
当ブログはトロント在住、日系一世カナダ人サミー・山田(48)おっさんの「独り言」です。まさに「個人日記」。1968年11月16日東京都目黒区出身(A型)・在北米30年の日系カナダ人(Canadian Citizen)・University of Toronto Woodsworth College BA History & East Asian Studies Major トロント在住(職業記者・医療関連・副職画家)・Toronto Ontario「団体」「宗教」「党派」一切無関係・「政治的」意図皆無=「事実関係」特定の「考え」が’正しい’あるいは一方だけが’間違ってる’いう気は毛頭なし。「知って」それぞれ「考えて」いただれれば本望(^_-☆Everybody!! Let's 'Ponder' or 'Contemplate' On va vous re?-chercher!Internationale!!「世界人類みな兄弟」「平和祈願」「友好共存」「戦争反対」「☆Against Racism☆」「☆Gender Equality☆」&ノーモア「ヘイト」(怨恨、涙、怒りや敵意しか生まない)Thank you very much for everything!! Ma Cher Minasan, Merci Beaucoup et Bonne Chance 

☭Лев Тро́цкий列夫·托洛茨基★武装せる予言者・トロツキー 1879-1921 アイザック・ドイッチャー/The Prophet Armed: Trotsky, 1879-1921 by Isaac Deutscher/第13章:革命と征服CHAPTER XIII: Revolution and Conquest③

Provisional Polish Revolutionary Committee(臨時政府)ポーランド革命軍事会議 (Polish: Tymczasowy Komitet Rewolucyjny Polski, Polrewkom; Russian: Польревком) Временный революционный комитет Польши(July–August 1920) was a revolutionary committee created under the patronage of Soviet Russia with the goal to establish a Soviet republic within Poland.Тимчасовий революційний комітет Польщі або Польревком
悲劇の予感があったにもかかわらず、トロツキーは多数決に屈した。そして軍事人民委員としてとどまり、進撃命令を発し、常道的な事務を処理しつづけたーただ戦線視察だけはやめたようだった。攻勢が進むにつれて、ポーランド革命軍事会議が結成された。事実上の臨時政府で、その首脳部はそういう冒険に反対していたポーランド人のボルシェヴィキだった。赤軍が前進すればするほど、ポーランド革命軍事会議からモスクワへの報告は不安な気配をおびてきた。ポーランドの労働者や貧農は、侵入した軍隊に、解放者としてではなく、征服者として対していた。だが、いまや赤軍はそれ自身の勢いに駆られて不可抗的に前進し、連絡線を延長して、いたずらに力を消耗しつつあった。そしてまたトゥハチェフスキーの指揮下にワルシャワに近づいた北方軍と、エゴーロフとブーディエンヌィの指揮下に南西へリヴォフ方面へ向かっていた南方軍とのあいだに、危険な間隙も生じていた。南方軍の首席コミッサールは、トロツキーの主張で任命されたスターリンだった。スターリンはトゥハチェフスキーと激しく張り合い、トゥハチェフスキーがワルシャワへ入りこんでいるあいだに、リヴォフ(リヴィウLwów(ウクライナ語: Львів [lʲʋʲiu̯] )Львовは、ウクライナ西部の都市である)を占領してわが手柄にしようと躍起になっていた。そのまんなかの間隙へ、まもなくピルスーツキーがおどりこみ、トゥハチェフスキーの軍の側面と背面を攻撃しそうだった。一時レーニンは、その間隙を憂慮した。それで参謀幕僚は、いささかおそまきながら、南方軍の指揮官たちに、その間隙を閉じるようにうながしはじめた。だが、なおも赤軍はぐんぐん前進をつづけた。そしてモスクワは歓喜にわきたっていた。

それから一週間後、ヴィスチュラ河(ヴィスワ川Вісла(ポーランド語: Wisła [ˈvʲiswa] 、英語: VistulaВислаは、ポーランドで最長の川である)の戦闘がはじまった。それは三日間だけつづいた。当時の人びとが信じたように、それは歴史の進路を変えはしなかったーただ四分の一世紀だけ、それを遅らせたにすぎなかった。それにしても、その戦闘の終りには、赤軍は全面的に退却していた。戦闘が激烈をきわめていたとき、政治局はトロツキーに戦線へ出向いて戦局の挽回を計ってもらいたいと依頼した。彼はことわった。みずから現地でどんなに大車輪に立ちまわってみても、いま敗北がくいとめられるなどと、自分をあざむくことはできない、と彼は答えた。
一時、悲境は一だんと深刻化したようにすら見えた。赤軍がポーランド軍に釘づけにされていると見て、ウランゲリの白衛軍がクリミアから飛び出し、コーカサスへ侵入していたからだった。ヴィスチュラ河の戦闘から二日後、8月19日に、トロツキーとスターリンが軍事情勢について政治局に共同報告をした。どうやら政治局はポーランドにおける敗北を認め、ウランゲリとの戦闘のほうを重視することに決めたようだった。スターリンもトロツキーも、新たに党員を動員する衝に当たらされた。動員された連中の大部分はクリミアへ送られるはずだった。そしてブーディエンヌィ騎兵軍団の大部分が、ポーランド戦線から転進させられることになった。またスターリンは、ウランゲリがさらに前進してくる場合にとるべき方策も指示された。しかし、ウランゲリの部隊は、武装のほうは優秀だったけれど、兵数が弱小で、士気があがらなかったので、重大な脅威になるようなこともやれなかった。まもなく彼らはクリミアへ退き、要塞化されたОр бойнуПереко́пський переши́йокペレコープ地峡Переко́пский переше́екの隘路の彼方で持ちこたえようとした。フルンゼとスターリンの指揮下に、壮絶な残虐な戦闘をやった赤軍は、ついに地峡を突破し、ウランゲリを追い落とした。これが内戦のエピローグだった。
*ジョージア(グルジア語: საქართველო, ラテン文字転写: sakartveloサカルトヴェロ, 英語: GeorgiaГрузияは、南コーカサスにある共和制国家。
トロツキーは、征服による革命という観念を、つねに否認し非難しつづけた。しかし、グルジア問題についての特殊な意見の相違を公然と議論し、またもや政治局の共同責任を軽んじるのは、正当でないと感じた。ばかりでなく、西欧の社会民主主義政党の指導者たち、カウツキー、マクドナルド、ヘンダーソンその他が、赤軍のグルジア撤退を要求する叫びをあげたときは、トロツキーもしっぺい返し(『お前だって論法』は、相手の主張する議論を貶めるために、相手がその主張に沿った振る舞いをしていないと断言するような論法である。英語では、「お前も」を意味するラテン語の語句 Tu quoque«Ты тоже»、あるいは「appeal to hypocrisy」と称される論理学上の誤謬である «Посмотри на себя!»。日本語では、偽善の抗弁、какнасчётизмそっちこそどうなんだ主義Whataboutismなどと表現されることもある。Whataboutismの一種である)をする仲間に加わって、パンフレットを書いた。そのなかで彼は、短い一節を侵入問題に当てたにすぎなかった。外国のすっかり羽毛の生えそろった革命を援助するのは、赤軍の権利である、と彼は主張した。だが、そんな革命がグルジアに起こっていたかどうか、という問題は回避し、その代わりに、社会民主主義批評家たちのロシア革命、植民地諸民族の運命などに対する態度の矛盾を鋭く暴露することに論録を集中した。彼の炎のような気質を傾倒して、ソビエトの仇敵たちや微温的な友人たちを向こうにまわし、彼は正邪を問わず、ソビエトを擁護した。したがって、世界の眼からすれば、彼はグルジア侵入に対して主要責任を負う者のように見えた。

Despite his premonition of disaster, Trotsky submitted to the decision of the majority. He stayed in office, issued the marching orders, and carried on with routine jobs-only his visits to the front seem to have ceased. As the offensive progressed, a Revolutionary War Council of Poland was appointed, virtually a Provisional Government, headed by those Polish Bolsheviks who had been opposed to the venture. The farther the Red Army advanced, the more uneasy were the Council’s reports to Moscow. The Polish workers and peasants met the invaders as conquerors, not liberators. But now the Red Army was irresistibly carried forward by its own impetus, extending its lines of communication and exhausting itself. A dangerous gap also arose between the northern armies, which under Tukhachevsky, were approaching Warsaw, and the southern ones, which, under Yegorov and Budienny, had veered south-westwards towards Lvov. The chief political commissar to the southern armies, appointed on Trotsky’s insistence, was Stalin, who was keen on emulating Tukhachevsky and on getting Lvov as his prize while Tukhachevsky was entering Warsaw. Into this gap in the center Pilsudski would presently spring to strike at Tukhachevsky’s flank and rear. For a moment the gap worried Lenin; and the General Staff began, somewhat late in the day, to urge the commanders of the southern armies to close it. But the Red Army still rolled on; and Moscow was all exultation.
*The Trotsky Archive contain an undated note from Lenin to Sklyansky, in which Lenin expressed his misgivings.
At this stage of the campaign, from the middle of July to 7 August, the second congress of the Communist International was in session in Petrograd and Moscow. During the past year the European Labor movements had swung towards the International: leaders of great and old Socialist parties now almost humbly knocked at its doors. The congress discussed the terms of membership, the famous ’21 Points’, formulated by Lenin and Zinoviev, the tasks of the Communist parties, the fate of the colonial nations, and so on. But the debates were dominated by the thrilling expectation of the military dénouement In Poland which would give a new and mighty impulse to European revolution. In front a large war map Lenin daily gave the foreign delegates his optimistic comment on Tukhachevsky’s advance.

At the beginning of the congress, Trotsky made a brief appearance in order to endorse the ’21 Points’ in the debate. He came back just before the end of the congress-the Red Army now stood at the very gates of Warsaw-to present the Manifesto he had written on behalf of the International. The delegates greeted him with a tributary roar of applause. In a crescendo of resounding phrases and images he surveyed the international scene in the first year of the Versailles Peace. He angrily denounced the ‘Babylon’ of decaying capitalism and tore the ‘mask of democracy’ from the face. ‘German parliamentary democracy’, he stated, ‘is nothing but a void between two dictatorships.’ The delegates listened to him in breathless suspense; and the magic of his words and images was heightened as the battle, of which they thought him to be the inspirer, mounted to its climax. Yet Trotsky refrained from boasting, and in the manifesto he made no reference to the Red Army’s victories. The delegates did not even notice his reticence. They could not guess what tense apprehension was hidden behind his self-confidence appearance and resounding language. In this assembly, where even the most prudent men were carried away by joyous excitement, he alone refused to celebrate the victory, as the architect of which he was being acclaimed.
*Addressing the party cells of the Military Academy and of other schools, Trotsky said soon after the war that he did not believe for a moment that the Red Army would seize Warsaw-he did not even expect it to advance as far as it did. On this and other occasions he spoke quite frankly about the disagreements over the march on Warsaw, and his version was not contradicted from any source. (How the Revolution Armed, vol. iii, book I, p. 91)

A week later the battle of the Vistula began. It lasted only three days. It did not change the course of history, as its contemporaries believed-it only delayed it by a quarter of a century. But at the end of the battle the Red Army was in full retreat. While the battle was at its height, the Politburo asked Trotsky to go to the front and try to retrieve the situation. He refused. He did not deceive himself he replied, that he could now stave off defeat by any brisk personal intervention on the spot.
For the moment the débâcle seemed even worse than it was, because Wrangel’s Guards, seeing the Red Army tied down by the Poles, had broken out of the Crimea and invaded the Caucasus. Two days after the battle of the Vistula, on 19 August, Trotsky and Stalin jointly reported to the Politburo on the military situation; and the Politburo, apparently acknowledging defeat in Poland, resolved to give first priority to the campaign against Wrangel. Both Stalin and Trotsky were put in charge of a new mobilization of party members. Most of those mobilized were to be sent to the Crimea; and the bulk of Budienny’s cavalry was to be diverted from the Polish front. Stalin was also instructed to work out measures to be taken in case of Wrangel’s further advance. However, Wrangel’s troops, although excellently equipped, were too weak in numbers and too disheartened to create a serious threat. They soon withdrew into the Crimea, hoping to hold out behind the fortified narrow neck of the Perekop Isthmus. After an epic and savage battle, directed by Frunze and Stalin, the Red Army broke through the Isthmus and drove Wrangel into the sea. This was the epilogue of the civil war.
On 12 October the Soviets signed a provisional peace with Poland. But for a time war was still in the air. In Poland the ruling parties were divided. The Peasant-Party-its leader Witos headed the government-pressed for peace, while Pilsudski’s military party did its utmost to disrupt the parleys with Russia. In Moscow, too, views were divided. The majority of the Politburo favored a renewal of hostilities. Some of those who did so expected that Pilsudski would not keep the peace anyhow; others craved for revenge. The General Staff discussed a new offensive. Tukhachevsky was confident that next time he would hold his victory parade in Warsaw. Trotsky relates that Lenin was at first inclined towards war, but only half-heartedly. At any rate, Trotsky insisted on peace and on the loyal observance of the provisional treaty with Poland; and once again he found himself in danger of being outvoted and reduced to dutiful execution of a policy he abhorred. From this he at last shrank. He declared that the differences went so deep that this time he would not feel bound by any majority decision or by Politburo solidarity, and that, if outvoted, he would appeal to the party against its leadership. He used a threat similar to that which Lenin had, with overwhelming effect, used in the controversy over Brest; and he, too, achieved his purpose. In comparison with that controversy the roles were indeed curiously reversed. But the sequel was in a way similar, for now Lenin deserted the war faction and shifted his influence to back Trotsky. Peace was saved.
An authoritative description of this tug-of-war given by J. Dabski, the chief of the Polish peace delegation at Riga, in his memoirs.

The differences had gone deep. Yet it is doubtful whether any single Bolshevik leader, including Trotsky, was or could be aware of their full historic import, on which only the events of the middle of this century have thrown back a sharp, illuminating light.
It had been a canon of Marxist politics that revolution cannot and must not be carried on the point of bayonets into foreign countries. The canon was based on the experience of the French Revolution which had found its fulfillment and also its undoing in Napoleonic conquest. The canon also followed from the fundamental attitude of Marxist which looked to the working classes of all nations as to the sovereign agents of socialism and certainly did not expect socialism to be imposed upon peoples from outside. The Bolsheviks, and Trotsky, had often said that the Red Army might intervene in a neighboring country, but only as the ally and auxiliary of actual popular revolution, not as an independent, decisive agent. In this auxiliary role Lenin wished the Red Army to help the Soviet revolution in Hungary, for instance. In this role, too, the Red Army or the Red Guards had sporadically intervened in Finland and Latvia to assist actual Soviet revolutions which enjoyed popular backing and which were defeated primarily by foreign mostly German, intervention. In none of these instances did the Red Army carry the revolution abroad. In the Polish war the Bolsheviks went a step farther. Even now Lenin had not become plainly converted to revolution by conquest. He saw the Polish working classes in potential revolt; and he expected that the Red Army’s advance would act as a catalyst. But this was not the same as assisting an actual revolution. Whatever Lenin’s private beliefs and motives, the Polish war was Bolshevism’s first important essay in revolution by conquest. True, the Politburo embarked on it in the heat of war, under abundant provocation, without grasping all the implications of its own decision. But this is the way to which great fateful turns in history occur: those who initiate them are often unconscious of what it is they initiate. This in particular is board their hallowed principles and to transform their own character. If the Red Army had seized Warsaw, it would have proceeded to act as the chief agent of social upheaval, as a substitute, as it were, for the Polish working class. It will be remembered that in his youthful writings Trotsky had berated Lenin for ‘substitutism’, i.e. for a propensity to see in the party a locum tenens of the working class. And here was indeed an instance of that substitutism, projected on the international scene, except that an army rather than a party was to act as proxy for a foreign proletariat.

This was all the more strange as in the course of two decades Lenin and fervently inculcated into his disciples and followers an almost dogmatic respect for the right of every nation, but more especially of Poland, to full self-determination. He had parted with comrades and friends who had been less dogmatic about this. He had filled reams with incisive argument against those Poles-Rosa Luxemburg, Radek, and Dzerzhinsky-who, as internationalists, had refused to promote the idea of a Polish nation-state, while Poland was still partitioned. Now Lenin himself appeared to obliterate his own efforts and to absolve the violation of any nation’s independence, if committed in the name of revolution.
Lenin grew aware of the incongruity of his role. He admitted his error. He spoke out against carrying the revolution abroad on the point of bayonets. He joined hands with Trotsky in striving for peace. The great revolutionary prevailed in him over the revolutionary gambler.

However, the ‘error’ was neither fortuitous nor inconsequential. It had its origin in the Bolshevik horror of isolation in the world, a horror shared by all leaders of the party but affecting their actions differently. The march on Warsaw had been a desperate attempt to break out of that isolation. Although it had failed it was to have a deep influence on the party’s outlook. The idea of revolution by conquest had been injected into the Bolsheviks, reflecting on the experience, naturally reached the conclusion that it was not the attempt itself to carry revolution abroad by force of arms but merely its failure that was deplorable. If only the Red Army had captured Warsaw, it could have established a proletarian dictatorship there, whether the Polish workers liked it or not. It was a petty bourgeois prejudice that only that revolution rested on solid foundations which corresponded to the wishes and desires of the people. The main thing was to be better armed and better prepared for the next venture of this kind.
*The party historian N. Popov writes “Trotsky was opposed to the advance on Warsaw, not because he considered our forces insufficient . . . but because of a from-Democratic prejudice that it was wrong to carry revolution into a country aiding the rebels in Georgia in February 1921. Trotsky’s anti-Bolshevik, Kautskyist reasoning was emphatically rejected by the Central Committee, both in July 1920 in the case of Poland and in February 1921 in the case of . . . Georgia.” (Outline History of C.P.S.U., vol. ii, p. 101.)

We shall discuss in the next chapter the domestic experiences of the Bolsheviks which fed and reinforced this trend of thought. Here it is enough to say that the trend showed itself in the attitude of those members of the Politburo who favored a renewal of hostilities with Poland. Yet the old Bolsheviks could develop such views only privately and tentatively. They were not in a position to state them in a more formal manner or elevate them to a principle. It was in the nature of such views that they did not lend themselves to public statement; and the Marxist tradition could not be openly flouted. That tradition was so much alive in all Bolshevik leaders that it inhibited the working of their own minds and prevented them from pursuing the new line of thought to its conclusions. Even three decades later Stalin would never admit that he favored revolution by conquest, even though he had already practiced it on a vast scale. How much more difficult was it for Bolsheviks to admit the fact even to themselves in 1920.
Yet an idea which it is the air soon finds a mouthpiece. Shortly after the Polish war, Tukhachevsky came forward as the advocate of revolution by conquest. He had not lived down the defeat on the Vistula, the only setback-and what a setback-he had suffered since his meteoric rise. He had come to Bolshevism only in 1918 as a young officer, and now, at the age of twenty-six, he was the most brilliant and famous general of the Red Army. He was unquestionably devoted to the Soviets, but he was the revolution’s soldier, not a revolutionary. He was not inhibited by the party’s traditions; and he drew his inspiration from Napoleon rather than from Marx. He did not understand why the Bolsheviks should go on mouthing anathemas against carrying revolution on the point of bayonets. He expounded his views in essays and lectures at the Military Academy and argued that it was both possible and legitimate for the Red Army to impose revolution on a capitalist country ‘from without’. Somewhat later he even proposed the formation of an international General Staff of the Red Army, which would direct revolutionary military activities in all countries. Intellectually impulsive, original and courageous, he openly attacked the party’s taboo. But he presented his case in so extreme a form that it did not gain much support. Other leaders of the civil war were inclined to accept his argument, properly diluted. There was, at any rate, a logical link between Tukhachevsky’s view and their insistence that the Red Army should adopt an expressly offensive military doctrine.
Trotsky struggled against this new mood. In the aftermath of the Polish war, he wanted against the temptation to carry revolution abroad by force of arms. The warning runs indeed like a red thread through his writings and speeches of this period. His rational opposition to revolution by conquest was in a sense merely the observe side of his almost irrational belief in the craving of the western working classes for revolution and in their ability to make it. He was so unshakably confident that the proletarians of Europe and America were already impelled by their own circumstances to follow in the footsteps of Bolshevism that he was firmly convinced of the absolute harm latent in any attempt to make the revolution for them or to probe and prod them with bayonets. He saw the world pregnant with socialism; he believed that the pregnancy could not last long; and he feared that impatient tempering with it would result in abortion. The solidarity which the Russian Revolution owed to the working classes of other countries, he maintained, should express itself mainly in helping them to understand and interpret their own social and political experience and their own tasks, not in trying to solve those tasks for them. In one controversy he angrily remarked of anyone who thought of replacing revolution abroad by the Red Army’s operation that ‘it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck and he cast into the sea’?
Yet such was strength of the new Bolshevik proclivity that it could not be altogether suppressed. It soon manifesto itself again in the Red Army’s invasion of Georgia.

Up to February 1921 Georgia had been ruled by a Menshevik government, with which the Soviets had signed a treaty during the Polish war. Nearly the whole of the Caucasus was already under Soviet control; and Menshevik Georgia was a thorn in its flesh. The claim of the Georgian Mensheviks to independent nationhood was rather spurious: before the October Revolution they themselves had ardently advocated Georgia’s unity with Russia and had asked only for a degree of local autonomy. Their present separatism was a convenient pretext. The mere existence of Menshevik Georgia made it more difficult for the Bolsheviks to consolidate their régime in the rest of the Caucasus; and the Bolsheviks had not forgotten that the Georgian Mensheviks had meekly submitted to the successive occupation of their country by the Germans and then by the British, and had severely suppressed the Georgian Bolsheviks. Nevertheless the Soviet government had solemnly committed itself to respect Georgia’s independence, and it had recognized the Menshevik government. The Politburo hoped that Georgia would eventually find the pull of the Soviet Caucasus irresistible, that its Menshevik rulers would not be able to govern the country in opposition to all its neighbors, and that the scene would thus be set for their overthrow by native revolutionary forces. Consequently, the Politburo was inclined to wait patiently until the experiment had run its course.
Trotsky was therefore greatly surprised when, in the middle of February 1921, during an inspection in the Urals, he learned that the Red Army had marched into Georgia. He was on the point of leaving for Moscow to attend a session of the Central Committee; and before his departure he got in touch with Sklyansky and inquired who had issued the marching orders and why. It turned out that the invasion was a bolt from the blue to the Commander-in-Chief as well. Trotsky suspected that the adventure had been irresponsibly staged behind the back of the General Staff and of the Politburo; and he intended ‘to raise the matter in full session of the Central Committee’ and to bring to book the presumed adventurer. But the marching orders had been issued, with the Politburo’s approval, by the Revolutionary War Council of the Caucasus, on which Ordzhonikidze, Stalin’s friend and himself a Georgian, served as chief commissar. The Politburo had considered the matter in Trotsky’s absence. Stalin and Ordzhonikidze had backing, broken out in Georgia; that the outcome was in no doubt; and that the Red Army would merely shorten the struggle. The Politburo, which naturally treated Stalin and Ordzhonikidze as experts on Georgian affairs, accepted their advice.
The rising in Georgia did not, however, enjoy the popular backing claimed for it; and it took the Red Army a fortnight of heavy fighting to enter Tiflis, the Georgian capital. Like the other small border nations, the Georgians had long memories of Tsarist oppression. The forcible re-annexation, aroused fierce resentment. The grievance rankled long after, and it was indirectly reflected in the opposition of Georgian Bolsheviks to Moscow’s centralizing policies. This was to become one of the major points as issue between Stalin and Trotsky in the last year of Lenin’s leadership. For the time being, however, Trotsky accepted the accomplished fact. The invasion could not be called off. It was only possible to try to soften its shock. This Lenin was doing of his own accord. He warned Ordzhonikidze to strive for and the other Caucasian commissars ‘to behave with especial respect towards the sovereign organs of Georgia and to show special attentiveness and caution in dealing with the Georgian population’. He asked to be informed of any offence against his instruction and of the slightest instances of friction with the Georgians. He further urged Ordzhonikidze to strive for a reconciliation with the Mensheviks, even with Jordania, the head of the Menshevik government, who had not been absolutely hostile towards the Soviet régime. There was little else that Trotsky himself could do or could wish to be done at the moment. Lenin’s injunctions, however, produced little effect, because the invaders, having violated Georgia’s sovereignty wholesale, were in no mood to respect it in detail. But it took time before this became clear.
Trotsky went on to disclaim and denounce in general the idea of revulsion by conquest. But he did not feel justified in discussing publicly the specific differences over Georgia and once again flouting the Politburo’s collective responsibility. Moreover, when the Social Democratic leaders of the West, Kautsky, MacDonald, Henderson, and others, raised an outcry for the evacuation of Georgia by the Red Army, Trotsky rejoined with a tu quoque: he wrote a pamphlet in which he devoted only a brief passage to the invasion. He reasserted the right of the Red Army to assist a fully fledged revolution abroad; but he evaded the question whether such a revolution had occurred in Georgia. Instead, he concentrated on an acute exposure of the inconsistencies in the attitude of the Social Democratic critics towards the Russian Revolution, the fate of the colonial peoples, &cc. With all his fiery temperament he defended the Soviets, right or wrong, against their enemies and lukewarm friends. In the eyes of the world he therefore bore a major share of responsibility for the invasion of Georgia.
In the Politburo’s behavior over Poland and Georgia Trotsky saw mistakes, into which the party had blundered as it in a fit of absent-mindedness. He set his face against both ‘mistakes’, but he saw no inner connection and no deeper significance in them. Up to a point he was right, because the party as a whole had entered the road of revolutionary conquest was its only successful step on that road, and there was no lack of mitigating circumstances. Georgia had, after all, been part of Russia: it could not survive as a little ‘bourgeois island’ in the Soviet Caucasus. Yet there was an inner connection between the Polish and the Georgian ventures, for both marked the initiation of a new current in Bolshevism.
The revolutionary cycle, which the First World War had set in motion, was coming to a close. At the beginning of that cycle Bolshevism had risen on the crest of a genuine revolution; towards its end Bolshevism began to spread revolution by conquest. A long interval, lasting nearly a quarter of a century, separates this cycle of revolution from the next, which the Second World War set in motion. During the interval Bolshevism did not expand. When the next cycle opened, it started where the first had ended, with revolution by conquest. It is a commonplace in military history that there exists a continuity between the closing phase of one war and the opening phase of the next: the weapons and the ideas on warfare invented or formed towards the end of one armed conflict dominate the first stage of the next conflict. A similar continuity may be seen to exist between the two cycles of revolution. In 1945-6 and partly even in 1939-40 Stalin began where he, and in a sense he and Lenin, had left off in 1920-1. Trotsky did not live to witness the momentous chapter which Stalin’s revolutionary conquest has since written in modern history. His attitude towards the early symptoms of the trend was inconclusive. He was for revolution and against conquest: but when revolution led to conquest and conquest promoted revolution, he was confronted with a dilemma which, from his viewpoint, admitted no satisfactory solution. He did not press his opposition to revolutionary conquest to the point of an open breach. On the other hand, he left behind this suggestive half-warning, half-curse: ‘He who wants to carry revolution abroad on the point of bayonets, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck. . . .’

Второй конгресс Коммунистического интернационалаThe 2nd World Congress of the Comintern第二回コミンテルン(共産主義インターナショナル)世界大会 was a gathering of approximately 220 voting and non-voting representatives of Communist and revolutionary socialist political parties from around the world, held in Petrograd and Moscow from July 19 to August 7, 1920. The 2nd Congress is best remembered for formulating and implementing the 21 Conditions for membership in the Communist International↑左からカラハン、ラデック、ブハーリン、ラシェヴィチ、マクシム・ゴーリキー、レーニン、ジノヴィエフ、マリヤ・ウリヤノヴァ(レーニンの妹)と写っています。

①Wincenty Witosヴィンツェンティ・ヴィトス (ur. 21 stycznia 1874 w Wierzchosławicach, zm. 31 października 1945 w Krakowie) Винценты Витос – polski polityk, działacz ruchu ludowego, trzykrotny premier Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej②ポーランド農民党(ポーランドのうみんとうPolish People's PartyPolskie Stronnictwo Ludowe, 略称:PSL)Польская крестьянская партияは、ポーランドの中道右派政党。

გრიგოლ ორჯონიკიძეグリゴリー・コンスタンティノヴィチ・オルジョニキーゼГригорий Константинович Орджоникидзе(1886年10月24日 - 1937年2月18日)სერგო ორჯონიკიძეセルゴ・オルジョニキーゼСерго ОрджоникидзеによるАзәрбајҹан Советアゼルバイジャン・ソビエトАзербайджанская Советскаяについての演説。

ノエ・ニコロジス・ジョルダニア(グルジア語: ნოე ნიკოლოზის ჟორდანია、1868年1月14日〈ユリウス暦1月2日〉または1869年3月21日〈ユリウス暦3月9日〉 - 1953年1月11日) Ной Никола́евич Жорда́нияは、メンシェヴィキ出身のグルジアの政治家である。

