이오시프 스탈린იოსებ სტალინიИосиф Сталин=Stalin: A Political Biography. by Isaac Deutscher. /第7章(CHAPTER 7)☆書記長THE GENERAL SECRETARY☆⑤
«Уроки Октября» — вступительная статья, написанная Львом Троцким к третьему тому своего собрания сочинений, получившему название «Историческое подготовление Октября».
専門用語の詐称と疑似弁証法的深遠さをはぎとってみれば、スターリン理論は上述のような明白、“健全”な談話に還元される。だが、この理論の提唱者としてスターリンはいまや自己の権威によるイデオローグとして自らを確立した。彼はもはや単なる書記長、党運営の魔術師ではなかった。彼は同時に新しいドグマの創設者であった。教育のある古参ボリシェヴィキにとっては、これは非常な驚きであった。当時、ある党の会議でスターリンが理論的討議にまきこまれたとき、学者の古参マルクス主義者リャザノフ(ダヴィト・ボリソヴィチ・リャザーノフ(英語: David Borisovich Ryazanov、ロシア語: Дави́д Бори́сович Ряза́нов、1870年3月10日 – 1938年1月21日)は、ロシアのマルクス主義者、ソビエト連邦の政治家+訳注、マルクス、エンゲルス研究所の初代所長、スターリン時代の書記・・・1930年に「メンシェヴィキ・センター事件」と関係づけられて、研究所所長を解任されロシア共産党からも除名される。後に赦免されてモスクワに戻るものの、1937年に「右派日和見主義のトロツキスト組織」と関連付けられて再逮捕され、翌1938年にサラトフで銃殺刑に処された。1958年及び1989年に名誉回復された。)から怒りと滑稽さの交わった野次がでた。「コーバ、止めろ。バカな真似をするな。理論的なことがお前の持ち場ではないことはだれでも知っているぞ。」だが、教養あるマルクス主義者が見下すような皮肉を浴びせようとも、一国社会主義が国民的信条となるのを妨げることはできなかった。陳腐なことを並べているにせよ、スターリンの理論改造には重みと存在理由があった。大まかにいうと、主義というものは二つの範疇に分類される。一つは一連の知的構想から出発して、未知の遠い将来に敢然として新機軸を打ち出すものであり、あと一つは思想的に深い根をはっているものでもなく、独創的予見をたてるものでもないが、それまではっきりした形をとっていなかった有力な見解または感情の流れを要約するものである。スターリン理論は明らかに後者の範疇に属していた。
The next stage in the struggle was the so-called ‘literary debate’ in the autumn of the same year. Trotsky opened it with a book. The Lessons of October, which shifted the polemic, to new topics, ostensibly unconnected with the issues on which it had centered so far. The book was a study of the mechanics of revolution and the role of determined leadership in it. The gist of its argument was that a ‘revolutionary situation’ is a fleeting opportunity, which the revolutionary party is bound to miss if it is unaware of it or reluctant to seize it. It is true that a revolution cannot be arbitrarily staged; it is the outcome of a long and relatively slow disintegration of the old order – this is its ‘objective’ aspect. But, once that disintegration has reached a decisive stage, the role of the ‘subjective’ factor, of leadership, begins. The revolutionary situation is, by its nature, dynamic; its ups and downs follow in rapid succession. The class struggle passes from stationary warfare to lightning movement and manoeuver, in which everything hangs on the initiative and quick decision of the general staff of the revolution. Even the most revolutionary party suffers from a certain amount of conservative inertia. Its right wing fails to think and act in the strategic terms that suit the circumstances. It shrinks before unaware of the importance of time and hoping for an indefinite prolongation of the opportunity which history offers perhaps only once in a epoch. Illustrating his thesis by the experience of 1917, Trotsky emphatically reminded his readers of Lenin’s sharp discord with Zinoviev and Kamenev on the eve of the October rising.
It looked, then, as if Trotsky’s book was merely a cool, almost academic study of the lessons of recent history. Yet, to the overwhelming majority of the party, those who joined its ranks only after the revolution, his version of the events of 1917 sounded like a sensational, almost indecent, indiscretion, Trotsky branded the two senior triumvirs as the spokesmen of a right wing, the ‘strike-breakers’ (in Lenin’s words) of the revolution. In the preface to his book he brought his argument up to date and contrasted the Bolshevik strategy of 1917 with what the Communists did in Germany in 1923, in the middle of the turmoil provoked there by the French occupation of the Ruhr. In the autumn of 1923, Trotsky argued, Germany was ripe for proletarian revolution: but the revolutionaries missed their opportunity because they succumbed to the same inert timidly shown by Zinoviev and Kamenev in 1917. Ostensibly, his attack was directed against the leaders of German communism. Actually, it aimed at the triumvirs, especially at Zinoviev, who, as president of the Comintern, inspired the policy of its German branch.
The triumvirs parried the blow. They produced their own version of the history of the revolution, in which they minimized or even denied their hesitations, bogglings, and disagreements with Lenin. They also did their best to play down Trotsky’s role in 1917. This was the first of a very long series of those bizarre ‘revisions’ and ‘corrections’ that, in the end, were to make the history of the revolution an almost illegible palimpsest, where countless and conflicting narratives were superimposed upon one another. In addition, all Trotsky’s epithets about Lenin and all Lenin’s rejoinders, dating from before 1917, were once again lifted from the archives and republished. The rank and file of the party were disgusted with the spectacle, which seemed to bear no relation to the country’s misery and the constructive tasks of government and party. The leaders, many thought, were making an inexplicable exhibition of their won irresponsibility.
Stalin was the only man whose prestige was not impaired. Trotsky, whatever the merits of his views, had to take the blame for having initiated what looked like a squabble over bygones. The endless recollections of his anti-Bolshevik past were not without their effect. On the other hand, his own scathing reminders of Zinoviev’s and Kamenev’s behavior in 1917 did a lot to compromise the two. Trotsky could say little or nothing against Stalin, except in obscure hints; for, whatever Stalin had done or said in 1917, he had as a rule done it anonymously or in his usual exclusive manner. Unwittingly, Trotsky now helped him to his ascendancy over Zinoviev and Kamenev. The latter were now in desperate need of a favorable testimony from the General Secretary, who alone seemed to be able to speak as a disinterested witness in the matter. Indeed, in November 1924, Stalin publicly bore witness to the Leninist rectitude of his partners. Zinoviev and Kamenev, he stated, were good Leninists-Bolsheviks. Their disagreement with the party had been episodic only. He himself had made some mistakes before Lenin’s return to Russia in 1917. But only somebody who was in the party but not of it, who viewed the party with the ill will of an outsider, could now rehash old differences and make so much play with them. As to Trotsky, he had ‘played no special role’ in the October revolution. True, he ‘did fight well’, but only as an agent of the Central Committee; and, incidentally, even the left Social Revolutionaries, who later on turned against the revolution, had fought well then. The actual leadership of the rising belonged to a ‘party center’, of which Trotsky was not even a member. This was Stalin’s first contribution to the ‘revision’ of history, a contribution that startled those who remembered the actual course of the rising. Yet, on the whole, Stalin’s argument sounded plausible, while Trotsky’s revelation, in which the leadership of the party was seen as a sluggish body constantly whipped into action by Lenin, could not but hurt the party’s amour propre. Even Lenin’s widow, who knew the truth, was persuaded to come out with a dignified defence of her husband’s two closest disciples; and for the rank and file her testimony settled the matter.
The ‘literary debate’ still dragged on. Stalin published a collection of his own articles written in 1917 and added a topical preface. The debate shifted back to current affairs; and it had undertones of new significance which found their full expression in Stalin’s theory of socialism in one country.
Stalin first formulated his ideas on socialism in one country in the autumn of 1924. Belief in socialism in one country was soon to become the supreme test of loyalty to party and state. In the next twenty years or so nobody who failed that test was to escape condemnation and punishment. Yet, if one studies the ‘prolegomena’ to this article of Stalinist faith, one is struck by the fact that it was first put forward by Stalin almost casually, like a mere debating point, in the ‘literary discussion’. For many months, until the summer of the next year, none of Stalin’s rivals, neither the other triumvirs nor Trotsky, thought the point worth arguing. Nor was Stalin’s own mind fixed. In his pamphlet The Foundations of Leninism, published early in 1924, he stated with great emphasis that, though the proletariat of one country could seize power, it could not establish a Socialist economy in one country. In his Problems of Leninism, however, which he wrote later to the same year, he corrected himself and asserted the opposite. He withdrew the first edition of his Foundations of Leninism from circulation and renounced it as apocryphal. He was at firs hardly aware of the weight that circumstances were soon to give to his ‘socialism in one country’. He reached his formula gropingly, discovering, as it were, a new continent, while he believed himself to be sailing for quite a different place.
His immediate purpose was to discredit Trotsky and to prove for the nth time that Trotsky was no Leninist. Searching in Trotsky’s past, the triumvirs came across the theory of ‘permanent revolution’, which he had formulated in 1906. They started a polemic against it; and it was in the course of that polemic that Stalin arrived at his formula. Since his ‘socialism in one country’, it is proper to sum up and analyze the two formulas in their bearing upon each other.
Trotsky had borrowed his theory from Marx and applied it to the Russian revolution. He spoke of the ‘permanency’ of the revolution in a double sense: the revolution, he foresaw, would be driven by circumstances to pass from its anti-feudal(bourgeois) to its anti-capitalist (Socialist) phase. Contrary to the then accepted Marxist view, not the advanced western European countries but backward Russia would be the first to set out along the road to socialism. But Russia alone would not be able to advance far upon that road. The revolution could not stop at her national frontiers. It would have to pass from its national to its international phase – this was to be the second aspect of its ‘permanency’. Under the impact of Russia western Europe, too, would become revolutionized. Only then could socialism be established on a broad international basis. The progress of mankind, so Trotsky argued, was now hampered not only by the capitalist mode of production but also by the existence of nation-states. The final outcome of the revolutionary transformation could only be One World, one Socialist world. There was, however, a disquieting question mark in this prognostication. What will happen – Trotsky asked in 1906 – if the revolution fails to spread from Russia to western Europe? His grim answer was that it would then either succumb to a conservative Europe or become corroded in its economically and culturally primitive Russian environment.
Until 1917, it will be remembered, this theory was Trotsky’s personal contribution to Marxist thought, rejected by Bolsheviks as well as by Mensheviks. On one or two occasion Lenin vaguely sketched a not dissimilar view of the future; but, on the whole, his policy was firmly based on the premise that the Russian revolution would confine itself to its anti-feudal objectives. It was on this point that he denied its ‘permanency’. Nevertheless he, too, did believe that the bourgeois revolution in Russia would stimulate a Socialist revolution in western Europe; and that then, but only then, might Russia also, with the help of the ‘advanced countries’, move forward towards socialism. What Lenin denied was not the international character of the revolution but Russia’s intrinsic capacity to embark upon socialism before western Europe. He reproached Trotsky with ‘overlooking’ the peasantry, because only if one ignored the peasantry’s attachment to individual property could one assume that a peasant country like Russia would by itself pass from the bourgeois to the Socialist revolution.
In 1917, it will be remembered, Lenin changed his mind. In all essentials the thesis of the permanent revolution (thought not, of course, its somewhat bookish nomenclature) was adopted by his party. The revolution did in fact pass from the anti-feudal to the anti-capitalist phase. To the very last Lenin and his followers expected it also to spread beyond Russia. Meanwhile they looked upon their own country as upon a besieged fortress, spacious and powerful enough to hold out. They believed that an important advance could be made in organizing the internal life of that fortress on Socialist lines. Spurring on his followers to the job, Lenin ( and Trotsky ) emphatically pointed to the possibilities or Socialist experiment opening before them. But essentially Lenin thought of Socialist society in international terms. Early in 1924 Stalin, too, was still arguing that ‘for the final victory of socialism, for the organization of Socialist production, the efforts of one country, particularly of a peasant country like Russia, are insufficient’. He now stated that the efforts of Russia alone would suffice for the complete organization of a Socialist economy. A Socialist economy – this had so far been taken for granted – was conceived only as an economy of plenty. This presupposed a highly developed industry capable of ensuring a high standard of living for the whole people. How then, the question arose, could a country like Russia, whose meagre industry had been reduced to rack and ruin, achieve socialism? Stalin pointed to Russia’s great assets: her vast spaces and enormous riches in raw materials. A proletarian government could, in his view, through its control of industry and credit, develop those recourses and carry the building of socialism to a successful conclusion, because in this endeavor it would be supported by a vast majority of the people, including the peasants.
This, the most essential, part of Stalin’s formula was very simple. It proclaimed in terms clear to everybody the self-sufficiency of the Russian revolution. It was true that Stalin begged many a question. He did not even try to meet the objections to his thesis that were raised later by his critics. One objection that most peasants, attached as they were to private property, were certain to put up the strongest resistance to collectivism, he simply dismissed as a heretical slander on the peasantry. Nor did he seriously consider the other argument that socialism was possible only on the basis of the intensive industrialization already achieved by the most advanced western countries; and that Russia by herself would not be able to catch up with those countries. According to his critics, socialism could beat capitalism only if it represented a higher productivity of labour and higher standards of living than had been attained under capitalism. The critics deduced that if productivity of labour and standards of living were to remain lower in Russia than in the capitalist countries then socialism would, in the long run, fall even in Russia. Nor did Stalin ever try to refute their forecast that in an economy of scarcity, such as an isolated Russian economy would be, a new and glaring social inequality was certain to arise.
But, whatever the flaws in Stalin’s reasoning, flaws that were obvious only to the most educated men in the party, his formula was politically very effective. It contained, at any rate, one clear and positive proposition: we are able to stand on our own feet, to build and to complete the building of socialism. This was what made the formula useful for polemical and practical purposes. It offered a plain alternative to Trotsky’s conception. For a variety of reasons, however, Stalin did not present his thesis in that plain and clear-cut form. He hedged it round with all sorts of reservations and qualifications. One reservation was that the victory of socialism in Russia could not be considered secure so long as her capitalist environment threatened Russia with armed intervention. Socialism in a single state could not be beaten by the ‘cheap goods’ produced in capitalist countries of which his critics spoke; but it might be defeated by force of arms. In the next few years Stalin himself constantly held that danger before Russia’s eyes and thereby seemed to weaken his own case. Moreover, he went on to express, though with ever decreasing confidence, a belief in the proximity of international revolution. He proclaimed the absolute self-sufficiency of Russian socialism in one half of his thesis and disclaimed it in the other.
The strangeness of that passionate ideological dispute does not end here. As the controversy developed, Stalin ascribed to his critics the view that it was not possible to build socialism in Russia. He then presented the issue as one between those who believed in the ‘creative force’ of the revolution and the ‘panic mongers’ and ‘pessimists’. Now the issue was not as simple as that. His critics were beyond question not guilty of the things imputed to them. They, too, asserted that it was possible and necessary to organize the country’s economy on Socialist lines. Trotsky in particular had, since the end of the civil war, urged the Politbureau to begin gearing up the administration for planned economy; and in those early days he first sketched most of the ideas that were later to be embodied in the five-year plans.
The student of the controversy may thus often have the uncanny feeling that its very object is indefinable; that, having aroused unbounded passion and bitterness, it simply vanished into thin air. Stripped of polemical distortions and insinuations, the debate seems in the end, to the student’s astonishment, to center on a bizarre irrelevancy. The point was not whether socialism could or should be built but whether it was possible or desirable to erect the edifice they wanted; nor did they disagree about the materials of which it was to be built or even about its shape. Ostensibly, the only point at issue was whether it would be possible to cover the edifice with a roof. Stalin’s yeas was as emphatic as his opponents’ no. Both sides still agreed that the ‘roof’ was not to be laid for a very, very long time yet. Bout sides also agreed that hostile forces might wreck the building at any stage of their work on it – they constantly saw the shadow of war falling across Russia. Finally, Stalin, like his critics, professed to believe that long before the time came to put on the roof, the problem he had posed would cease to exist, because revolution in the West would free Socialist Russia from isolation.
It might seem then that it was preposterous for the disputants, who were men of action, to pose the problem as they had posed it; and that, on their own showing, they could have travelled a very, very long together, leaving their differences to professional scholastics to thrash out. Was the whole dispute, then, a mere smoke-screen for a clash of personal ambitions? No doubt the personal rivalries were strong element in it. But the historian who reduced the whole matter to that would commit a blatant mistake. He would still have to explain why ‘socialism in one country’ split the ranks of Bolshevism from top to bottom, why it became an issue of such deadly earnest for a whole Russian generation, why it determined the outlook of a great nation for well over a quarter of a century. The other suggestion which is often made, that socialism in one country was invented to allay the suspicions of foreign governments, alarmed by ‘subversive’ activities directed from Moscow, is even more pointless. When Stalin formulated his thesis, his name was still almost unknown abroad; and, even later on, the desire to allay foreign suspicions did not prevent him from making statements on communism in Europe that made the flesh of many a Conservative abroad creep.
As sometimes happened in important disputes, where both sides are strongly committed to certain common principles, so in this controversy, too, its explanation cannot be found in the literal meaning of the disputants’ words, certainly not in their zealous reiteration of ‘common’ principles, but must rather be sought in the subtle, often imperceptible, shifts in the emphasis of their arguments. The explanation is further to be found in the state of mind and the moods of the milieu in which the disputations act and which they address. In the last resort, the doctrinal controversy grows out of those moods; and they – the moods – form the sounding-board that imparts a significant ring to the seemingly undistinguishable formulas that are bandied about. The audience that listens to the disputants is left unmoved by their professions of common principle; it treats these as part of a customary ritual. But it picks up its ears at the different hints and allusions thrown out by either side; and it avidly absorbs all their undertones and unspoken conclusions. It quickly learns to tell the operative part of any formula from the reservations and escape clauses that seem to contradicted it.
Now the operative part of Stalin’s thesis, the thing that was really new and striking in it, was the assertion of the self-sufficiency of the Russian revolution. All the rest was a repetition of traditional Bolshevik truisms, some of which had become meaningless and others embarrassing, but all of which had to be repeated, because they had the flavor of doctrinal respectability. The thing that was new in Stalin’s argument represented a radical revision of the party’s attitude. But the revision was undertaken in a manner that seemed to deny the very fact of revision and to represent it as a straight continuation of an orthodox line of thought, a method familiar from the history of many a doctrine. We shall not lead the reader farther into the thick of this dogmatic battle. Suffice it to say that Stalin did his best to graft his formula on to the body of doctrine he had inherited from Lenin.
More important than the dogmatic intricacies is the fact that now, in the seventh and eight years of the revolution, a very large section of the party, probably its majority, vaguely and yet very definitely felt the need for ideological stocktaking and revision. The need was emotional rather than intellectual; and those who felt it were by no means desirous of any open break with Bolsheviks had by now grown accustomed to running an enormous state, ‘one-sixth of the world’. They gradually acquired the self-confidence and the sense of self-importance that come from the privileges and responsibilities of power. The doctrines and notions that had been peculiarly theirs when they themselves had been the party of the underdog did not suit their present outlook well. They needed an idea or a slogan that would fully express their newly won self-confidence. ‘Socialism in one country’ did it. It relieved them, to a decisive extent, of a sense of their dependence on happening in the five-sixths of the world that were beyond their control. It gave them the soothing theoretical conviction that, barring war, nothing could shake their mastery over Russia: the property-loving peasantry, the individual weakness of the nation, its low productivity and even lower standard of living, all these implied no threat of a restoration of the ancient régime. Whoever, like Trotsky, and later on Zinoviev and Kamenev, dwelt on the dangers to the complacency of the party.
Below this psychological attitude, which was confined to the rulers, there was a much broader undercurrent: the party and the working classes had grown weary of the expectation of international revolution which had been the daily bread of Bolshevism. That expectation was dashed in 1917, 1918, and 1920. It rose again in 1923, during the turmoil in Germany. This time the deferment of hope made the heart of the party sick. “The European working classes are letting us down; they listen to their social democratic leaders and tremble over the flesh-pots of capitalism’ – such was, roughly, the comment of many a politically minded worker on the daily news from the West. It was a galling thought, one which was inseparable from Trotsky’s ‘permanent revolution’, that in spite of all this the fortunes of Russian communism should still be regarded as ultimately dependent on the victory or defeat of communism abroad. There was something that hurt the national amour propre in the usual talk about ‘backward’ Russia and ‘advanced’ Europe, even though party speakers illustrated such talk with weighty comparative Bolshevik wished for nothing more than to push such thoughts off his mind; and Stalin, as it were, did that for him.
What Stalin told the party was, roughly, this: Of course we are looking forward to international revolution. Of course we have been brought up in the school of Marxism; and we know that contemporary social and political struggles are, by their very nature, international. Of course we still believe the victory of the proletariat in the West to be near; and we are bound in honor to do what we can to spread it up. But – and this was a very big, a highly suggestive ‘but’ – do not worry so much about all that international revolution. Even if it were to be delayed indefinitely, even if it were never to occur, we in this country are capable of developing into a fully fledged socialist society. Let us then concentrate on our great constructive task. Those who tell you that this is utopia, that I am preaching national narrow-mindedness, are themselves either adventurers or pusillanimous Social Democrats. We, with our much despised muzhiks, have already done more for socialism than the proletariat of all other countries taken together; and, left alone with our muzhiks, we shall do the rest of the job.
Stripped of its terminological pretensions and pseudo-dialectical profundity, Stalin’s theory reduces itself to this plain and ‘sound’ colloquialism. But it was as its author that Stalin now established himself as an ideologue in his own right. He was no longer just the General Secretary, the administrative magician of the party: he was the author of a new dogma as well. To old, educated Bolsheviks this was the surprise of their life. When, at one of the party meetings of those days, Stalin involved himself in a theoretical argument, he was interrupted by a half-amused and half-indignant remark from the old Marxist scholar Ryazanov: ‘Stop it, Koba, don’t make a fool of yourself. Everybody knows that theory is not exactly your field.’ The condescending irony of the educated Marxists did not, however, prevent ‘socialism in one country’ from becoming the national creed. For all its triteness, Stalin’s innovation had its weight and its raison d’être. Doctrines may, broadly speaking, be classed into two categories: those that, starting from a long train of intellectual ideas, strike out boldly into a remote uncharged future; and those that, though they are neither deeply rooted in ideas nor original in their anticipations, sum up a powerful and hitherto inarticulate trend of opinion or emotion. Stalin’s theory obviously belonged to that second category.
The truly tragic feature of Russian society in the twenties was its longing for stability, a longing which was only natural after its recent experiences. The future had little stability in store for any country, but least of all for Russia. Yet the desire at least for a long, very long, respite from risky endeavors came to be the dominant motive of Russian politics. Socialism in one country, as it was practically interpreted until the late twenties, held out the promise of stability. On the other hand, the very name of Trotsky’s theory, ‘permanent revolution’, sounded like an ominous warning to a tired generation that it should expect no Peace and Quiet in its life-time. The warning was to come true, though not in the way its author expected; but it could hardly have been heeded.
In his argument against Trotsky, Stalin appealed directly to the horror of risk and uncertainty that had taken possession of many Bolsheviks. He depicted Trotsky as an adventurer, habitually playing at revolution. The charge, it need hardly be said, was baseless. At all crucial moments – in 1905, 1917, and 1920 – Trotsky had proved himself the most serious strategist of the revolution, showing no proneness to light-minded adventure. Nor did he ever urge his party to stage any coup in any foreign country, which cannot be said of Stalin. Trotsky firmly believed that western European communism would win by its own intrinsic momentum, in the ordinary course of the class struggle, in which outside initiative or assistance, though important at times, could play only a subordinate role. In weighing the chances of communism in the West, Stalin was more skeptical; and his skepticism was to grow as the years passed by. Be that as it may, the epithet ‘adventurer’ stuck to the ideologue of the ‘permanent revolution’. Stalin went farther and charged Trotsky with a fondness for terror which had allegedly horrified Lenin. This charge, too, was unfair especially in Stalin’s mouth. Trotsky had not shrunk from using terror in the civil war; but he can be said to have been as little fond of it as a surgeon in fond of bloodshed. Yet in the circumstances just described the charge had a vague and yet distinct eloquence. People afraid of the continuation of the terror were led to believe that the man who had laid the charge against Trotsky was himself at least liberal minded.