
当ブログはトロント在住、日系一世カナダ人サミー・山田(48)おっさんの「独り言」です。まさに「個人日記」。1968年11月16日東京都目黒区出身(A型)・在北米30年の日系カナダ人(Canadian Citizen)・University of Toronto Woodsworth College BA History & East Asian Studies Major トロント在住(職業記者・医療関連・副職画家)・Toronto Ontario「団体」「宗教」「党派」一切無関係・「政治的」意図皆無=「事実関係」特定の「考え」が’正しい’あるいは一方だけが’間違ってる’いう気は毛頭なし。「知って」それぞれ「考えて」いただれれば本望(^_-☆Everybody!! Let's 'Ponder' or 'Contemplate' On va vous re?-chercher!Internationale!!「世界人類みな兄弟」「平和祈願」「友好共存」「戦争反対」「☆Against Racism☆」「☆Gender Equality☆」&ノーモア「ヘイト」(怨恨、涙、怒りや敵意しか生まない)Thank you very much for everything!! Ma Cher Minasan, Merci Beaucoup et Bonne Chance 

★Boukharine: La vie d'un bolchevik : A Political Biography, 1888-1938 Сти́вен Фрэнд Ко́эн☭ブハーリンとボリシェヴィキ革命 政治的伝記1888〜1938 | スティーヴン・F・コーエン/第八章:穏健主義の危機CHAPTER VIII: The Crises of Moderation①

穏健(おんけんModération、英: Moderateとは、特に政治や宗教における、急進的(英語版)ないし過激な観点の、拒否を示すイデオロギーの分野である。穏健派とは、過激な観点や大幅な社会変動を避ける主流・本流の位置を占める人であると考えられており、また、アメリカ合衆国の政治においては、左右の政治的スペクトルにおける、中道を占める人であると考えられている。

↑エフゲニー・アレクセーヴィチ・プレオブラジェンスキーYevgeni Alekseyevich Preobrazhensky(37年7月に銃殺刑=享年51歳)。88年に死後の復党が許可され90年、公式に名誉回復された。
第八章                穏健主義の危機



*①呪物崇拝Религиозный фетишизм (じゅぶつすうはい、英語:Fetishism,フランス語:Fétichisme) Fetischismus (Religion)とは、フェティッシュ(呪物または物神)に対する崇拝を意味し、呪術的宗教の一つの形態である②物象化Отчуждение (философия)(ドイツ語: Versachlichung または Verdinglichung、英: reificationRéificationとは、人と人との関係が物と物との関係として現れること。カール・マルクスが後期の著作(とりわけ『資本論』)で使った概念。


Onye bu Moderate bu onye no n'etiti echiche abuo, na choro iso wo eso maka otu ha diwo emee he. Na ekpere chi na politics, ndi moderate bu ndi bu n'etiti ndi Liberal ma ndi Conservative. Ha nwere ike so onye ha choro.
CHAPTER VIII          The Crises of Moderation
And though I have the gift of prophecy, and understand all mysteries, and all knowledge: and though I have all faith, so that I could remove mountains, and have not charity, I am nothing.
-1 Corinthians

FROM 1924 TO 1926, Bukharin had discussed economic policy in very broad, frequently abstract terms. Theory was his arterial pursuit, a manner of exposition he found congenial. The main reason for his abstract style, however, was his determination to establish general economic, political, and ( as has been argued ) ethical principles about the nature of Soviet industrialization and of Bolshevism in power. His treatment of economic trended to be philosophic, because he refused to separate it from his broader philosophy of the worker-peasant smychka. He never entirely abandoned this approach to policy questions, usually preferring to leave the recitation of details and statistics to Rykov. But beginning in 1926, Bukharin’s discussion of economic issues became notably more pragmatic, specific, and problem-oriented.                 

The change in style reflected one of substance, coinciding with a reconsideration and significant modification of his policies. It began in the spring of 1926, with Bukharin’s awareness that some of his economic assumptions had been flawed or were becoming obsolete, and continued through 1927, when he spelled out his new proposals more fully. It culminated in December 1927 at the Fifteenth Party Congress, whose resolutions embodied his and his allies; revised program and their understanding of the new period in Soviet economic development.
Bukharin stressed, and correctly, that these modifications did not represent a fundamental departure from the principles he had elaborated in 1924-6. Indeed, he redoubled his emphasis on all those “historic truths” of the
smychka and on his various objections to the Left’s economic policies. His revised thinking remained squarely in the context of NEP, presupposing as before the indefinite continuation of a large private sector, individual present farming private accumulation, and the prevalence of market relations. Nonetheless, the revisions constituted an important alteration in his original program. They represented a shift away from full reliance on the automatic functioning of the market toward greater state intervention in the economic in the form of planned investment, increased regulation of private capital, and the restructuring of the productive foundations of agriculture.
The state of industry prompted his first public reconsiderations. By April-May 1926, Bukharin and the official leadership had recognized the two related problems confronting the state sector. The existing plant was operating at almost its full capacity. The immediate problem was therefore no longer mobilizing “unemployed capital,” but acquiring “additional capital”, it had ceased to be only a question of speeding “blood . . . through our economic organism,” but was also and essentially one of enlarging the “organism” itself. Second, he gradually acknowledged Preobrazhenskii’s prognosis that dearth of industrial products rather than insufficient consumer demand was the chronic economic malady. At first, Bukharin presented the goods famine as a temporary “spasm” that could be readily overcome through an emergency effusion of domestic goods and manufactured imports. Shortly, however, he sensibly began to treat it as a long-term problem, disastrously disequilibrating. Arguing that it could be alleviated from year to year, he added that it was actually a blemish of heath because it reflected, in contrast to capitalist societies where supply exceed demand, a broadening internal market for industrial goods. Since demand and consumption were to be the driving forces of industrialization, excessive demand was a positive if troublesome symptom.                          
While both of these acknowledgments were accompanied by cheerful estimates of past gains and future prospects, Bukharin understand that together they threatened the course of industrialization generally and his program of market exchange between state industry and peasant agriculture specifically. By the fall of 1926, and consistently thereafter, he spoke frankly of a new period of “reconstruction” as opposed to the concluding era of “restoration,” and of the inevitable hardships and complexities that would go with it. The transition meant that new industrial construction could no longer be deferred, that “the expansion of the basis of production . . . the construction of . . . new enterprises, to a considerable extent on a new technical basis” was required. It was, he warned in a tone significantly less complacent than before, “a task of the greatest difficulties.” The easy years of reactivating idle factories were past; would not be as cheap, painless, or as rapid.           
In short, Bukharin now accepted the need for an industrial investment program that different in two important respects from that of the early twenties. For greater expenditures were necessary; and, second, allocation could no longer be determined mainly by the market, with heavy industry lagging behind. Recognition that further growth depended on expanding and retooling the existing plant, concern over the sluggish response of metallurgy, and, beginning in early 1927, a growing fear of war brought Bukharin and the leadership much closer to the Left’s position that sizable expenditures in heavy industry were urgent. Bukharin, however, was careful to issue that this more ambitious investment program be judicious and balanced:           
We think that that formula which calls for maximum investment in heavy industry is not quite correct, or rather, quite incorrect. If we must put the main emphasis on the development of heavy industry, then we must still combine this development with a corresponding development of light industry, which has a more rapid turnover, which realizes profits more rapidly, and which repays those sums expended on it sooner. We must, I repeat, strive for the most favorable combination.
These two guidelines-a proportional fostering of light industry and strict avoidance of freezing too many funds in costly, time-consuming projects-were to govern investment in existing facilities as well as new construction. Bukharin hoped that a steady growth of the state’s consumer goods sector, combined with the output of private industry and handicrafts, would alleviate the goods famine during reconstruction; the Left’s “naked formula,” he pointed out, would only intensify it.                
Though he had reordered its priorities, Bukharin’s program still called for evolutionary, balanced industrial development. The ambiguity, as before, involved the question of tempo, an issue complicated further in November 1926, when the leadership resolved “to catch up and surpass” the “levels of industrial development of the leading capitalist countries in a relatively minimal historical period.” Said Bukharin: “it is possible to do this.” The opposition saw it as a repudiation of his 1925 “snail’s pace” utterance, even though Bukharin had always demanded a growth rate higher than that prevailing in Europe. Indeed, his readjustment in 1926-7 across partly because he had decided: “we are proceeding far too slowly.” The new slogan was later to create serious “strains” throughout the economy and a psychological atmosphere unconductive to prudent, balanced investment, largely because it coincided with the fear of an imperialist war against the Soviet Union in 1927, a specter rarely absent from majority or opposition speeches after January. Bukharin’s own anxiety about the “war danger” peaked in the summer and autumn, when he warned that the régime’s breaking spell might be abruptly terminated. Since he allowed that this would necessitate emergency reallocations and thus after anticipated growth rates for light and heavy industry, it was never clear exactly what he ( or anyone else ) regarded as an acceptable overall tempo.         
Generally, however, he now urged the long view and policies that would bring “a rising curve” from year to year. He did not envisage a sudden, radical expansion of the industrial sector, as was evident in his approach to the problem of urban unemployment. By 1927, unemployment had grown to alarming proportion and become one of the most compelling arguments favoring the “super-industrializers.” Cautioning against their “one-sided” solution. Bukharin again maintained that moderate industrial growth had to be coupled with measures designed to slow rural migration to the cities, among them the gradual industrialization of agriculture and the promotion of labor-intensive farming. To those who called for an industrial expansion sufficient to absorb surplus urban labor, he answered that the “expansion in question would have to be no great that no same person could possibly demand them.” Henceforth, until silenced in 1929, his objections to the industrial proposals of his opponents focused not on the necessity of significant new construction, but on what he regarded as the immoderate targets of “madmen,” he they Trotskyists or Stalinists.                          
Having accepted the indispensability of substantial outlays, Bukharin was forced to return to “the major problem: how is a poverty-ridden country to scrape together the abundant capital for industrialization . . .? Here he made no serious revisions in his original program, contending that none of the three internal sources of investment funds had yet yielded its full potential. The primary source remained surplus profits within state industry and from other nationalized undertakings, as did the “central idea, our central economic director . . . speeding up commodity turnover” by lowering retail prices. Insofar as Bukharin offered fresh thoughts on this subject, they revolved around the “régime of economy” campaign launched by the government in 1926 to minimize costs and maximize output in the state sector. The campaign became his great hope for adequate accumulation during reconstruction. He emphasized its themes repeatedly: “rationalization of the economy” through a reduction of production, managerial, and administrative overhead, increased labor productivity, and improved technique. A parallel effort was to be undertaken to “rationalize circulation,” to eliminate unproductive costs in state and cooperative marketing agencies and to close the “scissors” between retail and wholesale prices.                                                          
The other two sources were more restricted by political consideration, but Bukharin remained convinced that they also would produce additional revenue. As of 1926, private capital was subjected to heavier and better-calculated taxation. At the same time, energetic attempts were to be made to attract private savings in state and cooperative banks by promoting confidence in those institutions and in the ruble. Finally, his realization of the enormous industrializing funds needed spurred in Bukharin a somewhat greater interest in the possibility of foreign assistance, a prospect immediately diminished by deteriorating relations between the Soviet Union and the capitalist powers. In the end, he rested his case on the country’s internal resources. Speaking on the eve of the Fifteenth Congress in 1927, he anticipated a period of stringent belt-tightening, but reaffirmed his faith that if the available resources were carefully husbanded and properly utilized successful industrialization was possible without foreign credits and without exacting a cruel tribute from the population: “we propose and we believe that given . . . rationalization, economizing, the reduction of costs, and the mustering of swelling savings in the city and the village, we shall overcome these difficulties.”                    
Each revision in Bukharin’s industrial program pointed to the need for economic planning. This alone could ensure the desired pattern and rate of growth, as well as the fullest utilization of existing resources. It was also ideologically attractive, Bukharin having never ceased to equate socialism with a planned economy. His earlier negative attitude, largely a reaction to the excess of war communism and to the Left’s call for a separate industrial plan, now gave way to a cautious optimism about the rewards of more comprehensive planning. In 1927, he and the leadership embraced “directives,” but not the actual control figures, were presented and ratified at the Fifteenth Party Congress in December. This failure to legislate actual figures in congressional resolutions would be significant in 1928-9, when Bukharinists and Stalinists disputes what goals had actually been adopted by the congress. Already aware that some Bolsheviks “think that the growth of planned economy means that it is possible . . . to do as you please,” Bukharin tried during the period before the congress to sketch out the meaning of “real” planning.    
His understanding included three related fundamental propositions. First, that target figures be calculated on the basis of scientific statistics, and that they be “realistic” rather than a “mere combination of figures accepted . . . as ideal.” Second, on both formulating and implementing projected targets, that “the approximate nature of our five-year plan be kept in mind.” Planning targets were to be regarded as flexible guidelines, not mandatory decrees imposed from above come what may. They were to allow for such uncertainties as the size of annual harvests and grain collections, and all “those corrections which may be introduced by life. Third, the developmental philosophy of the plan was to be strict maintenance of the country’s “basic economic proportions,” namely, the necessary proportions between light and heavy industry, between industry and agriculture, and between calculated output and anticipated would be “more or less crisis-free” and would not generate a spiraling series of disproportions and bottlenecks, figures for each branch of the economy were to presuppose and aim for the creation of reserves, both monetary and natural.                                   
Bukharin, to his eventual regret, developed his planning ideas fully only after the Fifteenth Congress, when in the course of his 1928-9 battle with different “madmen” he tried to educate the party in his conception of a plan predicted on balanced growth and “moving economic equilibrium.” But at the beginning of his renewed interest in planning in 1926, on the occasion of another dispute with Preobrazhenskii, he stated in theoretical form his central assumption. Both he and Preobrazhenskii, it will be recalled, held the view that the categories of political economy were historically limited; the law of value, they agreed, was peculiar to capitalist-commodity systems. What law, if any, would succeed it in a post-capitalist economy remained unanswered until Preobrazhenskii advanced his “law of socialist accumulation.” This principle, he contended, already regulated the Soviet public sector and was currently locked in mortal competition with the law of value prevailing in the private sector. Since Preobrazhenskii’s law impressed many as an invitation to economic voluntarism rather than an “objective regulator,” he was vulnerable to the same charges leveled earlier against Bukharin’s The Economic of the Transition Period.         Preobrazhenskii, however, had at least formulated new regulator, while Bukharin, the doyen of Bolshevik theoretical economic, had left the question unanswered in 1920. In July 1926, Bukharin tried to remedy the omission and refute his former collaborator. Drawing somewhat remotely on Marx, he argued that the same regulator actually governs all economic systems: he called it the “law of proportional labor expenditures,” defining it as “the general and universal law of economic equilibrium.” He squared this assertion with his historical understanding of political economy by explaining that the law takes different forms in different societies. In a capitalist-commodity economy, “it clothes itself in the fetishistic costume of the law of value.” Only in a socialist economy, with the growth of the planning principle, does it emerge as its “defetished,” rationalized self. Therefore, Bukharin concluded, Preobrazhenskii’s error had been to imagine two antagonistic regulators at work, while in truth the Soviet economy was witnessing “the process of the transformation of the law of value into the law of labor expenditures, the process of the defetishization of the fundamental social regulator.”
More than theory was at stake here. Bukharin was emphasizing the continued existence of objective economic conditions, and insisting that the “economic futurism” of those who construed planning as an opportunity “to do as you please” was dangerous folly. He elaborated the “law of labor expenditures” as a theoretical retort to Preobrazhenskii; but he reasserted what he understood to Stalin’s planners were proposing to feed industrial accumulation by starving agriculture:              
the law of value may grow into . . . anything you please except into a law of accumulation. The law of accumulation itself presupposes the existence of another law on whose basis it “functions.” What it is-the law of labor expenditures or something else-is a matter of indifference to us here. But one thing is clear: if any branch of production systematically does not receive back the costs of production plus a labor and adequate to serve as a source of expanded reproduction, then it either stagnates or regresses.
This dictum-“if any branch of production does not receive nourishment . . . it decays,” as he put it elsewhere-defined the limits and the nature of Bukharin’s revised program of planned industrial development.
Whether revisions were required in Bukharin’s agrarian program was less clear, and on this subject he was considerably slower to decide and propose changes. Part of the reason was that his policies seemed to be paying off. Harvests, marketings, and state collections met or exceeded expectations in 1925, 1926, and the first three-quarters of 1927. Moreover, as Bukharin had predicted, state and cooperative organs were “squeezing” private traders from the grain market. From 1926 until November 1927, when first signs that collections had dropped sharply began trickling in Bukharin’s remarks on the grain question were self-congratulatory. Occasional difficulties in collection campaigns, he said, had been due to faulty pricing policies and related mistakes by responsible agencies, not ( as the opposition suspected in 1926 ) to a kulak “grain strike.” His excitement that state and cooperative enterprise ( the “socialized sector”) response to the underlying problem: the annual growth of agricultural output was lagging seriously behind industry, an ominous disparity on the eve of projected industrial expansions.
In October 1927, Bukharin announced a major change in the official agrarian policies operative since 1925. Explaining that during the past two years the state’s “commanding heights” had been strengthened, the smychka with the peasant masses secured, and the kulak socially “isolated,” he declared that it was possible to begin a “forced offensive against the kulak,” to begin to limit his “exploiting tendencies.” This reasoning did not persuade Trotsky: “Today, ‘Get rich!’ and tomorrow, ‘Away with the kulak!’ That is easy for Bukharin. He picks up his pen, and is ready. He has nothing to lose.”                          
Bukharin, however, meant something else. He was exceptionally careful to stress that he did not mean a “hysterical” maneuver-“not a bullet . . . shot from a revolver”-but prudent actions compatible with the principles of NEP. Apart from a single political sanction ( loss of voting rights in land societies ), the “offensive” involved measures only to limit the kulak as a prosperous farmer, and selling of land, and stricter limitations on rural wage labor and the period of land leasing. None of the measures were to affect poor or middle-peasant farming, which, on the contrary, were to be encouraged even more assiduously.                                
The announcement constituted a partial abrogation of the 1925 agrarian reforms, and effectively closed the door ( if in fact it had ever been opened ) to a “kulak solution” of Soviet Russia’s agriculture problems. The era of “we do not hinder kulak accumulation” was at an end. Bukharin’s policies were still based on individual farming and private accumulation, on the “commercialization of agriculture,” and on “combining large socialist industry with the millions of peasant holdings . . . through the market”; but “enrich yourselves” no longer applied unconditionally to the upper peasant stratum. Considering his new industrial ambitions, it seemed an old time for Bukharin to dissuade expanded production on the part of the most productive farmer. He hoped to compensate for the lost output and gain further surpluses through two additional policies, both of which aimed at enlarging the productive capacity of Soviet agriculture.                                                      
The first called for energetic state aid to overcome the individual peasant’s extraordinarily barbaric primitive working of the land.” Improved cultivation implements, fertilizers, irrigation, the development of varied and labor-intensive crops, elementary agronomic enlightenment-all were steps that had been neglected and were no advocated by Bukharin to “rationalize” and uplift private farming at relatively little cost: “even within the limit of this budget it should be possible to achieve much greater productivity.” The second was a longer-term, more far-reaching, and costlier venture, and represented an important change in Bukharin’s thinking. It called for the gradual creation of a collectivized agricultural sector, mainly large-scale, mechanized production cooperatives. Neither he nor other leaders elaborated publicly on the decision to move toward moderate collectivization until after the Fifteenth Congress. But Bukharin’s conception of the undertaking was clear. He did not regard it as a decision against individual cultivation or market cooperatives, but an attempt, through greater investments and inducements to voluntary association, to build a supplementary grain-producing sector as a means of increasing agricultural output during the impending stage of industrialization. Private farming, he insisted, would remain the backbone of Soviet agriculture for “several decades.”                                         
These were the principal changes Bukharin introduced into his economic program on the eve of the Fifteenth Party Congress. His revival polices were ambitious, but tempered by realism and caution. Gone was the complacency that the Left had derided as a “restoration ideology.” A characteristic component of his new sobriety was his increased emphasis on “cultural revolution” as an integral part of economic modernization-on the lengthy, painstaking task of surmounting age-old tradition of backwardness. “Oblomovism,” in production and administration, on educating new workers, mangers, and technicians, and on scientific and technological advancement generally.
Beyond this, however, belatedly, Bukharin had recognized the deep-rooted deficiencies of Soviet industry and agriculture as well as the growing ramifications of these deficiencies. He had, he thought, adjusted his policies accordingly. His revised developmental strategy relied considerably more on state intervention in the whole economy-on stricter regulation of private capital, long-range planning, and reconstructing the productive base of NEP society. Inconsistencies and uncertainties remained, as, for example, in the contradiction between heavier direct taxation and increased private savings, between constricting the kulak and increasing total agricultural output, and between reducing industrial costs and the rising worker’s living standard Bukharin seemed to anticipate. Neither was it certain that “rationalization” could soon generate the sizable surpluses needed for investment, nor that meanwhile the goods famine could be alleviated sufficiently to induce a continuous growth in agricultural marketings.
But while his revised solutions were belated and may not have been wholly adequate to his analysis. Bukharin no longer obscured the problem ahead. In confronting them, he proposed to utilize the mixed economy and its variety of forms to the utmost: to maximize the cheaper expansion opportunities of existing production facilitates and construct new facilities; to extend the “socialist sector,” but to continue to employ “semi-friends and semi-enemies and open enemies” in the private sector; to plan and regulate, but also to take advantage of market economies and rationalities. Though prepared to move in new directions, he rejected either-or solutions, preferring, it has been observed, to walk on as many legs as possible. Because of its evolutionary methods, moderate goals, and long-term solutions, Bukharin’s program depended on a substantial period of time free from serious domestic or foreign crises. Both were in the making. The former, the severity of which became clear in November-December 1927, was partly a result of the leadership’s tardy response to underlying economic problems. The latter, of which the war scare was part, was largely beyond its control.                      
“We are children of the world revolutionary movement,” Bukharin reassured a Communist audience in 1926. The Soviet Union’s prolonged isolation may have persuaded some that the birth of the first worker’s state had been premature or that orphanhood seemed likely, but no Bolshevik would have publicly contested the statement. It was an article of profound faith, which strongly influenced the party’s thinking and behavior for six years. While the international nature of the revolution continued as a revered verity, 1923 brought a lull in the party’s obsessive attentiveness to omens of revolution abroad. Prospects in Europe dimmed and the Bolshevik leaders turned their attention almost exclusively to urgent domestic issues. Comintern policy played no meaningful role in the shaping of party factions or in the controversies of 1924-6, when the opposition seized upon the Stalin-Bukharin leadership’s failures in England and China.

