
当ブログはトロント在住、日系一世カナダ人サミー・山田(48)おっさんの「独り言」です。まさに「個人日記」。1968年11月16日東京都目黒区出身(A型)・在北米30年の日系カナダ人(Canadian Citizen)・University of Toronto Woodsworth College BA History & East Asian Studies Major トロント在住(職業記者・医療関連・副職画家)・Toronto Ontario「団体」「宗教」「党派」一切無関係・「政治的」意図皆無=「事実関係」特定の「考え」が’正しい’あるいは一方だけが’間違ってる’いう気は毛頭なし。「知って」それぞれ「考えて」いただれれば本望(^_-☆Everybody!! Let's 'Ponder' or 'Contemplate' On va vous re?-chercher!Internationale!!「世界人類みな兄弟」「平和祈願」「友好共存」「戦争反対」「☆Against Racism☆」「☆Gender Equality☆」&ノーモア「ヘイト」(怨恨、涙、怒りや敵意しか生まない)Thank you very much for everything!! Ma Cher Minasan, Merci Beaucoup et Bonne Chance 

☭Лев Тро́цкий列夫·托洛茨基☆武装せる予言者・トロツキー 1879-1921 アイザック・ドイッチャー/The Prophet Armed: Trotsky, 1879-1921 by Isaac Deutscher/第14章:勝利における敗北CHAPTER XIV: Defeat in Victory①

14                                                       勝利における敗北
*カリカチュアКарикатура(英・仏: caricature、伊: caricatura、独: Karikatur캐리커처희화(戱畵) 회화(繪畵)とは、人物の性格や特徴を際立たせるために(しばしばグロテスクな)誇張や歪曲を施した人物画(似顔絵)のこと。

*闇市블랙마켓Чорний ринокやみいちЧёрный рынок、英: black marketSchwarzmarkt암시장(暗市場) Marché noirは、何らかの物価を統制する体制下で物資が不足した状況における、統制に外れ非合法に設けられた独自の市場経済原理で取引を行う市場。검은 돈 또는 블랙머니(black money)
2月8日、彼は部下の幹部連を帯同して、労働軍の最初の視察に、ウラルへ出発した。列車中で発行された新聞『途上』En Route紙上に、彼はこう部下に向かって書いたー

CHAPTER XIV                                            Defeat in Victory
AT the very pinnacle of power Trotsky, like the protagonist of a classical tragedy, stumbled. He acted against his own principle and in disregard of a most solemn moral commitment. Circumstances, the preservation of the revolution, and his own pride drove him into this predicament. Placed as he was he could hardly have avoided it. His steps followed almost inevitably from all that he had done before; and only one step now separated the sublime from the sinister-even his denial of principle was still dictated by principle. Yet in acting as he did he shattered the ground on which he stood.
Towards the end of the civil war he initiated courses of action which he and the Bolshevik party could carry through only against the resistance of the social classes which had made or supported the revolution. The Bolsheviks had denounced bourgeois democracy as a sham concealing the inequality of the social classes and the predominance of the bourgeoisie. But they had pledged themselves to uphold proletarian democracy, guaranteeing freedom of expression and organization to the working class and the poor peasantry. No Bolshevik leader had repeated that pledge to often and so ardently as Trotsky. None repudiated it now as plainly. The paradox is all the more striking because at the same time he was unaffectedly opposed to carrying revolution abroad on the bayonet’s point. Such opposition was consistent with the principle of proletarian democracy. If the working class of any country was to be its own master, then it was preposterous and even criminal to try to impose on it any social order ‘from without’. But this argument applied a fortiori to the Russian working class: it, too, should have been master in its own country. Yet the policies which Trotsky now framed were incompatible with that samodeyatelnost, that political self-determination of the working class, which he had indefatigably preached for twenty years and which he was to preach again during the seventeen years of his open struggle against Stalin.
He promoted the new policies at first with Lenin’s consent. But as he proceeded, he found Lenin and most of the Bolsheviks arrayed against him and invoking the principle of proletarian democracy. His own ideas now bore the clear hallmark of that ‘substitutism’, which he himself had once denounced as the chief vice of Bolshevism, indeed, as the hereditary vice of Russian revolutionary politics. For, in his view, the party, informed by the proper understanding of the ‘tasks’ of the epoch’ and of its own ‘historic mission’, was to substitute that understanding and that mission for the wishes and striving of the broad social forces which it had led in the revolution. Thus Trotsky now began to resemble that caricature of Lenin which he himself had once drawn.
What accounted for this extraordinary transformation? What was in that made the armed and victorious prophet of answer can be attempted, the economic and social condition of Russia must be briefly surveyed, for it was to that plane that the drama had now shifted.

From the end of 1919 Trotsky devoted only a minor part of his attention to military affairs. The issue of the civil war was no longer in doubt; and in the latter part of 1920 he kept somewhat aloof from the conduct of military policy because of his differences with the Politburo over the Polish war. But even earlier he had become absorbed in the problems of economic reconstruction. He entered this new field with the impetuous self-confidence which success at the Commissariat of War had given him; and he was inclined to apply there the methods and solutions which he had worked out and tasted in the military field. On 16 December 1919 he submitted to the Central Committee a set of propositions (“Theses”) on the economic transition from war to peace. Among the measures which he proposed, militarization of labor was the most essential. He had written this paper only for the members of the Central Committee, hoping to start a discussion in their closed circle. By mistake Bukharin at once published the paper in Pravda. The indiscretion gave rise to an extremely tense public controversy which lasted until the spring of 1921.
The years of world war, revolution, civil war, and intervention had resulted in the utter ruin of Russia’s economy and the disintegration of her social fabric. From a ruined economy the Bolsheviks had had to wrest the means of civil war. In 1919, the Red Army had already used up all stocks of munitions and other supplies. The industries under Soviet control could not replace them by more than a fraction. Normally southern Russia supplied fuel, iron, steel, and raw materials to the industries of central and northern Russia. But southern Russia, occupied first by the Germans and then by Denikin, was only intermittently and during brief spells under Soviet control. When at last, at the end of 1919, the Bolsheviks returned there for good, they found that the coal-mines of the Donetz valley were flooded and the other industries destroyed. Deprived of fuel and raw materials, the industrial centers of the rest of the country were paralyzed. Even towards the end of 1920, the coal-mines produced less than one-tenth and the iron- and steel-works less than one-twentieth of their pre-war output. The production of consumer goods was about one-quarter of normal. The disaster was made even worse by the destruction of transport. All over the country railway tracks and bridges had been blown up. Rolling stock had not been renewed, and it had only rarely been kept in proper repair, since 1914. Inexorably transport was coming to a standstill. (This, incidentally, was one of the contributory causes of the Red Army’s defeat in Poland. The Soviets had enlisted five million men, but of these less and less capable of carrying reinforcements and supplies over the lengthening distances.) Farming, too, was ruined. For six years the peasants had not been able to renew their equipment. Retreating and advancing armies trampled their fields and requisitioned their horses. However, because of its technically primitive character, farming was more resilient than industry. The muzhik worked with the wooden sokha, which he was able to make or repair by himself.
The Bolsheviks strove to exercise the strictest control over scarce resources; and out of this striving grew their War Communism. They nationalized all industry. They prohibited private trade. They dispatched workers’ detachments to the countryside to requisition food for the army and the town-dwellers. The government was incapable of collecting normal taxes; it possessed no machinery for doing so. To cover government expenses, the printing-presses produced banknotes day and night. Money became so worthless that wages and salaries basic wage. The worker was also paid with part of his own usually bartered away for food.
This set of desperate shifts and expedients looked to the party like an unexpectedly rapid realization of its own programme. Socialization of industry would have been no civil war; but it was, in any case, one of the major purposes of the revolution. The requisitioning of food, the prohibition of private trade, the payment of wages in kind, the insignificance of money, the government’s aspiration to control the economic resources of the nation, all this looked, superficially, like the abolition of that market economy which was the breeding-ground of capitalism. The fully grown Communist economy about which Marxist text-books had speculated, was to have been a natural economy, take the place of production for the market and of distribution through the medium of money. The Bolshevik was therefore embodied in the war economy of 1919-20. He was confirmed in this inclination by stern egalitarianism which his party romantic and heroic aspect.

In truth, war communism was a tragic travesty of the Marxist vision of the society of the future. That society was to have as its background highly developed and organized productive resources and a superabundance of goods and services. It was to organize and develop the social wealth which capitalism at its best produced only fitfully and could not rationally control, distribute, and promote. Communism was to abolish economic inequality once for all by levelling up the standards of living. War communism had, on the contrary, resulted from social disintegration, from the destruction and disorganization of productivity resources, from an unparalleled scarcity of goods and services. It did indeed try to abolish inequality; but of necessity it did so by levelling down the standards of living and making poverty universal.                             
The system could not work for long. The requisitioning of food and the prohibition of private trade for the time being helped the government to tide over the direct emergencies. But in the longer run these policies aggravated and accelerated the shrinkage and disintegration of the economy. The peasant began to till only as much of his land as was necessary to keep his family alive. He refused to produce the surplus for which the requisitioning squads were on the look-out. When the countryside refuses to produce food for the town, even the rudiments of urban civilization go to pieces. The cities of Russia became depopulated. Workers went to the countryside to escape famine. Those who stayed behind fainted at the factory benches, produced very little, and often stole what they produced to barter it for food. The old, normal market had indeed been abolished. But its bastard, the black market, despoiled the country, revengefully perverting and degrading human relations. This could go on for another year or so; but, inevitably the end would be the breakdown of all government and the dissolution of society.
Such was the situation to which Trotsky bent his mind towards the end of 1919. To cope with it one of two courses of action had to be taken. The government could stop the requisitioning of food from the peasant and introduce an agricultural tax, in kind or money. Having paid his taxes, the peasant could then be permitted to dispose of his crop as he pleased, to consume it, sell it, or barter it. This would have induced him to grow the surpluses for urban consumption. With the flow of food from country to town restored, the activity of the state-owned industries could be expected to revive. This indeed would have been the only real solution. But a reform of this kind implied the revival of private trade; and it could not but explode the whole edifice of war communism, in the erection of which the Bolsheviks took so much pride.
The alternative was to look for a solution within the vicious circle of war communism. If the government was to go on requisitioning food and enforcing the ban on trade, it had to increase the pressure on the peasantry first in making it produce more food and then in requisitioning the food. It might also offer special rewards to food growers-clothing, footwear, agricultural implements. It could not do so, however, before the famished workers had repaired and set in motion the destroyed and dilapidated industrial plant and begun to turn out the goods for which the peasantry craved. The government was therefore compelled to press for more industrial production. Unable to offer incentives to the workers, it had to apply more force to them as well as to the peasants. It was a sure sign of the Utopian character of war communism that it went on ignoring realities until it drove itself into an impasse and could maintain itself only by ever-increasing doses of violence.

Trotsky did not at first go beyond the framework of accepted policy. He was preoccupied with the mean by which the dispersed working class could be reassembled and brought back to industry. There were the workers who had fled to the countryside; there were those who in search of food had abandoned skilled jobs for unskilled ones; and there were those déclassé who were completely engulfed in the black market and lost to industry. How could they all be brought back to a normal environment and reintegrated into the nation’s productive apparatus? As they could not be attracted by a promise of better living, so Trotsky concluded, they must be recruited to the factories in the same way as soldiers. Thus, empirically, Trotsky arrived at the idea of militarization of labor. The revolution had loudly proclaimed the duty of every citizen to work and declared that ‘he who does not work shall not eat’. The time had now come, Trotsky argued, to enforce that duty. The revolution had sent hundreds of thousands to die on the battlefields. Surely it had the moral right to send people into workshops and mines, where the new battle for survival must be waged.
In those ‘Theses’ which Pravda published prematurely on 17 December 1919, Trotsky characteristically linked this scheme with the military reform he envisaged, the transition of the army to the militia system. He proposed that the machinery for military mobilization should be employed for the mobilization of civilian labor. It is strange how his aspiration to carry out a most democratic reform in the army was combined with his attempt to introduce this extreme form of compulsion of labor. The army was to become permeated with the spirit of civilian citizenship. Its detachments were to be organized on the basis of productive units. On the other hand, civilian labor was to be subjected to military discipline; and the military administration was to supply manpower to industrial units. The Commissariat of War was to assume the functions of the Commissariat of Labor.
*On 27 December 1919 it was announced that the government had formed a Commission on Labor Duty, over which Trotsky presided.

Lenin wholeheartedly supported Trotsky’s policy. He clung to war communism, which could be made to work, if at all, only on condition that the measures proposed by Trotsky were successful. Nor did Lenin object to the assumption by the Commissariat of War of the responsibility for the supply of industrial labor. Lenin had had to build up the civilian branches of his administration from scratch; and, after the years of civil war, most of them were still in a rudimentary stage. The Commissariat of War had absorbed the best men; it had had first claim on the government’s resources; it was directed by the most clear-headed administrator. Its machinery, formidable and highly efficient, was the most solid part of Lenin’s administration, its real hub. It seemed a matter of administrative convenience to switch the Commissariat to civilian work.
No sooner had these proposals become known than they let loose an avalanche of protests. At conference of party members, administrators, and trade unionists, Trotsky was shouted down as the ‘new Arakcheev’, the imitator of that ill-famed general and Minister of War who, under Alexander I and Nicholas I, had set up military farming colonies and ruled them with a rod of iron. Arakcheevshchina had ever since been the by-word for grotesque flights of military-bureaucratic fancy over the field of economic and social policies. The cry of protest rose in the Bolshevik newspapers. It came from Trotsky’s old associates, Ryazanov and Larin, from the eminent Bolsheviks Rykov, Miliutin, Nogin, Goltzman, and from others. Weariness of civil war and impatience with the architect of victory mingled in these protests. As usually happens in a time of reaction from the tensions and sacrifices of war, people were willing to cover with laurels the man responsible for victory. But they were even more eager to get rid of the rigors of wartime discipline; and they looked for guidance to men who were of less fiery temperament and less splendid talents, but who were willing to pursue milder courses of action. Old, battle-hardened Bolsheviks were heard to declare that they had had enough of the army’s impositions, under terror and sucked its blood, and that they would not countenance Trotsky’s new ambitions.
Matters came to a head on 12 January 1920, when Lenin and Trotsky appeared before the Bolshevik leaders of the trade unions and urged them to accept militarization. Trotsky defended his own record. If his Commissariat, he said, had ‘pillaged’ the country and exacted severe discipline, it had done so to win the war. It was a disgrace and a ‘sin against the spirit of the revolution’ that this should now be held against him, and that the working class should be incited against the army. His opponents were complacent about the country’s economic condition. The newspaper concealed the real state of affairs. ‘It is necessary to state openly and frankly in the hearing of the whole country, that our economic condition in a hundred times worse than our military situation ever was. . . . Just as we once issued the order “Proletariats, to horse!”, so now we much raise the cry “Proletarians, back to the factory bench! Proletarians, back to production!”’  The nation’s labor force continued to shrink and degenerate. It could not be saved, reconstituted, and rehabilitated without the application of coercive measures. Lenin spoke in the same vein. Yet the conference almost unanimously rejected the resolution which he and Trotsky jointly submitted. Of more than three score Bolshevik leaders only two men voted for it. Never before had Trotsky or Lenin met with so striking a rebuff.
Trotsky’s strictures on the complacency of his critics were not justified. The critics did not and could not propose any practical alternative. They, too, clung to war communism and disavowed only the conclusion Trotsky had drawn from it. He had little difficulty therefore in exposing their inconsistency. Yet there was a certain realism and valuable scruple in their very lack of consistency. Trotsky’s opponents refused to believe that the wheels of the economy could be set in motion by word of military command, and they were convinced that it was wrong for a workers’ state to act as a press gang towards its own working class.
In the meantime the first labor army came into being not by the militarization of civilian labor but by the transformation of a regular army into a labor force. The initiative came from the Revolutionary War Council of the Third Army, which was stationed in the Urals. After its victory over Kolchak, that army frittered away its time and energy in idleness. It could not release and send home its men, primarily because of the lack of transport. Its Revolutionary War Council proposed that meanwhile the army should be employed in timber felling, farming, and other work. Lenin and Trotsky welcomed the suggestion, which gave them a chance to put their policy into effect virtually without opposition: the trade unions did not object to the productive employment of idle regiments.

Trotsky hoped to use this experiment as a starting-point for the conscription and direction of civilian labor. Nothing could be simpler than that the army, before releasing its men, should take a census of their productive skills, mark every soldier’s trade in his service-book, and then direct him straight from the demobilization point to the working place where he was wanted. Trotsky planned to combine the soldier’s service-book with the worker’s labor-book, a device which should also facilitate the formation of militias on the basis of productive units. This was an imaginative idea. Its flaw was that the released soldiers, anxious to reunite with his family or to look for a better living, was likely to abandon the working place to which he had been directed. Trotsky drew blueprints for the organization of communal feeding-centers to attract workers; but such schemes could not be put into effect amid the famines and disorders of the time. He displayed astounding originally and inventiveness, but his imagination worked feverishly in a vacuum; and his ideas were out of joint with reality.
After the army of the Urals, the armies of the Caucasus and of the Ukraine were put to work in mines, forests, and fields. Trotsky headed the entire organization. General Bonch-Bruevich was his Chief of Staff; Pyatakov was his representative in the Urals; and Stalin was chief commissar of the Ukrainian labor army. The organization maintained military discipline; and each labor army regularly reported its successes and failures on the ‘fronts’. ( It was Trotsky who first systematically applied military terms, symbols, and metaphors to civilian economic matters and thus introduced a fresh, vivid style in the Russian language, a style which later became ossified into a bureaucratic mannerism and spread to order languages.) Views about the economic efficiency of the labor armies were divided-it could, at any rate, not have been lower than that of civilian labor at the time. The Bolsheviks acclaimed the labor armies, especially after Trotsky had gone to some length to modify the trade unions and had appealed to the labor armies for friendly co-operation with them.
He brought to this work his moral passion and theatrical élan, which led him, however, to exaggerate the significance of what he did and to cast a false glamour over what were at best sad expedients. This, for instance, in how he wrote in one of his Orders to the Labor Armies:
Display untiring energy in your work, as if you were on the march or in battle. . . . Commanders and commissars are responsible for their detachments at work as in battle. . . . The political departments must cultivate the spirit of the worker in the soldier and preserve the soldier in the worker. . . . A deserter from labor is as contemptible and despicable as a deserter from the battlefield. Severe punishment to both! . . . Begin and complete your work, wherever possible, to the sound of socialist hymns and songs. Your work is not slave labor but high service to the socialist fatherland.
On 8 February he departed with his staff for the Urals, on the first inspection of the labor armies. In En Route, the paper published on his train, he thus addressed his staff:
The old capitalist organization of labor has been destroyed irrevocably and for ever. The new socialist organization is only beginning to take shape. We must become conscious, self-sacrificing builders of the socialist economy. Only on this road shall we find a way out, salvation, warmth, and contentment. We must begin from the foundation. . . . Our train is proceeding to the northern Urals, where we shall devote all our strength to the organization of labor in which the Ural workers, the Urals peasants, and the Red Army men . . . will participate hand in hand. Bread for the starving! Fuel for the freezing! This is the slogan of our team this time.

He had just written these words when, in the middle of the night, he was shaken by a violent concussion. His train became derailed in a severe snowstorm. Throughout the night and the whole of the next day the train lay in snowdrifts almost within sight of a small station. Not a soul came to inquire what had happened. The station-masters had ceased to signal the passage of trains; even the train of the President of the Supreme War council had passed through unnoticed. Despite the threat of court martial, nobody bothered to clear away the snowdrifts from the tracks. The accident unexpectedly revealed to Trotsky the void which grew around governmental policies and plans. A fathomless apathy shrouded the people. Trotsky raged, conducted an investigation on the spot, and ordered a military tribunal into action. But he could not help reflecting that repression alone could not remedy the people’s numb insensibility. His forebodings grew darker during his sojourn in the countryside of the Urals. He became acutely aware that the nation’s energy and vitality was dying up at its very source-on the farmstead.
He now searched for remedies beyond war communism. He returned to Moscow with the conclusion that a measure of economic freedom should be restored to the peasantry. In clear and precise terms the outlined the reform which alone could lead the nation out of the impasse. There must be an end to the requisitioning of crops. The peasant must be encouraged to grow and sell surpluses and to make a profit on them. The government and the party were not aware of the magnitude of the disaster, because the last forcible collection had yielded more food than the previous one. This, he argued, was because after the retreat of the White Guards, the requisitions had been carried out over a much wider area than before. ‘In general, however, the food reserves fare in danger of drying up, and against this no improvement in the requisitioning machinery can help.’ That way lay further disruption, further shrinkage of the labor force and final economic and political degradation.
*Trotsky, Sochinenya, vol. xvii, book 2. Pp. 543-4. It is not clear, however, whether Trotsky was aware that his proposals, if accepted, would necessarily lead to the winding up of the policies of war communism, including those he himself advocated. In later years he argued that he had stood for militarization of labor only in the context of war communism. At the tenth congress of the party, however, validity and that they were not necessarily connected with war communism.
At the central Committee his arguments carried no conviction. Lenin was not prepared to stop the requisitions. The reform Trotsky proposed looked to him like a leap in the dark. The government, he held, had already shown too much haste in preparing the transition to peace: Trotsky himself had just warned the Central Committee that Poland was about to attack. It seemed safer to stick to an established policy rather than tamper with the army’s food supplies, which had, after all, been secured by the requisitions. Nor was that all. Lenin and the Central Committee had not yet lived down the illusions of war communism. They still hoped that the system, having rendered valuable service in war, would be even more useful in peace. Trotsky proposed to throw the economy back on to the treacherous tides of a free market. This was what the Mensheviks demanded. Did Trotsky agree with them? Had he become a free trader? He was asked. He was told that the party had advanced towards an organized and controlled economy and that it would not allow itself to be dragged back.
The Central Committee rejected his proposals. Only more than a year later, after the failure of war communism had been demonstrated with tragic conclusiveness, did Lenin take up the same proposals and put them into effect as the New Economic Policy ( N.E.P.). This was then and still is hailed as a stroke of Lenin’s genius, a rare feat of courageous, undogmatic statesmanship. In the light of the facts it seems that the feat was at least overpraised; and that when Trotsky later reproached Lenin and the Central Committee for initiating the most important changes in economic policy when these were overdue by a year or two, the stricture was not quite undeserved. The incident also shows how unreal is the juxtaposition, in Stalinist versions , of Lenin the friend and Trotsky the enemy of the peasantry: Lenin’s reputation as the well-wisher of the muzhik rests primarily on the New Economic Policy.

①アレクセイ・アンドレーヴィッチ・アラクチェーエフ伯爵(ロシア語:Алексе́й Андре́евич Аракче́ев、1769年10月4日 - 1834年5月3日)Count Alexey Andreyevich Arakcheyev or Arakcheevは、帝政ロシアの軍人、政治家。ロシア帝国第2代陸軍大臣(陸軍大臣に相当。在任期間、1808年から1810年)。ロシア皇帝アレクサンドル1世の寵臣で、ナポレオン戦争後のアレクサンドル1世が保守反動化すると強大な権勢を振るい「アラクチェーエフ体制(AракчеевщинаアラクチェーエフシチナArakcheevshchina)」と呼ばれる一時期を築いたTuntian (屯田) or Tunken (屯墾) とは、兵士に新しく耕地を開墾させ、戦時には軍隊に従事させながらも、平時には農業を行わせて自らを養わせる制度。またその場所や地域を言う。

