
当ブログはトロント在住、日系一世カナダ人サミー・山田(48)おっさんの「独り言」です。まさに「個人日記」。1968年11月16日東京都目黒区出身(A型)・在北米30年の日系カナダ人(Canadian Citizen)・University of Toronto Woodsworth College BA History & East Asian Studies Major トロント在住(職業記者・医療関連・副職画家)・Toronto Ontario「団体」「宗教」「党派」一切無関係・「政治的」意図皆無=「事実関係」特定の「考え」が’正しい’あるいは一方だけが’間違ってる’いう気は毛頭なし。「知って」それぞれ「考えて」いただれれば本望(^_-☆Everybody!! Let's 'Ponder' or 'Contemplate' On va vous re?-chercher!Internationale!!「世界人類みな兄弟」「平和祈願」「友好共存」「戦争反対」「☆Against Racism☆」「☆Gender Equality☆」&ノーモア「ヘイト」(怨恨、涙、怒りや敵意しか生まない)Thank you very much for everything!! Ma Cher Minasan, Merci Beaucoup et Bonne Chance 

☭Лев Тро́цкий列夫·托洛茨基★武装せる予言者・トロツキー 1879-1921 アイザック・ドイッチャー/The Prophet Armed: Trotsky, 1879-1921 by Isaac Deutscher/第13章:革命と征服CHAPTER XIII: Revolution and Conquest④

『戦争論』(On WarせんそうろんDe la guerre、独: Vom KriegeО войнеは、プロイセンの将軍カール・フォン・クラウゼヴィッツによる戦争と軍事戦略に関する書物である。本書は戦争の暴力性や形態を決める重要な要因として政治を位置づけたものであり、軍事戦略を主題とする最も重要な論文のひとつとして、今日でも各国の士官学校や研究機関で扱われている。

ラデックの話によると、トロツキーは軍事人民委員になった当時、軍事問題に関する本はほんの数冊しか読んでいなかったージョーレスの『The New Army新しい軍隊L'Armée nouvelle』、ドイツの社会主義者シュルツの大部な『戦争史』、フランツ・メーリングのフレデリック大王評伝、等にすぎなかった、という。疑いもなくラデックは、トロツキーの成功を大いに強調するために、彼の理論的な準備を小さく見積っている。バルカン戦争中から世界大戦初期の数年間、トロツキーは一般に流布している軍事文献を研究していた。もちろん彼は、レーニンと同様、クラウゼヴィツの著書に精通していて、それを引用したり、しばしばその精神に即して自分自身の問題の解決に当ったりした。しかしながら、軍事専門家でなく、偉大な歴史家で民主的社会主義者であったジョーレスの著書『新しい軍隊』に、トロツキーがきわめて強い影響をうけていたとしている点では、ラデックは正しい。
【原注】ジョーレスの構想と対極的なのは、ドゴール将軍が1939年以前に『職業軍隊論』L'Armée de Métierで展開した思想、内乱の際の決定的武器として利用されるべき完全に職業的な軍、という考えである。
①シャルル・アンドレ・ジョセフ・マリー・ド・ゴール(フランス語: Charles André Joseph Marie de Gaulle、1890年11月22日 - 1970年11月9日)Шарль Андре́ Жозе́ф Мари́ де Голльは、フランスの政治家、軍人②Vers l'armée de métier est un ouvrage de stratégie militaire écrit par Charles de Gaulle, paru en 1934.
共産党は三色(帝政時代)の兵営を赤色のものに代えるために政権を掌握した、とスヴェチン将軍が考えているとすれば、重大な誤りをおかしている・・・国民軍組織のもとでは、指揮系統は適切な威信をたもてないだろうという異議は、政治的に盲目であることを示している。赤軍の現在の指導部の威信は、はたして兵営で確立されたのであろうか?・・・その威信は、兵営の教練流の催眠術に基づくものではなく、ソビエト政権と共産党の迫力に基づくものである。スヴェチン教授は革命と、それがもたらした巨大な精神的大変動を、かんたんに看過している。・・・あのヴァレン将軍(アルブレヒト・ヴェンツェル・オイゼービウス・フォン・ヴァレンシュタイン(De-Albrecht_Wenzel_Eusebius_von_Wallenstein, 独: Albrecht Wenzel Eusebius von Wallenstein, チェコ語: Albrecht Václav Eusebius z Valdštejna, 1583年9月24日、ボヘミア - 1634年2月25日、ボヘミア・ヘプ)Альбрехт Венцель Эусебиус фон Валленштейн/Валленштайнは、三十年戦争期のボヘミアの傭兵隊長である。神聖ローマ帝国の皇帝フェルディナント2世に仕えて、帝国大元帥・バルト海提督・フリートラント公爵[3]となって位人臣を極めたが、後に皇帝の命令で暗殺された)麾下の無知な、梅毒にとりつかれ、カトリック教に麻痺された酔いどれの傭兵どもも、ジャーナリストや法律家たちにひきいられて、バスティーユ監獄を破壊したパリの職人徒弟たちも、1914-18年のサクソン人の労働者、社会民主党員も、世界史上はじめて政権を掌握したロシアのプロレタリアートもースヴェチン教授にとっては、兵営で計画的につくりあげられるほとんど全く同一の兵隊なのである。これは歴史を愚弄するものではないか?
①バスティーユ牢獄(仏: Bastille, Bastille Saint-Antoine、バスティーユ・サンタントワーヌ)Бастилияは、17世紀から19世紀にかけて存在したフランス パリの牢獄②バスティーユ襲撃(仏: prise de la BastilleВзятие Бастилииとは、1789年7月14日にフランス王国パリの民衆が同市にあるバスティーユ牢獄を襲撃した事件である。フランス革命のはじまりの日とされる。
しかし、内戦特有の高度の機動性は(トロツキーの意見によれば)、戦いが広大な、人口稀薄な地域でおこなわれる原始的状態の反映であった。後はアメリカの内乱(南北戦争)戦とロシアの内戦には類似性があるとした。どちらの場合も、相戦う軍は人口稀薄な大陸で行動し、通信線も輸送手段も極度に乏しく、騎兵軍団が異常に広範な活躍をした。どちらの場合も、白軍は伝統的な騎手連中だった。そして北部諸州の軍もソビエトの軍も、相手側の先制を奪って、自分たち自身の騎兵軍団を編成しなければならなかった。そうだったからといって、高度の機動性が一般的に内戦の「型」であるとは限らない。シェルト河(スヘルデ川(スヘルデがわ、オランダ語: Schelde、フランス語: Escaut、英語: ScheldtШельдаは、フランス北部、ベルギー西部およびオランダ南西部を流れ北海に流入する川である)やセーヌ河(セーヌ川(セーヌがわ、la SeineСенаは、フランスを流れる河川である)、あるいはテムズ河(テムズ川(テムズがわ、River ThamesТемзаは、南イングランドを流れる川であり、ロンドンを海とつないでいる)あたりでの内戦ならば、ステップや大草原におけるよりも、はるかに静的に戦われるであろう。
*南北戦争( (American) Civil WarГражда́нская война́ в СШАは、1861年から1865年にかけて、北部のアメリカ合衆国と合衆国から分離した南部のアメリカ連合国の間で行われた内戦である。Slavery奴隷制Рабство存続を主張するミシシッピ州やフロリダ州など南部11州が合衆国を脱退してアメリカ連合国を結成し、合衆国にとどまったその他の北部23州との間で戦争となった。この戦争では史上初めて近代的な機械技術が主戦力として投入された。

A SUMMARY of Trotsky’s military activities cannot be concluded without a reference to his military writings. As founder and leader of an army, he remained a man of letters with the urge to give form and expression to his experiences and ideas, even in the smoke of battle. The many volumes of his military essays, speeches, and orders are distinguished by such contrasting qualities as romantic élan, and practical realism and at times by an almost philosophical depth.
Radek relates that Trotsky, when, he became Commissar of War, had read only a few books on military affairs: Jaurès’s L'Armée nouvelle, a large History of War by Schulz, a German Socialist, and Franz Mehring’s writings on Frederick the Great. Radek undoubtedly belittles Trotsky’s theoretical preparation in order to emphasize all the more strongly his achievement. During the Balkan wars and in the first years of the World War Trotsky had studied current military literature. He was certainly familiar, as Lenin was, with the work of Clausewitz, whom he quoted and in whose spirit he often approached his own problems. But Radek is right in holding that Trotsky was most strongly impressed by Jaurès’s L'Armée nouvelle, the work of a great historian and democratic Socialist, not a military expert.

Jaurès tried to reconcile two aspects of his own policy: his struggle against the reactionary French officers’ corps, whose influence on domestic policies had shown itself in the Dreyfus affair; and his patriotic desire to see the French Republic armed and ready for defense. He conceived a reform of the army which, he hoped, would fit in with the economic and political reforms which were to transform bourgeois France into a ‘social republic’. He advocated the replacement of the standing army by militias. The standing army, confined and trained within the rigid framework of the barracks, in artificial isolation from and latent opposition to civilian society, had been the officers’ corps’ main source of political strength. Militia were to be set up on the basis of productive units, factories, and village communities; the militiamen were to receive their training locally and were to continue to live and work as normal citizens, devoting themselves part-time or intermittently to the art and craft of war. The militias should therefore be so organically integrated into the civilian community that no ambitious general or military clique could use them as a political instrument.
*Poles apart from Jaurès’s conception is the idea of a wholly professional army, to be used as a decisive weapon in civil war, the idea expounded by General de Gaulle in L'Armée de Métier before 1939.
Trotsky borrowed Jaurès’s idea but put it in a different context. Jaurès believed that it would be possible to democratize the army into a militia system even under the capitalist system. To opposition of a standing army to civilian society reflected, in his view, the clash between the interests of the propertied classes, which that army defended in the last instance, and those of the working classes. Only after the interest of the working classes had become paramount, he argued could the army become submerged in the people and identified with it. The abolition of the standing army fitted the state which was to wither away gradually, as the proletarian state was expected to do.

Nevertheless, Trotsky built the Red Army as a standing army. The militia system, he argued, could be fully effective only against the background of a highly industrialized, organized, and civilized society. The Russian environment dictated to the Red Army the principles of its organization, which were very much the same as those that had underlain the structure of the Tsarist army. The difference between the two armies lay in their political and social outlook, not in their strictly military features.
Trotsky excused this as a temporary necessity and insisted that party and government should commit themselves to the militia which he submitted to the eighth party congress in March 1919 and which, in his absence, Sokolnikov defended before the congress. He looked forward to the time when men would receive their military training not in barracks but in conditions closely approximating to the workaday life of workers and peasants. The transition could not insisted, a barracks must be made to resemble a military and general staffs were appointed, not elected; but Trotsky envisaged a return to Trotsky’s ‘Theses’, and the ninth endorsed them again.

The programme aroused considerable criticism towards the end of the civil war, when Trotsky made the first attempt to put it into effect. The old professional officers were surprised that he, who had so severely centralized the army and extirpated the guerrilla spirit should advocate a military organization which in their eyes looked suspiciously like the old Red Guards. They could not seriously entertain the idea that an army could be trained, disciplined, and inured to collective action otherwise than in the barracks. One of Trotsky’s critics was General Svechin, the author of a standard work on strategy and professor at the Military Academy. Against this critic Trotsky defended ‘the dreamer Jaurès’:
If Professor Svechin thinks that the Communist Party has taken power in order to replace the three-colored [Tsarist] barracks by a red one, he is gravely mistaken. . . . The objection that under a militia system the command would not enjoy proper authority strikes one with its political blindness. Has perhaps the authority of the present leadership of the Red Army been established in the barracks? . . . That authority is based not on the salutary hypnosis of the barracks but on the appeal of the Soviet régime and of the Communist Party. Professor Svechin has simply overlooked the revolution and the enormous spiritual upheaval it has brought about. . . . To him the ignorance, drunken mercenary, syphilis-ridden and numbed by Catholicism, who served in Wallenstein’s camp, the artisan-appearance of Paris, who led by journalists and lawyers, destroyed the Bastille, the Saxon worker and member of the Soviet Democratic Party of 1914-18, and the Russian proletarian who first in world history took power-all these are to him approximately the same cannon fodder to be delicately processed in the barracks. In this not a mockery of history.
The development of the communist order will run parallel to the growth in the spiritual stature of the broadest popular masses. What the party has to far given mainly to advanced workers, the new society will increasingly give to the people as a whole. . . . For its members the party has hitherto in a sense ‘replaced’ the barracks: it has given them the necessary inner solidarity, made them capable of self-sacrifice and collective struggle. Communist society will be able to do this on an incomparably vaster scale. . . . The spirit of co-operation in the broadest sense is the spirit of collectivism. It can be fostered not merely in the barracks, but in a well-arranged school, especially one which combines education with physical labor; it can be fostered by the co-operative principle of labor; it can be fostered by broad and purposefully sporting activities. If the militias are based on the natural, occupational productive groupings of the new society, the village communes, the municipal collectives, industrial associations . . . inwardly unified by school, sports association, and circumstances of labor, then the militia will be much richer in the ‘corporate’ spirit, in a spirit of much higher quality, than are barracks-bred regiments.
The idea of the militias was also criticized in the party, and a demand arose for the revision of the resolution adopted in its favor. At a congress of army commissars at the end of 1920 Smilga made a convincing case against the militias. He argued that under this system most regiments and divisions would consist almost exclusively of muzhiks; the industrial, proletarian units would be very few and isolated from the rest of the army. This might spell dangers to the proletarian dictatorship. It was vital for the Bolsheviks to distribute the proletarian elements over the whole army; but this was incompatible with the territorial-productive principle of organization. On military grounds, Smilga argued, the militias would also be inadequate. With defective and sparse railways, Russia would not be able to fight before an invader had reached the Volga. Militias were defensive in character. Jaurès had been prejudiced in their favor because he had started from an unrealistic distinction between defensive and offensive warfare. For their success militias required a very high degree of industrialization; a numerous, technically work of communication lines. It followed that Russia could not disperse with a standing army.
Trotsky acknowledged the validity of much of this criticism, but he continued to point to the militias as the ultimate goal of military policy. In 1921 he set up three militia divisions-in Petrograd, in Moscow, and in the Urals-by way of experiment. But he himself urged caution. This was a time of much trouble and popular discontent. ‘If the workers of the Urals were to starve’, he said, ‘the experiment would break down.’ ‘One cannot say in the abstract which system is preferable, one should not try to solve this like a mathematical problem. It is necessary to work this out as a political and social task, in accordance with prevailing circumstances.’ In later years, however, nearly three-quarters of the Red Army was reorganized into territorial units, and only one-quarter remained on the footing of a standing army. The experiment went farther than Russia could afford. In the middle 1930s, under the threat of the Second World War, the whole Red Army was overhauled and restored as a standing army. The reasons for this counter-reform, carried out by Stalin and Tukhachevsky, were those which Smilga had stated in 1920. The counter-reform also harmonized with the general authoritarian trend of the time.
The problem of military doctrine occupied an important place in Trotsky’s writings. He himself claimed no originality in this field. But he brought to the discussion of the issues a broad view of history and a freshness of approach which, if they were not enough to make a new philosophy of war, did much to guard the Red Army from pitfalls of one-sided doctrines. He had to contend against the old generals on the one hand, and against young revolutionary officers on the other. To the former he spoke as an innovator, attacking their conservative habits of thought. To the latter of appeared almost as an advocate of military orthodoxy.
He was the presiding spirit of Moscow’s Military Academy, where the old generals were profession and lecturers. He strove to modernize the Academy’s curriculum, to free it from pedantry, and to bring it close to the fresh experiences of warfare. Once, for instance, he expostulated with the writers of the Academy for their lifeless pseudo-historical style and urged them to emulate French military writers who, he said, knew how to combine historical research with an interest in contemporary warfare and in its sociological background. The academicians viewed the civil war rather contemptuously, as a bastard of grand strategy. Trotsky retorted irritably:

It is said among you that in the present civil war or small war . . . military service science has no role, in any case. I am telling you, Messieurs the military specialists, that this is an altogether ignorant statement. . . . Civil war, with its highly mobile and elastic fronts, affords, enormous scope to genuine initiative and military art. The task is just the same here as elsewhere: To obtain the maximum result through a minimum expenditure of strength. . . . little scope to strategic art. After the gigantic front from the Belgian coast to Switzerland had become fixed, the war became automatic. Strategic art was reduced to a minimum; everything was staked on mutual attrition. Our war, on the contrary, has been full of mobility and manoeuver which allowed the greatest talents to reveal themselves. . . .
While the old generals refused to learn the lessons of the civil war, the young ones were often reluctant to learn anything else. Their ambition was to construct a brand-new ‘proletarian military doctrine’. That doctrine, they held, should meet the needs of the revolutionary class suit its mentality: It must disdain defense and static warfare and favor mobility and the offensive. Only decaying classes, retreating in all fields, favored the defensive attitude. The ‘proletarian style of warfare’ appealed to commanders who had risen from the ranks. Its most gifted expounders were Tukhachevsky and Frunze, while Voroshilov and Budienny also counted among its adherents. With Tukhachevsky the offensive doctrine logically supplemented ‘revolution from without’; and in advocating both he remained within the Napoleonic tradition. But being of a more modern outlook than his colleagues, he saw the future offensive warfare as conducted by means of mass formations of tanks and armored vehicles co-operating with air forces. (He was also the originator of parachute troops, whom he intended to use far behind the enemy lines, in areas engulfed by civil war.)
Trotsky’s polemic against this school of thought is perhaps the most instructive part of his military writings. He dismissed ‘proletarian strategy’, just as in another field he disavowed ‘proletarian culture’ and ‘proletarian literature’. ‘War bases itself on many sciences’, he wrote, ‘but war itself is no science-it is a practical art, a skill . . . a savage and bloody art. . . . To try to formulate a new military doctrine with the help of Marxism is like trying to create with the help of Marxism a new theory of architecture or a new veterinary text-book.’ He protested, often with biting derision, against the treatment of Marxist dialectics as the philosopher’s stone: and he demanded respect for a certain continuity of experience and cultural tradition. He saw in the ‘proletarian’ innovation a cover for intellectual crudity and conceit. He constantly drew the attention of his military audiences to the barbarous poverty, uncouthness, and dirt of the Red Army, to be mitigated only by hard work and attention to detail, from which the Russian only too frequently sought to escape into the realm of abstract doctrine.
The adherents of the ‘proletarian doctrine of the offensive’ theorized from their own experience in the civil war, in which rapid manoeuver predominated. Trotsky replied that the Red Army had learned manoeuvrability, allegedly the exclusive virtue of a rising methods of propaganda from the Red Army. Whites and Reds had become mutually assimilated in military matters: ‘Fighting one another over a long time, enemies come to learn from one another.’ Trotsky himself had issued his famous order ‘Proletarians, to horse!’, the signal for the formation of Budienny’s cavalry corps, only at the height of Denikin’s offensive when the White cavalry, led by Mamontov, threatened to disrupt the Bolshevik interior by its deep and swift raids behind Bolshevik lines.
*Trotsky at first viewed Budienny’s plan for a cavalry corps with reluctance, in part because the typical cavalryman was the reactionary Cossacks, and in part inclined to assume that the day of the horseman had gone. When he finally changed his mind, he wrote in September 1919: ‘This most conservative service, largely withering away, has suddenly, as it were, revived. It has become the most important means of defense and offense in the hands of the most conservative and decaying classes. We must wrest this weapon from their hands and make it our own.’ Op. cit., vol. ii, book I, pp. 287-8. Budienny had a justified grievance against Trotsky for his initial, contemptuous dismissal of the idea.

But the high mobility peculiar to the civil war reflected ( according to Trotsky ) the primitive conditions in which the war was fought over vast, sparsely populated areas. He drew an analogy between the American Civil War and the Russian. In both, the opposed forces operated over thinly populated continues, with extremely poor lines of communication and means of transport. In both, cavalry had exceptionally wide scope. In both, the Whites were the traditional horsemen; and the armies both of the Northern States and of the Soviets had to wrest the initiative and form their own cavalries. It did not follow that high mobility was the ‘style’ of civil war at large. On the Scheldte, the Seine, or the Thames civil war would be fought much more statically than in steppes or prairies.
*The illustrate his reasoning Trotsky discussed the hypothetical problem of defense which ‘proletarian Britain’ would have to solve if confronted by a threat of invasion. He sketched an imaginative picture of that defense: fortified shores; defense of the beaches: trenches, bunkers, barbed wire, and road blocks along the roads leading to the interior of the island. &c., a picture strangely familiar in Britain in 1940-1. Op. cit., vol, iii, book 2, p. 268.
The civil war had been fought in Russia in quasi-Napoleonic style, because of the country’s low level of civilization. But it was foolish and unhistorical, Trotsky argued, to try to adopt the Napoleonic offensive doctrine for the Red Army, as Tukhachevsky tried to do. Trotsky sharply contrasted the position of revolutionary France in Europe with that of revolutionary Russia. At the beginning of the nineteenth century France was the most civilized and technically advanced nation on the Continent-this enabled Napoleon to pursue the offensive strategy. Russia was technically one of the most backward nations in Europe; Napoleonic strategy would bear no relation whatever to her social and military potentialities. He pointed out that the French General Staff, especially Foch, had in vain cultivated the Napoleonic strategy-France’s position in Europe could not and did not for its application in 1914-18. And Trotsky poked fun at the brand-new ‘proletarian doctrine’ which on a closer view was merely a plagiarism of French pre-1914 text-books.
Attempts to define the ‘essence’ of warfare in general and of proletarian warfare in particular were, according to Trotsky, metaphysical doctrine-mongering. He himself argued the need for a certain eclecticism in military theory. ‘In practical arts’, he approvingly quoted Clausewitz, ‘one should not drive the flowers and the foliage of theory too high-one should rather keep them close to the soil of experience.’ He spoke with qualified respect about the empirical methods of the English imperialism, ‘who think in centuries and continents’ and slightingly about the German epigones of Clausewitz. None of the ‘national’ doctrines of war offered or could offer any ‘final truth’ about war. Each school of thought merely reflected temporary conditions of national existence. The English doctrine of balance of power and naval supremacy; the cautious military thought of Bismarck’s Germany, which went hand in hand with diplomatic aggressiveness; the exclusively offensive doctrine of latter-day German imperialism, which, carried away by its own momentum, threw all caution to the winds; the Bonapartist offensive doctrine of pre-1914 France ( and, one might add, the reaction from it in the form of the Maginot mood before 1940 ) ; all these doctrines merely isolated and exaggerate certain moments and aspects of military experience. The Marxist way of thinking is averse to military doctrinarism of any sort. ‘Only the traitor renounces attack; only the simpleton reduces all strategy to attack.
*‘If we check the inventory of the ‘eternal truths’ of military science, we obtain not much more than a few logical axioms and Education postulates. Defend your flank; secure your lines of communications and retreat; strike at the enemy’s least defended point; and so on, and, so on. Such principles . . . may well be applied even to matters very remote from the art of warfare. The donkey that steals oats from a hole in a torn sack (‘the enemy’s least defended point’) and vigilantly turns its croup in the direction opposite to that from which danger threatens, certainly behaves according to the eternal principles of military science.’ Op. cit., vol. iii, book 2, essay on ‘Military Doctrine and Pseudo-Military Doctrinarism’.
Scattered in these essays and speeches are noteworthy suggestions and anticipations, thrown out in the course of argument, of which only a few can be adducted here. Thus, discussing the strategy of a second world war, nearly twenty years before its outbreak, Trotsky remarked that it would greatly differ from that of the first, both in western Europe and in Russia. In western Europe, trench warfare would become less prominent or would disappear altogether. In Russia, on the contrary, there would be position fighting than there was in the civil war. In a polemic against Frunze and Voroshilov he argued that if Russia were attacked from the went by a technically stronger capitalist power, the Red Army’s task in the first phase of hostilities would be slower in mobilization, and the defensive operation should give her time to complete it. It was therefore absolutely wrong to inculcate in the army the notion about the attacker’s invariable moral superiority. ‘Having space and numbers on our side, we may calmly and confidently mark the line at which mobilization, secured by our stubborn defense, will allow us to gather sufficient striking-power to pass to be counter-offensive. The Red Army may be forced to retreat, but the depth of the retreat should be dictated solely by the needs of mobilization.
If [ however ] I am the first to attack and my attack is not sufficiently supported by mobilization and I am compelled to retreat, then I lose tempo and I many lose it irretrievably. If, on the contrary, my plan envisages a preliminary retreat, if the plan is clear to the senior commanding staffs, if the latter have confidence in the near future and convey this confidence downwards, if their confidence does not founder on the prejudice that one ought invariably to be the first to attack-then I have every chance of regaining tempo and winning.
Trotsky found, of course, no use for Tukhachevsky’s International General Staff. The time, he maintained, for the setting up of such a staff could would come only when, in the process of genuine revolution abroad, new Red armies would come into being. But he himself insisted on the need for rules and regulations of civil war, in which the experiences of the revolutions and risings in various countries would be utilized and evaluated; and he drew up a conspectus for such rules and regulations.
In the aftermath of the civil war, the educational problems of the army, the technological complications of warfare and its ever closer connection with politics occupied Trotsky. ‘In the education of our Red commanding officer’, he said, ‘the development of his capacity for a synthetic evaluation of the co-operation and mutual interaction of all kinds of modern weapons ought to go hand in hand with the acquisition of a correct social-political orientation. . . .’ At the Military Academy he urged the commanding staffs to learn foreign languages, to get out of their national shell, to broaden their horizon and to ‘participate in mankind’s world-wide experience’.

アレクサンドル・アンドレーヴィッチ・スヴェチン(ロシア語: Александр Андреевич Свечин、1878年8月17日 - 1938年7月29日)Alexander Andreyevich Svechinは、ロシア帝国、ソビエト連邦の軍人。ロシア帝国軍時代は少将・・・1927年に上梓した『戦略』(Стратегия)において作戦術という概念を提唱しており、これは後の縦深戦略理論の礎となった・・・1938年の大粛清最中、ソビエト連邦最高裁判所で有罪判決を受ける。 7月29日、モスクワ州コムナルカで射殺され、埋葬された。

Konstantin Konstantinowitsch Mamontowコンスタンチン・コンスタンチノヴィチ・マモントフ (russisch Константин Константинович Мамонтов; * 16. Oktober 1869 in einer Staniza des 2. Don-Okrugs bei Nischne-Tschirskaja; † 14. Februar 1920 in Jekaterinodar) war russischer Militär und berühmter Kommandeur weißer Truppen während des russischen Bürgerkrieges.

セミョーン・ミハーイロヴィチ・ブジョーンヌイ(セミョン・ブジョンヌイ、セミョーン・ブジョーヌィイ;ロシア語: Семён Михайлович Будённый スィミョーン・ミハーイラヴィチュ・ブジョーンヌイSemyon Mikhailovich Budyonnyy、1883年4月25日(ユリウス暦4月13日) – 1973年10月26日)は、ロシア帝国・ソ連の軍人である。ロシア内戦における赤軍の英雄、第1騎兵軍指揮官、ソ連邦元帥の最初の1人で、3度ソ連邦英雄の称号を受けた。

