
当ブログはトロント在住、日系一世カナダ人サミー・山田(48)おっさんの「独り言」です。まさに「個人日記」。1968年11月16日東京都目黒区出身(A型)・在北米30年の日系カナダ人(Canadian Citizen)・University of Toronto Woodsworth College BA History & East Asian Studies Major トロント在住(職業記者・医療関連・副職画家)・Toronto Ontario「団体」「宗教」「党派」一切無関係・「政治的」意図皆無=「事実関係」特定の「考え」が’正しい’あるいは一方だけが’間違ってる’いう気は毛頭なし。「知って」それぞれ「考えて」いただれれば本望(^_-☆Everybody!! Let's 'Ponder' or 'Contemplate' On va vous re?-chercher!Internationale!!「世界人類みな兄弟」「平和祈願」「友好共存」「戦争反対」「☆Against Racism☆」「☆Gender Equality☆」&ノーモア「ヘイト」(怨恨、涙、怒りや敵意しか生まない)Thank you very much for everything!! Ma Cher Minasan, Merci Beaucoup et Bonne Chance 

☭Лев Тро́цкий列夫·托洛茨基☆武装せる予言者・トロツキー 1879-1921 アイザック・ドイッチャー/The Prophet Armed: Trotsky, 1879-1921 by Isaac Deutscher/第14章:勝利における敗北CHAPTER XIV: Defeat in Victory②

①科学的管理法(かがくてきかんりほうНаучная организация труда (НОТ) 、英: Scientific management)とは、フレデリック・テイラーFrederick Winslow Taylorが20世紀初頭に提唱し、ガント、ギルブレスらによって発展した労働者管理の方法論。テイラー・システムとも呼ばれる。現代の経営学、経営管理論や生産管理論の基礎のひとつである②Valerian Valerianovich Obolensky (Russian: Валериа́н Валериа́нович Оболе́нский; 25 March 1887 – 1 September 1938銃殺刑=享年51歳) (who worked under the pseudonym Nikolai Osinsky) was a Russian Bolshevik revolutionary, Marxist theorist, Soviet politician, economist and Professor of the Agricultural Academy of Moscow
*David J. Dallinダヴィド・J・ダリン (russisch Давид Юльевич Далинダヴィド・ユレヴィチ・レヴィンDavid Yulevich Levin; * 1889 in Rogatschew, Russisches Kaiserreich; † 1962 in New York City) war ein russischer Politiker, Schriftsteller und Journalist. Der Menschewik war Abgeordneter des Moskauer Stadtsowjets, emigrierte später nach Deutschland, Polen und schließlich in die USA.
*アナルコ・サンディカリスム (英語: anarcho-syndicalismАнархо-синдикализмあるいは無政府組合主義(むせいふくみあいしゅぎ)は、社会主義の一派であり、労働組合運動を重視する無政府主義のこと。アナルコは無政府主義、サンディカは労働組合のことである。アナルコ・サンディカリスムという名称はサム・マイアウェリングSam Mainwaringによって始められた。

Yoffe, whom we know as Trotsky’s close friend, remarked in the letter he wrote before his suicide in 1927, that it was Trotsky’s major weakness that he did not persist in his wisdom, especially when to be wise was to be alone. One might add that on this occasion Trotsky, rebuked for his wisdom, plunged back into the accepted folly and persisted in it with an ardor which even the fools thought too foolish. After the Central Committee rejected his proposals, he dropped the matter. He did not raise it again or even hint at it at the ninth congress of the party, appeared as the government’s chief economic policy-maker and expounded a master plan for the next phase of war communism. Did he become convinced that the revision of policy he had suggested was unseasonable? Did he consider it impolite to advocate a reform for which the Menshevik, too, clamored? Did he fear that the party as a whole was not in a receptive mood? Probably all these motives had their part in inducing him to act as he did.
The nation’s economy continued to decay. The need for radical action became more pressing. As the party had refused to ease the rigors of war communism it had to aggravate them. Trotsky consented to bear the onus and the odium of the job. The Politburo urgently requested him to take charge of the wrecked transport system and offered to back him to the hilt in any course of action he might take, no matter how severe. Trotsky pleaded incompetence, but agreed to take over temporarily the department of transport in addition to that of way. With increased confidence he returned to the theme of militarization of labor. This, he said at the congress, was indispensable for the integration and development of the nation’s resources under a single economic plan. Planned economy was still far off; but the party and the nation should not expect to move towards it by cautious, well-measured steps. In the past Russia had always advanced by violent leaps and bounds; she would continue to do so. Compulsion of labor was, of course, unthinkable under fully fledged socialism; but it ‘would reach the highest degree of intensity du ring the transition from capitalism to socialism’. He urged the congress to approve disciplinary measures, ‘the severity of which must correspond to the tragic character of our economic situation’: ‘deserters from labor’ ought to be formed into punitive battalions or put into concentration camps. He also advocated incentive wages for efficient workers and ‘Socialist emulation’; and he spoke of the need to adopt the progressive essence of ‘Taylorism’, the American conception of scientific management and organization of labor, which had been abused by capitalism and rightly hated by the workers, but of which socialism could and should make rational use. These were then startling ideas. At the congress a minority denounced them and indignantly resisted the disciplinarian trend of Trotsky’s policy. That minority consisted of the ‘libertarians’, the ‘ultra-lefts’, the ‘democratic centralists’, led by Osinsky, Sapronov, and Preobrazhensky, men with whom Trotsky would one day join hands against Stalin. Now he was their chief antagonist, and he swayed the congress.
Soon afterward he again expounded and elaborated his policy at a congress of trade unions. He demanded that the unions should discipline the workers and teach them to place the interest of production above their own needs and demands. The Central Council of trade unions was already split into two groups: one supposed his ‘productionist; attitude; the other, led by Tomsky, felt that the trade unions could not help defending the ‘consumptionist’ claims of the workers. Trotsky argued that the workers must first produce the resources from which their claims could be met; and that they should remember that they were working for the workers’ state, not for the old possessing classes. Most Bolshevik trade unionists knew from experience that such exhortations did not impress hungry men. But oppose him in public. At the congress the Mensheviks became the mouthpieces of discontent. They attacked the labor armies. They denied the government the right to conscript workers and deprive them of the freedom to defend their interests. They argued that compulsory labor was inefficient. ‘You cannot build a planned economy’, exclaimed Abramovich, the Menshevik, ‘in the way the Pharaohs built their pyramids.’ Abramovich thus coined the phrase, which years later Trotsky was to repeat against Stalin. The Mensheviks were on strong ground; and the fact that their record in the revolution had been poor, even odious, could not detract from the logic and truth of their argument. Trotsky himself could not at heart contradict them when they argued that the wastage of the industrial labor force could not be stopped as long as the peasants were not allowed to sell their crops freely.
*The case for a change in policy which anticipated the N.E.P. was made at the congress by the Menshevik Dallin. Ibid., p. 8.

His answer to the criticisms was little better than a piece of brilliant sophistry. Its historical interest lies in the fact that this has been perhaps the only frank attempt made in modern times to give a logical justification of forced labor-the actual taskmasters and whippers-in do not bother to produce such justifications. The crux of Trotsky’s argument was that under any social order ‘man must work in order not to die’; that labor was therefore always compulsory; and that Communists should approach the matter without cant, because they were the first to organize labor for the benefit of society as a whole. He came to deny by implication the significance of the differences in form and degree in which the natural compulsion of labor manifested itself under different social systems. Man had worked as slave, serf, free artisan, independent peasant, and free wage-earner. The natural compulsion of labor had been aggravated or softened by social relations. Man had fought against slavery, serfdom, and capitalism in order to ease it. The Russian Revolution had promised to ease it radically by means of rational economic organization. It was not the revolution’s fault that, because of inherited poverty and the devastation of several wars and of blockade, it could not honor its promise. But the Bolsheviks need not have expressly repudiated that promise. This was what Trotsky appeared to do when he told he trade unions that coercion, regimentation, and militarization of labor were no mere emergency measures, and that the workers’ state normally had the right to coerce any citizen to perform any work at any place of its choosing.
We are now heading towards the type of labor [ he stated ] that is socially regulated on the basis of an economic plan, obligatory for the whole country, compulsory for every worker. This is the basis of socialism. . . . The militarization of labor, in this fundamental sense of which I have spoken, is the indispensable basic method for the organization of our labor forces. . . . Is it true that compulsory labor is always unproductive? . . . This is the most wretched and miserable liberal prejudice: chattel slavery, too, was productive. . . . Compulsory serf labor did not grow out of the feudal lords’ ill-will. It was [ in its time ] a progressive phenomenon.
Carried away by his desire to justify the measures he sponsored, he, the rebel par excellence, the expounder of permanent revolution, came very near to talking like an apologist for past systems of coercion and exploitation.
For a time the Polish war blunted the edge of this controversy. Peril from without once again induced people to accept without murmur policies which, before, had aroused their intense resentment. At the height of the war, Trotsky, surrounded by a team of technicians, made a determined effort to set the railways in motion. By this time the stock of locomotives had been almost entirely wasted. Engineers forecast the exact date-only a few months ahead-when not a single railway in Russia would be working. Trotsky placed the railway men and the personnel of the repair workshops under martial law; and he organized systematic and rapid workshops to tell the workers that the country was paying for their slackness in blood: the paralysis of transport had encouraged the Poles to attack. ‘The situation of the worker’, he declared, ‘is grievous in every respect . . . it is worse than ever. I would deceive you if I were to say that it will be better to-morrow. No, ahead of us are months of heavy struggle until we can lift our country out of this terrible misery and utter exhaustion, until we can stop weighting our bread ration on the chemist’s scales.’ When the railwaymen’s trade union raised objections to his action, he dismissed its leaders and appointed others who were willing to do his bidding. He repeated this procedure in unions of other transport workers. Early in September he formed the Tsektran, the Central Transport Commission, through which he brought the whole field of transport under his control. The Politburo backed him to the hilt as it had promised. To observe electoral rights and voting procedures in the unions seemed at that moment as irrelevant as it might seem in a city stricken with pestilence. He produced results and surpassed expectations; the railways were rehabilitated well ahead of schedule-‘the blood circulation of the economic organism was revived’-and he was acclaimed for the feat.
*For the famous Order no. 1042 concerning the railways see op. cit., pp. 345-7. Later in the year Trotsky was placed at the head of special commissions which took emergency action to rehabilitate the industries of the Donetz vallery and of the Urals.
But no sooner had the Polish war been concluded than the grievances and dissensions exploded anew and with greater force than before. He himself provoked the explosion. Flushed with success, he threatened to ‘shake up’ various trade unions as he had ‘shaken up’ those of the transport workers. He threatened, that is, to dismiss the elected leaders of the unions and to replace them by nominees who would place the nation’s economic interest above the sectional interests of the workers. He grossly overstepped the mark. Lenin now bluntly dissociated himself from Trotsky and persuaded the Central Committee to do likewise. The Committee openly called the party to resist energetically ‘militarized and bureaucratic forms of work’: and it castigated that ‘degenerated centralism’ which rode roughshod over the workers’ elected representatives. It called on the party to re-establish proletarian democracy in the trade unions and to subordinate all other considerations to this task. A special commission was formed to watch that these decisions were carried out. Zinoviev presided over it, and although Trotsky sat on it, nearly all its members were his opponents. As a finishing stroke, the Central Committee forbade Trotsky to speak in public on the relationship between the trade unions and the state.
*The Commission consisted of Zinoviev, Tomsky, Rudzutak, Rykov, and Trotsky. Later Shlyapnikov, Lutovinov, Lozovsky, and Andreev were co-opted. Of these only Andreev, who thirty years later was still a member of Stalin’s last Politburo, shared Trotsky’s view.

Trotsky, unrepentant, sulked. At the beginning of December, at a closed session of the Tsektran, he returned to the attack on trade unionists who, as he said, had been good at conducing strikes in the old days but showed little understanding of the needs of a Socialist economy. He defended his practice of overruling them, made light of the demand for election in the trade unions, and castigated those who cried out that a new bureaucracy was reviving Tsarist methods of government. ‘Bureaucracy . . .’, he replied, ‘was not a discovery of Tsardom. It has represented a whole epoch in the development of mankind’, an epoch by no means closed. A competent, hierarchically organized civil service had its merits; and Russia suffered not from the excess but from the lack of an efficient bureaucracy. He made this point repeatedly, arguing that for the sake of efficiency it was necessary to grant certain limited privileges to the bureaucracy. He thus made himself the spokesman of the managerial groups, and this later enabled Stalin to taunt him plausibly with being the ‘patriarch of the bureaucrats’. He was confident, Trotsky said, that he could win popular support for his policy; but the economic and social breakdown left no time for the application of the democratic process, which worked with unbearable slowness, because of the low cultural and political level of the Russian masses. ‘What you call bossing and working through nominees is in inverse proportion to the enlightenment of the masses, to their cultural standards, political consciousness, and the strength of our administrative machinery.’
Once again the Central Committee rebuffed him. Trotsky fretfully reminded Lenin and the other members of how often they had privately urged him, the ‘trouble=shooter’, to act ruthlessly and disregard considerations of democracy. It was disloyal of them, he remarked, to pretend in public that they defended the democratic principle against him.
The deeper ill which afflicted the whole system of government, and of which this tug-of-war was merely a symptom, lay in the frustration of the popular hopes aroused by the revolution. For the first time since 1917 the bulk of the working class, not to speak of the peasantry, unmistakably turned against the Bolsheviks. A sense of isolation began to haunt the ruling group. To be sure, the working class had not come to regret the revolution. It went on to identify itself with it; and it received with intense hostility any openly counter-revolutionary agitation. ‘October’ had so deeply sunk into the popular mind that Mensheviks and Social Revolutionaries now had to preface their criticisms of the government with an explicit acceptance of the ‘achievements of October’. Yet the opposition to current Bolshevik policies was just as intense and widespread. The Mensheviks and Social Revolutionaries, who in the course of three years had been completely eclipsed and had hardly dared to raise their heads, were now regaining some popular favor. People listened even more sympathetically to anarchist agitators violently denouncing the Bolshevik régime. If the Bolsheviks had now permitted free elections to the Soviets, they would almost certainly have been swept from power.

*Many Bolshevik leaders explicitly or implicitly admitted this. See Lenin, Sochinenya, vol. xxxii, pp. 160, 176, 230 and passim; Zinoviev in X съезд Российской коммунистической партии (большевиков) p. 190. In private letter to Lunacharsky (of 14 April 1926) Trotsky describes the ‘menacing discontent’ of the working class as the background to the controversy of 1920-1. The Trotsky Archives.
The Bolsheviks were firmly resolved not to let things come to that pass. It would be wrong to maintain that they clung to power for its own sake. The party as a whole was still animated by that revolutionary idealism of which it had given such abundant proof in its underground struggle and in the civil war. It clung to power because it identified the fate of the republic with its own fate and saw in itself the only force capable of safeguarding the revolution. It was lucky for the revolution-and it was also its misfortune-that in this belief the Bolsheviks were profoundly justified. The revolution would hardly have survived without a party as fanatically devoted to it as the Bolsheviks were. But had there existed another party equally devoted and equally vigorous in action, that party might, in consequence of an election, have displaced Lenin’s government without convulsing the young state. No such party existed. The return of Mensheviks and Social Revolutionaries would have entailed the undoing of the October Revolution. At the have least it would have encouraged the White Guards to try their luck once again and rise in arms. From sheer self-preservation as well as from broader motives the Bolsheviks could not even contemplate such a prospect. They could not accept it as plunge the country into a new series of civil wars just after one series had been concluded.
Nor was it by any means likely that a free election to the Soviets would return any clear-cut majority. Those who had supported Kerensky in 1917 had not really recovered from their eclipse. Anarchists and anarcho-syndicalists, preaching a ‘Third Revolution’, seemed far more popular among the working class. But they gave no effective focus to the opposition; and they were in no sense pretenders to office. Strong in criticism, they possessed no positive political programme, no serious organization, national or even local, no real desire to rule a vast country. In their ranks honest revolutionaries, cranks, and plain bandits rubbed shoulders. The Bolshevik régime could be succeeded only by utter confusion followed by open counter-revolution. Lenin’s party refused to allow the famished and emotionally unhinged country to vote their party out of power and itself into a bloody chaos.

For this strange sequel of their victory the Bolsheviks were mentally quite unprepared. They had always tacitly assumed that the majority of the working class, having backed them in the revolution, would to on to support them unswervingly until they had carried out the full programme of socialism. Naïve as the assumption was, it sprang from the notion that socialism was the proletarian idea par excellence and that the proletariat, having once adhered to it, would not abandon it. That notion had underlain the reasoning of all European schools of Socialism thought. In the vast political literature produced by those schools the question of what Socialists in office should do if they lost the confidence of the workers had hardly ever been pondered. It had never occurred to Marxists to reflect whether it was possible or admissible to try to establish socialism regardless of the will of the working class. They simply took that will for granted. For the same reason it had seemed to the Bolsheviks as clear as daylight that the proletarian dictatorship and proletarian ( or Soviet ) democracy were only two complementary and inseparable aspects of the same thing: the dictatorship was there to suppress the resistance of the propertied classes; and it derived its strength and historic legitimacy from the freely and democratically expressed opinion of the working classes. Now a conflict arose between the two aspects of the Soviet system. If the working classes were to be allowed to speak and vote freely they would destroy the dictatorship. If the dictatorship, on the other hand, frankly abolished proletarian democracy it would deprive itself of historic legitimacy, even in its own eyes. It would cease to be a proletarian dictatorship in the strict sense. Its use of that title would henceforth be based on the claim that it pursued a policy with which the working class, in its own interest, ought and eventually must identify itself, but with which it did not as yet identify itself. The dictatorship would then at best represent the idea of the class, not the class itself.
The revolution had now reached that cross-roads, well known to Machiavelli, at which it found it difficult or impossible to fix the people in their revolutionary persuasion and was driven ‘to take such measures that, when they believed no longer, it might be possible to make them believe by force’. For the Bolshevik party this involved a conflict of loyalties, which was in some respects deeper than any it had known so far, a conflict bearing the seeds of all the turbulent controversies and somber purges of the next decades.
At this cross-roads Bolshevism, suffered a moral agony the like of which is hardly to be found in the history of less intense and impassioned movement. Later Lenin recalled the ‘fever’ and ‘mortal illness’ which consumed the party in the winter of 1920-1, during the tumultuous debate over the place of the trade unions in the state. This was an important yet only a secondary matter. It could not be settled before an answer had been given to the fundamental question concerning the very nature of the state. The party was wholly absorbed in the controversy over the secondary issue, because it was not altogether clearly aware of the primary question and was afraid to formulate it frankly in its own mind. But as the protagonists went on arguing they struck the great underlying issue again and again and were compelled to define their attitudes.

It is not necessary here to go into the involved and somewhat technical differences over the trade unions, although the fact that the drama of the revolution revealed itself in a seemingly dry economic argument significantly corresponded to the spirit of the age. Suffice it to say that, broadly speaking, three attitudes crystalized. The faction led by Trotsky ( and later by Trotsky and Bukharin ) wanted the trade unions to be deprived of their autonomy and absorbed into the machinery of government. This was the final conclusion which Trotsky drew from his conflicts with the trade unions. Under the new dispensation, the leaders of the unions would, as servants of the state, speak for the state to the workers rather than for the workers to the state. They would raise the productivity and maintain the discipline of labor; they would train workers for industrial management; and they would participate in the direction of the country’s economy.
*A detailed account of the debate can be found in Deutscher, Soviet Trade Unions( Their place in Soviet labor policy ), pp. 42-59.

At the other extreme the Workers’ Opposition, led by Shlyapnikov and Kollontai, protested against the government’s and the party’s tutelage over the unions. They denounced Trotsky and Lenin as militarizers of labor and promoters of inequality. In quasi-syndicalist fashion they demanded that trade unions, factory committees, and a National Producers’ Congress should assume control over the entire economy. While Trotsky argued that the trade unions could not in logic defend the workers against the workers’ state, Shlyapnikov and Kollontai already branded the Soviet state as the rampant of a new privileged bureaucracy.
Between these two extremes, Lenin, Zinoviev, and Kamenev spoke for the main body of Bolshevik opinion and tried to trade unions to restrain the workers and to cultivate in them a sense of responsibility for the state and the nationalized economy. They emphasized the party’s right to control the unions. But they also wished to preserve them as autonomous mass organization, capable of exerting pressure on government and industrial management.

Timofeï Vladimirovitch Sapronovティモフェイ・ウラジミロヴィチ・サプローノフ (russe : Тимофе́й Влади́мирович Сапро́нов) est un révolutionnaire communiste russe né en 1887 et mort exécuté le 28 septembre 1937 à Verkhneouralsk(銃殺刑=享年50歳).

Raphael Abramovitch Reinラファイル・アブラモヴィチ・レインРафаил Абрамович Aбрамович (1880–1963), best known as Raphael Abramovitch, was a Russian socialist, a member of the General Jewish Workers' Union in Lithuania, Poland and Russia (BundブントБунд)リトアニア・ポーランド・ロシア・ユダヤ人労働者総同盟אַלגעמײַנער ײדישער אַרבעטער בּונד אין ליטע פוילין און רוסלאַנדВсеобщий еврейский рабочий союз в Литве, Польше и России, and a leader of the Menshevik wing of the Russian Social-Democratic Workers' Party (RSDRP).20年にソ連を去り、ドイツ(ベルリン)へ亡命。ヒトラーとナチスの政権獲得(33年)後はフランス(パリ)へ移った。40年のドイツ軍によるフランス侵攻、パリ占領後はアメリカ(ニューヨーク)へ亡命。63年、当地にて死去した。

Цектран運輸労働組合中央委員会(ツェクトラン) (Центральный комитет Всероссийского объединенного профессионального союза работников железнодорожного и водного транспорта)Tsektran was established in September 1920 by decree of the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions. It was an amalgamation of several entities within the Bolshevik government consisting of the Commissariat of Transport, unions of the railway industry and transportation supervisors.

アンドレイ・アンドレーエヴィチ・アンドレーエフ(ロシア語: Андре́й Андре́евич Андре́ев、ラテン文字表記の例:Andrei Andreevich Andreev、1895年10月30日(グレゴリオ暦では10月18日) - 1971年12月5日)は、ソビエト連邦の政治家[1]。

