
当ブログはトロント在住、日系一世カナダ人サミー・山田(48)おっさんの「独り言」です。まさに「個人日記」。1968年11月16日東京都目黒区出身(A型)・在北米30年の日系カナダ人(Canadian Citizen)・University of Toronto Woodsworth College BA History & East Asian Studies Major トロント在住(職業記者・医療関連・副職画家)・Toronto Ontario「団体」「宗教」「党派」一切無関係・「政治的」意図皆無=「事実関係」特定の「考え」が’正しい’あるいは一方だけが’間違ってる’いう気は毛頭なし。「知って」それぞれ「考えて」いただれれば本望(^_-☆Everybody!! Let's 'Ponder' or 'Contemplate' On va vous re?-chercher!Internationale!!「世界人類みな兄弟」「平和祈願」「友好共存」「戦争反対」「☆Against Racism☆」「☆Gender Equality☆」&ノーモア「ヘイト」(怨恨、涙、怒りや敵意しか生まない)Thank you very much for everything!! Ma Cher Minasan, Merci Beaucoup et Bonne Chance 

The 'Japanese'式⇔Discrimination,Bias or Prejudice?=見識と視野、世界の狭さが象徴?日本的「我国」政治家+各種差別発言及び「識字率」「学歴」と「認識力」「知的水準」は関係するのか?Gender Equality& Issue in Japan

小池百合子氏当選 「政界の女性差別」欧米メディアが報じる【都知事選】
 The Huffington Post    |  執筆者:  泉谷由梨子   
 投稿日: 2016年08月01日 11時35分 JST   更新: 2016年08月01日 14時24分 JST 7月31日の東京都知事選での小池百合子氏の当選について、多くの海外メディアは「女性初の都知事誕生」との視点で大きく取り上げている。一方でそれに関連して、BBCやブルームバーグなどは日本の政界にはびこる女性差別の実態や女性進出の遅れについて強調している。

日本は高度情報化社会、濃密激動社会であって、アメリカで言えばカリフォルニアにアメリカ全体の半分の生産が集まっている。」しかも日本はこれだけ高学歴社会になって、相当インテリジェントなソサエティーになってきておる。アメリカなんかよりはるかにそうだ。平均点から見たら、アメリカには黒人とかプエルトリコとかメキシカンとか、そういうのが相当おって、平均的にみたら非常にまだ低い。』 「日本はそういう社会だから、国民の知識欲に合わせて政治もどんどん進んで行かねばならない」この『』内の部分がいわゆる知的水準発言(後には知識水準発言とも)である。この講演はその後ろの方にもいくつか問題に発展した発言がある。特に次の二つは大きく取り上げられた。「現在は視覚時代で、私は番組に出るのもとても注意している」『女性は「あ、今度のネクタイはどんな色をしているか」とかそんなことをいちばん見る。なにをいったか覚えていないらしい。』つまり「女性はネクタイばかり見ていて、何を言ったか覚えていない」というのが女性蔑視であるとされた。「日本は徳川時代には識字率が50%もあったくらい教育が進んでいる」『そのころ、ヨーロッパの国々はせいぜい20から30%、アメリカでは今でも黒人では字を知らないのがずいぶんいる』こちらは黒人差別発言として先の発言とともに取り上げられた。

このように、この時期の中曽根周辺は国外ではアメリカの、国内ではアイヌ民族や人権関連団体の対応に追われたようである。それが妙な失敗を引き起こし、さらに新たな失言を引き出した。いわゆる「女の子」発言がこれである。発端は、関東ウタリ会である。この会では、首相宛に公開質問状を二度にわたって送ったが、一度目は返事がなく、二度目に対してははがきで回答があった。二度目の送付が10月29日、はがきの到着は11月3日であった。回答は手書きで、以下のように記されていた。『御丁寧なお便りありがとう存じます。前のお手紙は官邸にくる手紙の量が1日に千通を越す故、ご希望の日までにご返事出来なかったことと存じます。発言につきましては新聞報道のわい曲のところで、皆様にご迷惑をおかけしたことを深く謝辞致します。』差出人は「砂防会館四階 中曽根康弘」という印刷の横に手書きで(代)とあった。ところが、この「新聞のわい曲」が何を指しているのかが全く分からない。11月5日に記者がこれについて質問したところ、『返事を書いた本人に聞いてみたら、わい曲とは書いてないといっている』

Women warn of ‘sex strike’ if men pick top Tokyo governor candidate Masuzoe
Women in Tokyo are threatening a sex boycott against any man who votes for the front-runner in Sunday’s gubernatorial election, to protest his 1989 claim that menstruation makes women unfit for government.A Twitter campaign group based in the capital that bills itself as “The association of women who will not have sex with men who vote for (Yoichi) Masuzoe,” has garnered almost 3,000 followers since it launched last week.
Although the founders have not identified themselves, in their profile they said: “We have stood up to prevent Mr. Masuzoe, who makes such insulting remarks against women. . . . We won’t have sex with men who will vote for Mr. Masuzoe.”Masuzoe, 65, a former political scientist who became a celebrity through TV talk shows before getting involved in politics in 2001, is widely seen as an establishment figure in a country where gender roles remain very distinct.In 1989, he told a men’s magazine that it would not be proper to have women at the highest level of government because their menstrual cycle makes them irrational.“Women are not normal when they are having a period. . . . You can’t possibly let them make critical decisions about the country (during their period) such as whether or not to go to war,” he said.Masuzoe has the backing of the conservative ruling Liberal Democratic Party of hawkish Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and is seen as likely to pip his nearest rival, former Prime Minister Morihiro Hosokawa, who is standing on an anti-nuclear platform.All 16 candidates in the poll are men, with many of them aged in their 60s or older.But Masuzoe’s comments about women, as well as other controversial remarks on taxing the elderly, have triggered a backlash.Another website was launched Wednesday by a group of women also seeking to prevent Masuzoe from becoming Tokyo governor. That site has drawn 75,000 hits per day and 2,800 people have signed its petition.“Masuzoe is an enemy of women. . . . He doesn’t love Japan. He loves only himself,” said one comment on the site, by a woman who identified herself as Etsuko Sato.On the Twitter campaign feed, a post by manatowar3 said: “I’m an old man. But I cannot tolerate him (Masuzoe) from a man’s point of view.”Despite high levels of education, many women in Japan leave career jobs when they have children, and social pressures to play the homemaker remain strong.There are very few women in senior political positions — Abe’s 19-member Cabinet has only two — and company boards are overwhelmingly male.Speaking in Davos, Switzerland, last month, Abe pledged that by 2020, 30 percent of leading positions would be occupied by women. However, most independent observers suggest this target is unlikely to be met.

Gender Equality in Japan: The Equal Employment Opportunity Law Revisited 日本における男女平等 雇用機会均等法再考
Stephanie Assmann http://apjjf.org/2014/12/45/Stephanie-Assmann/4211.html
 November 3, 2014Volume 12 | Issue 45 | Number 2
In 2010, Rina Bovrisse, then a 36-year old senior retail manager of Prada Japan, lost her job at the Italian fashion company after she accused the company of harassment and discrimination based on age and physical appearance. After a two-year trial in the Tokyo District Court which ended in October 2012, she also lost her claim to financial compensation of 58 million yen on the grounds of sexual harassment (Asien Spiegel, 2013). Bovrisse, who was in charge of approximately 500 employees working in Prada stores in Japan, Guam, and Saipan at that time, was told by Prada Japan Senior Human Resources Manager Takahashi Hiroyuki that she needed to lose weight in order to represent the fashion company. Furthermore, Takahashi had transferred thirteen managers and shop assistants, who were considered “old, fat, ugly” or simply did not have “the Prada look”, to remote locations (Matsutani, 2010). In court, Judge Morioka Reiko ruled that - given Bovrisse’s visible position in the fashion company - her employer had every right to tell her to improve her physical appearance, and that this was not a sufficient reason for claiming financial compensation.Bovrisse’s outspokenness about her experience of harassment reinitiated a discussion about discriminatory employment practices and the effectiveness of gender equality policies in Japan. Despite decades of efforts and the existence of the legal framework of an Equal Employment Opportunity Law (EEOL), implementing gender equality in the workplace has not succeeded in Japan. I argue that two particular forces are undermining the effectiveness of the EEOL. On one hand there are structural reasons, such as a gendered higher-education system, a gendered job-entrance system, and gendered wage discrepancies rooted in male dominance in management positions, both of which impede the successful implementation of gender equality. On the other hand there are cultural reasons, such as Japan’s corporate culture coupled with the fact that mothers remain solely responsible for raising children under the age of three, which contributes to many women deciding to withdraw from the work force after starting a family.
Gender Equality in Japan in International Context
While the Bovrisse case was before the courts, in 2011 Japan marked the 25th anniversary of the enactment of the Equal Employment Opportunity Law (EEOL). After Japan ratified the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW) in 1980 (Mae, 2008: 219), this law became Japan’s major legal framework for implementing gender equality in private companies. However, gender equality in the workplace has yet to be fully implemented.A strong emphasis on gender equality has recently become a key plank of “Abenomics”, with Prime Minister Abe touting support for women in the workplace as one part of his multidimensional growth strategy (Taguchi 2013: 37). In his recent General Assembly Address to the United Nations in September 2013, Abe advocated “building a society in which women can shine” (josei ga kagayaku shakai o tsukuru). In this context, Abe pledged to appoint women to a third of all senior management positions in governmental agencies and promised to encourage private corporations to recruit and promote more women. Abe also intends to increase the number of women in the workforce by 530,000 women within one year (Kurtenbach 2014). Furthermore, Abe has promised to improve the precarious day care shortage through creating 200,000 new day care spots for children by 2015 and 200,000 more by March 2018 (Otake 2014).
 Combining Work and Childcare
Childcare poses a particular challenge to women in the workforce. Kuba (2011) has argued that while childcare used to be a private matter it is increasingly being addressed by public institutions. Considering the challenges to modern Japanese society, private matters such as reproduction, childcare, and shared household responsibilities between married couples have become part of the public discourse.A survey conducted by the National Institute of Population and Security Research in 2009 underscored the difficulty of women continuing to work after the birth of a child. During the years from 2005 to 2009, only 26.8 percent of the respondents returned to the workplace after the birth of the first child; 17.1 percent did so after taking advantage of parental leave, while 9.7 percent did not use parental leave. 43.9 percent discontinued working upon the birth of the first child, whereas 24.1 percent were not in employment before their pregnancies began.20 According to a survey conducted by Mitsubishi Research and Consulting in 2008, reasons for quitting work upon the birth of the first child included the wish to dedicate time to household and children (39 percent), while 26.1 percent of respondents found it difficult to combine work and family life due to unsuitable working hours, an unfavorable atmosphere in the workplace which did not encourage working mothers or the lack of parental leave options. Nine percent of the respondents replied that they had been encouraged by their employers to leave their jobs upon the birth of a child.21Pressures about returning to the workplace pose a particular challenge since childcare facilities have fixed enrolment times each year in April, with application periods ending in December of the previous year. Due to these time restrictions, returning to the workplace has to be carefully planned. An interview which I conducted in March 2012 with an employee in her mid-thirties who works at a mail-order company in Tokyo illustrates the point. This informant chose to quit working for her former employer, an international high-end fashion company, who pressured employees to return to the workplace after only two months of childcare leave. Before starting motherhood she decided to move to her current employer, a mail-order company in Tokyo, which was founded in 1986 as a German-Japanese joint venture. The company’s emphasis is on women’s fashion; customers mainly consist of women and so does the workforce. Approximately, 60 percent of all employees are women. In contrast to her previous employer, this employer offers more support for working mothers by allowing for one-year childcare leave with the option to extend it for an additional six months. This employer also enables mothers to enjoy shorter working hours from 9:30 to 16:30 until the child is 3 years old. After a period of three years, employees are expected to return to the standard working hours from 9:30 until 18:00.
Fathers also struggle with balancing work and family life. Data compiled by the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare (MHLW) reveal that more than a third of all men would like to use childcare leave (ikuji gyugyo), but the actual numbers of fathers who actually do take childcare leave remains low although numbers have slightly increased from 0.42 percent of men who took childcare leave in 1999 to 1.56 percent in 2007 and to 2.63 percent in 2011.22 Furthermore, the involvement of men in daily household duties and childcare remains low. Data provided by the OECD and MHLW indicate that there are various ways of defining the content of housework and childcare. According to data on time spent in unpaid work and leisure, figures for 2011 for Japan indicate that men spent 31 minutes per day on routine housework and care for household members whereas women spend 225 minutes per day on housework and family care (OECD, 2011). In contrast, data provided by the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare (MHLW) for 2011 suggest that fathers of children below the age of 6 years spent 67 minutes per day on childcare and household work.23 Hiring a babysitter is not common in Japan, and due to immigration hurdles, foreign-born nannies are rare (Tabuchi, New York Times 2013).Some employers pledge to uphold a work-life balance along with the implementation of gender equality, as the University of Tokyo has done by pledging to “welcome applications from women for teaching and research positions, proactively recruit female researchers on the basis of fair assessment, and encourage work-life balance by holding no official meetings after 5 pm” (University of Tokyo, 2009). Moreover, mothers can take breaks for nursing their babies, finish work early or work flextime.
Institutionalized Childcare
Childcare in Japan is multidimensional and divided into four main categories: 1) parental care, 2) private networks, 3) institutionalized childcare, and 4) alternative forms of childcare (Holthus, 2011: 209).Institutionalized childcare in Japan can be categorized into a) licensed day care centers (ninka), b) non-licensed day care centers (mu-ninka) and c) kindergartens (Abe, 2010: 30). Abe (2010) points out the differences between licensed and non-licensed daycare centers. These are divided between public and private institutions, but all of them need to fulfill the minimum requirements by the MHLW with respect to child-staff ratio and the number of children enrolled. Only if these requirements are met, can licensed daycare centers receive subsidies from local governments, which is the major difference between licensed and non-licensed childcare facilities. There are significant differences with regards to cost; a progressive structure of fees enable less well-off households to pay less for licensed daycare centers, whereas non-licensed day care centers are not subsidized, more expensive and do not take parental income into account  (Abe, 2010: 31). Apart from cost, another major difficulty with regards to licensed daycare centers is the scarcity of available places. This problem is accurately captured with the term hokatsu – parents’ hunt for an appropriate childcare facility. Abe (2010) observes that many parents use non-licensed day care facilities as a temporary solution while waiting to enroll their child in a licensed day care center (Abe, 2010: 31).A major difference between day care centers and kindergartens is cost. Whereas licensed day care centers offer full-day care for working mothers, and range from 20,000 yen to 40,000 yen per month, kindergartens are available to homemakers’ children, mainly provide part-time care, and cost up to 30,000 yen per month. Daycare centers offer full-day care from 8:30 am to 6 pm with a late night pick-up time at 8:15 pm (some hoikuen take care of children until as late as 10 pm.). In contrast, kindergartens mainly offer part-time care, usually from 9 am to 2:30 pm. Yochien care remains under the authority of the MEXT and offers care for children between the ages of three and six, whereas hoikuen care (under the authority of MHLW), offers enrollment to children between the ages of less than one year old and six years (Abe 2010: 31-31, see also Holthus, 2011: 211).
The Ongoing Quest for Gender Equality
On paper, the EEOL remains a powerful tool for implementing gender equality, in particular after the two revisions of the law in 1997 and 2006/2007 that signify a recognizable shift from a focus on women to a focus on gender. However, there are significant problems with the EEOL. One is its lack of effective implementation. To this day, corporations that do not comply with the law do not have to fear sanctions. The EEOL retains the character of a guideline. So, as we have seen, structural factors such as gendered role divisions, a gendered education system, a two-track career system, and gender specific wage discrepancies all remain in place. Childcare places are in short supply, and maternal care, which dominates the first years of childcare, leads to the temporary withdrawal of women from the labor market.Against the background of widespread concern about the falling birthrate, the rhetoric surrounding gender equality has shifted from a need to conform to international expectations to a long-term integration of both genders into the workplace and to managing family responsibilities (Huen, 2007). The positive effect of this utilitarian approach is the fact that a discussion of work-life balance and shared responsibilities between men and women in the workplace and in the family is finally taking place. Matters that used to be private affairs have now become the center of public attention.But the negative side of this approach is the visible lack of genuine effort to create a gender-equal society. The sexism and conservatism women like Rina Bovrisse and Shiomura Ayaka have had to endure show that Japanese society remains deeply gender biased. This cannot be overcome by improving gender equality policies alone; the attitude towards women who take active roles in all levels of society needs to change. So far, Abe’s effort to promote women has fallen short and is not motivated by a long-term commitment to gender equality, regardless of demographic developments. A shift towards a sincere acknowledgement of gender equality is essential to bring about change. As long as gender equality is not perceived as a universal right but as a response to economic or demographic pressures, gender equality will not proceed successfully despite the progress of legal measures.However, it is also essential to investigate the motivation and desire of women who work and women who combine work and family life. For instance, would women opt for a career in management - if they had the choice - or are administrative jobs more attractive since they leave more time for childcare? Further research of women’s desires to combine paid work and family responsibilities might reveal a different understanding of gender equality which may counter the ideal of fully equally shared participation of both genders in the workplace and the family.Recommended citation: Stephanie Assmann, "Gender Equality in Japan: The Equal Employment Opportunity Law Revisited," The Asia-Pacific Journal, Vol. 12, Issue 45, No. 2, November 10, 2014.
I am grateful to all my interview partners for the time and information made available to me. I also wish to thank Professor Tessa Morris-Suzuki, Sebastian Maslow and Barbara Holthus for very helpful comments on an earlier draft of this article. I also thank Professor Mark Selden for insightful comments on an earlier draft of the manuscript.Stephanie Assmann is currently specially appointed professor in the Research Faculty of Media and Communication, Hokkaido University. She received a Ph.D. in Sociology of Japan from the University of Hamburg in 2003. She is the author of The Long Path towards Gender Equality in Japan: The Revision of the Equal Employment Opportunity Law and its Implementation in Innovation and Development in Japanese Management and Technology. She is also the co-editor with Eric C. Rath of Japanese Foodways, Past and Present. Her research interests include the study of consumer behavior, gender and work, and social stratification. She can be reached at assmann@imc.hokudai.ac.jp

自滅希望の「昭和侵略式」我国へ 「英会話」?てめえらはできない方がマシ(嘆息)・・・↑★怒羅権★Osama Nov/20/2017 From Canada

