1
as defined in the Human Rights Code who needs modification to
the standard testing conditions may request special testing accommodations to take the
Certification Examination.
The purpose of accommodations is to provide equity, not advantage. An accommodation
request that would substantially alter essential elements of the examination will not be
granted. The goal is to make accommodations that are specific to the disability or disabilities of
the candidate, while keeping as much of the original examination materials and testing
environment as possible.
Candidates who need an elevator or wheelchair access at the test site do not need to follow the
formal process outlined below. These candidates are asked simply to submit a written request
to the Certification Services Department for elevator or wheelchair accessibility.
Requests for Accommodation
A candidate’s request for accommodation must include the following documentation:
 Accommodation Request Form (completed by candidate) and
 Accommodation Request Verification Form (completed by registered/licensed
professional who has the appropriate credentials to assess the disability)

If the candidate has a history of having been given testing accommodation during their
Massage Therapy educational program, the candidate must also submit the
 Confirmation of Accommodation History Form (completed by the Massage Therapy
education provider)
Candidates are responsible for providing sufficient information about their disability and
accommodation needs. Reports and diagnostic information (or further reports and information)
may be required in some cases to document the candidate’s disability and any history of testing
accommodation. Candidates are encouraged to provide as much information as they are
comfortable with providing with their application to avoid processing delays.
Documentation of a specific learning disability, including the identification and classification of
the disorder and recommendations for testing accommodations, should be provided by an
educational specialist, psychologist or counsellor rather than a family physician. In addition to
the Accommodation Request Verification Form, the candidate may submit documentation
1. Provides specific diagnostic data (i.e. test results) to support the diagnosed
disability; and
2. Establishes that a particular accommodation is necessary.
The documentation (e.g. psycho educational evaluation) should include general observations, a
history of the disability, a description of its impact on the candidate’s functioning, identification
of the specific standardized and professionally recognized tests/assessments given, the scores
resulting from testing, interpretation of the scores and evaluation, and recommendations for
testing accommodation.
Professional Diagnosis – Additional Information
The professional who has made the diagnosis is required to explain the specific aspect of the
disability which requires testing accommodation, the effect of the disability on the candidate’s
ability to perform under the customary testing conditions, and the impact of the disability on
major life activities (e.g. learning, seeing, hearing etc.). If the candidate has no history of testing
accommodation, the professional verifying the disability should include an explanation as to
why testing accommodations are currently needed. Where the request is in regard to a learning
disability, the professional providing information should be a specialist in learning disabilities.
The candidate and the professional recommending the testing accommodation(s) should
consult and come to an agreement as to the appropriate testing accommodations being
requested. That is, the accommodations requested by the candidate on the Accommodation
Request Form must match those recommended by the professional on the Accommodation
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