
当ブログはトロント在住、日系一世カナダ人サミー・山田(48)おっさんの「独り言」です。まさに「個人日記」。1968年11月16日東京都目黒区出身(A型)・在北米30年の日系カナダ人(Canadian Citizen)・University of Toronto Woodsworth College BA History & East Asian Studies Major トロント在住(職業記者・医療関連・副職画家)・Toronto Ontario「団体」「宗教」「党派」一切無関係・「政治的」意図皆無=「事実関係」特定の「考え」が’正しい’あるいは一方だけが’間違ってる’いう気は毛頭なし。「知って」それぞれ「考えて」いただれれば本望(^_-☆Everybody!! Let's 'Ponder' or 'Contemplate' On va vous re?-chercher!Internationale!!「世界人類みな兄弟」「平和祈願」「友好共存」「戦争反対」「☆Against Racism☆」「☆Gender Equality☆」&ノーモア「ヘイト」(怨恨、涙、怒りや敵意しか生まない)Thank you very much for everything!! Ma Cher Minasan, Merci Beaucoup et Bonne Chance 

THIS I CANNOT FORGET/Anna Larina(translated from the Russian by Gary Kern)『夫ブハーリンの想い出(下)/アンナ・ラーリナ(和田あき子訳)』Незабываемое/А́нна Ла́рина - Товарищ«☭Большевистский переворот/Союз Советских Социалистических Республик☆»③


 エヌ・イはせかせかした性格だし、時間に追われて、父のところにあまり長く居ない方が多かったが、長居することもあった。自分の弟子たちを連れて来ることもあった。ずっと後までエフィーム・ツェートリンЕфим Викторович Цетлин、ドミートリー・マレツキーДмитрий Марецкий、アレクサンドル・スレプコフАлександр Николаевич Слепковは記憶に残った。この連中は騒々しかった。ラーリンの書斎のドアには父に言われて私が書いた「どんなに議論を戦わしても構いませんが、喫煙は御遠慮下さい」という注意書であった。それにしてもほんとうにどんなに存分に議論が戦わされたことか・・・。
あるときにはスターリンは、エヌ・イの絵具の入った小箱から酸化亜鉛を取り出して、赤いぼろ布の上にそれで 「トロツキズム打倒!」と書いた。そして、その布切れを子熊の足に縛りつけて、バルコニーに放した。熊は布切れを足からもぎ取ろうとして、縛りつけられている、焦眉の問題のスローガンを書いた「旗」を振り回した。トロツキーは当時はスターリンにとって主要な危険だと思われており、「右翼の」危険の番はまだ来ていなかった。

①イェウパトーリヤ(ウクライナ語: Євпато́рія,ロシア語: Евпатория, Yevpatoriya)は、クリミア半島にある都市で、Євпаторійська міськрада基礎自治体イェウパトーリヤに属すYevpatoria Municipality②ソチ、ソーチ(ロシア語: Со́чиSochi、グルジア語: სოჭი Soch’i、アブハズ語: Шәача、アルメニア語: სოჭი)は、ロシア連邦Краснодарский крайクラスノダール地方Krasnodar Kraiの都市で、ロシア随一の保養地。
 ニコラーシャ=ヨーグルトさん、私たちの歌はそうはじまるの。ニコーラは仕事がいっぱいで、それでめっきり痩せちゃった。ポケットは紙でふくれ上がって、まるで秋に羽毛が入ってるようよ。ソチに休養に来て 海をうっとり眺めてる・・・
 私はあなたに会いたいな あなたがいないといつだって寂しいもの
 その頃私は何もわからなかった、私はまだ子供だった。私は悲しみの深さを知った 父の目で。
 父と一緒に私はレーニンの柩が安置されていた労働組合会館Дом Союзов「円柱の間」に行った。自動車で行くことは出来なかったので、私が介護して父は歩いて行った。責任ある党の指導者たちは電話で指定された時間に呼び出されていた。私たちは「円柱の間」の後ろの部屋に入った。そこにはナヂェージダ・コンスタンチーノヴナ〔クルプスカヤ〕、マリヤ・イリイニーチナ〔レーニンの妹〕、ジノヴィエフ、トムスキー、カリーニン、ブハーリンたちがいた。他にどういう人がいたか覚えていない。ジノヴィエフとブハーリンの目は涙で真っ赤だった。私はドキドキしながら父をレーニンの柩のそばへ連れて行くと、どこかの脇に整列した。レーニンの姉アンナ・イリイニーチナ〔エリザーロワ〕がいた。彼女は枕辺にまるで彫像のようにじっと立っていた。弟の顔を見つめ、一分たりとも別れの時を逃がすまいとしているように思われた。エヌ・イが私に教えてくれたことだが、ウリヤーノフ家の人びとは全員レーニンの遺体をミイラ化することに反対だったし、一度も廟には行かなかったという。
 私の気持ちを説明するのはむずかしい。監房の中で私はベリヤと話した際の自分の振る舞いを反省していた。何のためにあんな無駄なお喋りをしてしまったのか!訊問の際には注意を払う余裕がなかったけれども、いまになってとくに腹立たしく思われるベリヤの言葉が記憶の中によみがえって来た。彼は私に「ラーリンの娘は、こともあろうに人民の敵と結婚したばかりか、いまだに人民の敵を弁護してるんだ」と言ったのである。しかし、ラーリンの名前が頻繁に言われたからだけでなく、人民委員の包みから垂れ下がった。一ふさのぶどうも父を思い出させた。父は自分の故郷であるクリミアの海岸地方を愛していた。彼にはそこの海は地中海より明るく思われたのだったし、春になると咲き乱れるけしの花で真っ赤になるクリミアの草原、最も香りの高いクリミアのばら、タタール人が丹精こめて育てた最もおいしいクリミアのぶどう、それもまさにこの品種、Мускат Александрийскиアレクサンドリア・マスカットМаскат Александрийскийを愛した。「憲法の地方だ!目のよろこび・・・」と彼はよくプーシキンのこの詩を繰り返していた。
 眺めているいるのが好き、色が濃くなるさまを、昼の色合いが暗くなり、濁るさまを、そして一羽の白いカモメがうっとりさせる踊りで さかまく波の上を低く舞うさまを!
 おまえは狡猾で、力強く、とても移り気、おまえは永遠にいつも急いでいる!自然の威力によって、波によって傲慢に おまえは唸る、おまえは押し寄せて、打ち砕く!
 私は思い出す、あのときの月の光りの下で 静かに月明りで泳いだことを、海はこの世のものとは思えないほど魅力があり、その夜はとてもすばらしかった!
 暗い水は秘やかなしぶきを立てて 私に恐ろしい知らせをささやいた・・・夜の月の心臓はその輝きによって 近い死を私にこう告げたー


           [Childhood Friendship with Bukharin]
 In the basement cell in Lubyanka, as I thought over my conversation/interrogation with Beria again and again, mulling over each phase, I absolutely understood how truly I had spoken when I said that had I not been Larin’s daughter I would not have become Bukharin’s wife.
 Larin and Bukharin, friends since the time of emigration, first met in 1913 in Italy, where Nikolai Ivanovich had gone from Austria. Later, they were neighbors in Switzerland for a whole year, from the summer of 1915 to the summer of 1916. They were united by their opposition to the Menshevik policy of “defensism” and Russia’s participation in World War I. From 1918 to the middle of 1927, our families lived in the Metropol. Father and Nikolai Ivanovich hardly saw eye to eye on everything, but their friendship was never jeopardized. They were completely candid with each other and tried to remain calm as they argued their differing views on various economic problems. Nikolai Ivanovich treated my father with great tenderness. Often when he arrived and found Larin alone, he would kiss him on the forehead, and he thought up all sorts of affectionate nicknames or called him simply Mika, like Larin’s relatives. When there was occasion to use the given name and patronymic, as when the conversation acquired an elevated tone, Nikolai Ivanovich always used Yuri Mikhailovich, not Mikhail Aleksandrovich. For this reason our son was named Yuri, Nikolai Ivanovich’s way of honoring the memory of my father.
 It is no secret that of all my father’s many friends who came to our home my favorite was Bukharin. In childhood, I was captivated by his irrepressible joie de vivre, his mischievousness, and his passionate love of nature, as well as his enthusiasm for landscape painting. Yet, absurd and laughable as it may seem, I do not believe I truly considered him a fully grown adult. I addressed all of Father’s other close comrades by given name and patronymic and used vy[the formal] “you”], but I addressed Nikolai Ivanovich as ty[the familiar “you”] and called him Nikolasha, which amused him and my parents alike. Even so, Mother and Father tried in vain to correct my familiarity, until they got used to it.
 I remember clearly the circumstances of my first encounter with Nikolai Ivanovich. Mother took me one day to the Art Theater to see Maurice MaeterlinckМори́с Полидо́р Мари́ Берна́р Метерли́нк’s The Bluebird, and for the rest of the day I remained under the influence of the play, even dreaming when I went to bed about Bread and Milk and the world beyond, so calm and clear and by no means terrible. I could hear again the melodic song of Ilya Sats: “We go in a long line the bird of blue to find.” The Cat appeared in my dream, big and man-sized as on the stage, and pulled my nose. I took fright and screamed, “Go away, Cat!” In my sleep I could hear Mother saying, “Nikolai Ivanovich, what are you doing? Why wake the child?”  But I woke up now, and within the cat’s face the features of Bukharin became more and more discernible. At that moment, I caught my own “bluebird,” not in fantasy or fairy tale but on earth, for which I would pay dearly. Nikolai Ivanovich laughed merrily and then surprised me by repeating something I used to say when I lived in Byelorussia and saw a great many woodpeckers in the forest: “Woodpeck with its nose go tap-tap, go tap-tap.” I had a particular fondness for woodpeckers because of their colorful features, red heads, and constant busyness, as Mother had told Nikolai Ivanovich, himself a great lover of birds. He thought it was hilarious that I had said “within its nose,” not “beak.”
 Usually, Bukharin would drop in on Father for just a moment. It was not his nature to sit still long, and besides, time was always pressing. Yet, on occasion, he would visit for quite a while. He would sometimes arrive with his young political protégés in tow; in the later days, I well recall Yefim Tsetlin, Dmitry Maretsky, and Aleksandr Slepkov. They were a noisy group. On the door to Larin’s dictation: “You can argue as much as you like, but no smoking.” And indeed they did argue as much as they liked.
 Whenever Nikolai Ivanovich left us in those days, I always felt unhappy, and I began to drop in on him more and more often. He lived one floor below, in the corresponding three-room apartment, 205, located at the end of the hall. A fountain there, surrounded by a glass wall, had stopped running after the revolution, so Nikolai Ivanovich turned it into a menagerie. At various times, it housed huge eagles, a bear cub, and a little marmoset, all trophies from his hunts except the marmoset. At that time, 1925 to 1927, I frequently found Stalin visiting the apartment. Once, I heard him complement Nikolai Ivanovich’s father, but with sardonic humor: “Say, Ivan Gavrilovich, how did you make your son? I want adopt your method. Oh, what a son, what a son!”
 Once, Stalin took a tube of zinc while from Bukharin’s box of oil paints and painted a slogan on a red rag. “Away with Trotskyism!” He tied the rag around the bear’s paw and let the creature our on the balcony. Trying to free its paw, the bear waved the ‘banner’ for all to see. Stalin considered Trotsky his chief threat at that time; it was not yet the turn of the Bukharinist “Right” danger.

 It delighted Father whenever I went to see Nikolai Ivanovich. He’d say, “She’s off to the salt mines.” Assuming that his illness cast a shadow over my life and I was not getting my fair share of happiness, he even tried to “push” me onto his exuberant friend, in a sense. In the summer of 1925 we took out vacation in Sochi at the same time as Nikolai Ivanovich, and in 1927 we all went to Yevpatoriya. On each trip, following Father’s wishes and with Bukharin’s permission, I lived more at his place than at my parents”. With him I traveled to the mountains, went hunting, painted outdoors, caught butterflies and praying mantises, learned how to swim. What wonderful times we had!
My attachment to Nikolai Ivanovich grew proportionally stronger as I grew up. I was no longer satisfied by his visits to our place, though they were frequent. Moreover, it became clear to me that I was regarded merely as an accessory to Larin: Nikolai Ivanovich was not coming to see me. That was the case up until 1930, and I despaired.
Five years before, I wrote Nikolai Ivanovich the following verses when we got back home from Sochi. I was eleven years old.

 Nikolasha-prostokvasha[sour milk], Our song starts in this fashion. Nikolai has lots to do, He’s got skinny from it, too.
 Paper in his pocket stiffed Make them seem like pillows puffed Off to Sochi to get well At the sea to gaze a spell.
 And so it continued. I do not recall it all. But it ended like this.
 Seeing you I want to do. Without you I’m always blue.

 I showed the rhymes to Father-“Excellent” he said. “Since you’ve written them, go take them to your Nikolasha.” But I was too bashful to show Bukharin such verses. Father suggested I put them in an envelope and write on the outside, “From Yury Larin.” I came to a decision to ring this doored, hand him the envelope, and run away. But it did not turn out this way. Just as I came down the stairs, I ran into Stalin, who was obviously going to see Bukharin. After a moment’s reflection, I asked him to give Nikolai Ivanovich this letter from Larin. Thus, through Stalin, I conveyed to Bukharin my childish confession of love. As soon as I got back home, Nikolai Ivanovich was on the telephone, asking me to come down. I was too embarrassed to bring myself to go.
 Then came the sad year of 1927, when Stalin insisted that Bukharin move to the Kremlin. Without a pass, I could not enter freely, so Nikolai Ivanovich had to call the Troitsky Gates entrance in advance. Later, he did obtain a permanent pass for me, but it was always difficult to find him at home during that period. I intentionally changed my way to school, taking a longer route, so as to walk past the Comintern building, which stood across from the Maège next to the Troitsky Gates, in hopes of meeting Nikolai Ivanovich, who had an office there. Luck was with me more than once, and I would rush joyfuly to meet him.
 It was a tense period, with intra-Party debate reaching a fever pitch at the Fifteenth Party Congress. What time did Bukharin have for me! He even came less often to see Father, but stayed longer, always talking about current Party matters. At that time, their views coincided. And there was nothing to bother me in their discussions; my worries began only later, when I had grown older and Nikolai Ivanovich had come under fire.
 I have already told “the story of the Himalayas.” Nothing can better illustrate the climate of those years. After the Politburo session at which Bukharin had quoted Stalin’s comment (“You and me, Nikolai, are the Himalayas. The others are nonentities.”) and the general secretary had shouted back, “You lie, lie, lie!,” Nikolai Ivanovich visited us and told the whole story. Mother was so incautious as to pass it along to an acquaintance who apparently informed “the right place.” One way or another, within a few days, Stalin knew all about it. He summoned Bukharin and yelled at him that he was spreading slanderous rumors, as was undeniably clear from Larina’s remarks: “And Larina is an honest woman and would not lie.” (Later, when this incident lay far behind us, Nikolai Ivanovich would facetiously call my mother “Yelenka, the honest woman.”) I cannot do justice to Nikolai Ivanovich’s chagrin when he rushed back to our place or to the consternation of my parents. Mother admitted that she had committed a blunder.
 But it was Father who took the affair most seriously. He was disturbed not only because Mother’s indiscretion had caused our friend major difficulties but also because his family might be used in a disgusting political intrigue; the very possibility caused him to feel moral revulsion. He wrote a long letter to Stalin, then tore it up and contented himself with one sentence.
            [Lenin’s Death, Father’s Death, and New Cellmates]
 The fruit Beria ordered the convoy guard to carry to my cell softened the prison regime for me. The duty guard was so impressed that the people’s commissar would give me such present that he permitted me to turn toward the wall and convey my face with the blanket. But the eight months of solitary confinement (save the brief interval with the stoolie) without books without any diverting occupation, was weighting more and more heavily upon me. The only way to distract myself was the old recourse of composing verses. Today, I cannot fathom how I was able to take up “poetic creation” immediately after my confrontation with Beria that night. But writing poetry, however talentless, was my salvation. I tried to capture in verse the death of Lenin, or more accurately, my childhood impressions of what had happened, but the words would not come. I managed only a few awkward lines:

 In those days, not much could I surprise, Still a little child was I. The extent of grief I realized Only from my father’s eyes.
Yes, the eyes of my father had indeed disturbed me.
Late the night of January 21, 1924, Bukharin telephoned from Lenin’s residence in Gorki to report that the life of Vladimir Ilyich had come to an end. I was still awake and saw with fascination that two tears, only two, rolled out of my father’s mournful eyes and down his deathly pale cheeks. He did not sleep that right and wrote an article in memoriam. One of the first published in Pravda, it concluded as follows:
Our proletariat shall be eternally proud, our country shall be eternally proud, that here in our midst there lived and fought, own lifetime and the hope of the oppressed of all countries. And it up to the complete victory of socialism everywhere.
As a young girl, I was of course moved not by the gravity of the loss, which had changed the course of history, but by its unusual effects in my own life: my father’s eyes, seeming painted and dimmed, Bukharin’s effusive sobbing, Lenin’s funeral.

 The funeral coincided with my birthday, January 27, spoiling my celebration. Father said, “Your birthday, the twenty-seventh of January, is canceled. [As if this were the latest decree of the Soviet regime.] From now on, it will always be a day of mourning, and we will commemorate your birthday on the twenty-seventh of May, when nature awakens and everything is in floor.”
In fact, Father took me to the state registry on Petrovka Street to change my birth certificate. The clerk amazed, stood his ground for a unchanged. He finally gave in. Ten years after my birth, I was registered for a second time. This second birth certificate was used for my passport, which to this day lists my date of birth as May 27, 1914.  

 Because cars were not allowed there, I helped Father go by foot to the Hall of Columns of the House of Trade Unions, where Lenin lay in his casket. High-ranking Party officials had been alerted by telephone to appear at a certain hour. When we entered a room at the back of the Hall of Columns, we saw Nadezhda Konstantinovna [Krupskaya, the widow], Mariya Ilyinichna [Ulyanova, the younger sister], Zinoviev, Tomsky, Kalinin, Bukharin-the rest, I do not remember.
 The eyes of Zinoviev and Bukharin were red from weeping. With great emotion, I led my father up to the casket, then found a place for myself somewhere off to the side. I noticed Lenin’s elder sister, Anna Ilyinichna, near the head of the coffin, stationary, like a sculpted figure, gazing into her brother’s face as if not wanting to lose a moment of their final parting. I would learn from Nikolai Ivanovich that all of Lenin’s relatives were against embalming his body and never went to the Mausoleum where later he was put on public display.
 It is impossible to forget the funeral ceremony. Much has been written in prose and in verse about the occasion, but I witnessed it all: the fierce frost, the roaring bonfires, and the Red Army soldiers in long gray overcoats with peaked Budyonny caps pushed down on their brows, jumping up and down by the fires to keep warm . . . the trudging peasants, a multitude of them, wearing their bast sandals, their beards frosted over, frozen tears at their eyes . . . all of the people stricken with grief. From our window in the Metropol, we could see the round-the-clock procession through the Hall of Columns. I would get up from my bed at night and watch the unending stream of people moving in the glow of bright bonfires, an impressive and unforgettable scene.
 Lenin’s closest companions were incredibly shaken by his death. To my recollection, they were like nervous animals before an earthquake, instinctively sensing the approach of something unknown but terrible. They could not have foreseen, of course, that in the not-so-distant future Stalin would throw the majority of them on the scrap heap of history.
 Many years later, Ilya Ehrenburg analyzed the situation accurately in a conversation with me: “Lenin’s closest comrades made a colossal mistake. After his death, they made him into a god. Stalin took advantage of this deification, ingeniously charging everyone else with heresy to the cult of Lenin.”
 Later, it flattered Stalin to be called “the Lenin of today,” but that does not mean that Lenin was “Stalin yesterday.” To equate the two is indeed blasphemous.

 The gift of fruit notwithstanding, my mood back in my cell is hard to describe. I brooded over the way I had acted in Beria’s office. Before whom was I casting pearls! I began to recall remarks of his that had slipped past me in the heat of our exchange but now seemed especially offensive. How dared he say to me, “It’s not enough that Larin’s daughter married Bukharin; she has to defend him as well”? Not only his frequent references to Larin reminded me now of my father, so did the very cluster of grapes spilling out of his gift package. For Larin, dearly loved his homeland the Crimean coast, where the sea seemed brighter to him than the Mediterranean; the Crimean steppes, turning Crimean roses, and the exceptionally tasty Crimean grapes, cultivated to skillfully by the Tatars and precisely of the type before me, Alexandrian muscat. Pushkin wrote, “A wondrous land, delighting the eyes,” and Larin frequently repeated his lines.
 Imagination now transported me back to the Black Sea, and I decided to try composing some verses about it. These creative moments were the brightest in my joyless life: thinking about nothing else, losing myself in the writing. The memorization as well as the composition demanded concentration, giving me further respite from my sufferings. Undoubtedly, I had found a method of survival.
 The poem I composed attempted to capture the sea in its different moods: flashing, changing colors, raging in a storm. I kept this poem in my memory, but when I was returned from the Moscow prison to a camp in the winter of 1941, I had a chance to write it down on a blank invoice of the NKVD Siblag Administration. And so, I still have it.
 The poem also related a personal experience. Late one night in August 1931, while we were in the Crimea, Larin and I happened to go out to the seashore. A chauffeur drove us, since my father could not have made it on his own down the steep road. The moon was full; its silver track lay over the sea with remarkable clarity. Leaving Father to sir on a rock right beside the surf, I swam rather far out in the water. Suddenly, I was seized with a sense of approaching death. I turned back sharply and swam toward shore as fast as I could. I was already laughing at my unaccountable fear as I touched bottom and stood up, but just as I started to tell my father about it, a wave crashed over him and washed him into the water. I tried to hold him back, but I was not strong enough. We were pulled into the sea together, and we would both have perished if the chauffeur had not heard my desperate cry. As I recalled this accident in prison, it took on the character of an omen: Father did not live another six months.
 And though we had long been accustomed to his delicate condition, no one would have predicted such an early demise. On December 31, he insisted that I go out and greet the new year with friends my own age. I usually spent New Year’s Eve at home, but this time I went to a gathering at the apartment of Stakh Ganetsky, the sone of a famous revolutionary. No sooner had I crossed the threshold than the telephone rang. “Return home immediately, I’m dying!” my father shouted. I rushed home in great distress. The scene there was hard to believe: my father, who usually moved from place to place with difficulty, was running at a furious pace from room to room. What caused his condition remains a mystery to me to the present day. My mother and I suspected a mental disturbance, so we called Professor Vasily Kramer, a famous neuropathologist. He canceled his holiday plans and appeared at midnight, but he was unable to discover any mental disorder. Internists would later diagnose inflammation of both lungs. For the next two weeks, Father died a painful death, sitting up in his armchair because he could not breathe at all lying down. He was in torment.
 In my cell, it was perhaps more difficult to remember my father’s last day than it had been to endure it, for I now looked on everything with a different perspective.

*Yefim Victorovich Tsetlin (Russisch: Ефим Викторович Цетлин; 1898 – 22. September 1937) war ein sowjetischer Politiker und Aktivist der kommunistischen Jugendbewegung in der Sowjetunion.

*Alexander Nikolaevich Slepkov (Russian: Александр Николаевич Слепков; 20 August 1899 – 26 May 1937) was a Soviet journalist and Communist Party functionary, executed for his opposition to the forced collectivization of agriculture.

*XV съезд Всесою́зной коммунисти́ческой па́ртии (большевико́в) проходил в Москве с 2 по 19 декабря 1927 года.П'ятнадцятий з'їзд Всесоюзної комуністичної партії (більшовиків)

*Jakub Ganezki (russisch Якуб Ганецкий, eigentlich Jakow Stanislawowitsch Fürstenberg (Яков Станиславович Фюрстенберг), auch Hanecki; * 15. März 1879 in Warschau; † 26. November 1937) war ein polnischer und sowjetischer Revolutionär.

*Vasily Vasilyevich Kramer (1876-1935) - medical scientist, neurologist; professor (1920), Honored Scientist of the RSFSR (1933); one of the founders of the Soviet neurosurgical school.

