
当ブログはトロント在住、日系一世カナダ人サミー・山田(48)おっさんの「独り言」です。まさに「個人日記」。1968年11月16日東京都目黒区出身(A型)・在北米30年の日系カナダ人(Canadian Citizen)・University of Toronto Woodsworth College BA History & East Asian Studies Major トロント在住(職業記者・医療関連・副職画家)・Toronto Ontario「団体」「宗教」「党派」一切無関係・「政治的」意図皆無=「事実関係」特定の「考え」が’正しい’あるいは一方だけが’間違ってる’いう気は毛頭なし。「知って」それぞれ「考えて」いただれれば本望(^_-☆Everybody!! Let's 'Ponder' or 'Contemplate' On va vous re?-chercher!Internationale!!「世界人類みな兄弟」「平和祈願」「友好共存」「戦争反対」「☆Against Racism☆」「☆Gender Equality☆」&ノーモア「ヘイト」(怨恨、涙、怒りや敵意しか生まない)Thank you very much for everything!! Ma Cher Minasan, Merci Beaucoup et Bonne Chance 

☭Лев Тро́цкий列夫·托洛茨基☆武装せる予言者・トロツキー 1879-1921 アイザック・ドイッチャー/The Prophet Armed: Trotsky, 1879-1921 by Isaac Deutscher/第14章:勝利における敗北CHAPTER XIV: Defeat in Victory④


The Bolshevik party still defended the principle of proletarian democracy against Trotsky; but it continued to depart from it in practice.
It was only in 1921 that Lenin’s government proceeded to ban all organized opposition within the Soviets. Throughout the civil war the Bolsheviks had harassed the Mensheviks and Social Revolutionaries, now outlawing them, now allowing them to come into the open, and then again suppressing them. The harsher and the milder courses were dictated by circumstances and by the vacillations of those parties in which some groups leaned towards the Bolsheviks and other towards the White Guards. The idea, however, that those parties should be suppressed on principle had not taken root before the end of the civil war. Even during the spells of repression, those opposition groups which did not plainly call for armed resistance to the Bolsheviks still carried on all sorts of activities, open and clandestine. The Bolsheviks often eliminated them from the Soviets or reduced their representation by force or guile. It was through the machinery of the Soviets that Lenin’s government organized the civil war; and in that machinery it was not prepared to countenance hostile or neutral elements. But the government still looked forward to the end of hostilities when it would be able to respect the rules of Soviets constitutionalism and to readmit regular opposition. This the Bolsheviks now thought themselves unable to do. All opposition parties had hailed the Kronstadt rising; and so the Bolsheviks knew what they could expect from them. The more isolated they themselves were in the nation the more terrified were they of their opponents. They had half-suppressed them in order to win the civil war; having won the civil war they went on to suppress them for good.
Paradoxically, the Bolsheviks were driven to establish their own political monopoly by the very fact that they had liberalized their economic policy. The New Economic Policy gave free scope to the interests of the individualistic peasantry and of the urban bourgeoisie. It was to be expected that at those interests came into play they would seek to create their own means of political expression or try to use such anti-Bolshevik organizations as existed. ‘We might have a two-party system, but of the two parties would be in office and the other in prison’-this dictum, attributed to Bukharin, expressed a view widespread in the party. Some Bolsheviks felt uneasy about their own political monopoly; but they were even more afraid of the alternative. Trotsky later wrote that he and Lenin had intended to lift the ban on the opposition parties as soon as the economic and social condition of the country had become more stable. This may have been so. In the meantime, however, the Bolsheviks hardened in the conviction, which was to play so important a part in the struggles of the Stalinist era, that any opposition must inevitably become the vehicle of counter-revolution. They were haunted by the fear that the new urban bourgeoise (which soon flourished under the N.E.P.), the intelligentsia, and the peasantry might join hands against them in a coalition of overwhelming strength; and they shrank from no measure that could prevent such a coalition. Thus, after its victory in the civil war, the revolution was beginning to escape from its weakness into totalitarianism.
Almost at once it became necessary to suppress opposition in Bolshevik ranks as well. The Workers’ Opposition ( and up to a point the Decemists too ) expressed much of the frustration and discontent which had led to the Kronstadt rising. The cleavages tended to become fixed; and the contending groups were inclined to behave like so many parties within the party. It would have been preposterous to establish the rule of a single party and then to allow that party to split into fragments. If Bolshevism were to break up into two or more hostile movements, as the old Social Democratic party had done, would not one of them-it was asked-become the vehicle of counter-revolution?
In the temper of the party congress of 1921 there was indeed something of that seemingly irrational tension which had characterized the congress of 1903. A split similarly cast its shadow ahead-only the real divisions were even more inchoate and confused than in 1903. Now as then Trotsky was not on the side of the controversy to which he would eventually belong. And now as then he was anxious to prevent the split. He therefore raised no objection when Lenin proposed that the congress should prohibit organized groups or factions within the party; and he himself disbanded the faction he had formed during the party opposition. Lenin encouraged dissenters to express dissent. He liberally invited them to state their views in the Bolshevik newspapers, in special discussion pages and discussion sheets. He asked the congress to elect the leaders of all shades of opposition to the new Central Committee. But he insisted that opposition should remain diffuse and that the dissenters should not form themselves into solid leagues. He submitted a resolution, one clause of which ( kept secret ) empowered the Central Committee to expel offenders, no matter how high their standing in the party. Trotsky supported the clause, or, at any rate, raised no objection to it; and the congress passed it. It was against Shlyapnikov, Trotsky’s most immitigable opponent, that the punitive clause was immediately directed; and against him it was presently invoked. It did not occur to Trotsky that one day it would be invoked against himself.
*Among the leaders of the faction were, apart from Trotsky and Bukharin, Dzerzhinsky, Andreev, Krestinsky, Preobrazhensky, Rakovsky, Serebriakov, Pyatakov and Sokolnikov.                                               

The arrangement under which opposition was permitted provided it remained dispersed could work as long as members of the party disagreed over secondary or transient issues. But when the differences were serious and prolonged it was inevitable that members of the same mind should band together. Those who, like the Workers’ Opposition, charged the ruling groups with being animated by ‘bureaucratic and bourgeois hostility towards the masses’ could hardly refrain from concerning their efforts against what they considered to be a sinister and formidably organized influence within the party. The ban on factions could thus at first delay a split only to accelerate it later.
Barely two years were to elapse before Trotsky was to take up and give a powerful resonance to may of the criticism and demands made by the less articulate leaders of the Workers’ Opposition and of the Decemist, whom he helped to defeat, and before he, too, was to cry out for a return to proletarian democracy.

It was only a few years since Trotsky had as an émigré in Vienna, drawn that impressive vista of Russia’s past, in which he showed how history had thrown the Russian people into a ‘severe environment’, exposed them to pressures from wealthy and powerful Europe and to invasions from all directions, and let a Leviathan-like state mold their destinies for them. To feed itself, he then wrote, the Leviathan starved the nation, retarded or accelerated the growth of its social classes, and atrophied its civilization. The revolution was in one of its aspects the people’s triumph over the Leviathan. The triumph had seemed complete, for the old state had been reduced to dust and ashes.
Yet the revolution, too, had to draw its nourishment and its vitality from that same ‘severe environment’. From this it absorbed all its severity. Rich in world-embracing ideas and aspirations, the new republic was ‘poor with the accumulated poverty of over a thousand years’. It mortally hated that poverty. But that poverty was its own flesh and blood and breath.

Trotsky had contrasted ‘the spires and the vaulting arches and the gothic lacework’ of western European feudalism with barbarous vulgarity of Russian feudalism, which could only fill the crevices of its log cabin with moss. He had juxtaposed the rich and complex growth of the Third Estate in Europe with the Russian police-sponsored crafts; the free, and cultivated ‘bourgeois personality’ of the West with the ‘snout which every policeman could kick and punch’. Yet from that same log cabin, shattered by revolution and war, he set out with the Bolshevik party to pioneer for socialism. Against all expectation the ‘advanced, civilized’ West turned its back on the revolution; and for decades Bolshevism had to entrench itself in its native environment in order to transform it. The brand of socialism which it then produced could not but show the marks of its historic heritage. That socialism, too, was to rise lacework of which Socialists had dreamt. Hemmed in by Leviathan-state-rising as if from the ashes of the old. The new and accelerate its growth and efface the human personality, history’s ironies that Trotsky, the hatter of the Leviathan, should have become the first harbinger of its resurrection.
When he was still at the threshold of his career, Trotsky wrote; society will tolerate no dictator over itself.’ By 1921 the Russian dictatorship. It could not even exercise control over those who ruled in its name. Having exhausted itself in the revolution and the civil war, it had almost ceased to exist as a political factor. Trotsky then proclaimed the party’s ‘historical birthright’, its right to establish a stern trusteeship over the proletariat as well as the rest of society. This was the old ‘Jacobin’ idea that a small virtuous and enlightened minority was justified in ‘substituting’ itself for an immature people and bringing reason and hereditary obsession of the Decembrists, the Narodniks, and the Bolsheviks. This ‘obession of the Decembrists, the Narodniks, and the Bolshevik. This ‘obsession’, he himself had argued, had reflected the atrophy or the apathy of all social classes of Russia. He had been convinced that with the appearance of a modern, Socialist working class that atrophy had been overcome. The revolution proved him right. Yet after their paroxysms of energy and their titanic struggles of 1917-21 all classes of Russian society seemed to relapse into a deep coma. The political stage, so crowded in recent years, became deserted and only a single group was left on it to speak boisterously on behalf of the people. And even its circle was to grow more and more narrow.

When Trotsky now urged the Bolshevik party to ‘substitute’ itself for the working classes, he did not, in the rush of work and controversy, think of the next phases of the process, although he himself had long since predicted them with uncanny clear-sightedness. ‘The party organization would then substitute itself for the party as a whole; then the Central Committee would substitute itself for the organization; and finally a single dictator would substitute himself for the central Committee.’
The dictator was already waiting in the wings.

↑1901年冬のСибирьシベリアSiberia、流刑中のトロツキー(21歳)。右端に生れたばかりの長女ジーナ(Zinaida Lvovna Volkova (née Bronstein; Russian: Зинаи́да Льво́вна Во́лкова; 27 March 1901 – 5 January 1933) )を抱いた前妻アレクサンドラ・ソコロフスカヤ(Aleksandra Lvovna Sokolovskaya (Russian: Александра Львовна Соколовская; 1872 – 29 April 1938))が写っている。

Nadezhda Konstantinovna! Please do not send me such a letter again. This is not written by Vladimir Ilyich. It's your letter, isn't it? There should be no reason for you to instruct me!」

「レフ・ボリソビチ! 私が医者の許可を得てウラジーミル・イリイチの口述によって筆記した短い手紙のことで、スターリンは昨日私に対し、あえて並はずれた乱暴な行為にでました。私は、昨日や今日入党した新前党員ではありません。この三十年間というものずっと、私は、一度として、同志の誰からも乱暴な言葉を耳にしたことはありませんでした。党やイリイチの問題はスターリン同様私にとっても大切です。今私はかつてないほど自分をおさえる必要にせまられています。私は、イリイチとどんな話題なら話してよいか、どんな話題がよくないかということをどの医者よりもよく知っています。というのも何が彼を興奮させ、何がそうでないかを知っているからです。ともあれ、私はこのことをスターリンよりもよく知っでいます。私はイリイチの親しい友人としてあなたとグリゴーリーにお願いしたいのです。どうか私の私生活に対する乱暴な干渉や悪罵(あくば)や脅しからわたしを護ってください。スターリンが統制委員会を使ってわたしを脅そうとしているのが確かである以上、この統制委員会の万場一致の決議がどんなものかは明々白々です。私にはこの争いのために消費しなければならない力も時間もありません。そのうえ、私とて生身の人間です。今私の神経はぎりぎりまで張りつめていますLev Borisovich! Regarding the short letter I dictated by Vladimir Ilyich with the doctor's permission, Stalin dared to commit an extraordinary act of violence against me yesterday. I am not a new party member who joined the party yesterday or today. In all these thirty years, I never once heard a harsh word from any of my comrades. Party and Ilyich issues are as important to me as they are to Stalin. Now more than ever I have to restrain myself. I know better than any other doctor what topics to discuss with Iliichi and what not. Because I know what excites him and what doesn't. Anyway, I know this better than Stalin. I would like to ask you and Grigory as close friends of Ilyich. Please protect me from violent interference in my private life, abuse and threats. Since it is certain that Stalin is using the Control Commission to threaten me, it is clear what this unanimous resolution of the Control Commission is. I have neither the strength nor the time to expend in this struggle. Besides, I am a human being. Now my nerves are strained to the limit」1923年2月23日 クループスカヤDecember 23, 1922 Krupskaya

「親愛なる同志スターリン!あなたは私の妻を電話口に乱暴に呼びつけ、不作法にも彼女をどなりつけた。妻は、あなたが口にした言葉を忘れてもよいと言ったが、ジノービエフとカーメネフはこの件を彼女の口から聞き出した。私は自分に対してなされたことをそれほど簡単に忘れるつもりはない。妻に対する振舞いはすべて私個人に対するものだ、と私が考えているということをとくにここで強調しておく必要はないだろう。そこで、あなたは自分の言葉を撤回して謝罪するほうを選ぶか、それとも我々のあいだの関係を断つほうを選ぶか、よく考えてもらいたいDear Comrade Stalin! You called my wife out on her phone and yelled at her for her rudeness. Zinoviev and Kamenev took the matter out of her mouth, though my wife said that she could forget your words you said to her. I will not forget what is done to me so easily. It need not be stressed here that I consider everything I do to my wife to be personal. So I ask you to consider whether you would rather withdraw your words and apologize, or sever ties with us」1923年3月5日 レーニンMarch 5, 1923 Lenin

「同志スターリンは党書記長になってからというもの、その手中に巨大な権力を集中している。彼がいつもこの権力をしかるべき慎重さをもって行使することができるかどうか、私には自信がないSince Comrade Stalin became party general secretary, he has concentrated a great deal of power in his hands. I am not sure that he will always be able to exercise this power with due caution」
「スターリンはあまりに粗暴である。この欠陥は我々党員の仲間うちのつきあいではまだ我慢できるものであるが、書記長という役職にあっては許しがたいものとなる。そこで私は、スターリンをこの地位から降ろし、ほかの人物にかえるよう同志たちに提案する。その人物はなによりもまず、同志たちに対しスターリンよりも忍耐力があり、一層忠実で、さらに物腰がやわらかく、もっと慎重で、そのうえ移り気でない等々の性格を持っているという点でスターリンとは根本的に異なっていなければならないStalin is too brutal. This defect is still tolerable in our fellow Party members' association, but in the office of General Secretary it becomes intolerable. I therefore propose to his comrades that Stalin be removed from this position and replaced by someone else. He is, first and foremost, more patient with his comrades than Stalin, more loyal, softer, more prudent, more capricious, and so on. must be substantially different」レーニンの遺書Lenin's Testament

レーニン最後の闘争とトロツキー最初の闘争Lenin's Last Struggle and Trotsky's First Struggle【資料】ユーリー・ブラノフYuri Branov『偽造され隠蔽されたレーニンの遺書Lenin's testament forged and hidden』「ブハーリンへの手紙Letter to Bukharin」(1923年4月1日)

「同志トロツキーは、交通人民委員部の問題をめぐつての彼の中央委員会にたいする闘争がすでに証明したように、卓越した才能という点でぬきんでているだけではない。個人としては、彼はおそらく現在の中央委員会のなかでもっとも有能な人物であるが、しかしまた、あまりに自分を過信し、物事の純粋に行政的な側面に過度に熱中しやすい。現在の中央委員会のこの二人の卓越した指導者のこのような二つの資質は、ふとしたことで分裂をもたらすことになりかねない。そして、もしわが党がそれを妨げる措置をとらないならば、分裂が不意におとずれることになるかもしれないComrade Trotsky is not only outstanding in talent, as his struggle with the Central Committee on the question of the People's Commissariat of Transport has already proved. As an individual, he is perhaps the most capable person in the present Central Committee, but he is also prone to being too self-confident and overly preoccupied with the purely administrative side of things. These two qualities of the two outstanding leaders of the current Central Committee can inadvertently lead to division. And if our party does not take steps to prevent it, division may come unexpectedly」

「ブハーリンは、党の最も貴重な理論家であり党内で人気もあるが、その論は完全にマルクス主義的であるという訳ではない。幾分スコラ学的であり弁証法の勉強も理解も足りないBukharin is the party's most valuable theoretician and popular within the party, but his theories are not entirely Marxist. He is somewhat scholastic and lacks the study and understanding of dialectics」

「ピアタコフは、有能な行政家としての大なる熱意と能力を持っているが、政治的能力が不足しているPyatakov has great zeal and ability as an effective administrator, but his political capacity is lacking」

【レーニンの最後の口述筆記Lenin's last dictation】
「親愛なる同志トロツキー! 私は、君が党中央委員会でグルジア問題の擁護を引き受けてくれるよう、ぜひお願いしたい。この問題は、今スターリンとジェルジンスキーの『告発』の対象となっており、私には彼らの公平さが信じられない。否、むしろその逆である。もし君がこの問題の弁護を引き受けることに同意してくれるなら、私は安心できる。もし何らかの理由で、君が承諾してくれないのなら、一件の書類を全部送り返してくれ給え。それで君が同意しなかったということが私にも分かるだろう。最善の同志的挨拶をもってDear Comrade Trotsky! I would like to ask you to undertake the defense of the Georgian issue in the Party Central Committee. This issue is now the subject of Stalin's and Dzerzhinsky's 'accusations' and I cannot believe their impartiality. No, rather the opposite. If you agree to undertake the defense of this matter, I will be at ease. If for some reason you do not agree, please send me back the entire document. So I can see that you didn't agree. With the best comradely greetings」1923年3月5日レーニンLenin

「ジノヴィエフ及びカーメネフは共産主義者としての政治的資質が疑われているのに比して、私はその性格の粗暴さが批判されているに過ぎないWhile Zinoviev and Kamenev are suspected of their political qualities as communists, I am criticized only for my rough character」1923年1月スターリンStalin

