
当ブログはトロント在住、日系一世カナダ人サミー・山田(48)おっさんの「独り言」です。まさに「個人日記」。1968年11月16日東京都目黒区出身(A型)・在北米30年の日系カナダ人(Canadian Citizen)・University of Toronto Woodsworth College BA History & East Asian Studies Major トロント在住(職業記者・医療関連・副職画家)・Toronto Ontario「団体」「宗教」「党派」一切無関係・「政治的」意図皆無=「事実関係」特定の「考え」が’正しい’あるいは一方だけが’間違ってる’いう気は毛頭なし。「知って」それぞれ「考えて」いただれれば本望(^_-☆Everybody!! Let's 'Ponder' or 'Contemplate' On va vous re?-chercher!Internationale!!「世界人類みな兄弟」「平和祈願」「友好共存」「戦争反対」「☆Against Racism☆」「☆Gender Equality☆」&ノーモア「ヘイト」(怨恨、涙、怒りや敵意しか生まない)Thank you very much for everything!! Ma Cher Minasan, Merci Beaucoup et Bonne Chance 

Иосиф Сталинიოსებ სტალინი=Stalin: A Political Biography. by Isaac Deutscher. /第6章(CHAPTER 6)☆内戦下のスターリンSTALIN IN THE CIVIL WAR☆⑤

*戦時共産主義(せんじきょうさんしゅぎ、ロシア語: Военный коммунизм)とは、ロシア内戦時のソビエト・ロシアにおける政治・経済体制を指す。ソビエトの正史によると、「内戦によりあらゆる正常な経済機構、経済関係が崩壊した状況下で、都市部と赤軍に武器と食糧の供給を続けるためにボリシェヴィキが採用した政策」である。名称はパウル・レンシュの「戦時社会主義」にあやかったものとされる。戦時共産主義は1918年6月、最高国民経済会議(Supreme Soviet of the National Economy)によって実施に移され、1921年3月21日、ネップ(新経済政策)の開始により終了した。

*ネップ(露: НЭП、英: Nep)は、ロシア内戦直後にソビエト連邦で行われた新経済政策(露: Новая экономическая политика(Novaya Ekonomicheskaya Politika)、英: New Economic Policy)を指す。戦時共産主義による国民の疲弊を救うために1921年3月21日に施行された。
―ボリシェヴィズキ内での反対グループ結成の禁止は第10回党大会がソヴェト体制内での役割について劇的論争を行なったのちに可決した。クロンシタット暴動の直前にわき起こったこの大論争で、3,4の見解が登場した。シリャプニコフ前労働人民委員とアレクサンドラ・コロンタイ女史に率いられた労働者反対派は国家の労組化つまり経済権力をすべて労組に引き渡すことを要求した。妙なことだが、トムスキー(米哈伊尔·帕夫洛维奇·托姆斯基俄語:Михаил Павлович Томский,1880年10月31日-1936年8月22日)是一位俄国工厂工人、工会领导者、布尔什维克领导人。曾任苏联共产党中央政治局委员,全苏工会中央理事会主席、最高国民经济委员会主席团委员等职务)、ルズタク(ヤン・エルネストヴィチ・ルズターク(ロシア語: Ян Эрнестович Рудзутак[1], 1887年8月3日 - 1938年6月29日 )は、帝政ロシアの革命家、ソビエト連邦の政治家。ラトビア人。ラトビア語名はヤーニス・ルズタクス(Jānis Rudzutaks)。ヨシフ・スターリンによる大粛清への支持・協力をおこなっていたが、大粛清が激化してくると自身も粛清されたJānis Rudzutaks (krievu: Ян Э́рнестович Ру́дзутак; 1887—1938) bija latviešu marksists un profesionāls revolucionārs, viens no vadošajiem PSRS politiķiem un arodbiedrību darbiniekiem pirms Otrā pasaules kara. Vissavienības Komunistiskās (boļševiku) partijas Centrālās komitejas Politbiroja loceklis (1926—1932). Nogalināts 1938. gadā, NKVD "Latviešu operācijā")などの労組最高幹部は労働者反対派の指導グループに入らなかった。その理由はこの運動は労組指導部の要望ではなく、党の経済的独裁に対する多くのボリシェヴィキ党員の不満を反映していたからである。反対派は経済的官僚主義が増大し、労働者の権利と利益がこれら官僚主義のため苛酷に取り扱われていることを批判した。シシャプリコフ、コロンタイの主張によると、労働組合は労働階級を直接に代弁するものとして、国民経済の企画、指導の責任を担うべきであり、また同じ指導者たちが支配している政治局、政府の両機関に対する対抗勢力として育成すべきものであった。また、あと一つに反対グループ、民主主義的中央集権派はこれと同じ問題の一面を取りあげ、党指導部は“官僚主義的中央集権主義”を助長していると非難した。ソヴェトと党内での自由を主な要求に掲げたこのグループは多くの点で、後に現われた、はるかに有力な反対派の先駆者であった。

―だが、主な闘いはレーニンとトロツキーの間で闘われたのではなかった。2人とも労働者反対派、これら両派が党と政府の構成を最も直接的に脅かしていたからであった。脅威の重大さは“無政府主義的サンジカリスト”-レーニンは彼らをこう呼んだーに対するレーニンの攻撃の稀にみる激しさと相応じていた。レーニンは彼らの行動はもとより、その見解さえも“プロレタリア独裁の存在そのものに対する直接の政治的危険”であると説明した。これが党内の反対グループを禁止するようになった動因であった。労働者反対派がレーニンにとって危険だと思われた点は同派が労組について特定な見解をとったことよりむしろ同派に底流として党にいままでよりずっと低い役割を与えたいという気持ちがあったことだ。レーニンはそう気乗りはしなかったが、この禁令のきびしさを和らげようと試みた。党員は特別の討論報告のなかで見解の相違を発表することができることとなったし、また同反対派の主な代弁者の一部は中央委員会に再選された。だが、彼は大会を説得して「無政府主義的サンジカリストの考えを宣伝することはロシア共産党員たることと両立しない」という声明を出させ、自由主義的ジェスチャーの与える効果をこれで相殺した。大会は中央委員会に大会の選んだ指導者を党から除名する権限を与え、選ばれたばかりの労働者反対派スポークスマンの頭上にむちをひびかせた。同反対派に傾くかまたはこれに寛容な態度をとった3人の党書記クレスチンスキー、セレブリャコフ(訳注、L.P、1890年生まれ、早くから革命運動に従事、10月革命、党モスクワ委員、19-20年党中央委員、全ロシア中央執行委員会の書記、22年交通人民委員となったが、21、23-24,26-27年反対派に属し、27年除名、37年粛清された+Leonid Pietrowicz Sieriebriakow (ros. Леонид Петрович Серебряков, ur. 30 maja?/ 11 czerwca 1888 w Samarze, zm. 1 lutego 1937 w Moskwie) – bolszewik, sekretarz KC RKP(b), członek KC RKP(b), działacz Lewicowej Opozycji.)、プレオブラジェンスキーー彼らはいずれも自分の考えというものを持った、教養ある有能の士であったーはその職から追われ、モロトフ、ヤロスラフスキーのような“信頼できる”人たちが彼らに代った。新しい書記たちはスターリンの親しい同志であった。トロツキーはこの追放に賛成投票したが、これがいつかは反対する彼自身の死の落し穴になるとは少しも気がつかなかった。
ダンテ・アリギエーリ(イタリア語:Dante Alighieri、1265年 - 1321年9月14日)は、イタリア都市国家フィレンツェ出身の詩人、哲学者、政治家)の言葉にふさわしいものであった。だが、ボリシェヴィキ指導者の大部分はこの言葉に耳を傾けようともしなかった。

*Le communisme de guerre (russe : Военный коммунизм) est une expression forgée a posteriori1 pour désigner les mesures adoptées par les bolcheviks de 1918 à 1921, durant la guerre civile russe. Le communisme de guerre a été mis en vigueur par le Conseil économique suprême (Vesenkha), et a été remplacé le 21 mars 1921 par la « Nouvelle politique économique » (NEP), qui a duré jusqu'en 1928.

In March 1921 the restive mood of the country suddenly flared up in the rising of Kronstadt which coincided with the tenth Congress of the party. ‘This was the flash,’ said Lenin, ‘which lit up reality better than anything else.’ There was a bitter irony in the fact that the scene of the rising was Kronstadt, the Bolshevik stronghold of 1917. White Guards sympathizers, Anarchists, and even Bolsheviks fought side by side against the Red troops which, on Tukhachevsky’s orders, rushed across the frozen surface of the Bay of Finland to suppress the rising party can be seen in the fact that the rising caused in the ruling party can be seen in the fact that on receiving the news about its outbreak the Congress of the party interrupted its debates and sent most of its delegates to participate in the storming of Kronstadt. At no critical moment of the civil war had there been any comparable panic.
The insurgents of Kronstadt demanded an end to the dictatorship of the Bolshevik party and the restitution of genuine government by Soviets such as the Bolsheviks had promised to establish. They also demanded an end to economic and political oppression. Some of the leaders were Anarchists and left Communists: and their watchwords were borrowed from the slogans of the Bolsheviks in the early days of the revolution. Yes, in spite of its extreme left colouring, the rising stirred new hope in the ranks of the defeated counter-revolution. The dictatorship had reached a point, familiar from other revolution, when, having defeated the adherents of the ancient regime, it drove Right and Left, conservative revolutionaries, into a common bitter opposition. For a while, the shadow of the tumbrils which amid the rejoicing of the Parisian plebs and aristocracy carried Robespierre to the guillotine must have appeared before Lenin’s eyes.                                                                                      
The rising was defeated, and from it Lenin drew the following conclusion: ’ . . . we had advanced too far . . . we had not secured a sufficient base . . . the masses had sensed what we ourselves could not as yet consciously formulate . . . namely, that the direct transition to purely Socialist forms, to purely Socialist distribution, was beyond our strength, and that, unless we proved able to retreat and to confine ourselves to easier tasks, we would be threatened with disaster.’ The system of War Communism was scrapped and replaced by the so-called New Economic Policy. The N.E.P., as that policy came to be known, established a mixed economy. Large-scale industry and transport remained state-owned. Private enterpriser was allowed in small and medium-sized industry and I trade. Foreign concerns were invited to restart business in Russia, even in large-scale industry. The requisitioning of food in the countryside was stopped; it was replaced by ordinary agricultural taxation, first in kind and then in money. Later on, the rouble was stabilized. The prime purpose of these sweeping reforms was to re-equip industry almost from scratch, to renew the exchange of manufactures for food and raw materials, in a word, to re-establish a functioning economy with the help of private capital. The state reserved for itself, apart from the ownership of large-scale industry, the over-all economic control.
*Die Neue Ökonomische Politik (Abk. NEP; russisch НЭП - Новая экономическая политика, NEP – Nowaja ekonomitscheskaja politika) war ein wirtschaftspolitisches Konzept in der Sowjetunion, das Lenin und Trotzki 1921 gegen erheblichen Widerstand in der eigenen Partei durchsetzten. Ihr Hauptmerkmal war eine Dezentralisierung und Liberalisierung in der Landwirtschaft, im Handel und in der Industrie, die der Wirtschaft teilweise auch marktwirtschaftliche Methoden zugestand. Die NEP blieb bis 1928 reale Politik und führte zu einer Verbesserung der Versorgung und zu relativen gesellschaftlichen Freiheiten.[1]
In this scheme the Socialist and private ‘sectors’ of the national economy were so compete with each other on a commercial basis. It was hoped that in that competition the Socialist sector would gradually expand, while the private one would shrink. The eventual victory of socialism was, in Lenin’s view, made probable, though not certain, by the superiority of large-scale industry over the small business and by the Government's mildly protectionist policy in favour of the Socialist sector. Essentially, however, the competition was to be peaceful and genuinely commercial. Socialism had to prove its worth in an economy contest. Some crucial points in the programme were, naturally enough, left vague or open; and the controversy over these, points was to become part of the struggle for power after Lenin’s death. Stalin made no contribution to the original programme of the N.E.P., which was entirely Lenin’s creation. Nor did its adoption give rise to any special differences of view. The reform was carried out on the spur of the Kronstadt rising, without any preliminary debate.                   
The ban on opposition groups inside the ruling party was passed by the tenth congress after a dramatic debate over the role of the trade unions in the Soviet system. Three or four viewpoints emerged in the great controversy which flared up on the eve of the Kronstadt rising. The Workers’ Opposition, led Kollontai, demanded the syndicalization of the state of the state – the transfer of all economic power to the trade union leadership but the discontent of many rank-and-file Bolsheviks with the party’s economic dictatorship. The opposition criticized the growing economic bureaucracy and its rough treatment of the rights and interests of the workers. The trade unions, so Shyapnikov class should be made responsible for planning and directing the national economy; and they should be built up into a counter-weight to the Politbureau and the Government, both dominated by the same personalities. Another group of malcontents, the faction of ‘Democratic Centralism’, took up some of the same points and charged the leadership of the party with fostering ‘bureaucratic centralism’. This group, whose main demand was for freedom inside the Soviets and the party, was in many respects the forerunner of later and much more influential oppositions.
The extreme of ‘bureaucratic centralism’ was represented at the congress by Trotsky and his followers, who demanded that the trade unions be integrated in the machinery of the Government. Trotsky pointed out that the trade unions had outlived their old functions. The state was a workers’ state. By definition, its Government represented the general and common interest of the proletariat, as distinct from the sectional interest of various groups of workers, for which the trade unions had always stood. The sectional demands of the workers should not be opposed to their common and general interest. The trade unions should now cooperate with the Government in the implementation of is economic plans rather than defend individual workers or groups of workers against the workers’ state. While Shlyapnikov and Kollontai wished the state and the party to surrender its economic powers to the trade unions, Trotsky asked the trade unions to give up their independence and capitulate to state and party.
Lenin, supported by twelve members of the Central Committee including Stalin, tried to strike a balance. He repudiated Trotsky’s and Bukharin’s demand for the absorption of the trade unions by the state. The Soviets, he argued, were not, strictly speaking, a workers’ state. They represented two chasses: workers and peasants; and, in addition, they suffered from ‘bureaucratic deformation’. At his dialectical best, he argued that the workers had to defend that state, but that they also had to defend themselves against that state through the trade unions, which consequently should enjoy a measure of independence vis-à-vis the Government. Moreover, the workers, too, should have some independence vis-à-vis the trade unions; and they should be free to join or not to join them. 

The main fight, however, was not between Lenin and Trotsky. Both made common cause against the Workers’ Opposition and the group of Democratic Centralists, for it was from that side that the authority of party and Government was most directly threatened. The seriousness of the threat was matched by the unusual bitterness of Lenin’s attacks on the ‘Anarcho-Syndicalists’, as he labelled his opponents, describing even their views, let alone their deeds, as ‘a direct political danger to the very existence of the proletarian dictatorship’. This was the motive for the ban on oppositional groups inside the party. What seemed so dangerous to Lenin in the Workers’ Opposition was not so much its specific views on the trade unions, as the underlying desire to assign to he party a more modest role than it had come to play. Lenin made a half-hearted attempt to soften the rigour of the ban: members of the party were to be enabled to air differences of opinion in a special Discussion Bulletin; and some of the chief spokesmen of the Opposition were re-elected to the Central Committee. But he himself undid the effect of his liberal gestures when he persuaded the Congress to state that ‘the propaganda of [Anarcho-Syndicalist] ideas is incompatible with membership of the Russian Communist party’. The congress empowered the Central Committee to expel from the party leaders elected by the congress, thereby cracking a whip over the spokesmen of the Workers’ Opposition who had just been reelected. The three able, educated, and independent secretaries of the party, Krestinsky, Serebriakov, and Preobrazhensky, who showed a leaning or a leniency towards the Opposition, were removed from office and replaced by ‘reliable’ people like Molotov and Yaroslavsky. The new secretaries were Stalin’s close associates. Trotsky voted for the ban, without suspecting that one day the ban would become a death-trap for his own opposition.

The idea that a single party should rule the Soviets was not at all inherent in the Bolshevik programme. Still less so was the idea that only a single party should be allowed to exist. The proscription of the other parties, wrote Trotsky, was obviously in conflict with the sprit of Soviet democracy’ and ‘the leaders of Bolshevism regarded [it] not as a principle but as an episode act of self-defence’. For a party with such a record of free and uninhibited inner controversy the ban on internal opposition groups was a most drastic departure from its own time-honored custom. The party was now at loggerheads with its own nature, it contradicted itself while it was trying to assert itself.
Towards the end of the civil war Bolshevism was in conflict with the classes that had supported it. The discontent of peasants and workers was voiced by Mensheviks, Social Revolutionaries, and Anarchists, whose criticisms of the Bolsheviks were now as convincing and effective as they had been ineffective between 1917 and 1919. If the mechanism of Soviet democracy had been allowed to function, if the Soviets had been freely elected and free to elect the Government, they would almost certainly have swept the Bolsheviks out of office and returned to power the same parties on whom they had previously turned their backs. The Bolsheviks were determined to forestall this. To their mind the revolution was safe only if the party of the revolution was in power. All their recent experience confirmed them in that view. The revolution had conquered in spite of and against all the doubts, hesitations, and obstructiveness of the Mensheviks and the Social Revolutionaries. The moderate Socialists had not the pluck and the fibre towage a civil war. Their return to power could, in the Bolshevik view, be no more than an episode ending in the return of the White Guards and the restoration of the ancient regime. True enough, from weariness and exhaustion, the masses were now inclined to back Mensheviks or Anarchists; but should the masses be allowed to jeopardize the whole work of the revolution? Should the Soviets be given back their freedom of action when they were almost certain to use it for their own undoing? This was a situation in which, in Dante’s words, ‘the people shouted: “Death to our life! Life to our death!!”; and most of the Bolshevik leaders refused to listen.  Yet, while the mouth-pieces of popular discontent were removed or silenced, the discontent was not. Nor could the conflicting interests of the various classes, especially those of the peasants, be conjured out of existence by the repression of their spokesmen. Now the mind of the ruling party itself, of that lonely victor on the political battlefield, began to be invaded by moods of frustration and discontent. Now this and no that section of the party began to air familiar grievances and complains. The cleavages existing in the country threatened to cleave the ruling party itself and it had now to be kept together with iron bands. The sensitiveness of the party had to be blunted, its sight dimmed, and its hearing dulled in order to make its mind immune from undesirable influences. The need for all this seemed to become even more urgent in connexion with the reforms of the N.E.P. Capitalist groups and interests were allowed new scope in the economic domain; but no party was left to represent them in the political field. It was only natural that they should seek channels of expression, and that they should seek them amid the only political party left in existence. Only absolute insulation could prevent the party from splitting into a number of hostile parties.
The task Bolshevism now set itself, however, was little different from squaring a circle. To save the revolution’s conquests it had to suppress the spontaneous rhythm of the country’s political life. But in doing so, the party was mutilating its own body and mind. From now on its members would fear to express opinions which might, on analysis, be found to reflect ‘the pressure of alien classes’. Only the highest authority could decide which view was Bolshevik and proletarian and which was not. Matters of ideology became mysteriously elusive; and the Politbureau became the sole repository of revolutionary wisdom. Most leaders were gradually losing touch with the feeling of their followers since the traffic of ideas moved only one way – from the Politbureau downwards. The party was gradually to transform itself into a bureaucratic machine. It was true enough that concern for the revolution compelled Bolshevism to take the road chosen by the tenth congress; but it was also true that as it moved along that road Bolshevism was losing more and more of its original self. In order to save the revolution the party ceased to be a free association of independent, critically minded, and courageous revolutionaries. The bulk of it submitted to the ever more powerful party machine. It saw no other solution. Those who handled the levers of the machine and were most intimately associated with it, those to whose upbringing and temperament the new bureaucratic outlook was most congenial, automatically became the leaders of the new era. The administrative began to elbow out the ideologue, the bureaucrat and committee-man and who could favour it more strongly than Stalin, the committee-man par excellence, the committee-man writ large?

This trend of events did not very rapidly become apparent. It developed gradually, in contradictory zigzags, always at odds administrator and idealist hard and fast. There was to lack of idealism in the administrators; and the ideologues at first willingly surrendered to the bureaucrats or even view with them in fostering the new discipline. Thus, in the debate over the trade unions, the ideologue Trotsky so overreacted himself in promoting bureaucratic aspirations that he shocked even the staunchest bureaucrats and incurred considerable unpopularity. In Lenin the different characters were almost perfectly blended. That is why he was so ideally suited to preside over the transition of his party from one stage to the other. For the time being his moral authority enforced a temporary and shaky compromise on the conflicting tendencies, a compromise that was bound to break down after his death. But even in his life-time the weight of the bureaucratic caucus grew steadily, if imperceptibly, with every month that passed by; and so did Stalin’s role inside the caucus.

アルメニア人虐殺Հայոց ցեղասպանություն(アルメニアじんぎゃくさつErmeni Kırımı)Геноцид армянは、19世紀末から20世紀初頭に、オスマン帝国の少数民族であったアルメニア人の多くが、強制移住、虐殺などにより死亡した事件。ヨーロッパ諸国では、特に第一次世界大戦に起きたものをオスマン帝国政府による計画的で組織的な虐殺と見る意見が大勢である。それによれば、この一連の事件は「アルメニア人ジェノサイドArmenian genocide」と呼ばれ、21世紀に至る現代でも、オスマン帝国の主な継承国であるトルコ共和国は国際的に非難されている。トルコ政府は、その計画性や組織性を認めていない(別で紹介したよう、武器輸出会社を設立してバルカン戦争(1912年から1913年)時、大もうけした挙句)それに一役買ったといわれるПарвусパルヴスՊարվուս)Հայոց ցեղասպանություն կամ Մեծ եղեռն (թուրքերեն՝ Ermeni Soykırımı, անգլ.՝ Armenian Genocide, ֆր.՝ Génocide arménien), Օսմանյան կայսրության իշխանության ղեկին կանգնած երիտթուրքական «Իթթիհաթ վե թերաքի» կուսակցության կողմից կազմակերպված ցեղասպանություն, որի արդյունքում 1915-1923 թվականների

