Stalin: A Political Biography. by Isaac Deutscher. /THE GENERAL REHEARSAL=総稽古/იოსებ სტალინიИосиф Сталин④
―これらすべてについてコーバが演じた役割は、はっきりとわかっていないが、重要だった。彼は、いわばコーカサス・ボリシェヴィキ・ビューローと武装隊間の連絡将校として活動した。この資格内に留まっていた彼は、決して直接には襲撃に参加しなかった。彼は武装隊の計画した行動を支持または反対し、彼らに助言を与え、重要作戦の“補給面”を引き受け、その実行を遠くから注視した。犯行者の跡を追いかけていたツァーリの警察当局はコーバが彼らと関係があるとは少しも気がつかなかった。自分をくらます彼の手くだは巧妙をきわめていたので、彼の役割は党の目からさえも完全におおわれていた。伝統的な2人の武装隊長は彼の部下で、彼のいいなりに動くテル・ペトロッシアン(カモ)(カモ(ロシア語: Камо)、本名シモン・アルシャコヴィチ・テル=ペトロシャン(ロシア語: Симон Аршакович Тер-Петросян、アルメニア語: Սիմոն Տեր-Պետրոսյան〈シモン・テル=ペトロシアン〉、グルジア語: სიმონ არშაკის ძე ტერ-პეტროსიანის〈シモン・アルシャキス・ゼ・テル=ペトロシアニ〉、1882年5月27日 - 1922年7月14日)は、アルメニア人のオールド・ボリシェヴィキ。後にソビエト連邦の指導者となったヨシフ・スターリンとは幼なじみであった。変装の名手であった彼は、1903年から1912年にかけて、おもに当時ロシア帝国の一部であったグルジア(現在のジョージア国)において、ロシア社会民主労働党のボリシェヴィキ派のために多数の軍事作戦を実行した。中でも特に有名なのは、ボリシェヴィキ指導部が党活動資金を獲得するために計画し、カモが中心的役割を担った1907年チフリス銀行強盗事件である。一連の軍事活動のために、カモは1907年にベルリンで逮捕され、投獄されたが、ドイツでも、また後にはロシアでも、獄中では発狂したふりをして通し、脱獄して、国外へ逃れた。カモは1912年に武装強盗未遂で再び逮捕され、死刑を宣告された。しかし、この死刑判決は、ロマノフ朝300周年記念祝賀(ロシア語版)による恩赦で終身刑に減刑された。1917年の2月革命後、カモは解放された。カモは1922年に、チフリスで自転車に乗っていたところ、トラックに撥ねられて死んだ[1]。死後、カモの遺体はティフリスのイェレヴァン広場(現在の自由広場(タヴィスプレバ広場))に近いプーシキン公園に埋葬され、記念碑が建立されたが、後にこの記念碑はスターリン時代に撤去され、遺体も別の場所に移され行方不明となった。「カモ」という偽名は、テル=ペトロシャンがロシア語が苦手だったことに由来している。子供の頃、学校の授業で、テル=ペトロシャン少年は教師に「何?」«Чему?» と尋ねようとして、「誰に?」«Камо?» と言ってしまった。この間違いは、生徒たちの間で大いにウケたので、以降、かれは終生「カモ」として知られるようになった)とコナ・チンツァゼ(Kote Zinzadse (georgisch კოტე ცინცაძე, * 1887; † 1930) war ein georgischer Bolschewik. Er war der erste ständige Chef der georgischen Tscheka. Unter Stalin wurde er als Mitglied der „Linken Opposition“ in der KPdSU verfolgt)であった。2人とも大柄で、心は温かく、ロマンチックで、計画がうまく、疲れを知らない革命家だった。オフラーナに追われて言語を絶するような拷問を受けたが一言も口をわらなかった。同志の性格を見抜く鋭い目を持ったコーバはこの2人は信頼できるときめ、どんなことがあっても間違いのないこの2人は信頼できるときめ、どんなことがあっても間違いのないこの2人に武装隊との連絡を打ち明けて話し合っていたようだ。だが、それにもかかわらず、メンシェヴィキは彼の実際の役割を感づいたらしかった。彼らはさきの大会で決まった襲撃禁止を守らないという理由でコーバを党査問委員会にかけようとした。だが、彼はどうにかしてこれをのがれ、チフリスからバクーに移った。
―ゲリラ戦と“徴発”を実行したのはボリシェヴィキだけではなかった。コーカサスでは、彼らよりはるかに穏健だったアルメニア連盟もこれと同じことを企てた。ボリシェヴィキの襲撃を声高に非難したグルジアのメンシェヴィキも、彼ら自身で同じような襲撃をしたり、ボリシェヴィキの戦利品の分前を受けたりすることを避けたわけではなかった。ポーランドでは、革命的テロに専念したのは社会主義左派よりむしろ右派であった。最も有名なポーランドのテロリストは未来のポーランドの独裁者、ピルスツキー元帥(Józef Klemens PIŁSUDSKI [PiŭSUDski] (naskiĝis la 5-an de decembro 1867, mortis la 12-an de majo 1935) estis pola politikisto kaj militisto, ŝtatestro (1918-1922) de la Dua Pola Respubliko. Ĉefa batalanto por sendepedigo de Pollando, venkinto en la pola-bolŝevika milito)であった。襲撃組織に当っての彼の主な補佐役の1人はポーランド労働者アルツィシェフスキーであったが、彼は1945年、ロンドンの反ソ的なポーランド亡命政府の首相となった。コーバとピルスツキーは当時一見同じ道を歩んでいた。だが、その方法は違っていた。動機となると、その違いはさらに大きかった。社会主義の薄いベールをひっかけているに過ぎないロマンチックな国家主義者、ピルスツキーはドンキホーテ的に勇敢な18.19世紀のポーランド貴族の反乱を目指し、コシューシコ(アンジェイ・タデウシュ・ボナヴェントゥラ・コシチュシュコ (波: Andrzej Tadeusz Bonawentura Kościuszko 、1746年2月4日 ―1817年10月15日)はポーランド・リトアニア共和国の将軍にして政治家、アメリカ合衆国の軍人で、1794年の蜂起の指導者としてポーランドとリトアニアでは国民的英雄である・・・1792年、新憲法めぐるロシア帝国の干渉と戦った(ポーランド・ロシア戦争)が敗れ、ライプツィヒ、パリで亡命生活を送った。1793年の第2回ポーランド分割後にポーランドに戻り、主にジャコバン派と農民たちを糾合してクラクフで蜂起(コシチュシュコの蜂起)。最大の戦闘「ラツワヴィツェの戦い」(記念館がヴロツワフにある)でロシア軍に大勝し一時はワルシャワ、ヴィリニュスをおさえたが、やがて兵力を次々と補充してきたロシア・プロイセン連合軍に圧倒された。1794年10月には彼自身も戦傷を負いロシア軍に捕らわれた。コシチュシュコの敗北によりポーランド国家は消滅の憂き目にあう。1798年にコシチュシュコはフランスへ亡命するが、ナポレオンの帝国思想やそれにもとづいたポーランド政策には同調しなかった。その後はスイスに移住し、ゾーロトゥルンで腸チフスに罹患して客死した)、ミエロスラフスキー(Ludwik Mierosławski (ur. 17 stycznia 1814 w Nemours, zm. 22 listopada 1878 w Paryżu) – polski generał, pisarz i poeta, teoretyk wojskowości, działacz polityczny i niepodległościowy, wynalazca, członek Towarzystwa Demokratycznego Polskiego, przywódca dwóch powstań w Wielkopolsce w 1846 (desygnowany na przyszłego naczelnego wodza przez TDP)[1] i w 1848 roku, pierwszy dyktator powstania styczniowego[2][3]. Brat Adama, prapradziad Stanisława Dygata[4])その他歴代のポーランドの国民的英雄の跡を継ぐものだと自認していた。彼は社会主義革命はもちろん民衆的革命にも大きな期待をかけていなかった。だが、ゲリラ戦でポーランドをロシアの支配から解放することは彼の切実な願いであった。コーバはこうした幻想に一つも捉われてなかった。彼の武装隊は広範な民衆革命の手段に過ぎなかった。決定的手段でないことは確かだった。
The Caucasus was the main area where the fighting squads operated. They were at first surrounded by an aura of romanticism that fitted only too well into the local tradition of chivalrous brigandage. Altogether 1,150 acts of terrorism were recorded in the Caucasus between 1905 and 1908. The most famous seizure of treasury funds for ‘expropriation’ as to came to be called)took place in one of the main squads of Tiflis on 23 June 1917. The scene of another was on board the steamship Nicholas I in the port of Baku. The Tiflis raid yielded a quarter of a million roubles which were duly transferred to the Bolshevik treasury abroad. As the prize consisted of banknotes of very large denominations it was not easy to exchange them in foreign banks which had been warned about their origin. Several important Bolsheviks, including the future Commissar of Foreign Affaires Litvinov, were arrested in western Europe while they were trying to exchange the money. The affaire agitated the Russian and the European Press. The Mensheviks raised an outcry against Lenin and brought the issue before a party jury that was presided over by another future Commissar of Foreign Affairs, Litvinov’s future boss and rival, Chicherin, then still a Menshevik. Trotsky made the charges against Lenin in the German Social Democratic newspapers and drew the attention of the Socialist International to what he called the danger of disintegration and demoralization of Russian socialism.
Koba’s role in all this was important, though it has never been clearly defined. He acted as a sort of a liaison officer between the Caucasian Bolshevik Bureau and the fighting squads. In this capacity he was never directly engaged in the raids. He would approve or disapprove of actions planned by the fighting squads, advise them, take care of the ‘logistics’ of a major operation, and watch its execution from afar. The Tsarist police in their hunt for the perpetrators never suspected Koba of any connection with them. His technique of dissimulation was so perfect that this role of his was thoroughly concealed even from the eyes of the party. The two chief legendary commanders of the fighting squads were Ter Petrossyan(“Kamo”= Կամո (իսկական անունը՝ Սիմոն Արշակի Տեր-Պետրոսյան, մայիսի 27, 1882, Գորի, Թիֆլիսի նահանգ, Ռուսական կայսրություն - հուլիսի 14, 1922, Թիֆլիս, Թիֆլիսի գավառ), հայ բոլշևիկ հեղափոխական գործիչ, ՌՍԴԲԿ անդամ։ Վլադիմիր Լենինը բնութագրել է նրան որպես «բացառիկ նվիրվածության, խիզախության և եռանդի տեր մարդ») and Kote Tsintsadze(Kote Tsintsadze (Georgian: კოტე ცინცაძე, Russian: Котэ Цинцадзе) (1887–1930) was a Georgian Bolshevik involved in the Russian revolutions and the Sovietization of Georgia. He was purged under Joseph Stalin as a member of the Left Opposition within the Communist Party of the Soviet Union), both big and warmhearted, romantic, resourceful, and untiring revolutionaries, who underwent inhuman torture when caught by the Okhrana without betraying any of their secrets. Koba, who had a shrewd eye for the characteristics of his comrades, knew that he could trust there two, and he apparently confided his contacts to them, the safest of the safe. Nevertheless, the Caucasian Mensheviks apparently had an inkling of his true role, for they tried to impeach him before a party jury for contravention of the ban on raids imposed by the last Congress. But he somehow evaded the trial and moved from Tiflis to Baku.
In the oil city the Bolsheviks were stronger than in the capital of the Caucasian; and there, as the leader of the Baku Committee, he could defy his accusers. Because of his wire-pulling behind the fighting squads, his reputation among his political opponents, never too high, fell even lower now. The familiar epithets ‘mad-man’ and ‘disorganizer’ were now thrown at him with unfailing regularity. Koba was not concerned with his reputation among political opponents – he knew that what he did had Lenin’s from the ‘united’ party. To his mind that unity was, in any case, half-unreal. Nor was he perturbed by the lamentable effect that partisan warfare had upon the political atmosphere in the Caucasus. In the eyes of many the revolution became associated with ordinary robbery. The raids provoked the authorities to savage reprisals, which struck fear into the people and, though they increased the general hatred of Tsardom, deepened the apathy on which the counter-revolution was thriving. The reckless tactics of the fighting squads were wasteful of human life and energy. In his memoirs S. Alliluyev, Stalin’s father-in-law, gave a gloomy description of that heroic wastefulness which reads like an uninternational indictment of the political leadership of the squads that was exercised, at least locally, by Koba. All the difficult dilemmas of partisan warfare, with which an all-European underground was to grapple in the Second World War, arose before the Russian Socialists in those early days. Whether one analyses the way the dilemmas were solved four or forty years after the event, it is equally difficult to pass judgement, to glorify uncritically or to condemn the leaders, who, under the pressure of events and amid a thousand uncertainties, made their hazardous and perilous decisions.
But, curiously, in Stalin’s life-time discreet official silence surrounded his role in that guerrilla warfare. All his official biographers avoided even hinting at it, while he himself never uttered a single word either to confirm or to deny the current versions about that phase of his career. All that has been known about it has been disclosed by his opponents or selected by those who were his Caucasian subordinates long before his ascent to absolute power. In the light of the Leninist tradition, his connection with the fighting squads lacked sufficient respectability to be brought back into the limelight. It amounted to something like a deviation or slip in Stalin’s or even Lenin’s career. What appears to be established is that in his first quasi-military performance Koba showed a distinct penchant for a reckless, wasteful method of warfare, a characteristic of his that would come to light more strongly and on a gigantic scale in the future.
In May 1907, Koba, assuming once again the nickname Ivanovich, went to London to attend a new Congress, but only with a Mensheviks. Eventually he was admitted to the Congress, but only with a consultative voice. His native province was now so much a Menshevik ‘fortress’ that he could not easily obtain credentials from any recognized Caucasian body. He consoled himself with the thought that the Bolsheviks gained a slight majority and managed to put their imprint on its decisions and resolutions. Partisan warfare inevitably came up for discussion. Martov inveighed against Lenin, who this time refrained from parrying the attack. The opposition to the fighting squads had spread to the Bolshevik faction itself. Most of Lenin’s followers wanted to put a stop to their activities. On this point the Mensheviks carried the Congress without difficulty and passed a ban on all armed raids and ‘expropriations’. Throughout the Congress Koba-Ivanovich prudently sat still and kept quiet, probably because he had been warned by Lenin not to expose himself. Lenin abstained from voting on the ban, though many delegates indignantly pressed him to show his hand. He undoubtedly was prepared to offend against this ban and to try a few more ‘expropriations’. Otherwise, the debates were rather unreal, because both Mensheviks and Bolsheviks were still prophesying an imminent ‘new revolutionary explosion’, though the Mensheviks were already adapting their policies to the conditions of the counter-revolutionary era.
On his return to Baku, Koba-Ivanovich described the Congress in the new clandestine paper Bakinski Proletarli(The Baku Proletarian). Bolshevism, he stated, represented the aspirations of the advanced workers of central Russia who were mostly employed in heavy industry. The Menshevik predominance in his native land he explained by the ‘backward’ and petty bourgeois’ character of the province. The Mensheviks railed against Bolshevik bureaucracy, but at the Congress they had more party officials and fewer workers than Lenin’s faction. In addition, there were few genuine Russians among the moderate Socialists most of them were Jews or Georgians, whereas the overwhelming majority of the Bolsheviks were pure Russians. ‘Somebody among the Bolsheviks remarked jestingly that since the Mensheviks were the faction of the Jews and the Bolsheviks that of the native Russians, it would become us to make a pogrom in the party.’ Anti-semitism could hardly be read into this heavy jocular aside, because nobody had been more blunt than Koba in the condemnation of racial hatred. But the joke was ambiguous enough to grate on the ears of most Socialists.
Koba’s report contained another characteristic remark. The Congress, so he related, was sharply divided into two factions. Trotsky, who joined neither, proved himself to be ‘beautifully useless’. It was at the London Congress that Koba first met his future great rival. The ex-President of the Petersburg Soviet, condemned to life-long exile in Siberia, had succeeded in escaping from his banishment just in time to join the Congress. He was very vocal in his indignation at Lenin’s partisan warfare. Thus, at their very first meeting the future rivals were already arrayed against each other in bitter controversy, though they did not directly exchange even a few words during the many gatherings in that Brotherhood Church in London, where the Congress was in session for nearly three weeks. Koba’s personal stake in that controversy was his own standing with the party. He could not help being hurt by what Trotsky had to say about ‘expropriations’. The phrase about Trotsky’s ‘beautiful uselessness’ reflected the aesthetic impression of Trotsky’s great oratory and probably also Lenin’s impatience with it, for Koba, so it seems, repeated the phrase after Lenin. The two men, Koba and Trotsky, were stars of an altogether different magnitude and luster in those days. It would hardly have entered anybody’s mind that one day would confront each other in the greatest feud in the whole history of Russia. Trotsky already enjoyed national and European fame, while Koba’s star was shining only very dimly on the narrow Caucasian horizon. But already from that first meeting in a London church Koba could not have failed to carry away in his heart the first seed of resentment against the ex-President of the Petersburg Soviet.
Ստեփան Գևորգի Շահումյանステパン・ゲオルギエヴィチ・シャウミャンСтепан Георгиевич Шаумян
პროკოფი ჯაფარიძეプロコーフィー・アプラシオノヴィチ・ジャパリーゼПрокофий Апрасионович Джапаридзе