フロリダの惨劇⇒At least 17 dead in Florida school shooting/Looking down the barrel: The gun debate after the Florida Shooting
2日前(2月14日(水)=At least 17 dead in Florida school shooting(フロリダ学校銃撃殺人で最低17人死亡)=At least 17 people have been killed in Florida after a gunman opened fire on a local high school(地元の高校において男が銃口を開いた後、最低17人が殺された), in one of the deadliest mass shootings in US modern history(アメリカの近代史上もっとも恐ろしい大量銃撃殺戮(虐殺). Authorities warned late on Wednesday(水曜日遅くに当局は警告した) that the death toll could rise as some of the more than 14 people who were wounded were in critical condition and undergoing surgery(死亡者数(総計)は上がる可能性がある。重傷を負った瀕死の14人の犠牲者が危篤状態。及び(外科)手術中) Police say the suspect is 19-year-old Nikolas Cruzwho who was expelled from high school for disciplinary problems(警察発表では容疑者ニコラス・クルス(19歳)。規則(懲戒=校則)問題が故、同校を退学になった男). He was taken into custody shortly after the shooting(事件(銃撃殺人)直後、拘束され収監). Officials said the gunman began shooting outside the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida at about 2:40pm local time on Wednesday(当局がいうには犯人は午後2時40分頃銃撃を開始。フロリダ州、パークランド何某ダグラス高校の校外). He then entered the school (それから犯人は学校に侵入)and(加えて) continued the rampage(襲撃(凶暴な行為)を継続), using a semiautomatic AR-15 rifle(AR-15(M16自動小銃の一種)半自動ライフル銃を使用). Those inside the school can be heard yelling “Oh my God!” (学校内にいた人間たちは”オーマイゴッド(私の神よ=ザTrendy 大俳優、カネ儲けした布施のダイザブロー氏?(嘲笑)”の叫びを聞いた可能性)as shots rang out(銃撃が鳴り響いた) in videos circulating on social media(社会(大衆)メディアに流通したビデオ画像). A student told local media he had to wait in a closet(学生が地元報道機関に話したのは彼は物置(収納室)戸棚(押入れ)内で待たなければいけなかった) while the school was under a “code red” lockdown.“I was just in disbelief. I was texting my friends and my family,” the student told WPTV-TV, an NBC affiliate in West Palm Beach, Florida, after being evacuated from the school. “I didn’t believe it was actually happening,” he said.
5日前(2月11日)=Las Vegas shooter was sober(ラスベガスの銃撃男はしらふ(正気)だった), autopsy finds(司法解剖の結果), leaving his motives a mystery(男の動機は不可解(謎)のまま残された)An autopsy report for Stephen Paddock revealed nothing new about what might have driven him to open fire on a Las Vegas country music festival in October, killing 58 people and injuring more than 850 others(解剖結果は何がラスベガスにおいて58人を銃殺する動機に、犯人を導いたかについて何も新しいととは発見できず). Toxicology tests showed Paddock’s system contained anti-anxiety medication(毒物(テスト)試験により、犯人の組織から抗鬱(薬)剤が検出された) — specifically(とりわけ(特に), levels of benzodiazepines consistent with the drug Valium (バリウム(注1)日本名=セルシン(ホリゾン=ジアゼパム=精神安定剤(抗不安薬)ベンゾ(注2)から成る薬)— but that he was not under the influence of them(しかしその影響下にはなかった), since the substances were found in his urine(尿検査により薬物が検出されて以来) and(加えて) not in his blood(血液中にはなかった), according to the Las Vegas Review-Journal(ラスベガス再調査報告による). Benzodiazepines are sedatives (ベンゾは鎮静剤)typically prescribed to help treat anxiety and insomnia(一般的に(概して)不安と和らげるため処方される). Paddock’s toxicology report also showed small amounts of (同じく犯人の毒物試験報告は少量の)lead(鉛), arsenic(ヒ素(非金属元素)毒薬), antimony (アンチモン(金属元素)and(及び) selenium(セレン(←化学用語=非金属要素) found in Paddock’s blood(犯人の血液から検出), but(ながらも) not at levels that would have caused violent or aggressive behavior(暴力もしくは攻撃(侵略)的行為(動作)態度の原因になる量ではなかった), the newspaper reported(新聞は報じた). “It seems that based on the autopsy reports there were no physical excuses for what Steve did,” Paddock’s younger brother, Eric Paddock, told the newspaper. “We may never understand why Steve did this.” Paddock’s autopsy report was released Friday to The Associated Press and the Las Vegas Review-Journal, who had filed a lawsuit to obtain the results. The autopsy included a separate examination of Paddock’s brain, conducted at Stanford University, which also found nothing unusual, according to the AP. In fact, other than having high blood pressure and bad teeth, Paddock was “a sober, healthy 64-year-old,” the AP reported. Paddock’s autopsy occurred on Oct. 6, five days after the massacre, according to a preliminary report on the investigation released last month by the Clark County Sheriff’s Office. Las Vegas police detectives, along with FBI evidence team members, were there for the procedure at the Clark County Office of the Coroner/Medical Examiner. (注1)ルーマニア語⇒バリウム(市販名)=Diazepam (ディアゼパム=薬品名C16H13ClN2O), cunoscut și ca valium(ヴァリウム), este un medicament din categoria benzodiazepinelor(ベンゾに分類される薬) 地西泮(Diazepam),另有中文譯名地西畔、戴阿劑盤、安定、苯甲二氮䓬,著名商品名稱有「Valium」,化學式C16H13ClN2O,屬於苯二氮䓬類藥物 。地西泮常用於治療焦慮症、酒精戒斷症候群、苯二氮類藥物戒斷症候群、痙攣、癲癇發作、失眠,和睡眠腳動症[1]。(注2)オランダ語⇒ベンゾ=Benzodiazepinen (BDZ) zijn psychotrope (精神的)middelen die behoren tot de GABA-agonisten(苦痛), ze worden vaak minor tranquillizers genoemd(穏効果の安定剤). In de geneeskunde worden ze voorgeschreven vanwege hun sederende (kalmerende, slaapbevorderende=鎮痛剤) en anxiolytische (抗不安(剤)薬gevoelens van angst verminderende) eigenschappen. 벤조디아제핀(Benzodiazepine, IPA: [bɛnzɵdaɪˈæzɨpiːn])은 현행법상, 향정신성의약품으로 분류되어, 벤젠 고리와 디아제핀 고리가 결합되어 있는 화학구조를 가지고 있다. 최초의 벤조디아제핀은 1955년 우연히 레오 스턴바흐(Leo Sternbach)가 발견한 클로르디아제폭사이드 혹은 리브리엄이다. 그리고 1963년 호프만 라 로슈에서 디아제팜(바리움)을 시장에 선보이게 된다.[1]
11時間前⇔2018年3月5日(月)What's next for gun measures at the Florida state legislature(次は何ができるか=銃撃方策⇔フロリダ州の法律) Tallahassee, Florida (フロリダ州タラハシーCNN発)In the wake of the deadly shooting in Parkland, Florida(フロリダ州パークランドにおける恐ろしい銃撃の起り(発生), state lawmakers are struggling to reach a consensus on new regulations to protect schools(州立法府議員たちは学校を保護(守る)ための新規規制合意に苦闘している).With only five days to go in the legislative session(立法会議までたった5日しかない), state senators (州議員)debated into the weekend(週末に議論持ち込み), holding a rare Saturday session that lasted eight hours(まれな土曜日会合を開催。8時間続いた). Here's a look at the main issues on the table(ここに主要な問題を卓(机)上へ), and(及び) what to expect this week(今週の予定(何を期待するか). What's being considered(何が考慮されるか) Senators debated a measure Saturday (土曜日に知事は方策について議論)officially titled the "Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School Public Safety Act" (SB 7026=公式にはこう題された⇒”何某公立高校安全条例(法令)条約(法律)”). It would: raise the age to purchase a firearm from 18 to 21(銃火器購入の制限を18歳から21歳にあげる),require a three-day waiting period for gun purchases(銃を買うまで3日間の待機期間が要求される), with some exceptions(一部の例外), ban the sale (売却(商売)禁止)or (もしくは)possession of bump fire stocks(火災貯蔵(蓄積)を所有), which can make it easier for a semi-automatic weapon to function like an automatic rifle(自動小銃のように機能する準自動小銃が簡単にした), give law enforcement (警備員たち)more power (に一層の)to seize weapons and ammunition(武器及び銃弾を押収する力) from those deemed mentally unfit (精神的にそぐわないあれらの?)or otherwise a threat, provide additional funding for armed school resource officers and for mental health services. A controversial provision to arm teachers has become a key sticking point for Florida lawmakers.A provision that requires school marshals to undergo at least 12 hours of diversity training -- an attempt to allay the concerns put forward by several members of the black caucus -- was one of just two Democratic amendments that was approved. Acknowledging the difficulty of coming to an agreement, the bill's sponsor, Republican state Sen. Bill Galvano, stressed that the measure was meant to be the first in a series of steps to ensure that another mass shooting is avoided. "I will tell you at the onset that I think this journey is just beginning. It truly is," said Galvano, who represents Manatee County and part of Hillsborough County in the Tampa area. "We have to start somewhere and we have to take seriously, more seriously than ever before, the issue of security in our schools and safety in our schools." What's already been ruled out Last week, the Senate Appropriations Committee voted down an amendment to ban assault and assault-style weapons, and an amendment to create a firearms registry. At one point on Saturday, the Senate approved a two-year moratorium on the sale of AR-15-style rifles, but that amendment was brought up again for reconsideration by a Republican member and failed upon a second vote. Another Democratic amendment that failed would have allowed local authorities to make gun regulations for their communities. A Florida Quinnipiac poll released last week showed that 62% of Florida residents support a nationwide ban on the sale of assault weapons and a nationwide ban on the sale of high-capacity magazines. Fifty-six percent oppose allowing teachers and school officials to carry guns on school grounds, but amendments in line with those views were voted down in the Republican-controlled chamber.
16時間前⇒2018年3月5日(月)=Looking down the barrel: The gun debate after the Florida Shooting(フロリダ事件後の銃(器)議論) Educators (教育者(先生)たち)and(及び) legislators in Appalachia(?の立法者たち) propose different solutions for taming gun violence(銃撃暴力を鎮めるため異なった(違う)解決策を具申) After the Valentine’s Day mass school shooting in Parkland, Florida, the 18th this year(今年18件目になるフロリダ州パークランドにおけるバレンタインデー大量銃殺事件後), the United States had to grapple with the aftermath once again(アメリカは余波に再び(もう1度)取組まなければいけない). Appalachia experienced(アパラチア(山脈)においての経験) a high school shooting in January in Benton, Kentucky(1月のケンタッキー州ベントン高校での銃撃), mourning a loss of two students(犠牲になった被害者2人(死亡)に追悼). Given recent events(近日のできごと(事件), one could, sadly(悲しげに), concur with Albert Einstein that to expect different results while doing the same thing over and over again is, in fact, the definition of insanity(狂気(精神異常=錯乱)についての定義). During a roundtable at the White House on February 22, the majority of the participants thanked the President for what they saw as his strong leadership in the wake of tragedy. At the event, Kentucky State Police Commissioner Rick Sanders said he’s concerned with “what are we going to do now to protect our children. There’s going to be a lot of debate but I applaud you sir for having the courage to bring together law enforcement, mental health professionals and educators all sitting around this table deciding together what we need to do. [...] I think the gun violence restraining order is critically important and I also think that we, as law enforcement, we need to create a database [...] so we can take information we have and understood as maybe a threat and put that into a database, so that the FBI can share with local law enforcement and state police.” Among the solutions proposed by Trump and some of the legislators are: banning bump stocks, arming school teachers, and raising the purchasing age for assault rifles. The views of these proposals from educators and legislators in Appalachian states vary. Sam Brunett, President of the American Federation of Teachers of Monongalia County, WV, said in a phone interview that the last thing he wants, after 25 years of teaching at a high school, is to become a police officer. As a representative of the Federation, he stated that his “personal opinion would coincide with the labor union’s opinion, which would be: teachers have enough to do, you know; then to also manage weaponry and ammunition in their classrooms… We’re not there for that, we’re there to educate kids.” He did make a point of saying that he believes it would be a good idea to place additional police officers in schools in order to boost security. Brunett, a lifelong hunter himself, didn’t want to speak for other teachers when it comes to the idea of banning assault rifles in general, but said that very few teachers, regardless of their views, see guns as “having any place on the school campuses whatsoever.”
7時間前⇒2018年3月5日(月)=Trump Organization orders presidential seal replicas for golf courses(トランプ社?(団体(組織)ゴルフ(カントリー(会員制)クラブ?)場に大統領の複写(精密な(レプリカ)イ印鑑(紋章)設置?を命じた): Report The Trump Organization reportedly ordered replicas of the presidential seal to use at its golf courses(トランプ財団?は伝えられるところでは、ゴルフ場で大統領レプリカ(複製品)シール(印)を使う命令) despite laws against using the seal for financial gain(財政的な獲得に用いるのを禁じる法律(規定)にも関らず), according to a report from ProPublica(プロ出版からの報道による). ProPublica reports that the Trump Organization ordered dozens of 12-inch replicas of the seal for use (トランプ組織は、何ダースもの12インチ、ゴルフのティー?用に使うのを注文)as tee markers on Trump International golf courses(トランプ国際ゴルフコース?) from an Indiana-based company called Eagle Sign & Design(インディアナ州に本拠を置く鷲標識&図). Eagle Sign & Design declined to comment on the report(鷲紋章&図案については明言を拒否). "We're not discussing that, you can call the president," a representative said when reached by ABC News on Monday. The ProPublica report says that Eagle Sign & Design's owner confirmed that the company produced the replicas and that the client confirmed the design, but would not identify the client. President Trump often golfs at the Trump International Golf Course in Palm Beach, Fla., but the Trump Organization has at least three more golf courses known by the same name in Scotland, Ireland, and the United Arab Emirates, according to its website. ProPublica said its reporter reviewed an order form listing the customer as "Trump International" and received a photo from a source showing a table at Eagle Signs with numerous seals placed on top of it. The company's Facebook page has an album created 12 days ago described as "Trump International Golf Course" but as of Monday morning it did not publicly show any photos.
Federal law specifically says that the presidential seal cannot be used for any purpose that implies the endorsement of the federal government. The law says that anyone who knowingly manufactures or sells replicas of the seal can be subject to fines or up to six months in prison. A spokesman for the government accountability group Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington said that there have been examples of using the presidential seal for things like White House M&M's or personal golf balls that were given as gifts but the difference is that those items weren't being used by a business connected to the president.
フランス語→2018年2月15日=Au moins 17 morts lors d’une fusillade dans un lycée de Floride
Le tireur, un ancien élève renvoyé de l’établissement pour des raisons disciplinaires, a été arrêté sans résistance non loin de l’école. Un tireur de 19 ans a ouvert le feu, mercredi 14 février, dans le lycée Marjory Stoneman Douglas de Parkland, au sud-est de la Floride, faisant au moins 17 morts, selon le shérif du comté de Broward, Scott Israel. Il s’agit de la 18e fusillade en milieu scolaire aux Etats-Unis depuis le début de l’année.
Le tireur, un ancien élève renvoyé de l’établissement pour des raisons disciplinaires a été arrêté non loin de l’école. Il s’est rendu sans résistance à la police. Il était armé d’un fusil d’assaut de type AR-15 et avait de très nombreuses munitions. Qualifié de « solitaire » ou d’« élève à problèmes » par ses camarades, il avait posté sur les réseaux sociaux des messages « très alarmants », a ajouté le shérif, insistant au passage sur la nécessité de signaler ce type de publications. Elus et policiers n’avaient aucune explication à offrir aux proches des victimes. « C’est juste le mal à l’état pur », a lâché le gouverneur de Floride, Rick Scott, lors d’un point presse. Le shérif local a, quant à lui, fait aveu d’impuissance : « Si quelqu’un veut vraiment commettre un carnage, il n’y a pas grand-chose que l’on puisse ou que les forces de l’ordre puissent faire. »
« On pensait que c’était un exercice »
Selon le récit du personnel et des élèves à la presse locale, une alarme incendie s’est déclenchée vers le début de la tuerie, semant le chaos. Une partie des quelque 3 300 élèves s’est d’abord dirigée vers les couloirs avant que les professeurs ne les fassent retourner dans les salles de classe pour qu’ils puissent s’y abriter. Certains ont rapporté s’être cachés jusque dans les placards lorsque les coups de feu ont retenti, à 14 h 30.
« On pensait que c’était un exercice et après avoir fait quinze ou vingt pas hors de la classe, on était à terre et on se cachait dans le placard », a raconté une enseignante, Melissa Falkowski, sur CNN. Selon le sénateur de Floride Bill Nelson, qui s’exprimait également sur CNN, le tireur portait un masque à gaz et avait avec lui des grenades fumigènes. Il a déclenché une alarme incendie pour faire sortir les lycéens des salles de classe et les attirer dans les couloirs. « Alors, le carnage a commencé », a déclaré le sénateur. Douze personnes ont été tuées à l’intérieur du lycée, deux juste devant, une dans la rue et deux autres sont décédées de leurs blessures à l’hôpital, a détaillé Scott Israel. Les victimes sont des adultes et des élèves. Les deux hôpitaux voisins ont fait savoir qu’ils soignaient 13 survivants, notamment pour des blessures par balles, dont cinq sont considérés comme dans un état critique18e fusillade en