
当ブログはトロント在住、日系一世カナダ人サミー・山田(48)おっさんの「独り言」です。まさに「個人日記」。1968年11月16日東京都目黒区出身(A型)・在北米30年の日系カナダ人(Canadian Citizen)・University of Toronto Woodsworth College BA History & East Asian Studies Major トロント在住(職業記者・医療関連・副職画家)・Toronto Ontario「団体」「宗教」「党派」一切無関係・「政治的」意図皆無=「事実関係」特定の「考え」が’正しい’あるいは一方だけが’間違ってる’いう気は毛頭なし。「知って」それぞれ「考えて」いただれれば本望(^_-☆Everybody!! Let's 'Ponder' or 'Contemplate' On va vous re?-chercher!Internationale!!「世界人類みな兄弟」「平和祈願」「友好共存」「戦争反対」「☆Against Racism☆」「☆Gender Equality☆」&ノーモア「ヘイト」(怨恨、涙、怒りや敵意しか生まない)Thank you very much for everything!! Ma Cher Minasan, Merci Beaucoup et Bonne Chance 

♦️Bukharin and the Bolshevik Revolution: A Political Biography, 1888-1938 by Stephen F. Cohen♦️ ブハーリンとボリシェヴィキ革命 政治的伝記1888〜1938 | スティーヴン・F・コーエン/第4章:マルクス主義の理論とボリシェヴィキの政策CHAPTER IV: Marxist Theory and Bolshevik Policy②

ブハーリンは、運動の根源を「自己展開」ではなく諸力の衝突におくことによって、ヘーゲルの有名なHegelsche Triade (Philosophie)三幅対Hegelian triad (テーゼ・アンチテーゼ・ジンテーゼ)から観念論的要素をぬきとって、それを純化したと信じたのである。(ヘーゲルのトリアーデに)対応する彼の図式は、初めの均衡―均衡の攪乱―新しい基礎の上での均衡の再確立、であった。
*정반합(正反合, 독일어: These, Antithese, Synthese, 영어: thesis, antithesis, synthesis)은 철학용어로 논리적인 전개 방식의 일종이다. 헤겔의 변증법을 도식화한 것으로, 헤겔 본인이 이 용어를 사용한 적은 없으나 이후에 그의 논리학을 해설하며 붙여진 용어이다.
*哲学において観念論(かんねんろん)もしくはイデアリスム(英語: idealism、ドイツ語: Idealismus、フランス語: idéalisme)とは、さまざまな意味があるが、認識の妥当性に関する説の一つで、事物の存在と在り方は当の事物についてのidea(イデア、観念)によって規定される、という考え方[1]などを指す。

*数学における関数(かんすう、英: function、仏: fonction、独: Funktion、 蘭: functie、羅: functio、函数とも書かれる)とは、かつては、ある変数に依存して決まる値あるいはその対応を表す式の事であった。この言葉はライプニッツによって導入された。その後定義が一般化されて行き、現代的には数の集合に値をとる写像の一種であると理解される。
*ゴットフリート・ヴィルヘルム・ライプニッツ(ライブニッツ、Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz ドイツ語: [ˈɡɔtfʁiːt ˈvɪlhɛlm fɔn ˈlaɪbnɪts][1][2][3]あるいは[ˈlaɪpnɪts][4][5] 、1646年7月1日(グレゴリオ暦)/6月21日(ユリウス暦) - 1716年11月14日[6])は、ドイツの哲学者、数学者。ライプツィヒ出身。ルネ・デカルトやバールーフ・デ・スピノザなどとともに近世の大陸合理主義を代表する哲学者である。主著は、『モナドロジー』、『形而上学叙説』、『人間知性新論』、『神義論』など。


*The Mind and Society (Italian: Trattato di Sociologia Generale, lit. "Treatise on General Sociology") is a 1916 book by the Italian sociologist and economist Vilfredo Pareto (1848-1923). In this book Pareto presents the first sociological cycle theory, centered on the concept of an elite social class.
*(1)「静寂主義」とも訳されるキエティスム(仏: Quiétisme, 英: Quietism クワイエティズム)は、様々な意味と定義を持つ用語である(2)靜修(古希臘語:ἡσυχασμός,hesychasmos,英語:hesychasm),又譯為靜默主義,一種隱士祈禱者的傳統,流行於東方正教會與東儀天主教會之中。

*予定調和説(よていちょうわせつ、フランス語: harmonie préétablie)は、すべての「物質」は自分自身にのみ影響し独立しているとする、因果関係に関するライプニッツの哲学、神学的原理である。

しかし、ブハーリンの社会学理論およびその政治的含意への根本的批判は次の点にあった。即ち、正統マルクス主義は社会的衝突の優位を立証しているのに、均衡は社会的調和を前提としている、というのである。社会に関するマルクス主義的衝突(紛争)モデルと均衡モデルと対比しているのは、ソヴェトの著作家だけではない。社会学の今日の構造=機能学派に対する最近の批判は、これと似たところがある。西側の異端的社会学者の論じるところによれば、機能主義は(マルクス主義とちがって)ホメオスタシス(生物学における恒常性の概念+恒常性(こうじょうせい)ないしはホメオスタシス(希: ὅμοιοστάσις、英: homeostasis)とは、生物において、その内部環境を一定の状態に保ちつづけようとする傾向のことである)的均衡概念を用いているので、内部からの現実的社会変化に適合できず、従って調和のとれた安定を奨励することになる。更に、均衡(理論)は規範的(保守的)志向を含意しており、それは社会的衝突(紛争)を横目に見、均衡破壊的要求を不正常で病理学的なものとみなすものだと彼らはいう。ある歴史家は、「均衡モデルを採用すれば、論理上当然、革命的倫理を除外することになる・・・」とさえ結論した。こういうわけで、政治的保守主義と均衡理論を結びつけることは(今日でもソヴィト思想において、よくとりあげられる問題である)は、ソヴェトのマルクス主義者に限られたことではないのである。
ブハーリンはこの問題に真剣に取り組んだことは一度もなかったが、この逆説に気がついてはいたようである。彼は「完全な調和」という考えはどんなものでも否認するように意識的に努めたし、ありうべき批判者に対して彼が次のように答えている中には、いくらか居心地の悪さが感じられる。「社会システムーそれも不合理で盲目的なシステムーを均衡の見地から見ることは、Harmonia Praestabilita(予定調和)Предустановленная гармонияとは、もちろん何の共通性もない。というのは、こう見るのは、このシステムが存在しているという事実、またそれが発展しているという事実から出発しているのである。」発展は、これ(社会システムの均衡)が「静的均衡ではなく、動的均衡」であることを物語っている。均衡を動的な概念とみるということは、社会には常に衝突と変化があるという仮定と完全に両立するかにみえた。実際ブハーリンの信じるところでは、社会の生物学的有機体モデルは均衡破壊的要素を病理学的とみなすが、力学(機械論)をマルクス主義と結合させるなら、有機体論を強力に退けることができるのであった。最後に、一定の歴史的時期にあっては社会調和が優越するだろうという見方と革命的マルクス主義の間には何の矛盾もないと彼は考えていた。なぜなら、社会主義以前の社会では均衡の復興はいつも一時的なもので、次第に安定度を低くしていく、その結果、どんどん激しい不均衡が生じ、とうとう革命が起きる。換言すれば、ここでは均衡の優越はーそしてホメオスタシスの存在はー歴史的に限定されている。ただ共産主義だけが持続的な社会均衡の条件をもたらすことができるのである。


By locating the source of motion in the conflict of forces and not in “self-development,” Bukharin believed that he had purged Hegel’s famous triad ( thesis, antithesis, synthesis ) of its idealist elements. His corresponding formula is original equilibrium, disturbance of equilibrium, and re-establishment of equilibrium on a new basis.
*Триада в «Науке логики» Гегеля — это объединение каких-либо двух противоположных понятий и какого-либо третьего понятия, которое опосредует (то есть выражает) внутреннее единство двух противоположных понятий[1]. Примером является триада «бытие — ничто — становление», в которой становление опосредует (то есть выражает) внутреннее единство бытия и ничто[2][1][3][4]. В общем случае, триада имеет вид «понимание — диалектическое суждение — спекулятивное суждение» (англ. Understanding — Dialectical Reason — Speculative Reason).
*Idealismus (abgeleitet von griechisch ἰδέα „Idee“, „Urbild“) bezeichnet in der Philosophie unterschiedliche Strömungen und Einzelpositionen, die „hervorheben, dass die Wirklichkeit in radikaler Weise durch Erkenntnis und Denken bestimmt ist“[1], dass Wirklichkeit, Wissen und Moral auf Ideen und Ideellem basieren.[2] Im engeren Sinn wird als Vertreter eines Idealismus bezeichnet, wer annimmt, dass die physikalische Welt nur als Objekt für das Bewusstsein oder im Bewusstsein existiert oder in sich selbst geistig beschaffen ist.

Every system, he continued, is involved in two states of equilibrium: internal and external. The first refers to the relationship between different components within a system, the second to the entire system in its relationship with its environment. In neither case is there ever an “absolute, unchanging equilibrium”; it is Bukharin’s theory is the relationship between internal and external equilibrium: the internal structure of the system . . . must change together with the relation existing between the system and its environment. The latter relation is the decisive factor . . . the internal ( structure ) equilibrium is a quantity which depends on the external equilibrium ( is a “function” of this external equilibrium ).
Applied to society, Bukharin’s theory reads as follows: An existing society pressures a certain equilibrium between its three major social elements-things, persons, and ideas. This is internal equilibrium. But “society is unthinkable without its environment,” that is, nature. Society adapts itself to nature, strives toward equilibrium with it, by extracting energy from it through the process of social production. In the process of adaptation, society develops “an artificial system of organs,” which Bukharin calls technology and which constitutes “a precise material indicator of the relation between the society and nature.” It is by identifying social technology with productive forces (“the combinations of the instruments of labor”), and by making the internal structure a function of the external equilibrium, that Bukharin is able, despite his pluralistic analysis of social development, to preserve monistic causality in economic determinism. Or as he acknowledges:
the productive forces determine social development because they express the interrelation between society . . . and its environment. . . . And the interrelation between environment and system it the quantity which determines, in the last analysis, the movement of any system.

This theoretical model conveys Bukharin’s historical materialism, systematizing social development. Social equilibrium is constantly being disturbed. It can move toward restoration in two ways: either by “a gradual adaptation of the various elements in the social whole ( evolution )”; or by “violent upheaval ( revolution ).” As long as the envelope of social equilibrium, primarily the production relations as embodied in the classes directly participating in production, is sufficiently broad and durable, evolution occurs. In this way, for example, capitalism progressed through its several historical phases. But when the forces of production develop to where they come into conflict with “the fundamental web of these productive forces, i.e., a new and durable envelope of production relations . . . capable of serving as an evolutionary form of the productive forces. . . .”
If this abstract theory is pregnant with logical programmatic implications, as Bukharin’s political opponents suddenly discovered in 1929, it is not immediately evident. A standard charge against mechanism was that its understanding of motion precluded the transformation of quantity into quality and “leaps” in general. Here, allegedly, was the philosophical basis of political gradualism. Bukharin, however, argued otherwise: “The transformation of quantity into quality is one of the fundamental laws in the motion of matter; it may be traced literally at every step both in nature and society.” He even drew the same political conclusion as his critics: “the notion that nature permits of no such violent alternation is merely a reflection of the fear claim that Bukharin’s “naturalistic” materialism-so designated because of his emphasis on society’s interaction with nature-could lead only to passive capitulation before objective conditions. This same “naturalism” was present in The Economics, where he argued that internal and external equilibrium would be restored by willful force.
When logic faltered, Stalinist critics tried to bolster their thesis by proving deviation by association. They pointed to the fact that Bogdanov, by now an official example of notorious political deviation, earlier had also rejected the Hegelian tradition of dialects in favor of a mechanical equilibrium model. They ignored, however, the definitive dissimilarities between Bukharin’s and Bogdanov’s theories, as well as Bukharin’s long history of theoretical and political opposition to Bogdanov, before and after 1917. The interesting intellectual kinship between the two men is a separate issue, but the commonplace view that Bukharin was his disciple should not go unchallenged. Not only was there little of the elder thinker’s influence apparent in Historical Materialism, but the book’s long argument against “psychologized Marxism” as “a clear deviation from the materialism in sociology emphasized con amore by Marx” was aimed specifically at Bogdanov.
It is more fruitful to recall that by the early 1900’s, mechanical equilibrium models ( especially dynamic ones ) had spread from physics and biology to the social sciences, where they were widely accepted and employed. It seemed to be the last word in science; and then, as today, equilibrium theory was an important part of Western sociological and economic thought. Sorokin noted one relevance example in 1922: Bukharin’s treatment of social equilibrium was similar in several ways to Pareto’s presentation in the second volume of Trattato Di Sociologia Generale. The “Bogdanovist terminology,” which so offended Bukharin’s critics, was to a considerable extent the language of contemporary social theory, a fact which suggests the genuine underlying affinity between Bukharin and Bogdanov. Both regarded Marxism as an open-ended body of thought, vulnerable and receptive to new intellectual currents. Both believed it legitimate to refer their Marxist critics to the work of non-Marxists. Bogdanov’s declaration of 1908. “The tradition of Marx-Engels must be dear to us not in its letter but in its spirit,” was echoed by Bukharin in the preface to Historical Materialism: “It would be strange if Marxist theory eternally stood still.”
Nonetheless, Historical Materialism can throw some light on Bukharin’s subsequent thinking about Soviet society. His sociology-his interest in the dynamics of social evolution and how existing societies function-presented a different dimension of his mind, which until 1921 had seemed to be turned mainly to revolutionary disorder and cataclysmic change. To put it another way, the dissimilar tempers of The Economics and Historical Materialism, the latter an almost quietist tract by comparison, derived in part from the fact that they focused on different periods in society’s life: the second the more usual stage of revolutionary society. And it is here, in his discussion of equilibrated society, that Bukharin revealed an awareness that any stable, growing society must be a cohesively integrated aggressive, with at least a minimal harmony of its components.
Many radical Marxism, having dwelt on the apocalyptic vision in Marxism, tended to view pre-utopian society at little more than a battleground of irreconcilable forces and warring classes. Always searching for crises and omens of breakdown, they saw only a dysfunctional malformation. Usually, as one sociologist observed, they “shunned and even ridiculed” bourgeois notions of social interaction and cooperation. While this image sustained revolutionary fervor, it did not advise social construction. As a Marxist, Bukharin naturally accented instances in which social conflicts were in the foreground, but he also understood that elements of harmony and “moments of cooperation” normally prevail. He saw society as a real totality, and marveled at “how truly tremendous is the Babylonian confusion of influences and mutual interactions in social life.” The very fact that society was an aggregate of conflicting forces suggested to him the importance of adhesive elements, of “social bonds” and “rivers” that preserve the community. Nowhere was this clearer than in his picture of society’s collective confrontation with nature: “It has taken man centuries of bitter struggle to place his iron bit in nature’s mouth.”
Although he never seriously came to grips with it, Bukharin seems to have been aware of the paradox. He made a conscious effort to disclaim any notion of “perfect harmony,” and a tinge of discomfort was discernible in his rejoinder to potential critics: “Examining a social system, and a irrational, blind one a that, from the point of view of equilibrium has nothing in common, of course, with harmonie prestabilita, for it follows from the fact that this system exists and also from the fact that in develops.” Development means that this is a “moving equilibrium, and not a static one.” Viewing equilibrium as a dynamic concept seemed to be fully compatible with the assumption that conflict and change are always present in society. Indeed, Bukharin believed that mechanics wedded to Marxism provided a powerful rebuttal to the biological organism model of society, which did represent disequilibating elements as pathological. Finally, he saw no contradiction between revolutionary Marxism and the view that social harmony will prevail during certain historical periods, because in pre-socialist societies the restoration of equilibrium would always be temporary and progressively less stable. Increasing severe instances of disequilibrium will ensure until revolution occurred. In other words, here the prevalence of harmony, and the presence of homeostasis, is historical limited; only communism could provide the conditions for an enduring social equilibrium.
Still, it is questionable whether Bukharin’s abstract theory really could account for deep-rooted social change originating from within. In the last analysis, as reflected in his treatment of technology, he made internal equilibrium dependent on the interrelations between society and nature. The impetus of pervasive change was external to the social system. In this and other respects, his “Marxist sociology” was frequently inconsistent and sometimes crude, thought the validity of the mechanical equilibrium model continues to divide sociologists.
All this says little directly about Bukharin’s politics. His abiding conviction that in the absence of harmony, “society will not grow but decline” informed both The Economics and Historical Materialism, as did his faith that socialist revolution would being an ultimately harmonious, productive, and durable equilibrium. Until 1921, he saw this promise emerging out of the policies of war communism. Shortly afterwards, he came to believe the opposite.

What Historical Materialism really illustrates is that Bukharin, like other “seeking Marxists” of the Soviet twenties, viewed Marxism not only as the ideology of the party-state, but as a system of living ideas competitive with and alert to the accomplishments of these “seeking Marxists,” politically in the late twenties and physically in Stalin’s purges of the thirties, the tension between ideology and social science that had characterized Marxism from the outset was resolved in Russia in favor of the former, and the questing spirit went out of Soviet Marxism for many years to come.

Anna Larinaアンナ・ラーリナ (27 janvier 1914 - 24 février 1996Анна Михайловна Ларина) est une écrivaine russe. Elle est la veuve de Nikolaï Boukharine.夫ブハーリンが後代の党指導者たちに残した遺書をすべて暗記していた。

*Ю́рий Ла́ринユーリ・ラーリン (настоящее имя Михаил Александрович (Ихи́л-Михл За́лманович) Yuri Aleksandrovich Larin Лурье;[1] 17 июня 1882, Симферополь — 14 января 1932, Москва)Mikhail Aleksandrovich Lurie — деятель российского революционного движения, советский хозяйственный деятель, экономист, публицист.ラーリナ氏の養父(経済学者・ユダヤ系ロシア人)ブハーリンの(親友)義父。

*Юрий Николаевич Ларин 故ユーリ・ニコラエヴィチ・ラーリン氏(8 мая 1936, Москва — 15 сентября 2014, там же)Yuri Nikolaevich Larin — российский художник, живописец и график; член Союза художников СССР (1977). Серебряная медаль Академии художеств (2001).ブハーリンとラーリナ氏の長男(画家(芸術家)父が処刑されたときはまだ2歳だった)。

*Акико Вада 和田あき子(岐阜県出身, 1938 -) является Япония из руссой литературы . Он также проводит исследования Шухеи Фудзисавы . Родился в префектуре Гифу . Выбыли из докторской программы в университете Васэда Высшая школа Letters . Ее муж - Харуки Вада, заслуженный профессор Токийского университета .
*Харуки Вада (яп. 和田 春樹; род. 13 января 1938 года, Осака大阪府出身) — японский учёный, славист (русист) и кореевед. Специалист по истории России советского периода, а также революционных, социалистических и крестьянских движений в России и Корее, профессор Токийского университета. Автор большого количества книг, включая «Мир крестьянской революции. Есенин и Махно».





①鎌と槌(かまとつちHammer und Sichel、鎌と鎚ともHammer and sickle)または鎌とハンマー若しくはツチカマとは、鎌と槌を組み合わせた標章。農民と労働者の団結を表し、マルクス・レーニン主義の共産主義や共産党のシンボルとして使われている②ちなみに↑が(ゴルバチョフによる「グラスノスチ(情報公開)」までの)ソ連時代の写真です(1920年5月5日、モスクワ・スヴェルドロフ広場で演説するレーニン)カーメネフとトロツキーがいる右側は切り取られている。↓がオリジナル(原版)です。

Серп и молот (☭) — символ, олицетворяющий единство рабочих и крестьян. Являлся главной государственной эмблемой Советского Союза, а также одним из основных символов коммунистического движения. Широко используется в различных коммунистических партиях и движениях по всему миру.




