★Iosephus Stalinიოსებ სტალინიИосиф Сталин이오시프 스탈린★Stalin: A Political Biography. by Isaac Deutscher. /第9章(CHAPTER 9)☆神々は渇くTHE GODS ATHIRST☆②
レーニンは敗北した帝政ロシアがそれ自身の基礎と方法を勝利者のボリシェヴィズムに押しつけはじめているところを目撃しただけであった。過去をふり捨てるため英雄的な努力を重ねている世代に対して過去は残酷な報復を加えた。この報復が最高潮に達したのはまさに第二次革命進行中のことであった。ロシア史のこの矛盾はスターリンに体現された。“共産党員で責任のある行政官”であり、その“文化”はまだロシアの旧支配者より劣り、従って無意識のこともしばしばだが、旧支配者の慣例、習慣を真似たいという気持ちが圧倒的に強いーこうした人たちをだれよりもよく代弁しているのはスターリンであった。この歴史的に不可避な過程はスターリン自身の外面的政治的表情の変化に反映された。かつての偉大なロシア皇帝の顔付きがいまクレムリンから支配しているグルジア出身のボリシェヴィキの頭上によみがえってきたようにみえた。しかもそのロシア皇帝は1人だけではなかった。ある時のスターリンはみうちものと思われるほどの鉄のツァーリ、ニコライ1世に似た顔付きを示した。別の時のスターリンはピョートル大大帝直系の子孫によりふさわしいようにみえた。ピョートル大帝が彼の都、聖ペテルブルグを沼地のうえに、また労働者の死骨のうえに建てたと同じようなやり方で、スターリンは工業国としてのロシアを建設しているのではないだろうか。また第二次世界大戦中のスターリンはアレクサンドル1世のポーズをとり、彼の所作を真似た。だが、大粛清当時のスターリンは反対派の弾圧を進めるにつれますます、貴族に対して荒れ狂うイワン雷帝に似てきた。牢獄ばかりでなく産業企業体をも取り締る彼の政治警察は、イワン雷帝が自己の責任を確立するため利用したオプリーチニナ(采地を受けた親衛隊)に似てはいなかっただろうか。トロツキーに対するスターリンの論争のなかには、反抗貴族の指導者であったクルプスキー公(アンドレイ・ミハイロヴィチ・クルプスキー(ロシア語:Андрей Михайлович Курбский, 1528年 - 1583年)は、モスクワ・ロシアの貴族、公。ツァーリ・イヴァン4世雷帝の親友であったが、後に雷帝の敵対者となった。クルプスキーと雷帝の交わした書簡は、16世紀のロシア史に関する興味深い史料を提供している)とイワン雷帝との激しいやりとりのほのかなこだまを聞きとることができよう。16世紀当時と同じように、モスクワの人々は「処刑なしにこの1日がすぎますようにと恐怖のうちに祈る」ようになった。この歴史の報復のなかで前進を続ける国民を追いかけ、追い越しているようにみえたものは近い過去よりむしろ遠い過去であった。再びその威力を示しはじめてきたものは衰退の道を辿りつつあった帝政末期のよう“自由主義的な”穏健な精神ではなくて、帝国を建設した初期の先駆的ツァーリの狂暴な精神であった。過去が現在を圧倒した苛酷さは、革命が過去との映像に乗り出した決意に相応するものであった。
*オプリーチニナ、オプリチニナ(ロシア語: опричнина アプリーチュニナ ローマ字表記:Oprichnina)は、ロシア・モスクワ国家の皇帝(ツァーリ)イヴァン4世が創設した制度。
*オプリーチニキ(ロシア語:опричники アプリーチュニキ ローマ字表記:Oprichniki)とは、イヴァン雷帝の直轄領オプリーチニナを治めるために集められた、ツァーリだけに忠実なエリート階級の親衛隊のこと。
*『カラマーゾフの兄弟』(カラマーゾフのきょうだい、露: Братья Карамазовы)は、ロシアの文学者フョードル・ドストエフスキーの最後の長編小説。
こうして、ロシアの誌、小説さえも往時の輝きを失うようになった。「われわれにソヴェトのトルストイを与えよ」-政府の意を体した文芸批評家は、数年にわたってこう叫び続けた。だがソヴェトのトルストイは現われなかった。生活が余りにも流動的で、叙事的芸術の手に余ったかもしれない。あるいはまた、トルストイのような人は、「我、黙するも能わず」と自由にいえない雰囲気では育たなかったためかもしれない。当時のロシアの最も独創的な詩人、エセーニン(セルゲイ・アレクサンドロヴィッチ・エセーニン(ロシア語: Серге́й Алекса́ндрович Есе́нин、Sergei Alexandrovich Yesenin、1895年10月3日(ユリウス暦9月21日)- 1925年12月27日)は、ロシアの叙情詩人。20世紀のロシアで最も人気があり有名な詩人のひとり)とマヤコフスキー(ウラジーミル・ウラジーミロヴィッチ・マヤコフスキー(ロシア語: Влади́мир Влади́мирович Маяко́вский, ウクライナ語: Володи́мир Володи́мирович Маяко́вський、1893年グレゴリオ暦7月19日、ユリウス暦7月7日 - 1930年4月14日)は、20世紀初頭のロシア未来派(ロシア・アヴァンギャルド)を代表するソ連の詩人)は自殺した。最良の作家の一部は沈黙に隠れ家を求め、他のものは沈黙を強いられた。プロレタリア文化の元老、スターリンの親友として歓呼とともに迎え入れられた。ゴーリキーは、。30年代前半を通じて、過去の栄光を思いおこさせるかのように余生を保ち続けた。スターリンとゴーリキーとの友情は決して、真の心と心の出合いではなかった。スターリンは自己の知的、精神的権威が、一般に認められた権威を持つだれかの手で裏書きされることを必要とした。ゴーリキーは地下活動当時からのレーニンの親友であった。スターリンは、指導者としての多くの属性、肩書きとともにこの友情を引き継ぐのを賢明だと考えた。ゴーリキーはいくどかレーニンと激しくいい争ったことがあるが、レーニンは他の政治家には我慢しないようなことでも、ゴーリキーには我慢した。感情的にボリシェヴィズムと結び付いていた老作家は以前レーニンを攻撃したため、ある程度自責の念を感じていた。一方、レーニンの後継者は、なにはともあれ、いい争いには我慢できない人であった。こうして、ゴーリキーはスターリンといい争わないことに決めた。時々、ゴーリキーはスターリンの気持ちをやわらげ、古参ボリシェヴィキや思いがけない振舞いをする文士をやさしくかばおうとした。彼はスターリンとカーメネフの和解さえも試みた。だが、最後には思い止まらなければならなかった。彼は1936年死んだ。彼の死とともに、革命前の作家の偉大な系列は中断された。
What followed was a grotesque process of bargaining over a formula of recantation, bargaining that went on between Stalin’s officers in the Kremlin and the prison cells of the Lubyanka, where Zinoviev and Kamenev were held. Stalin agreed publicly to exonerate the prisoners from all connexion with the assassins; but he demanded from them an admission that they had aimed at the restoration of capitalism. This the prisoners refused. Then Stalin seized upon the one point which they had already admitted, namely, that the terrorists might have drawn their inspiration from the opposition’s old propaganda. Whether by threat or argument, he got Zinoviev to make that admission in public. ‘The former activity of the former opposition could not, by the force of objective circumstances [so Zinoviev stated], but stimulate the degeneration of those criminals’, that is of Kirov’s assassin. Sincerely was mixed here with diplomatic evasiveness. The condemnation of the terroristic act was sincere; and Stalin was able to extract it from Zinoviev because he, too, wished to counteract the tendency towards terrorism. But Zinoviev took care to stress that he was prepared to shoulder only indirect moral responsibility – it was, in his words, only the ‘former activity of the former opposition’ that might have inspired the terroristic trend. The formula also implied an accusation of Stalin, for it said that terrorism had been bred by ‘objective circumstances’, i.e. by the oppressive atmosphere in the country. At this stage neither Zinoviev nor Kamenev was prepared to say more in self-accusation; and Stalin left matters at that. To the public the subtle qualifications by which Zinoviev hedged off his ‘admission’ meant nothing; the admission itself mattered. The leaders of the opposition had moved farther down the slippery slope that led to the great purge trials.
The assassination of Kirov alarmed Stalin. Had not conspirators penetrated into his own office? In the spring of 1935 nearly forty men of his own bodyguard were tried in camera. Two were executed. The rest were sentenced to various terms of penal servitude. NO mention of that trial was made in the Press. A feverish search for terrorists followed in all branches of the party and the Komsomol. Stalin now acted on the principle that it was not enough to hit his real opponents: he rooted out the environment that had bred them. He vented his wrath on Leningrad, whose genius loci had seemed to defy him for the last ten years. He appointed Andrei Zhdanov was a young, capable, and ruthless man, who had purged the Komsomol of deviationists and distinguished himself in arrogant attacks on Tomsky during the fight in the trade unions. Stalin could rely upon him to destroy the hornets’ nest in Leningrad. In the spring of 1935 tens of thousands of suspect Bolsheviks, Komsomoltsy, and their families were deported from Leningrad to northern Siberia. Multitudes of ‘Kirov’s assassins’, as those deportees were called, from other cities, too, filed prisons and concentration camps.
The treatment of the political prisoners underwent a radical change. Hitherto it had not been different from that accorded to them in Tsarist days. Political offenders had enjoyed certain privileges and been allowed to engage in self-education and even in political propaganda. Oppositional memoranda, pamphlets, and periodicals had circulated half freely between prisons and had occasionally been smuggled abroad. Himself an ex-prisoner, Stalin knew well that jails and places of exile were the ‘universities’ of the revolutionaries. Recent events taught him to take no risks. From now on all political discussion and activity in the prisons and places of exile was to be mercilessly suppressed; and the men of the opposition were by privation and hard labor to be reduced to such a miserable, animal-like existence that they should be incapable of the normal processes of thinking and of formulating their views.
While Stalin was thus betraying the hopes of liberal reform, he still pretended that he was willing to satisfy them. He offered the people a diet mixed of terror and illusion. He acted shrewdly, for if he had fed them with terror only, they might have revolted in such desperation that even the most powerful political police might have been helpless. But popular illusions would not have protected a government like Stalin’s if It had not been shielded by terror. Two months after Kirov’s assassination, on 6 February 1935, the seventh congress of the Soviets passed a motion on the need for a new constitution and elected a commission which was to draft it. The commission, headed by Stalin, included men like Bukharin, Radek, Sokolnikov, as well as their future prosecutor Vyshinsky. In the course of the next year and a half the commission frequently met in Stalin’s presence. Bukharin and Radek were the chief authors of the new constitution, which they often discussed in the column of Pravda and Izvestya. The constitution was to be adopted by the next congress of the Soviets. In November 1936, several months after the execution of Zinoviev and Kamenev. It was to be called the ‘Stalin Constitution’, ‘the most democratic in the world’.
Describing the situation before and after the assassination of Kirov, we have referred to the traditional patterns of politics under Tsarist autocracy. This comparison may seem far-fetched, because of the gulf that separates Bolshevik form Tsarist Russia. Yet it was none other than Lenin who first hinted at the comparison. In one of his last speeches he reminded his followers what happened in history to conquerors whose civilization was inferior to that of the conquered. The vanished nation imposed its civilization upon its conquerors. Something similar, Lenin said, might happen in the struggles between social classes. The Bolsheviks had defeated the landlords, the capitalists, and the Tsarist bureaucracy. ‘Their culture [i,e. the culture of the defeated classes], ‘Lenin said,’ it is higher than ours. Miserable and low as it is, it is still higher than that of our responsible Communist administrators.’
Lenin saw only the beginnings of the process by which defeated Tsarist Russia was imposing her own standards and methods upon victorious Bolshevism. The past took a cruel revenge upon a generation that was making a heroic effort to get away from it; and that revenge reached its climax precisely in the course of the second revolution. This paradox of Russia history became second revolution. This paradox of Russian history became embodied in Stalin. More than anybody else he represented those ‘responsible Communist administrators’ whose overwhelming inclination it was therefore to imitate, often unknowingly, the old rulers’ customs and habits. This, historically inevitable, process was reflected in the changing expressions of Stalin’s own political physiognomy: the features of not one but of several great Tsars seemed to revive in the Georgian Bolshevik who now ruled from their Kremlin. At one time he showed a trait of family likeness to the Iron Tsar, Nicholas I. At another he looked more like Peter the Great’s direct descendant: was he not building industrial Russia in a way similar to that in which Peter the Great built his St. Petersburg, on the swamps and on the bones of the builders? Again, in the years of the Second World War, he would assume the postures and imitate the gestures of Alexander I. Now, in the period of great purges, as the suppressed his opponents, he more and more resembled Ivan the Terrible raging against the boyars. His political police, in charge of industrial enterprises as well as of prisons, were not unlike the oprichnina, that landed praetorian guard, through which Ivan had secured his ascendancy. In his dispute against Trotsky there might be detected faint echoes of the fierce controversy between Ivan and Prince Kurbsky, the rebellious leader of the boyars. As in the sixteenth century, the people of Moscow now ‘prayed in terror that the day may pass without execution’. In this revenge of history, it was not so much the recent past as the remote one that seemed to chase and overtake the forward-moving nation. What was reasserting itself was the ferocious spirit of the early, pioneering, empire-building Tsars rather than the later, milder, more ‘liberal’ spirit of Tsardom in decay. The cruelty with which the past oppressed the present was proportionate to the determination with which the revolution had set out to repudiate the past.
Yet in Stalin the revolutionary elements, especially features inherited from Lenin, combined strangely with the traditional ones; and this combination made of him the most puzzling and elusive personality of his age. The past did not efface the revolution. It rather imprinted its own pattern on a new social substance. Like Cromwell as Lord Protector or Napoleon an Emperor, Stalin now remained the guardian and the trustee of the revolution. He consolidated its national gains and extended them. He ‘built socialism’; and even his opponents, while denouncing his autocracy, admitted that most of his economic reforms were indeed essential for socialism. The revenge of the past thus bore not so much on his social programme as on his miserable’ tradition of Tsardom came to predominate.
His technique of power, we know, revealed his distrustful situation towards society, his pessimistic approach to it. Socialism was to be built by coercion rather than persuasion. Even where be attempted some sort of persuasion he more readily resorted to propagandist stunts than to enlightening argument. He drew, in other words, on that wipe assortment of chicanery and trickery by which rulers of all ages and countries had held their peoples in subjection. As the revolution had proclaimed confidence in the people, that is in the working classes, to be its guiding principle, and as it had denounced political deception as serving class-oppression, the revenge of the past inevitably entailed a great conflict of ideas, a veritable spiritual crisis, which finally transformed the face of communism in this generation. This was the epilogue to the protracted conflict between authority, bent on moulding society exclusively from above, and society longing for freedom of self-determination.
The conflict was not peculiar to the Russian revolution. It reappears in every revolution and, indeed, in every religious creed. If forms the essence of the profound, gloomy, and passionate controversy between the Grand Inquisitor and Christ in Dostoyevsky’s Brothers Karamazov, Stalin, like Dostoyevsky’s Grand Inquisitor, represents the Church in revolt against the Gospel. Christ, so argues the Grand Inquisitor, based His teaching on the belief in Man, in Man’s dream of freedom. He had, therefore, rejected Satan’s temptations and refused to convert Man by an appeal to the slave in him. But Christianity could not live up to Christ. When Christ reappears on earth, the Grand Inquisitor addresses Him thus: “We have corrected Thy deed and based it on Miracle, Mystery, and Authority . . . And men were delighted that they were led again, as a herd, and that there had been lifted from their hearts, at last, so terrible a gift, the gift [of freedom] that had brought them so much torment. Were we right in teaching and acting like that? Speak! Surely, indeed, we love mankind, when, realizing to humbly its importance, we lovingly lightened its burden, and allowed it feeble nature even to sin, provided it was with our permission? Why then hast Thou now come to hinder us?
‘I repeat to Thee [the Inquisitor goes on’, this very morrow Thou shall see that obedient herd which, at a mere sign from me, will rush to heap up hot coals against that state at which I shall burn Thee for having come to hinder us. For if ever there was one who most of all deserved our fire it is Thou. Tomorrow I shall burn Thee.’ In the prison cell of the Inquisition Christ ‘approaches the old man and gently kisses him on his bloodless ninety-year-old lips’, as if He, Himself, had acquiesced in the conversion of His Church from freedom and respect for Man to Miracle, Mystery, and Authority.
Many a creed has undergone the conversion; and Bolshevism has not escaped it. If Stalin were ever to expound his esoteric philosophy, he would speak out openly of Russia’s inescapable need to ‘correct the deed’ of the October revolution and to purge it of its original belief in the proletarian, in his freedom and progress and solidarity. ‘Only the elect and the strong act on this belief, but mankind is weak and craving for bread and authority,’ he would say, paraphrasing the Grand Inquisitor. He would look grimly and uneasily into the faces of the founders of socialism and ask them: ‘Why have you come to hinder us?
He knew that the old generation of revolutionaries, though weary and humiliated, would, with very few exception, never be whole-heartedly converted to Miracle Mystery, and Authority, and that it would always look upon him as a falsifier of first principles and usurper. He disbanded the Society of Old Bolsheviks, the Society of Former Political Prisoners, and the Communist Academy, the institutions in which the spirit of the old Bolshevism had had its last refuge. These moves indicated the stretch of the road he had travelled since he had begun his struggle against the ‘ex-Menshevik’ Trotsky in the name of the Old Bolshevik Guard. He now appealed to the young generation, not, of course, to its restive spirits, but to its more timid and yet very important mass which though eager to learn and advance socially, knew little or nothing about the pristine ideas of Bolshevism, and was unwilling to be bothered about them. This younger generation, as far back as it could remember, had always seen the leaders of the various oppositions in the roles either of whipping-boys or of flagellants. It had been accustomed from childhood to look up to Stalin wrapped in Mystery and Authority. He had long ceased to be the easily accessible, patient, and helpful spokesman of the party secretaries, the Stalin of the early twenties. He could no longer be seen patiently listening to their grievances on the staircases of party offices. He now appeared in public only on very rare occasions, always surrounded by a large suite, the members of which, like countries, followed him at a distance, in a carefully fixed order of precedence. To the public he spoke rarely; and every statement of his was made to appear as a milestone in history. As a rule these statements, which were in the nature of an autocrat’s orders, did, indeed, have a practical significance for people in every walk of life. The contrast between the remoteness of his person and the omnipresence of his influence did invest his figure, especially in the eyes of the younger generation, with something of that awe-inspiring quality by which oriental rulers used to impress their peoples.
The suite by which he was surrounded was, of course his Politburo. It was his in every sense, for the men he had picked for it corresponded to his idea of what a leader should be. The ‘new type’ of a leader, so he wrote as early as 1925, should be no man of letters; he should not be burdened by the dead weight of social democratic habits; and he should be feared as well as respected. Molotov, Kaganovich, Voroshilov, Kuibyshev, Kossior, Rudzutak, Mikoya, Andreyev – nearly all of them suited that ideal. Nearly all were practical administrators, devoted to their jobs. None had any knowledge of foreign countries; all had, like Stalin himself, been homebred Bolsheviks. Most of them were small men raised up by Stalin. But as the years went by their knowledge and experience grew with their responsibilities. In a sense of Politbureau was unique school of government. All the affairs of the country, from the major diplomatic and political decisions to the minor troubles of provincial authorities, came up for debate before that body, which was in almost permanent session. The Politbureau had the last Stalin had the last word in the Politbureau. He did not even preside over its sessions. Usually he listened silently to the arguments and resolved most of the issues by a plebeian sarcasm, a half-jovial, meaningful threat, or a brusque gesture of impatience. The few men who, in the course of many years, had no make personal decisions on measures to be taken in this or that industry, in this or that branch of agriculture, on educational matters, on the types of weapons that were to be introduced into the army and so forth, eventually accumulated so enormous a knowledge of the technical details of a great variety of jobs as could rarely be obtained by administrators working in a less centralized system. No wonder that in the years of the Second World War foreign statements and generals were impressed by Stalin’s extraordinary grasp of the technical details of his gigantic war machine. But this over-centralized method of government also had its fatal drawbacks. It instilled a grotesque fear of initiative and responsibility in all grades of the administration; it reduced every official to a cog; it often force of inertia it made the machine move a button in time. Thus the whole administrative machinery was clogged by such red tape and bureaucratic hypocrisy writers, if the satirical writers, too, had not been paralyzed by the fear of responsibility.
Not satisfied with dictating his will in all matters affecting the body politic, Stalin also aspired to be sole spiritual leader of his generation. He did so in part because his vanity had been hurt by the fact that the intellectual elite of Russia had hardly noticed him before he had brought them under his tutelage; and that even then they had as first treated his pronouncement on science, philosophy, and art with some irony. Apart from this, he had banished heresy from politics and economics only to find that the philosophical and literary journals bristled with heretical allusion. To venture out into these fields became for him a political necessity. Marxism had, in fact, shortened the distance between politics, philosophy, and literature. Stalin crudely oversimplified the Marxist view of their interconnexion, until he degraded science, history, and art to the point where they became handmaidens of his politics. Every time he issued a new economic and political directive, the historians, the philosophers, and the writers had to check carefully whether in their latest works they were not in conflict with the leader’s last word.
The historians fared worst of all. As early as 1931 he rebuked them sharply in his famous ‘Letter to the Editor of Proletarskaya Revolutsia’. The journal, specializing in the history of the revolution, had permitted ‘Trotskyist contraband’ in its columns. Recent history had to be rewritten so as to show his opponents in the light that suited Stalin. This was done. As the struggle grew fierce, the versions of history dictated from the General Secretariat proved to be not derogatory enough of Stalin’s opponents; and one new version after another had to be composed. As, for reasons of expediency, the official attitude towards the more remote past was also changing, the histories of old Russia, too, had to be rewritten. Trotsky had exercised a strong influence upon literary criticism had to be uprooted. The philosophers had taught Marxist dialectics on the basis of Plekhanov’s writings, of which Lenin had, in spite of his political controversies with the leader of the Mensheviks, thought very highly. Stalin summoned the professors and lectures of philosophy to his office and inveighed against their ‘rotten liberalism’. The dean of the philosophers, Professor Deborin, and many of his pupils were barred from the universities and the periodicals. Instances of this rule of club over pen can be multiplied at will. In the end literacy critics, historians, and philosophers extolled the ‘beloved leader’ as the greatest literary critic, historian, and scientist of their age and of all ages. Disraeli once flattered Queen Victoria: ‘Your Majesty is the head of the literacy profession’; but neither Macaulay nor Carlyle was required to write in Queen Victoria’s style. Now that the General Secretary had been proclaimed the head of the literary profession it was the duty of Soviet writers ‘to write like Stalin’.
What followed was a grim page in the annals of Russian literature: Stalin’s personal style became, as it were, Russia’s national style. Not only was it a daring deed for any publicist or essayist to compose a paragraph or two including no direct quotation from Stalin. The writer took great care that his own sentences should, in style and vocabulary, resemble as closely as possible the quoted text. An indescribably dull uniformity spread over the Russian Press and most periodicals. Even the spoken language became ‘Stalinized’ to a fantastic extent, at least when people talked on ideology and politics. It was as if a whole nation had succumbed to a ventriloquial obsession.
(This anomaly, by which the style of the ruler became the ruling style of the nation, would perhaps have been less intolerable if the ruler had possessed literary talent. As it was, the national style degenerated into a peculiar lingo characterized by stiff, boring repetitiveness, plebeian coarseness mixed with pseudo-scientific pretentiousness, and grammatical and logical incongruity. After his ascendancy Stalin’s style became even more uncouth than if had been before. The contrast between the great, dramatic role of the man and the dull, plodding style of his speech and writing is indeed astonishing.)
Historians will wonder how a nation which had had Tolstoy, Dostoyevsky, Chekhov, Plekhanov, Lenin, and Trotsky as its intellectual guides could have allowed the lights of is language and literature to be so thoroughly blacked out. They will perhaps draw some analogy between this phenomenon and the striking decline, in the years of revolution, empire, and restoration, of another literature that had given the world Rousseau, Voltaire, and the Encyclopaedists. In France as in Russia, an extraordinary exertion of spiritual energy and literary genius is followed by a condition of lethargy and torpor. However, the cultural significance of Stalinism cannot be judged merely by the way it ravaged letters and arts. It is the contradiction between Stalin’s constructive and his destructive influences that should be kept in mind. While he was mercilessly flattening the spiritual life of the intelligentsia, he also carried, as we have seen, the basic elements of civilization to a vast mass of uncivilized humanity. Under his rule Russian culture lost in depth but gained in breath. The prediction may perhaps be ventured that this extensive spread of civilization in Russia will be followed by a new phase of intensive development, a phase from which another generation will look back with relief upon the barbarous antics of the Stalinist era-adapted to the tasks of a ruler himself not well educated, who had to dragon the muzhiks, and a bureaucracy issuing from the muzhiks, out of their anarchic poverty and darkness.
We shall only approach the same problem from another angle if we say that culturally all this meant a relative eclipse of European Russia in favor of the backward Asiatic and semi-Asiatic periphery. The standards of European Russia were levelled down and those of the Asiatic periphery were levelled up. The intelligentsia of Leningrad and Moscow, who once distinguished themselves by their independent mind, and often surpassed their western European counterparts by the earnestness and élan of their sophisticated aspirations and to meet half-way their much younger and cruder brothers as they came flocking into the universities straight from the Kirghizian or Bashkirian steppes. Under a leader who had himself once form the border of Europe and Asia, while Asiatic Russia was achieving a considerable degree of Europeanization’. In part, this mutual assimilation was inevitable and fruitful. But only too often it was carried to the point where it impoverished the nation intellectually, Paradoxically enough, Stalin, who fostered inequality and social differentiation on the basis of a collectivized economy, was, in matters of the spirit and the intellect, a crude and tyrannical leveler, not by conscious design – in his own way be patronized science and art – but because of his distrust of intellectual and artistic originality: for in that he always scented unorthodoxy.
Thus it came about that even Russian poetry and fiction lost its old luster. ‘Give us a Soviet Tolstoy,’ official literary critics clamored for years. The Soviet Tolstoy failed to appear, perhaps because life was too much in a flux to lend itself to epic artistry or perhaps because a Tolstoy is not bred in an atmosphere in which he is not free to say: ‘I cannot keep silent.’ The two most original poets of contemporary Russia, Yesenin and Mayakovsky, committed suicide. Some of the best writers sought refuge is silence, others were silenced. Like a reminder of past glories, Maxim Gorky, acclaimed as the patriarch of proletarian culture and as Stalin’s close friend, lingered on during the first half of the thirties. The friendship between Stalin and Gorky was hardly a true meeting of minds. Stalin needed his intellectual and moral authority to be endorsed by somebody whose authority was commonly recognized, Gorky had been Lenin’s intimate friend back in the days of the underground; and Stalin thought it wise to inherit that friendship together with many other attributed and titles of leadership. Gorky, on the other hand, had more than once violently quarreled with Lenin, who endured from him things he would never have endured from any politician. The old writer, emotionally attached to Bolshevism and somewhat remorseful because of his old attacks on Lenin, resolved not to quarrel with Lenin’s successor, who was, anyhow, not prepared to tolerate any quarrel. Occasionally Gorky tried to soften Stalin’s temper and gently to shield an old Bolshevik or an erratic man of letters. He even made an attempt at reconciling Stalin and Kamenev. But in the end he had to desist. He died in 1936. With him the great line of pre-revolutionary writers came to an end.
After Gorky’s death, at the height of the purges, two poets were for a time most celebrated in Moscow: the Kazakh Djambul Djabayev and the Caucasian Lezghin Suleyman Stalsky. Both were the last of the oriental tribal bards, illiterate nonagenarians, long-beared, picturesque composers of folk-songs, belated native Homers. From their highland and steppe they came to Moscow to sing, to the accompaniment of their harps, Stalin’s praise at the Lenin Mausoleum.
The assimilation of European to Asiatic Russia led to the spiritual isolation and detachment of Russia, as a whole, from Europe. This was only partly due to the antagonism between communism and capitalism – in the twenties, when that antagonism was to less strong, the Russian mind was wide open to progressive influences of European thought and art. The isolation was conditioned by the peculiar climate of the thirties; and in became complete during the great purges.