
当ブログはトロント在住、日系一世カナダ人サミー・山田(48)おっさんの「独り言」です。まさに「個人日記」。1968年11月16日東京都目黒区出身(A型)・在北米30年の日系カナダ人(Canadian Citizen)・University of Toronto Woodsworth College BA History & East Asian Studies Major トロント在住(職業記者・医療関連・副職画家)・Toronto Ontario「団体」「宗教」「党派」一切無関係・「政治的」意図皆無=「事実関係」特定の「考え」が’正しい’あるいは一方だけが’間違ってる’いう気は毛頭なし。「知って」それぞれ「考えて」いただれれば本望(^_-☆Everybody!! Let's 'Ponder' or 'Contemplate' On va vous re?-chercher!Internationale!!「世界人類みな兄弟」「平和祈願」「友好共存」「戦争反対」「☆Against Racism☆」「☆Gender Equality☆」&ノーモア「ヘイト」(怨恨、涙、怒りや敵意しか生まない)Thank you very much for everything!! Ma Cher Minasan, Merci Beaucoup et Bonne Chance 

☭Leon Trotskij☭武装せる予言者・トロツキー 1879-1921 アイザック・ドイッチャー/The Prophet Armed: Trotsky, 1879-1921 by Isaac Deutscher/ 第四章:知的協力者との関係CHAPTER IV: An Intellectual Partnership①

*鍋山 貞親(なべやま さだちかNabeyama Sadachika、1901年9月1日 - 1979年8月18日)は、日本の社会運動家で、非合法政党時代の日本共産党(第二次共産党)幹部。筆名に大川権三、石橋庸五、島崎孝次、豊崎伍一、須田麟造などがある。大阪府東成郡鯰江村(現・大阪市城東区)出身。

第四章                知的協力者との関係

*Wperjod „Vorwärts“ (russisch Вперёд, wiss. Transliteration Vperëd, auch Vperyod) war eine bolschewistische Zeitung, die 1905 in Genf unter W. I. Lenins Leitung erschien.
*シスマ(ラテン語: Schisma、ドイツ語も同じ綴り)とは、「分裂」を意味する語で、特に宗教史における「宗教団体の分裂」を指す。日本語文献では、キリスト教について使われることがほとんどであるが、元来はキリスト教に限定されるものではない。
こうした事情にある時に、彼は、或る意味では党のアウトサイダーでありながら、党内組織への才気のある容喙者としての役割を演じていた或る人間の、感化をうけるようになった。その人物というのは、ドイツに住みついていて、経済学者、政治評論家、マルキシズムによる幾冊かの学問的な書物の著者として、名声を得ていた、ロシア生れのユダヤ人、ア・エル・ヘリファンドИзраиль Лазаревич Гельфандだった。彼は、パルヴスПарвусというペン・ネームを使って、欧州ではもっとも重視されていた専門的な社会主義定期刊行物、カウツキーКа́утский の『ノイエ・ツァイトDie Neue Zeit』(新時代)や、その他の数多くの社会主義新聞に、寄稿していた。彼はまた自分の評論誌『アウス・デル・ヴェルポリティークAus der Weltpolitik』(世界政策)も発行していて、その中で、早くも1895年に、ロシアと日本とのあいだの論争を予測し、その戦争を契機としてロシア革命が生じると予言していたーこの予言は、それが実際となった時、1904年から5年にかけて、幾度となく引用されたものであった。ドイツの党の中では、パルヴスは極左派に属しており、改良主義傾向と鋭く対立し、指導者の一部が、正統マルキシズムを呼称しながら、そのかげに隠れて依然として既成秩序と妥協しているのを、嘲笑していた。機敏でもあれば戦闘的でもあった彼は、ドイツ社会主義に革命精神の再生をもたらすための方策を、模索していた。
*新时代(德語:Die Neue Zeit)是德国社会民主党于1883年至1923年间出版的德国社会主义理论刊物,总部位于德国斯图加特。ノイエ・ツァイトDie Neue Zeitとはドイツ社会民主党の理論誌。マルクス主義の啓蒙(けいもう)と普及を目的として、1883年1月、シュトゥットガルトで創刊され、1890年10月までは月刊、それ以後、1923年8月までは週刊の雑誌として発行された。

改良主義指導者たちは畏怖の念をもって彼を眺めていたが、移住者が自分の帰化した習慣を改めさせようとする場合にはその国の者たちがとる、あの一種独特な皮肉な態度で対してもいた。一方、パルヴスのほうでも、さらに輪をかけた辛辣な批判をもって彼等にむくいると同時に、祖国の人間に対しては、今度は彼が保護者的な態度をもった。亡命ロシア人に彼等の持っている「東洋的な後進性や偏狭さ」を指摘し、西欧の政治様式を教えてやろうとした。そうした滑稽じみたポーズにも拘らず、ロシア人たちは彼を世界政治や経済の一種の道案内人とみなしていた。彼は、最初はモロトフという筆名で、次にはパルヴスという筆名で、『イスクラ』に寄稿した。彼のエッセイは通常『イスクラ』の第一面に載ったー編集者たちも、彼の論文に紙面をさくためには、喜んで自分たちの原稿を犠牲にした。彼の豊富な知識や、才能、判断力に、敬意をはらっていたからであった。だが、同時に、彼にはどことなく信頼をおきかねるところもあって、懸念を感じてもいた。彼という人物にも、その(トロツキーの言葉を借りれば)「でっかい、肉の厚い、ブルドッグ流の頭」にも、多少ガルガンチュア(注、ラブレーの小説の主人公の巨人+『ガルガンチュワとパンタグリュエル』(ガルガンテュアとパンタグリュエル、Gargantua, Pantagruel)とは、フランス・ルネサンス期の人文主義者フランソワ・ラブレー(François Rabelais)が著した物語『ガルガンチュワ物語』『パンタグリュエル物語』のこと。フランソワ・ラブレー(フランス語: François Rabelais フランス語: [fʁɑ̃swa ʁablɛ]、 1483年? - 1553年4月9日[1])は、フランス・ルネサンスを代表する人文主義者、作家、医師)ふうな、或いはフォルスタフ(注、シェークスピアの戯曲に出てくる肥満した喜劇的人物サー・ジョン・フォルスタッフ(Sir John Falstaff)は、ウィリアム・シェイクスピアの作品(ヘンリアド)に登場する架空の人物。大兵肥満の老騎士。臆病者で「戦場にはビリっかす」、大酒飲みで強欲、狡猾で好色だが、限りないウィット(機知)に恵まれ、時として深遠な警句を吐く憎めない人物として描かれ、上演当時から現代に至るまでファンが多い「名誉だと? そんなもので腹がふくれるか?」)ふうなところがあった。それにしても、長年のあいだにもそうした懸念を裏づけるような事実はなさそうだった。パルヴスの失態と目していいような、少なくとも、彼の社会主義者としての誠実さと信念に疑惑を抱かせるような、明白な事例は、一度として起きていなかった。彼は少々気まぐれな寄稿家であって、長い続きものの論文を書いていながら、めったに締切に間に合わせたことがなかった。それにしても、彼の寄稿は大いに歓迎された。彼の財政上の計画には多少頼りないところがあった。彼は社会主義の出版社を設立しようと企てて、失敗したこともあった。大規模な社会主義日刊紙を創刊し、それを欧州の数ヶ国語で同時に発行して、欧州の社会主義をその改良主義的な昏睡から揺りさまさせる計画もたてた。だが、そのような新聞を発行するには莫大な資金が必要だったが、彼にはその資金がととのえられなかった。もっとも、それは成功の疑わしい財政上の冒険に飛びこむだけの覚悟が本人にもなかったせいかもしれない。とにかく、理由はいずれにもせよ、彼のうけていた尊敬には多少の皮肉と不信感がまじっていた。彼のその後辿った道も、彼には、俗物性と政治上の詐欺師的な要素がひそんでいたことを示している。それにしても、彼はその時代のもっとも大胆な、もっとも透徹した、政治思想家の1人には相違なかったし、いまだに政治思想家としての彼のほうが、詐欺師としての彼をおおい隠してもいる。
*ロシア革命以後После русской революцииの ПарвусパルヴスParvus:1905年に第一次ロシア革命が勃発すると、パルブスは偽名でペテルブルクに潜入し、トロツキーが議長を務めるソビエトに協力したが、革命の波の退潮によりトロツキーと共に逮捕され、シベリアに追放された。その後、流刑地から逃亡してドイツに向かい、更にその後トルコに向かって、武器輸出会社を設立してバルカン戦争で大きな利益を上げ、青年トルコ党の顧問を務めた。この時、アルメニア人の虐殺に一役買ったとされる。この頃、社会主義者たちの間で、彼は金銭に執着し贅沢を好む人間との悪評を建てられた。第一次大戦が始まると、ドイツ皇帝ヴィルヘルム2世に接近する一方で、レーニンらの「封印列車」による帰国を援助すると共に資金援助を申し出、ロシアの革命運動を操ろうとした。その際には、ドイツ参謀本部から供与された資金をヤーコフ・ガネツキー(Yakov Ganetsky)、カール・ラデックと共にスウェーデンの銀行を経由してボリシェヴィキへ提供した(コペンハーゲン作戦)。革命後も、レーニンに資金提供を申し出ているが、「革命は汚れた手では遂行できない」として、拒絶された。その後はドイツへ移り、1924年にベルリンで死去した。
【原注】その皮肉も移住者がこの国に順応しだすとともに大きな敬意に変った。生涯の終り頃にはパルヴスはワイマール共和国Weimarer Republikの大統領エーベルトの影のブレーンになっていた。
*フリードリヒ・エーベルト(ドイツ語: Friedrich Ebert、1871年2月4日 - 1925年2月28日)は、ドイツの政治家。ドイツ社会民主党(SPD)党首、ドイツ国(ヴァイマル共和政)初代大統領。

*永続革命論(Permanente RevolutionえいぞくかくめいろんPermanent revolution)とは、ロシアの革命家レフ・トロツキーがアレクサンドル・パルヴスとともに提起した後進国における革命理論。永久革命論ともいう。


パルヴスの中心的な考え方は、民族国家(注 単一民族を基準にして近代に成立した国家)は、資本主義とともに発展してきたものであるだけに、すでに時代おくれになっているということであった。この見解はマルクスの理論と共通の系列に属するものでもあったーマルクスは『共産党宣言』の中でそうした見解を述べている。ところが、19世紀から20世紀に移り変る頃の社会主義者作家たちの大部分は、それを、師の教えの一つとして記念日に繰返すにふさわしい言葉程度にしか考えておらず、ヴィクトリア朝後期の現実とは、ほとんど無関係な見解と見なしていた。非常に遠い将来には、民族国家の資源がもたらされるかもしれないという程度にしか考えていなかった。それに反して、パルヴスはその衰退かげんに起きかかっていることを見てとり、その徴候を指摘し、その衰退の大変動期的な激化を予測して、社会主義者たちもそれに応じた態度政策の是正が必要であると説いた。彼は民族と国家との相互依存に適例以上の強調をおいており、その点の強調が彼の推論に、他の社会主義者たちにはまれにしか見られない、世界的なひろがりを持った規模を与えていた。彼は1904年のロシアと日本との衝突を長い一連の戦争の発端と見なし、民族国家は、資本主義的競争に強制されておたがいの生存のために、そうした戦争を行うことになると予想していた。すでに各大陸の運命はからみあってきていた。アメリカの西部開発の結果、農産物生産者の世界市場争奪戦は尖鋭化してきていた。欧州の、ことにドイツの、農業と工業の利害は、自由貿易を廃止させ、西欧には保護関税制度を押しつけるために手を結んだ。「関税の壁は諸民族の文化的単一化という歴史的過程への経済的障壁になった。関税の壁は国家間の政治的葛藤を増大させ・・・国家及び政府の権力を高めた・・・-政府の権力が高まるにつれて、国家間の武力衝突は起きやすくなる」。こうした考え方はやがてトロツキーの考え方の原則となり、彼は生涯を通じてそれを基礎にした論理をはっている。
*民族国家(英語:Nation-state),亦稱國族國家、國民國家,指代政治疆域和文化边界相契合的区域,区域内绝大多数人群都保有同一认同,并共享相同文化。国民国家(こくみんこっか、英: Nation-state、仏: État-nation、独: Nationalstaat)とは、国家内部の全住民をひとつのまとまった構成員(=「国民」)として統合することによって成り立つ国家。領域内の住民を国民単位に統合した国家そのものだけではなく、それを主権国家として成立する国家概念やそれを成り立たせるイデオロギーをも指している。


【原注】しかし、トロツキーやパルヴスの抱いていたロシア史についての見解の本来の起源は部分的には自由主義者歴史家ぺ・ミリューコフПавел Милюковである。


Когда Садачика Набеяма присутствовал на 6-м расширенном Исполнительном комитете Коминтерна, он впервые встретился с Троцким во время перерыва. Поэтому он улыбнулся и спросил: «Вы китайский товарищ?» Когда Набеяма сказал: «Я японец», Внезапно он схватил Набеяму за руку, пошел в курительную и спросил: «Ты понимаешь по-русски? Как насчет английского?» Когда Набеяма сказал ему, что ни один из них не может хорошо говорить, Троцкий с беспомощным видом открыл блокнот и написал незнакомыми японскими иероглифами «друг Японии». Набеяма ценит это, говоря: «Я не знаю, где и кто его научил, но он умелый человек».
*Набеяма Садачика鍋山 貞親 (Nabeyama Sadachika, 1 сентября 1901 г. - 18 августа 1979 г.) - японский общественный деятель в составе руководителей Коммунистической партии Японии (Вторая коммунистическая партия)эпохи нелегальной политической партии. префектура Осака (в настоящее время приход Джото , город Осака ).

CHAPTER IV           An Intellectual Partnership
WHEN Our Political Tasks appeared in Geneva, in August 1904, the situation in the party was very different from what it had been the year before, immediately after the split. The Menshevik Iskra ceaselessly harassed Lenin, who for a time was not even in a position to counter the attacks: it was almost six months before he could publish his own paper, the Vperyod ( Forward ), Plekhanov was pouring ridicule upon his erstwhile ally and was confident that he was destroying Lenin’s reputation for good and all. The authorities of European, especially of German, socialism who had long known and respected Plekhanov and the other veterans, joined in condemnation of Lenin, who in their eyes was an obscure young intruder. Even the Bolshevik Central Committee disregarded Lenin’s attitude and came to terms with the Mensheviks. However, on the day when Trotsky’s pamphlet appeared, Lenin gathered in Switzerland those Bolsheviks who were prepared to follow him and laid before them a plan for the convocation of a new congress, with or without Menshevik participation.
*«Вперёд» — нелегальная большевистская еженедельная газета, издававшаяся в Женеве с 4 января по 18 мая 1905 года. За месяцы существования газеты в свет вышло всего лишь 18 номеров.
Trotsky’s broadside seemed surprised by events-the enemy appeared to have scattered before he had pressed home the attack. By way of afterthought he therefore wrote in the preface to Our Political Task that the crisis in the party was over, and that those who stood for unity could look to the future with confidence, because the extremists among both Bolsheviks and Mensheviks had been discredited and isolated. A more experienced politician, or one inclined to give more thought to the wounding effect of his words, might in the circumstances have either refrained from publishing the pamphlet or at least pruned its polemical extravagances. Trotsky was too much enamored of his own words to do that. However, he tried in the preface to make allowance for the new situation: he called upon the Mensheviks to wind up their own separate organization, that party within the party, of which he himself had been one of the secret leaders. The Mensheviks, he wrote emphatically, should accept ‘organizational death’, that is, a merger of the hitherto opposed groups. His call fell on deaf ears. The schism was beginning to acquire its own momentum. Its ‘fanatics’ were active in both groups. Among the Bolsheviks, Lenin’s group considered the changes that had taken place since the congress as Menshevik usurpations, to which a new congress, let alone sharing them, through a merger, with their adversaries. Having with so much thunder pilloried Lenin as the ‘disorganizer’, Trotsky was shocked to find ‘disorganizers’ among his Menshevik friends. He began, mildly enough, to plead with them the need of reconciliation. He had joined the Mensheviks in order to make good the injury Lenin had inflicted on the founding fathers of the movements and through them on the movement itself. The injury had been made good with a vengeance. The Bolshevik Central Committee itself was anxious to make it good. All that was now needed to close the painful chapter was that the ad hoc arrangements which had been necessary of good will in both sections of the party join hands. He did not realize that the ad hoc arrangements had come to stay.
In controversies like this the conciliator is unwelcome. He threatens to upset well-laid plans and to mix all the cards. His own friends look askance at him, considering him little better than a traitor. Thus did some Mensheviks now look upon Trotsky: his attitude was not stable; it was indistinguishable from that of the moderate. Bolsheviks; and nobody could say where he would stand tomorrow. Indeed, Trotsky might easily have become one of the Bolshevik ‘conciliators’ had not his hurtful attacks on Lenin and Lenin’s followers estranged him from all Bolsheviks. In their eyes he was one of the most vicious Mensheviks. And so he was breaking with his political friends without much chance of agreement with his adversaries.
In this situation be came under the influence of a man who was in a sense an outsider to the party and whose role in its affairs was that of a brilliant interloper. He was  A. L. Helfand, a Russian Jew who had made his home in Germany and had won distinction as an economic, publicist, and author of scholarly Marxist books. Under the pen-name Parvus he contributed to Kautsky’s Neue Zeit, the most important and sophisticated Socialist periodical in Europe, and to many other Socialist newspapers. He also published his own review Aus der Weltpolitik, in which, as early as 1895, he forecast war between Russia and Japan and foresaw that out of that war would develop the Russian revolution-the prophesy was much quoted in 1904-5, when it came true. In the German party Parvus stood on the extreme left, sharply opposed to the reformist trend and disdainful of the pretenses of Marxist orthodoxy with which some of the leaders still covered their reconciliation with the established order. Shrewd and militant, he searched for ways and means to bring about the regeneration of the revolutionary spirits in German socialism.
*His books were translated into Russian. One of them, The World Economy and the Agricultural Crisis, was reviewed with great admiration by Lenin in 1899. ‘Parvus deals primarily with the development of the world market’, Lenin wrote, ‘and describes . . . the recent phases of this development connected with the decline of England’s industrial predominance.’ ‘We strongly recommend . . . Parvus’s book.’ Lenin, Sochineniya, vol. iv, pp. 51-52.
*«Die Neue Zeit» (Новое время) — марксистский теоретический журнал Социал-демократической партии Германии, издававшийся в Штутгарте с 1883 по 1923 гг. Его редакторами были Карл Каутский и Эмануэль Вурм, а после 1917 г. — Генрих Кунов.

The reformist leaders viewed him with fear and that special irony which is reserved for immigrants seeking to mend the ways of their adopted country. Parvus compensated himself with more biting criticism and adopted, in his turn, a patronizing attitude towards his original countrymen: to the Russians in exile he eagerly pointed out their eastern ‘backwardness and parochialism’ and he tried to teach them western political manners. Despite these droll postures, the Russians regarded him as a sort of guide to world politics and economics. He contributed to Iskra, first under the pen-name Molotov and then as Parvus. His essays usually appeared on Iskra’s front page-the editors gladly relegated their own writings to make room for him. They respected his massive knowledge, gifts, and judgement. But they were also apprehensive of a streak of unreliability in him. There was something Gargantuan or Falstaffian about him and his ( to quote Trotsky ) ‘fat, fleshy, bulldog-like head’. For many years, however, nothing seemed to justify the apprehension: there was so distinct instance of misdemeanor on Parvus’s part, nothing, at any rate, that would allow anybody to impugn his Socialist integrity and conviction. He was a somewhat erratic contribute, writing his essays in long serials and rarely delivering them on time; all the same his contributions were most welcome. He had somewhat brittle financial schemes: he had tried to set up a Socialist publishing house and had failed; and he laid plans for a great Socialist daily, to be issued simultaneously in several European languages, which was to shake European socialism from its reformist coma. But to found such a paper he needed enormous funds, and these he could not obtain, probably because he was not yet prepared to plunge into dubious financial ventures. Enough that, for one reason or another, the respect in which he fortunes were to show that hidden in him was a snob and a political impostor. Nevertheless, his was one of the boldest and most penetrating political minds of his generation; and the political thinker still overshadowed the impostor.
*The irony gave way to enormous respect as soon as the immigrant had begun to conform. Towards the end of his life Parvus was the brain behind Ebert, the President of the Weimar Republic.
In the controversy among the Russians, Parvus at first showed sympathy for the Mensheviks but later kept himself decently aloof from both groups, as befitted a man who cast himself for the role of peacemaker. He had once tried to reconcile the Iskra men with the Economists; now he attempted to bring about a truce between the former Iskra men. His relations with both groups were, at any rate, unspoilt. When somewhat later he launched into criticism of both, the antagonists, though unpersuaded, took his intervention with grace and accorded him the treatment due to a well-wishing and reputable outsider.
When Trotsky, barred from Iskra and loggerheads with, everybody, left Geneva, he went to Munich, where Parvus was living; he stayed in Parvus’s home, and there Sedova, his second wife, later joined him. In Parvus he found a man viewing with detachment internal Russian alignments, capable of taking in the whole international scene of socialism, a master at Marxist analysis, unsurpassed at visualizing for himself and others the broad vistas of class struggle. Last but not least, Trotsky admired in Parvus his ‘virile, muscular style’, which he was to remember hankeringly long after their break. In brief, Parvus still towered above Trotsky in erudition, experience, and literary taste. It is not easy, however, to define the extent of his influence on Trotsky. To this day Trotsky’s detraction attribute the exclusive authorship of the theory of ‘permanent revolution’, the hallmark of Trotskyism, to Parvus and suggest either that Trotsky copied or plagiarized it or that a theory coming from so contaminated a source must be worthless. Trotsky himself never denied his debt to Parvus, although the warmth with which he acknowledged it varied with times and circumstances. What they both wrote in the hey-day of their association reveals how many of the ideas and views first formulated by Parvus left a deep mark on Trotsky, and how many of them he was to repeat through his life in a form not very different from that in which his older friend had first put them.

*Теория перманентной революции (от лат. permaneo — продолжаюсь, остаюсь) — теория о развитии революционного процесса в периферийных и слаборазвитых странах. Теория была первоначально предложена и в дальнейшем разработана Львом Троцким в произведении "Перманентная революция", Эрнестом Манделем и другими марксистскими теоретиками (включая таких троцкистских авторов, как Михаэль Леви, Джозеф Хансен, Ливио Майтан).
But Trotsky was possessed of certain qualities which enabled him to be from the outset more than Parvus’s mere disciple. He had he fresh experience of Russia and of the underground struggle, which Parvus had not. He had an incandescent political imagination, while Parvus’s analysis and prognostications sprang from a bold but cold mind. He had the revolutionary fervor which gave wings to his ideas, while Parvus was the cynical type of revolutionary. Trotsky, then, had his own individual contribution to make to their common fund of ideas. As in most associations of this sort, the respective shares of the partners cannot be unscrambled, not even by the partners themselves. The thinking is done in common; and even if sometimes and stimuli that has passed between the partners can never be tranced. All that can be said of Parvus and Trotsky is that at first the older of the two was well ahead, leading with ideas and formulas. At the next stage both seemed to advance pari passu. In the end the junior leapt forward with a contribution which was doctrine; and with this doctrine he came to the fore on the vast and confused stage of the revolution. It should be added that the whole process developed and was concluded rapidly. It began in the summer of 1904. It was consummated in 1906, when, awaiting trial in a Petersburg prison, Trotsky expounded in writing the theory of the permanent revolution in its finished form. The time of his apprenticeship with Parvus was briefer still: it hardly lasted longer than till the beginning of 1905, the opening of the first revolution. This was a time of condensed and rapid thinking; and the young Trotsky, who had already projected the image of Jacobinism on to the Russian revolution, was to quick leaner.         
After the outbreak of the Russo-Japanese war, Parvus published a series of essays in Iskra on ‘War and Revolution’. Even before that his contributions, which he used to sign as Molotov, had strongly impressed Trotsky. But it was mainly the views which he put forward in ‘War and Revolution’ that made the lasting impression.
Parvus’s central idea was that the nation-state, as it had developed with capitalism, had outlived its day. This view had belonged to the common stock of Marx’s theory-it had been stated by Marx in the Communist Manifesto. But to most Socialist writers at the turn of the century this was one of the master’s sayings, fit to be repeated on festive occasions, but bearing little relation to the realities of a late Victorian, nation-conscious, and empire-proud Europe. Only a very remote future, it was thought, might bring the eclipse of the nation-state. Parvus, on the contrary, saw the eclipse coming, pointed to its symptoms, forecast its cataclysmic intensification, and urged the Socialists to adjust their attitudes and policies accordingly. He placed an unusual emphasis gave to his reasonings broad, worldwide sweep, rare in other Socialists. He saw the Russo-Japanese conflict of 1904 as the start of a long sequence of wars, in which the nation-states, impelled by capitalist competition, would fight for their survival. The fate of continents had become intertwined. The opening up of the American west had sharpened the competition for world markets between the agricultural producers. European, especially German, farming and industrial interests jointed hands in order to do away with free trade and to impose a protectionist system on western Europe. ‘The customs walls have become an economic barrier to the historical process of the cultural unification of nations; they have increased the political conflicts between states . . . and enhanced the power of states and government . . .-the stronger the power of governments, the easier do the states clash in arms.’ These ideas were to become for Trotsky axioms from which he would argue all his life.
Russia’s expansion in Asia and conflict with Japan, Parvus held, were partly brought about by domestic pressures: Tsardom was seeking in external conquest an escape from internal weakness. But more important were the external pressures to which Russia was subjected. In the worldwide struggle between capitalist nation-states only the great modern powers acted with independence; and even an empire as vast as the Tsar’s was, because of its industrial backwardness, merely ‘a pensioner of the French Bourse’. ‘The war has started over Manchuria and Korea; but it has already grown into a conflict over leadership in east Asia. At the next stage Russia’s entire position in the world will be stake; and the war will end in a shift in the political balance of the world.’
Parvus concluded his analysis as follows: ‘The worldwide process of capitalist development leads to a political upheaval in Russia. This in its turn must have its impact on the political development of all capitalist countries. The Russian revolution will shake the bourgeois world. . . . And the Russian proletariat may well play the role of the vanguard of social revolution.’
*Iskra, no. 82, 1 January 1905. In the same series Parvus wrote: ‘One must reach the paradoxical conclusion that the most decisive subjective factor of historical development is not political wisdom but political stupidity. Men have never yet been able fully to benefits from the social conditions they themselves have created. They always think that they are far ahead, whereas they are far behind the objective historical process. . . . History has often led by the noses those who have thought that they could keep her in check.’ ‘The capitalist order in Europe has long since been an obstacle to Europe’s economic, political, and cultural development. It survives only because the popular masses have not yet become sufficiently aware of their tragic condition. The political energy of the proletariat is not concentrated enough, the socialist parties lack decision and courage. One can imagine such a turn of events that the Social Democratic Party will bear the political guilt for the survival of the capitalist order.’ To contemporaries this seemed a far-fetched prophecy.
Thus already in 1904 Parvus viewed the approaching revolution not as a purely Russian affair but as a reflection in Russia of worldwide social tensions; and he saw in the coming Russian upheaval a prelude to world revolution. Here were the main elements for the theory of permanent revolution. Yet, Pervus had so far spoken only about a ‘political upheaval’ in Russia, shared the view, then accepted by all Marxists, that the Russian revolution by itself would, because of the country’s semi-feudal and backward outlook, he merely bourgeois in character. Trotsky would be the first to say that the revolution would of its own momentum pass from the bourgeois to the Socialist stage, and establish a proletarian dictatorship in Russia, even before the advent of revolution in the West.

Not only were Parvus’s international ideas and revolutionary perspectives becoming part and parced of Trotsky’s thinking, but, also, some of Trotsky’s views on Russian history, especially his conception of the Russian state, can be traced back to Pervus. Parvus developed the view that the Russian state, a cross between Asian despotism and European absolutism, had formed itself not as the organ of any class in Russian society, but as a military bureaucratic machine designed primarily to resist pressure from the more highly civilized West. It was for this purpose that Tsardom had introduced elements of European civilization into Russia, especially into the army. ‘Thus came into existence the Russian state organism: an Asian absolutism butteressed by a European type of army.‘ It was enough, he remarked, to cast a glance at the line of Russian frontier fortresses to see that the Tsars had intended to separate Russia from the West by a sort of Chinese wall. Some of these theories, as they were developed and refined by Trotsky, became the objects of heated historical and political disputes twenty years later.
*In part, however, the original source of hte views on Russian history held by both Trotsky and Parvus is the liberal historian P. Miliukov.
Parvus’s influence on Trotsky is felt also in the style and manner of exposition, especially in the characteristic sweep of hisotrical prognosticaiton. This is not to say that Trotsky played the literary ape of Parvus. He absorbed the influence naturally with Parvus, an affinity which was not lessened by contrasts in character and temperament.

During his first stay in Munich, towards the end of September 1904, Trotsky announced his break with the Mensheviks in an ‘Open Letter to Comrades’, which he sent for publication to Iskra. The letter was never published. We have only a Menshevik summary of it, which says that ‘in a stilted and supercilious tone’ Trotsky brought a number of charges against ‘some comrades’ and raised various demands. The gravamen of those charges was that the Menshevik group tended to place its sectional interests above those of the party. In addition, he wrote, the Mensheviks were reaching wrongly to Lenin’s attitude in one important point: while Lenin was bent on giving the intelligentsia a privileged and dominant position in the party, the Mensheviks were inciting the workers against the Socialist intelligentsia. In a private letter to Martov and Zasulich, Trotsky explained that his criticism were directed mainly his intention was to promote the creation of a ‘stable party centre’ and an understanding with the Bolshevik Central Committee. He also complained that writers ‘whom Iskra could not assimilate’-a hint at his having been squeezed out by Plekhanov-had no chance of reaching the Socialist public. Finally, he announced in a formal manner his secession from the Menshevik group.
The Mensheviks responded with the anger of embarrassment. ‘A very stormy correspondence’ passed between Trotsky and Martov, which, so Martov wrote, ‘if I had given him free rein would have ended in a complete breaking off of my relations with him.’ Martov and other Mensheviks were anxious to prevent the breach, for if they became public the criticisms levelled against them by their most outspoken anti-Bolshevik controversialist, were likely to harm the group. A closed conference was arranged at Geneva, at which Trotsky’s Open Letter was discussed in his presence. It was formally agreed that the further existence of the Menshevik émigré organization might become ‘the source of new conflicts in the party’, and that the organization should be disbanded, pending further instructions from Menshevik groups in Russia.

↑アレクサンドル・パルヴスAlexander Parvusです。

↑1906年(逮捕後、裁判待ち)ペテルブルグПетербурの予防拘禁所内にて(左)パルヴス(中央)トロツキー(右)レフ・ドイッチュЛев Дейч

「トロツキーの独房はーまもなく書庫みたいになったTrotsky's cell soon became like a library. 彼はおよそ注目にあたいする新刊書は全部受け取り、片っ端から全部読んだHe received almost every new book that caught his attention and read it from beginning to end. そして、朝から晩まで、1日中、文筆活動でいそがしかったAnd he was busy writing all day, from morning till night.」(写真集<トロツキー>時代の証言Photo collection Testimony of the era【1879-1940】ロシア革命を生きてLiving the Russian Revolution・拓植書房・1990年)

When Sadachika Nabeyama attended the 6th Extended Executive Committee of the Comintern, he met Trotsky for the first time during a break. So he smiled and asked, "Are you a Chinese comrade?" When Nabeyama said, "I'm Japanese," he suddenly grabbed Nabeyama's arm and went to the smoking room and asked, "Do you understand Russian? How about English?" When Nabeyama told him that neither of them could speak fluently, Trotsky opened his notebook with a look of helplessness and wrote "Friends of Japan" in unfamiliar Japanese characters. Nabeyama appreciates this, saying, "I don't know where or who taught him, but he is a skillful person."

*Sadachika Nabeyama鍋山 貞親(Nabeyama Sadachika, September 1, 1901 - August 18, 1979) was a Japanese social activist and a senior member of the Japanese Communist Party (Secondary Communist Party) during the era of illegal political parties. His pseudonyms include Gonzo Okawa, Yogo Ishibashi, Koji Shimazaki, Goichi Toyosaki, and Rinzo Suda. Born in Namazue Village, Higashinari District, Osaka Prefecture (now Joto Ward, Osaka City).

